Will President Obama's plan to end 'don't ask, don't tell' in the U.S. military lead to the establishment of gay NCO Clubs in Afghanistan and Iraq?
I mean to examine this issue respectfully and with sensitivity in order that my account won't be deleted. Though the issue is serious for the United States and may cost the President control of Congress in November 2010 there are those that would censor free speech on the topic for technical reasons--the Roemer homosexual leadership of Hitler's Storm Troopers were equally vigorous in securing the deletion of opposition to Nazi rhetoric. I do not consider the President a Nazi nor perhaps his militant gay rights advocates that right on occasion that they hate heterosexuals. The Roman Republic and Empire experienced challenges and depravities in their leadership policy in their day--narrow is the gate that leads to political salvation and few there be that stay on the straight and narrow.
President Obama could use some education on the difference between civil rights and civil wrongs so far as his State of the Union speech goes. His intention to seek the repeal of the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy in the millitary is simply wrong-headed; never having served in the military he evidently has no concern about the value of peace and harmony amidst the ranks. No heterosexual soldier needs to have his tranquility disturbed in any way by brothers in arms who are homos and proud of it. It is sufficient to be a soldier without raising the point that anyone has a cannibal-like sexual attitude in sexual appetites. The enemy is supposed to be over the horizon rather than in the next foxhole; soldiers need to be concerned with the conduct of the enemy rather than of themselves. They must be free from superfluous myopia and have the ability to discern adverse movement upon the horizon or even close in. Existentially, mortal threats need to be reduced rather than increased.
The President spent about 20 minutes in a kind of coming out State of the Union speech to let us know the he has much sympathy for homosexual soldiers that must repress their love for fellow soldiers or at least their own genre, from fellow soldiers. Yet that is the point of don't ask, don't tell' and don't make the homo issue some really kind of ponderous, needless hell; for no one is to be concerned about homosexual activity while in the military. In theory soldiers should be as devoted as monks to their celibate duty to kill and capture the enemy. Some fall short of the perfection of celibacy in service I suppose, yet they are not given commendations for that.
The majority of Americans are not homosexual; simultaneously inflicts a civil wrong upon the majority that must shower and sleep, breakfast and fight perhaps amongst all in uniform. A U.S. military all gayed up will not be one with a decrease of bizarre and trust issues. One shudders to consider the problem of butch sergeants with young recruits and the potential problems fraternization could create. Some with grenades might want to just pull the pin and hand it personally to their oppresors--and Muslim radicals might wish to jihad upon their homosexual company commander if the Army can even get Muslim radicals to enlist if President Obama defends their civil rights to do so well enough.
President Obama may want next to liberate women from embedding with soldiers completely to prevent the inferior status of female segregation from male soldiers and to reduce discretionary spending on segregated showers for men and women. Soldiers can be trusted to maintain military respect for their showering brothers and sisters of the opposite sex at all times.
The most irritating aspect of the President coming out policy is that no one really cares as it is if a soldier is a pervert on his or her own time if they aren't breaking any laws. The military is sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution, yet the military itself is supposed to be an ineffable arm of political power through other means designed to fell the evil oppressors of human liberty. Individual citizens has as much right to be free from the gleaming, bloodshot eyes of lecherous perverts in uniform gazing upon the ranks as a kind of Playgirl heaven utopia.
Heterosexuals naturally find it offensive to allow homosexuals close in, while homosexuals consider it hate, too often, to keep them at arms length with words and fists or whatever else is necessary. That military isn't designed to be a home for lovers, but a phenomenal tool of victory over evil. Soldiers could be given extra rations of Saltpeter, or have some sort of chemical castration while they were the uniform so no one need be concerned about horny soldiers of superior rank leveraging inferior ranking soldiers. The prospect of a butch non-commissioned officer cadre is not very appealing to parents of young potential recruits I would guess--President Obama seem to want to break something that is not wrong with the military presently for some reason.
The cost to the taxpayers to get a soldier to enlist for duty in Afghanistan or Iraq already is about $25,000 for a private E-1. If strait youth are required to serve with the gay and proud crown it is possible their numbers will decrease and the costs for filling enlistment quotas will rise--or at least not drop in the post-war draw down. I will definitely not recommend that anyone enlist in the U.S. military. After the issue is concluded those thinking of signing on will have a better idea if the Navy will be a gay butch hang-out or not. It would be better if the President spent time on learning about ecological economics from the Daly/Farley textbook so he actually would have a clue what zero-growth economics is.
