
Harvard Alum Obama Throws Harvard Kegger at Supreme Soviet

Like the period after the death of the dictator Stalin, the U.S. Supreme Court faces reorganization as did the Supreme Soviet High Court. A period of globalism and international expansionist subversion of the K.G.B. was in accord with the end of the nationalist development period of the Soviet Union as it looked abroad for increase of world communism. Following the end of the cold war U.S. and trans-national corporation has pursued much the same policy. Harvard law alumus President B. Hussein Obama’ choice of former Harvard Law School Dean Keggan is another elitist selection of a Boston globalist lawyer without judicial experience that would tilt the trend of treason on the High Court farther beyond the boundaries of the United States and into the realm of international subterfuge of finance tow which the elite trans-nationalists have become accustomed.

The Congress should swiftly reject the nomination of another Harvard lawyer and request a nominee from the real world outside the Boston-DC axis of economic evil. The financial portfolio of Chief Justice Roberts is already enough for the entire court to be tainted by globalist corporate advantage. One cannot even get a job in a grocery store n Alaska today without filling out an online job application sent to Oklahoma for background check nationally. If those in the corporate global financial ‘underground’ of intrigue and social manipulation wish to deny employment in the United States, it is pathetically simple through the corporate information networks.

The Harvard advantage has created an aristocracy of abomination regarding the declaration of independence and the ideal of elimination of anisotropic social powers before law. Good lawyers from Arizona such as Janet Napolitano would have brought more confidence to the court if those without judicial experience were to be considered yet Dean Keggen from the Harvard Party is a mockery of contemporary social justice.

In the late 18th century of Europe, during the enlightenment era there, were countless revolutions, counter-revolutions, coups and counter-coups as democracy actualized within changing national borders. International aristocracies and continuing reform of social power of the day had much overt political machination as well as publicized organization. It is notable that French noble resistance to tax increase the king sought stimulated public opposition that culminated not only in the removal of the Monarch, but of the nobles as well.

The international world of business has formed a trans-national corporatism definitely in contradiction of the principals of one nation under God ruled by citizens with equal legal rights. Contemporary corporatism and their political shills have finessed out nationalism and democratic self-determinism to an extreme degree. A woman of the people, or man, needs to replace the John Paul Stevens—a judge one with no connection to the pit of Harvard global corporatism that runs roughshod over American enterprise, individualism and privacy and border security.


Some Ideas on Assaults Upon U.S. Labor Value

I believe that the effort to use historical political analysis templates on present political and social circumstances runs the risk of creating straw man 'arguments' to knock down affirmatively or negatively. Mexican exploitation of the United States is simply one aspect of the global economic phenomena of financial globalism today.

The irrationality of financial globalism implicitly arises in the valuation of non-democratic, intangible values such as money, over national interests such as political and social equality, a healthy environment, security and freedom from foreign debt. Fundamentally the political leaders of today fail to have adequate intelligence and common decency, as they would require to overcome the temptations for electronic financial shuffling of abstract capital about at the speed of light across the planet.

The automatic trading program on Wall Street that lost 700 points and recovered it 20 minutes later is an example of the irrational value theories that guide the United States. I believe the corporate and political leaders are essentially philosophical runts in pursuit of money and social advantage who will dissipate the United States and sell it out for a mess of pottage. Their value theories are wrong, their political courage lacking, the good judgment needed to secure a solid, secure, healthy United States with stabile life opportunities for citizens lacking. It is easier to pursue ostrich like war economics without a possibility of benefit for the United States than to design a rational political program to continue the United States along its constitutional parameters with liberty and justice for all citizens.

A reverse planning sequence is usual in military missions. It is something like looking ahead in chess before one makes a reply to a hostile opposition force deployment--for disaster may be structured within the induced directed trap. In Iraq the Bush II administration should have had an exit strategy before starting, and one they were capable of enforcing--otherwise one must enter a war with a blank check and let the chips fall where they may--that is often an irresponsible strategy unless one is just concerned about making money for the oil industry.

