
N.A.T.O. & U.S. Need a Rational Plan for Syria

Russia is helping to defend the embattled Assad government, and that is a tough job in a rather crowded corridor. President Obama has stoked up the civil war in Syria for years unconcerned about the certainty of mass civilian casualties enough to withhold the rhetoric. A Russian overflight of Turkey-something of a traditional enemy of Russia as it has allied itself with German warriors before (in W.W. I) and as the Ottoman Empire brutalized Serbs and other Orthodox Christians, has shaken N.A.T.O. a little. The trouble is that the west hasn't has a rational approach to statescraft involving the traditional Muslim issue since the end of the cold war. That Muslim problem largely replaced the east-west cold war problem, yet the retarded want to continue viewing Russia as the foe.



The Muslim expansion problem isn't just about ISIS. It involves virtually every Muslim state including all of those of the Middle East. Russia has a large Muslim terror problem itself and cannot afford to be as aloof as Europe or the United States. They need realpolitik and defense.

The U.S. an European leadership seem happy enough to let the Syrian problem continue indefinitely because of bureaucratic lack of need to stop it. Yet Placing the Kurds in a nation of their own in Eastern Syria and reinforcing it with Russian air power and N.A.T.O, ground forces working together, while N.A.T.O. and the U.S. plus Russia reinforce the Assad regime Alawi coastal region is the quick, direct way to bring stability to the Middle East now. Turkey doesn't seem to like Kurds and treats them rather badly. Kurds helped liberate Iraq, and deserve a nation of their own-the peace conference at the conclusion of W.W.I cheated them of that...the problem needs rectification. Its something President Obama could accomplish if he cut his puppet strings. He could earn his Nobel prize.

Avoiding a Lebanese civil war is very important for long-range Middle Eastern stability. Keeping Russian, Kurdish, N.A.T.O. and Israeli interests secure are also important. Iraqi security requires that all oil fields be given to the ordinary citizens in a one time issue of public stock shares. Without common ownership of Iraq's oil civil conflicts to control it are largely unavoidable.

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