Probably the negative PR value of making the U.S. military a reputedly homosexual, butch aggressor force will bring more Al Qa'eda muslims to be inspired to join the resistance. Probably Americans themselves will not like the concept of a butch military oppressor force reinforcing homosexual elite globalists running the U.S. Government into debt and wage slavery, if that's the way it is.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Did Pukka Sahibs of Jurisprudence Consider Homosexual Marriage Laws May Annul Prior Hetero Marriage Contracts?
The movement by homosexual elites to terminate marriage as a heterosexual contract in California and a handful of other states may have the unintended consequence of providing a legal basis for the annulment of all prior heterosexual marriages. When a contract is changed post hoc by one party the contract is broken or in default. When state governments change the definition of marriage from a heterosexual to a bisexual paradigm it implicitly corrupts and breaks the nature of the contract into which the people had been joined in matrimony. For there are many people that would not sign in to a bi-sexual paradigm for marriage.
With homocoupling marriages the institution of marriage changes from the historically heterosexual to the nuevo bisexual union. With divorces gay and hetero marriages will co-join serially transforming marriage into a functionally bisexual criterion that people have already opted out of it several nations after such a change. The least many married people will expect is that marriages before the change be given annulments or different designations as hetero-era marriages to differentiate them from the bi-sexual era marriage paradigm. People may want to know if one has opted into a bi-marriage era paradigm explicitly. Even with a transexualization evolution of the definition of marriage there will be many that would disagree politically with the change and those that support the break with the existing contractual parameters.
With homocoupling marriages the institution of marriage changes from the historically heterosexual to the nuevo bisexual union. With divorces gay and hetero marriages will co-join serially transforming marriage into a functionally bisexual criterion that people have already opted out of it several nations after such a change. The least many married people will expect is that marriages before the change be given annulments or different designations as hetero-era marriages to differentiate them from the bi-sexual era marriage paradigm. People may want to know if one has opted into a bi-marriage era paradigm explicitly. Even with a transexualization evolution of the definition of marriage there will be many that would disagree politically with the change and those that support the break with the existing contractual parameters.
The Middle Class Is Obama's Core Support To Lose
President Obama will give his state of the Union address soon and is said to be prepared to provide trinkets to the middle class in order to persuade that largest group of voters that things are getting better. For those of us who are poor and out of work that is a non sequiter, yet it does provide the opportunity to comment upon why things are not getting better except the propaganda.
Fundamentally the rich have decided that their best future investment is in the populous nations abroad with more consumers and producers in China, India and elsewhere. Americans should just be pacified consumers in a tranquil herd purchasing imported products and working in financial relocated services, government and health industries that are not materially productive. The largest private employer in Texas is the restaurant 'industry' that produces something less than durable goods.
The United States after the cold war found itself in a global environment in which the corporate world could set about cherry picking to increase its wealth. The White House and Congress have not helped at all or even recognized the phenomena of corporatism that concentrates wealth and erodes national human development.
In Alaska the Governor's recent state of the Union address made it seem as if he had never read an Alaska history book--Mr. Parnell is unaware that the state got all of its land as a donation from the Federal Government, and the Federal Government has been the largest investor in the state since the Matanuska Colony of the 1930's. The Governor believes foreign oil corporations are like local small businesses and the federal government stands in their way of development by slowing offshore and onshore despoliation of natural resource extraction and pollution.
In 2006 more than 9 billion dollars were spent by the federal government in the state of Alaska according to one report.
Alaska's state government is bought and paid for by big oil of course--global oil, and the lithium gap for electric vehicle batteries means that the Argentine's have cornered the world market leaving us to pursue hydrogen fuel cells or some other electric energy technology with a more renewable energy criteria--the President needs to get hot on that.
Some Alaskans may believe that the state capital should be moved to the city of Tok in order that they might arrive more quickly at Beaver Creek--it's mid-way between the inside passage hang out of whales and the fierce whale hunters of the North slope locale. Some say that Tok is too cold for an Alaskan State capital yet obviously with enough Arctic Sea oil spills, pollution of the air and chemical corrupting of the environment global warming will raise the temperatures warm enough to suit state bureaucrats.
It is my hope that President Obama is not so unaware of U.S. and current history that he fails to recognize the need for the U.S. Government to regulate the maximum size of corporations in order to prevent a de facto corporatist network state of totalitarian influence and the transition of the United States into a kind of pacified India-like colony of globalists with a more passive, tranquil attitude toward their iron law of wages 'natural rulers'. A Russian Imperial style 'table of ranks' will allow each worker to know their appropriate place in corporate and government worlds--and all will have the right to watch T.V.