Beyond the Sands of Time (poem)

The world and senses of sand quanta

like all quanta rise and fall

with tempos of tides assembling and fading

such temporal illusions as castles of time

drawn together by gravity’s shadows

ebb and flood within a Universe of Idea

Functioning well and deep

inclusive of the illusion of mind it is extended

streets, self and objects, senses materially

formed as inductive engines interpreted

like rainbows and oranges blossomed to fullness

They must slip away into silence

like the parting of the Red Sea

as the spirit ends that slavery within a bondage of time

given unto all fallen beings

silence and non-existence from left and right returns

the promise of more ascension of moments

to fuel the illusion until the illusion of mind itself

yields unto non-existence surging over the soul

A self-aware video plays in a mineral deposit

illusions of motions arise in quarks

compositions shielded by lead, never dead

phenomena like patterns of galaxies swirled

Such are computer programs running

life before death, information hibernation

set for restart, correction and defragging

some are saved through faith, and others lost

sent to the hell of the recycle bin

in a purgatory of freed space bossed

In a bifurcated world of matter and spirit

a city of mankind and a city of God rise

cohering onto a phenomenal destiny

matter and nature take full courses to comprise

being and signs along the beach of time

in the bootstrapped illusion of existential vines

The faithless call the world unto a bristling doom

like prime entertainment as an illusory play

instructing mirages to pleasure boxes for every day

the totality of illusion is a well-governed room

next day, next week, the declining head spins

hoping for silence

Walking with faith the world is a reflection of mind

a spirit is information, experience, being—a soul

for those that have set tomorrow’s course

for the city of God

when temporality ends, the Lord has t

Dehumanization of Statistical Mechanics (poem)

Evolution isn’t competition

competition is a game of chance

dance unlike organisms in quest of food

pursuing leads wherever right moves

they may intentionally construct rationally designed society

in every direction, for gluttony is a rude satiety

Illusion is a comparative term

largest pigs at a trough of concerns

killed when a wavering tree branch crashes

struck down by lightening, illumination matches

struggling runts left rooting far away

sudden storms drifted over to another day

of comparative illusions

Reeds growing on polluted marshes

cattails for vestigial puma

comparative meaning on contingent world forms

reasons to end an aristocracy of corporatism

sending waves of rival private interest breakers

dispersants of democracy concentrate wealth

for allocated order

Illusion refers to the temporal shore

for God actualizes what He wills

to be and become ever

returning to non being

Humanity abstracted in Boyle’s law

statistical quanta gathered for analysis

uncertainty principles of natural law

super-positioned states of all possible social order

collapsed into worldliness and deterministic permutations

though one mind may alter mass behavior

extrusions into statistical formulae, models broken

an aristocracy formed to control the pointillist

echoes of Monet consuming Lutetia’s chords

fading in the Seine flow reflections of time

pastel skies with new orange clouds.

BP Cone of Containment at Oil Spill Cleggs-Oil Eruption Continues Spewing Forth--Dirk Pitt in Retiderment?

One wonders how the U.S. Government arrived in the situation of being at the mercy of foreign and transnational oil corporations for the protection of its Gulf of Mexico coastline. As thousands of barrels of crude oil gush upward from the sub-seafloor reservoirs that was punctured and given a way out to kill the plankton and alter the gill filtering organisms in the sea amongst other unhealthy effects, the U.S. Government has thoughtfully allowed the national guard to be called out perhaps readying to bayonet the oil when it reaches shore. In Clive Cussler novels Dirk Pitt would have stopped the miscreants of Trans-ocean and British petroleum, or at least the manufacturers of the blow-out enabler, before the gusher reached the clean water just 5000 feet below the surface.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601102&sid=aP2ZrjaBp7a4 BP Effort to Contain Oil Spill within Heavy Steel Dome lowered from surface vessel fails in first effort

Of course many people in the oil industry profit come spills or shine when these things occur. Overtime for many oil field workers and pilots attend such phenomena, and fine speeches from foreign CEO’s about how the most brilliant rocket science will contain the flow of product appear in the media, while dispersants on the public regard for environmental purity of our precious oceanic fluids is enfiladed as a joke—where were those environmental defenders of the “homoland” security when the suave broadcasters traduced them in subtle yet clear rave demotic? Maybe oil is payback for the effort to gay up the military—reason is deficient in economic and perhaps game theory will prove the real behavioral eventualities before they occur yet. With the containment dome pipeline clogged up by freezing hydrates the outcome of the BP election is in doubt--so far the Torries seem to have a slight lead over labor with Nick Clegg in the driver's seat for breaking up the electoral jam.

