
Time for New Theories of Government?

The present form of world governments is at the least hundreds of years old. It is notable that technology and language change far more so than fundamental theory and structure of government though applications creep into hybrids. Capitalism implicitly has a theory that competition and evolution is best for finding the best products and services for consumers yet government have no competition. One would expect them to be loaded with bureaucracies and employment collectives. Especially with the troubles of the planet regarding mass extinctions of species and global warming, crowded social demographics etc. it would be worth the effort to invent completely new government structures that can work in a very technologically advanced era in comparison to the pre-electronic era when present governments were created.

Here are a few criteria for a new form of government; it should be an implicit function of every citizen. If a citizen can contribute to the public good he would receive compensation, while if a citizen consumes natural resources that is considered a debit overall, and each citizen would have a practical quantity for mass to add entropy to-such as would prevent ecological waste. Business activity also would be subjected to socially evaluative criteria to determine its environmental effect before it would be given a license to operate.

Fundamentally government would be made into a discrete, existential tool to let citizens move forward smoothly and meaningfully, while none would be elected or have permanent government employment

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