Fundamentally the rich have decided that their best future investment is in the populous nations abroad with more consumers and producers in China, India and elsewhere. Americans should just be pacified consumers in a tranquil herd purchasing imported products and working in financial relocated services, government and health industries that are not materially productive. The largest private employer in Texas is the restaurant 'industry' that produces something less than durable goods.
The United States after the cold war found itself in a global environment in which the corporate world could set about cherry picking to increase its wealth. The White House and Congress have not helped at all or even recognized the phenomena of corporatism that concentrates wealth and erodes national human development.
In Alaska the Governor's recent state of the Union address made it seem as if he had never read an Alaska history book--Mr. Parnell is unaware that the state got all of its land as a donation from the Federal Government, and the Federal Government has been the largest investor in the state since the Matanuska Colony of the 1930's. The Governor believes foreign oil corporations are like local small businesses and the federal government stands in their way of development by slowing offshore and onshore despoliation of natural resource extraction and pollution.
In 2006 more than 9 billion dollars were spent by the federal government in the state of Alaska according to one report.
Alaska's state government is bought and paid for by big oil of course--global oil, and the lithium gap for electric vehicle batteries means that the Argentine's have cornered the world market leaving us to pursue hydrogen fuel cells or some other electric energy technology with a more renewable energy criteria--the President needs to get hot on that.
Some Alaskans may believe that the state capital should be moved to the city of Tok in order that they might arrive more quickly at Beaver Creek--it's mid-way between the inside passage hang out of whales and the fierce whale hunters of the North slope locale. Some say that Tok is too cold for an Alaskan State capital yet obviously with enough Arctic Sea oil spills, pollution of the air and chemical corrupting of the environment global warming will raise the temperatures warm enough to suit state bureaucrats.
It is my hope that President Obama is not so unaware of U.S. and current history that he fails to recognize the need for the U.S. Government to regulate the maximum size of corporations in order to prevent a de facto corporatist network state of totalitarian influence and the transition of the United States into a kind of pacified India-like colony of globalists with a more passive, tranquil attitude toward their iron law of wages 'natural rulers'. A Russian Imperial style 'table of ranks' will allow each worker to know their appropriate place in corporate and government worlds--and all will have the right to watch T.V.
Create an Instant Internet Copyright Registry/Depository to Protect Freelance Writer Online Publishing Copyright
The ways that citizens encounter limits upon free speech within a corporatist society may increase with unlimited access of corporations for spending on political campaigns. Citizens and Congress should be concerned to defend and strengthen their efficient use of free speech and publication in the emerging corporate owned communications environment. Banned from writing at Helium.com for using terms such as homo and homosymp occasionally amidst my half million words in original articles on a variety of topics in December of 2009, I realized that the corporate temptation to confiscate an author’s earnings through advertising revenue share on a large body of work must be irresistibly tempting. When the total rises to 800 articles corporate ethics may be challenged toward expropriation. Corporate control of Internet web sites would best be structured to impartially support the opinions of authors regardless of partisan preference, for to do otherwise is to fail at the ethics of democracy.
Helium.com had an agreement with the National Press Club that would allow Helium.com writers with more than 500 peer rated top five percent articles to join as associate members for fifty dollars a month. Helium.com and the corporate world in banning authors access have also the power to block authors from joining the National Press Club at least through some channels.
One is aware that most journalists have historically been employed by the corporate world. In the Internet era the term journalist has become hoary of course, and journalists with good paying corporate and federal jobs are employed at the pleasure of corporate management that may terminate their employment as deemed profitable.
The corporate world is owned by the five percent of Americans with more than 50% of the nation’s wealth. Corporate and federal policy today is based on the principle of concentration of wealth for the elites. Because there are far more people in China, India and Latin America than in the United States the elites regard foreign interests as of more profit than national interests. Federal and media policy is dedicated to the promotion of global interests over national interests while the journalists that want solid annual income must essentially be members of the sycophantic herd.
The remedy for the control of journalism by globalists is to allocate the broadcast wavelengths to Internet citizen pod-cast radio-video downloads in geographic electoral regions. The control of the air waves for partisan purposes began as early as Mussolini could get a job at a radio station. Elites ought not have control of broadcast frequencies if democracy is to survive.
It Is dubious that a writer should want to be a member of the National Press Club in 2010, yet is is certain that the opportunity to join should not be filtered through corporate Internet sites that tolerate writing only so long as language such as that of Dire Straits’ ‘Money for Nothing’ contains is not used at all. Totalitarian regimes do not tolerate free speech or dissent. The corporate and communist world each lock out free speech as they increase geographical and cyber-space power.