The U.S. Government—that troubled equalizer of women’s rights to rule through radio and government service—reasonable enough if that can be done without illegal alien cheap labor perhaps, ought to have had a special broken oil trapping submarine lurking like a vast right wing catfish to set upon the busted wellhead like an echinoderm (starfish) going after a clam dug in deep. Maybe it could be designed to resemble a large, traditional U.F.O. able to withstand the crushing pressures of a mile below the surface of the ocean where not even country songs beginning with ‘well I’ can be heard. The Government rightly ought to heed the voices broadcast and sing top BP they must put there hands up, for the administration has brushed with a bottle of jack and won’t be coming back.

If the U.S. Government has not intervention surveillance submarines designed to encapsulate any kind of broken deep ocean pipeline to allow it to be fixed, it ought not allow offshore oil corporations to drill in U.S. waters. Such a blind trust in the benevolence of foreign oil corporations is consistent with the kind of government that would reform immigration laws, after 10 or 20 million illegals arrive. Prevention is better than a Euro of cure for political and economic disease. In the rush to receive corporate campaign support, U.S. politicians too readily overlook practical defense requisites for U.S. employment, economic and environmental security.

Nash Equilibrium Odds for Abolition of U.S. Government

I wanted to write something about Nash equilibrium as a tool for social research. I will move on to other topics in subsequent posts very likely. Not being a mathematician or social scientist my information on the topic is limited. Having occasion to read something on the subject I believed it worth providing a little criticism.

The Declaration of Independence of the United States is the most sacred of secular political documents. Pertaining to revolution…

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Nash equilibrium, as I will discuss below, presents challenges to formation of popular opinion sufficient to support overthrow of the U.S. Government. If globalism and unsound economic and environmental practices are sufficient reason to abolish the present government of the United States and its sedimentary personages, Nash equilibrium equations provide the data set probability that it is unlikely that popular opinion could be formed to support such a movement to rational ecological economic principals and nationalism.

The New testament parable of Jesus Christ—the parable of the talents, offers a context somewhat like that of the prisoner’s dilemma modeled and resolved by Nash equilibrium calculus, yet unlike the secular context of the Nash criteria, in which the people given the talents had not only secular concerns but eternal issues as well, secular revolutionaries have mostly issues involving allegiance and risk in which their self interest in keeping social rights and asserting geophysical control implicit experience present rather than future risk as the revolutionary movement severs ties with the corrupt global government concentrating wealth, corrupting the environment and constructing vast public debt.

I believe that philosophically it is too commonly the case that many social researchers of behavior would like a simple equation that could be applied like a magical phrase to understand how the masses of humanity behave and why. With so many people in the world it might be helpful to find a kind of algorithmic compression—an equation like game theory’s Nash equilibrium, to provide a condensed version of facts, or even omit the need to have competent human understanding altogether. If one has an equation, the why have years of reading of human social history to have a dead reckoning good judgment of why things are the way they are?

I will curtail berating ignorance in social and physical sciences regarding depth or lack of it in reading and understanding interdisciplinary topics from philosophy, history, science and such. The why people make social misjudgments isn’t so important as where they can go from a given position without creating havoc and chaos deleterious for themselves and for-others. Intelligent leadership is sometimes of more value than a legion of deterministic behaviorists finding a formula from the moon and stars to explain what they see as genetically hard-wired human behavior. The astrology fallacy of social science theory with a sacred equation is a challenge to common sense.

With the possible misguided effort to create another war front in Pakistan/Central Asia, as a wrong way to gain the security of the united States from foreign terrorists, there s ample example of the manifest stupidity in public thought created by pursuit of money, global business and lack of intelligent leadership. These are not deterministic political ad social phenomena, but default ones because of the failure to regard intelligence and reality as being as important as mass distribution of materials, concentration of representative fiscal wealth, or even the provisioning of mass social ‘laws’ of human behavior replete with equations.

Needless to say I have complete respect for Nash and his mathematical mind, it is simply the profound stupidity of the way ideas are applied existentially that is of interest here. I can only provide a brief fragment of the ideas and criticism I might have on this subject for lack of time and opportunity to construct more. I would rather be employed earning enough for housing next winter anyway, yet that is not possible today.

Reaching Nash equilibrium in the distribution of item-units of abstract, idealized representational systems is a popular method of calculating social decision concatenations of masses. A premise of authority of mind and matter relationship and definition is synthesized within a deterministic framework, and the logical fallacy of begging the point regarding the relationship between mind and matter is set-aside in the reductionist presentation of item-units as quanta within a statistical paradigm.