Hate speech is a politically pejorative term used to label opposition political opinion. It is a method for condemning and expropriating politically antipathetic writer earnings and more.
In the United States homosexual promotion by government such that males are limited in keeping homosexuals at an appropriate verbal distance. Reprisals for resisting homosexual political aggression may be actualize on authors. Personal attacks for political opinions are common. If homosexual males seek to have maternal leave with federal and state compensation if they adopt a cat for instance, and an author writes a column denouncing homosexual male maternity leave as a butch ploy to get cheap cat food and slack time off, the writer may well encounter a storm of ‘hate speech’ accusations and a metal storm analogy in personalized verbal abuse--which isn’t considered to be hate speech.
Some homosexuals compare their behavior to being a negro/noir facing discrimination. The comparison is maladroit, and the virtually obsessive yet obtuse single-issue focus of the homosexual activists seems to encourage them to war through any practical means in order to gain hegemony over heterosexuality normatively expressed in political opinion. Homosexuals give the appearance of migrating through nay sort of economic or political vehicle I order to accomplish the goal of transforming society into a homosexually friendly environment. Such counter-productive works are historically on the increase toward the end of a civilization rather than during it’s ascent.
Besides insulting negroes, blacks, Afro-Americans or those that resemble superficially those that are from Africa and aren’t white or oriental but look that as if they are to the non-cognoscenti, it also requires that writers use trendy and fawning references to homosexuals or perhaps experience a cyber fag klan’s radical S.A. like activism against men with a delete and programming language hacking capability. Individuals should be equal before the law and not protected in special classes such that hate speech or hate crimes can be value-added special rights of political correctness. All individuals should have equal protection of law. People may hate individuals for many reasons, yet it is criminal activity such as theft or assault that is the funk. What murder victim was not hated by the killer? Are some victims hated more than others? Is the psychology of the perpetrator really meaningful to the victim?
The federal government should create some sort of bomb-proof Internet copyright web site where a writer can deposit new material for instant and permanent, free registry of text regarding date and time of deposit. Such an online, free instant registry will protect American authors from the treachery and perfidy of the corporate world a little more such that independent citizen opinions are not simply deleted, nor authors accused of plagiarizing their own work as can happen if its deleted from cyber-space and reposted later.
American defense against de facto political totalitarianism foisted on the electoral scene through concentrated wealth and corporate power, as well as encroaching Chinese communist authority, will tax the intellectual resources of government. Government runs a huge deficit in the area of intellectual political philosophy in the modern era of course. Censorship is not regarded as such by many when it is perpetrated by corporate agency. Some believe censorship is solely a government prerogative, yet that isn’t realistic. Trial and error in surviving the tangled web of Cyber-space publishing
has many deletions, account closures and loss of revenue for authors. Establishing more security in web page publishing with permanent copyright time and date is requisite if trust placed is not to be in vain. A corrupt society may concentrate wealth, yet it also eventually kills the host--in this case, that is the government of the United States. The 21st century phenomena of large corporate organizations and networking will make society a de facto communist organization with variegated pay structures for badly informed workers and pampered elite managers. The remedy is to limit corporations to just 2000 employees and outlaw any individual or organization from owning stock shares in more than three corporations.
Competition requires freedom and the removal of totalitarian mass organizational networking. Competition and freedom are the heterodox mothers and fathers of invention.
On The Sort of Counter-Terrrorism Searches Homeland Security Lacks
Senator Lieberman speaking with an N.P.R. reporter recently said that he was concerned the Counter-terrorism center lacks a google search kind of capability that would bring potential terrosit threads together. It's been about 30 years since I took a brief programming course in Portland, yet I think there is a better way to clump together information sorted in databases such that alerts for potential terrorist actions might arise wiithout reuisite wait of a particular search by a human interrogator of a search engine. Because it is so obvious at least to me, I wonder what really goes on with all those billions spent at homeland security generally.
One likes to believe they are simply too modest and conceal there expert computerized data engineering, yet that Nigerian fellow did nearly detonate his explosive underwear on Christmas Day aboard a plane hovering over all those internal combustion engine factories in the neighboorhood. Maybe he was trying to drive up the price of Nigerian light sweet crude through terrorism--gas is already about three bucks a gallon while the economy is off. If unemployment drops much it should go to 6 dollars per gallon around the time the unemployment rate nationally reaches 3.5 or 4%.
Anyway on the computer junk; there should be sorting programs to put together similar and related facts in sorts through raw data based on national regions and other initial criteria-then when sufficient data indicates a human investigation such as when someone's parents go to the F.B.I. and say they are concerned there son may be consorting with terrorists or has gone to visit training camps in Yemen from Nigeria--voila! the alert goes to the bureaucratic spook who then uses the insider information to buy stock on Wall Street ((just kidding).
One likes to believe they are simply too modest and conceal there expert computerized data engineering, yet that Nigerian fellow did nearly detonate his explosive underwear on Christmas Day aboard a plane hovering over all those internal combustion engine factories in the neighboorhood. Maybe he was trying to drive up the price of Nigerian light sweet crude through terrorism--gas is already about three bucks a gallon while the economy is off. If unemployment drops much it should go to 6 dollars per gallon around the time the unemployment rate nationally reaches 3.5 or 4%.
Anyway on the computer junk; there should be sorting programs to put together similar and related facts in sorts through raw data based on national regions and other initial criteria-then when sufficient data indicates a human investigation such as when someone's parents go to the F.B.I. and say they are concerned there son may be consorting with terrorists or has gone to visit training camps in Yemen from Nigeria--voila! the alert goes to the bureaucratic spook who then uses the insider information to buy stock on Wall Street ((just kidding).
Faster Air Drops of Emergency Food for Mass Disasters Required
In the future mass disasters in remote locations that have a lot of immediately shocked and starving people ought to be relieved by faster air drops of lightweight food. From Florida military air transports might have overflown and circled Porto Prince Haiti and dropped millions of small and lightweight air-foil designed packets of beef jerkey and raman noodles as well as crackers for people to find the day after the quake. The beef jerky is very light and after soaking in boiling water can be chewed easily by people without good teeth. Crackers are needed to prevent diarrhea.
Some manna from heaven instant air drops replies to instant mass disaster could be made with twirling plastic package designs that won't harm the heads of people the food lands upon. It would be possible to design large fortune cookies in such configurations coated with plastic, or perhaps sheets of dried and compacted fruit rolls as small, edible parachutes. The U.N. rightly should get cooking on creating some sort of global long range first response food snacking relief capacity so that people injured in shock and or starving or malnourished already don't have to go extra days before being acquitted of uncertainty, agony and hunger.
Balanced diets aren't required for immediately starving people, and bureaucracies take time to establish regular meals in roadless or road dysfunctional locales.
U.S. air cargo flight might have been controlled from AWACS aircraft flight controllers over the island nation that would smooth air drop traffic patterns before sending the circling low flying aircraft on to land for refuelling at a U.S. air base in Puerto Rico.The ability to drop cluster bombs quickly on cities should be equaled by the ability to air drop immediate vast quantities of snack supplies to fill empty bellies during the immediate aftermath of crisis until the real chefs with the stew cooking capabilities arrive to toss swine and beef into the boil.
Some manna from heaven instant air drops replies to instant mass disaster could be made with twirling plastic package designs that won't harm the heads of people the food lands upon. It would be possible to design large fortune cookies in such configurations coated with plastic, or perhaps sheets of dried and compacted fruit rolls as small, edible parachutes. The U.N. rightly should get cooking on creating some sort of global long range first response food snacking relief capacity so that people injured in shock and or starving or malnourished already don't have to go extra days before being acquitted of uncertainty, agony and hunger.
Balanced diets aren't required for immediately starving people, and bureaucracies take time to establish regular meals in roadless or road dysfunctional locales.
U.S. air cargo flight might have been controlled from AWACS aircraft flight controllers over the island nation that would smooth air drop traffic patterns before sending the circling low flying aircraft on to land for refuelling at a U.S. air base in Puerto Rico.The ability to drop cluster bombs quickly on cities should be equaled by the ability to air drop immediate vast quantities of snack supplies to fill empty bellies during the immediate aftermath of crisis until the real chefs with the stew cooking capabilities arrive to toss swine and beef into the boil.
Will Haiti Be President Obama's Katrina or An Effective Relief Intervention?
Some have complained of a lethargic emergency services response to the terrible Earthquake in Haiti. The response time-content parameters indicated the need for a U.N. Emergency response team something like the 82nd airborne without the military power. President Obama might have sent quicker emergency response forces such as airborne marines to distribute water bottles, bandages, splints and food if there was a stock of such materials strategically placed around the world.
The President did send 3500 soldiers and 2200 marines along with 300 medical personnel, yet is that enough? It is a pain laying around with broken bones or ruptured organs in trauma for a day or two much less more. This most recent incident should stimulate a better, faster pragmatic instant relief for large disaster force scalable up to a half million victims.
The President did send 3500 soldiers and 2200 marines along with 300 medical personnel, yet is that enough? It is a pain laying around with broken bones or ruptured organs in trauma for a day or two much less more. This most recent incident should stimulate a better, faster pragmatic instant relief for large disaster force scalable up to a half million victims.
Reading a national geographic article on the evolution and distribution of placental mammals from Gondwanaland to other plate tectonic permutations over the eons it occurs to me that human beings ought to do a little better as primates to respond to global emergencies. I think the evolution of Armageddon on Earth will largely be a human actualization of the will of Satan voluntarily as faithless beings striving and competitive grooming champions better so than opponents. Yet the Brave New World of a Huxleyan-Orwellian Universe shall be with us as humanity practices high entropy economics without concern for a rational conservation of non-renewable resources.
As a first responder President Obama should do better than the Chinese to deliver first aid in quantity to such stricken people. In the long run they need instruction in how to build steel tube geodesic domes with foam insulation that are cheap and able to survive earthquakes. They could also use wind and solar panels yet the world economy is just based on disposability and consumerism and such economic areas of poverty shall be with us for quite a time--what have the Haitians to sell, and how can they overcome their history as the successful Nat Turner revolt fact that freed themselves from Napoleonic rule?
Haiti's long run political problems may have little real hope embedded in the United States, for the economy is based on profit, and for the time being Cuba is the best morsel awaiting development in the non-renewable consumerist economic context ruining America today. The United States is outsourcing it's independence to global elite ownership. Perhaps at least an adequate global civil disaster airlift capability can be formed to bring relief to 50,000 people overnight if necessary. That is quite a challenging task.
An Ecological Economic Topic
Ecological economics is an actual scholastic field of economics that has developed in recent years. It might be considered an existential approach, or an empirical one. Anything that a government does without using its parameters regarding conservation will be less than effective. That is, the remedies might exacerbate the problem.
Ecological economics is the best theoretical approach to conserving and utilizing mass and bio-mass. It is necessary to change the value-theory foundations of economics as well. It would be possible to have a better quality of life for all of humanity perhaps while actually decreasing resource use through an increase in efficiency and knowledge about and coordination of global resources. If the end is not to simply make profit from phenomenal resources, but to conserve resources and get as much as possible from renewable resources that is a value that the people of a democracy must apply themselves.
Statistics have been compiled to show that women reduce family size with an increased standard of living after a generation or two, yet in the future an enhanced standard of living will requires an ecological economic approach rather than simply increasing through-put of non-renewable resources. The issue is not just a dialectic between accelerating resource us and consumerism to raise standards of living and subsequent deceleration of population growth to reduce resource over-use.
A government agency needs to be formed to help with the transition to a vast menu of ecologically more efficient methods of resource use. Government ignorance cannot solve the problem, and the present world governments are mostly signed off on corporatism and consumerism without rhyme or reason except profit regardless of environmental cost or the externalities of human quality of life...
That's why I mention the textbook 'Ecological Economics' by Daly and Farley occasionally. People generally don't understand what it is, or how it's parameters are requisite for living on Earth well in the future.
Population dynamics, resource quantification and so forth are what the discipline of Ecological economics is concerned with.
The logic of population reduction or control within existing economic methods lets us extrapolate that the remaining capitalists, if the population dropped to two billion souls, would simply increase their own consumption and standard of living 400% and more. Increasing living standards without ecological economic reason will tend to deplete resources that are finite.
A stable population, a rectified economic value theory that seeks for the most effective methods of increasing life standards without harm to the ecosystem is unlikely to develop with a government bound up in Wal-Mart and Macy's shopping theory. The effort to address the facts is what the U.S. Government is unwilling to try--at least so far, in its economic theory and practice.
I read recently that scientist have found that primates aren't especially socially bright. observations of primates have found that those that believe they would lose a fight tend to groom the proto-champ chimps. That may be why pro sports is regarded so highly rather than amateur participation sports. The entire social approach to economics as a kind of super-bowl with better goodies for the champier chimps better than those for the rest who do the grooming isn't concerned with optimalization of resource use, or the pervasive increase of intelligence as a value.
Philosophically, scientific facts about the total state of eco-resources are known to be absent from economic planning except as concerns particular resources such as oil. There is no invisible hand able to substitute for an invisible brain in capitalism such that the world's resources would be used most efficiently and for the highest human value within capital markets without government set parameters.
It would be a good thing if science could simply advance such intelligence that humanity would not need to design its life on Earth a little better. Perhaps energy from extra dimensions can be found--who can say that string theories extra dimensions have the same temperature as that of this cold Universe, or even that they run on the same time scale? Because science so far has simply provided data that is applied sprawling all akimbo in the economic and empirical realms if at all, an agency should be formed to empirically regard actual environmental resources with the goal of using them without losing them. It is a challenging and necessary task to avoid the gloom of doom.
Existing economic methods apply post hoc controls in reaction to damage. A priori optimal use of existing resources that doesn't lose them through use is demanded as a response to the resource challenge. It is the lack of philosophical thought about value theory, and failure to regard the well being of others with as much importance as our own that the economic structure fails to support human general advance in an effective empirically cognizant time paradigm.
Ecological economics is the best theoretical approach to conserving and utilizing mass and bio-mass. It is necessary to change the value-theory foundations of economics as well. It would be possible to have a better quality of life for all of humanity perhaps while actually decreasing resource use through an increase in efficiency and knowledge about and coordination of global resources. If the end is not to simply make profit from phenomenal resources, but to conserve resources and get as much as possible from renewable resources that is a value that the people of a democracy must apply themselves.
Statistics have been compiled to show that women reduce family size with an increased standard of living after a generation or two, yet in the future an enhanced standard of living will requires an ecological economic approach rather than simply increasing through-put of non-renewable resources. The issue is not just a dialectic between accelerating resource us and consumerism to raise standards of living and subsequent deceleration of population growth to reduce resource over-use.
A government agency needs to be formed to help with the transition to a vast menu of ecologically more efficient methods of resource use. Government ignorance cannot solve the problem, and the present world governments are mostly signed off on corporatism and consumerism without rhyme or reason except profit regardless of environmental cost or the externalities of human quality of life...
That's why I mention the textbook 'Ecological Economics' by Daly and Farley occasionally. People generally don't understand what it is, or how it's parameters are requisite for living on Earth well in the future.
Population dynamics, resource quantification and so forth are what the discipline of Ecological economics is concerned with.
The logic of population reduction or control within existing economic methods lets us extrapolate that the remaining capitalists, if the population dropped to two billion souls, would simply increase their own consumption and standard of living 400% and more. Increasing living standards without ecological economic reason will tend to deplete resources that are finite.
A stable population, a rectified economic value theory that seeks for the most effective methods of increasing life standards without harm to the ecosystem is unlikely to develop with a government bound up in Wal-Mart and Macy's shopping theory. The effort to address the facts is what the U.S. Government is unwilling to try--at least so far, in its economic theory and practice.
I read recently that scientist have found that primates aren't especially socially bright. observations of primates have found that those that believe they would lose a fight tend to groom the proto-champ chimps. That may be why pro sports is regarded so highly rather than amateur participation sports. The entire social approach to economics as a kind of super-bowl with better goodies for the champier chimps better than those for the rest who do the grooming isn't concerned with optimalization of resource use, or the pervasive increase of intelligence as a value.
Philosophically, scientific facts about the total state of eco-resources are known to be absent from economic planning except as concerns particular resources such as oil. There is no invisible hand able to substitute for an invisible brain in capitalism such that the world's resources would be used most efficiently and for the highest human value within capital markets without government set parameters.
It would be a good thing if science could simply advance such intelligence that humanity would not need to design its life on Earth a little better. Perhaps energy from extra dimensions can be found--who can say that string theories extra dimensions have the same temperature as that of this cold Universe, or even that they run on the same time scale? Because science so far has simply provided data that is applied sprawling all akimbo in the economic and empirical realms if at all, an agency should be formed to empirically regard actual environmental resources with the goal of using them without losing them. It is a challenging and necessary task to avoid the gloom of doom.
Existing economic methods apply post hoc controls in reaction to damage. A priori optimal use of existing resources that doesn't lose them through use is demanded as a response to the resource challenge. It is the lack of philosophical thought about value theory, and failure to regard the well being of others with as much importance as our own that the economic structure fails to support human general advance in an effective empirically cognizant time paradigm.
The Ecological Economist Magazine
The economist is a ubiquitous British publication with a significant pro-globalist position. I regard that as neither good for the global environment or the economics of the United States.It would be good if an Ecological Economics on-line publication issued to make alternative ecological economic knowledge of a more theoretical and applied side available on contemporary issues. The number of topics to write on is nearly limitless.
With the same old economics paradigm dominating American attention it is consistent that the same global corporatist policies swamp the capital with bad ideas.
With the same old economics paradigm dominating American attention it is consistent that the same global corporatist policies swamp the capital with bad ideas.
Potentiality and Actuality
This neo-Aristotelian paradigm of potentiality and actuality seems an example of what Russell named 'categorical errors'. Scholastic method has faded away a bit to be supplanted with analytic philosophy enough that it is reasonable to use W.V.O. Quine's ontological relativity as a way of recognizing that many of our questions pertain to our cognitive constructions rather than to things-in-themselves.
The lexical ontology wherein potential and actuality exist are word-referents corresponding to human use. There are some things in the 'empirical' experience with more reinforcement of object referent terminology than others. It is not a Platonic form that we are searching for in trying to define actuality or potential philosophically. It is not reasonable to suppose that actuality or potentiality necessarily exist outside of a word-game paradigm.
That existence is actual is plain enough--one must stipulate an axiom or two. Our effort moves toward an increasing awareness of what actually is as well as what actually 'works'. The effort discover what actually is of course has a simultaneous philosophical course of exploration along with the cognitive effort directed toward the given Universe. If the Universe is actually a ten dimensional hologram instead of physical dimensions there is a potential to discover that. The knowledge of what is true may or may not be known. Our opinion as Socrates pointed out may be true opinion. Our beliefs that our opinions are true may have the same effect on personal epistemology regardless of their veracity. About questions of life and values that are not immediately subject to inference through scientific method it takes some time to learn.
It is possible to move out of the analytic language paradigm whereby we answer questions logically and make the error of assuming that our abstract constructions model the physical realm invariably--logical validity is more a matter of tautaulogy or satisfaction of logical equation than observational report.
In the practical realm such as Pierce sought after the inflation of the Universe had in potential all that would ever become as this Universe so far as we know--there may be unknown extra-dimensional contributions or alteration after, or before all. The infinite nature of space-time in all directions permits knowledge and inference of a finite realm that reaches human cognition through a glass darkly.
While quantum uncertainty exists in order that the freedom of dimensions of temporality and structure may occur--duration of unit quanta of a Universe in variegated intervals inclusive of scale are meaningful for being comprise a simultaneous being and potential.
Instead of a realm of forms with incomplete, broken units and the perfect actualized materially, there is an experience of processes and events with temporal forms. If we want to know with Plato and Plotinus if eternal forms exist that points to The One for us as it did for those philosophers even if we use the non-mystical Hubble to view a deep field of galaxies 13.2 billion years of age some 600 to 800 billion years post inflaton commencement and read ideas of physical theorists regarding the Universe before a fraction of a centimeter bottleneck/near singularity
The lexical ontology wherein potential and actuality exist are word-referents corresponding to human use. There are some things in the 'empirical' experience with more reinforcement of object referent terminology than others. It is not a Platonic form that we are searching for in trying to define actuality or potential philosophically. It is not reasonable to suppose that actuality or potentiality necessarily exist outside of a word-game paradigm.
That existence is actual is plain enough--one must stipulate an axiom or two. Our effort moves toward an increasing awareness of what actually is as well as what actually 'works'. The effort discover what actually is of course has a simultaneous philosophical course of exploration along with the cognitive effort directed toward the given Universe. If the Universe is actually a ten dimensional hologram instead of physical dimensions there is a potential to discover that. The knowledge of what is true may or may not be known. Our opinion as Socrates pointed out may be true opinion. Our beliefs that our opinions are true may have the same effect on personal epistemology regardless of their veracity. About questions of life and values that are not immediately subject to inference through scientific method it takes some time to learn.
It is possible to move out of the analytic language paradigm whereby we answer questions logically and make the error of assuming that our abstract constructions model the physical realm invariably--logical validity is more a matter of tautaulogy or satisfaction of logical equation than observational report.
In the practical realm such as Pierce sought after the inflation of the Universe had in potential all that would ever become as this Universe so far as we know--there may be unknown extra-dimensional contributions or alteration after, or before all. The infinite nature of space-time in all directions permits knowledge and inference of a finite realm that reaches human cognition through a glass darkly.
While quantum uncertainty exists in order that the freedom of dimensions of temporality and structure may occur--duration of unit quanta of a Universe in variegated intervals inclusive of scale are meaningful for being comprise a simultaneous being and potential.
Instead of a realm of forms with incomplete, broken units and the perfect actualized materially, there is an experience of processes and events with temporal forms. If we want to know with Plato and Plotinus if eternal forms exist that points to The One for us as it did for those philosophers even if we use the non-mystical Hubble to view a deep field of galaxies 13.2 billion years of age some 600 to 800 billion years post inflaton commencement and read ideas of physical theorists regarding the Universe before a fraction of a centimeter bottleneck/near singularity
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