I had hoped here to bring something of the consideration of Nash equilibrium in social psychology to the Biblical parable of the talents, and the distribution of talents—perhaps something like the prisoners dilemma regarding a choice between conservation or defection, yet I see in second thought that the parable was not within an arbitrarily competitive social circumstances regarding inter-group distribution of talents, but instead concerned the relationship of the individuals allotted various quantities of talents to the author of existence (God) through metaphor.

Nash equilibrium is another method of forming an equation between various constants or variables. Numbers are of course largely one dimensional items given value in relation tot their position within a field. The field may be linear such as in natural numbers, or multi-dimensional to any extent. Number is essentially a coordinate value or magnitude within a field frame of reference. Numbers within a field need not change in a scalar progress at one dimensional vector, yet may increase with change in other dimensional fields with a change in acceleration through time or space. To experience more spatial extension in a brief interval than another comparative traveling item in space, is effectively to increase the value of time, yet of course in the actual world the number of levels of protocol dimensions is uncertain, and perhaps variable in relation to the manner in which a collapse of wave-field interactive selection occurs, as well as the potential actual forms of quantum field structure in any possible space-time given.

Nash equilibrium provides a reciprocal paradox, when applied to human psychology, of assuming a static dimensional representation value for calculation of the behavior and selection of social masses. The intellectual choice is reflected in nature, or even drawn from natural evolution, and the returned to conscious human choice as a statistical concatenation of individual choices selected by the complexity of evolved behavior.

I should stipulate that I believe that necessary human behavior in relationship to the physical requisites of life provided by an environment is primarily limited to discovery of methods for satisfying those needs, and that inventiveness tends to find more avenues for satisfaction of such needs, as if water could be input from special foods with enough water content to eliminate the actual needs for drinking a liquid. Such an adaptive change may alter other physiological processes in a human body over time obviously, yet intentional inventiveness to free social members from environmentally given needs seems a natural response and evolution.

Nash equilibrium of discovery of a balance within a given system is in economics a reflection of the historic evolution of a false awareness of the intended meaning of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations. Smith was against an oppressive aristocracy corrupting freedom for commoners to run their own affairs—it was a political as well as an intellectual revolution commensurate with the era. If alive today he would be equally against global corporate aristocracy destroying the interest of nations and national interest of ‘commoners’ in creating a nation-based renewable ecological economic system meeting the minimum living standards of all within an ecologically conservative paradigm. A free health care system for the poor, a medical corps of publicly trained doctors who would work for 7 years at 75,000 annually before returning to their own nations as licensed physicians—would reduce medical costs in the U.S.A. and increase the number of well educated physicians abroad. Adam Smith was for a healthy nation and populace free of global exploitation by corrupt elements overly concentrating capital in aristocratic networks.

Nash equilibrium is simply one tool for researching given social phenomena, yet the macro-social structure in which the equilibrium is reached is itself subject to intentional change. In eras when social scientists and politicians are not intellectually sterile, more effort is put into construction of a utopian society than in observing a declining society as ‘scientists’ with misapplied formulae and equations observing in error that a deterministic, natural and immutable phenomena is unfolding before their eyes. Such an economic paradigm is the wish of supremacists in economics who pursue cash and power for-itself without regard to the real world and real existential prospects for individual security and actualization within a healthy planetary ecosystem.


Beige Bomber Arrested--BP Oil Disaster Flows On, Eduard Amorereau Interrogation of an Oily Engineer

Leaving the homeless press facility in Wasilla Alaska, fresh from enrichment re-education in New York (to save money at the lowest- cost college re-education camp in America concerned as he was with reducing the Federal debt), the free lance Eduard Armorereau is heard to have said, or said to have heard, such an interesting report that it almost reads like fiction...

I had an exclusive interview with the insider oil industry engineer I shall refer to as an interesting person at a wireless espionage coffee-café on Houston’s Richmond Avenue. After the brand news of the arrest of a beige Pakistani at New York's J.F.K. Flughaven, this was the most interesting item of the day so far. It gave me an insight into secret executive planning to contain, finesse and control the unforeseeable illicit, free issuance of ‘product’ (also known as 5000 barrels of oil per day) from a BP oil platform on the abyssal plain way down below the surface (that hiterto had been a refuge for extremist environmentalist seafoods of sealife) nearly two weeks ago into the no longer pristine water of Gulf of Mexico.

I asked the engineer known as ‘Deep Boat’, who was sitting at a corner table in the café below a large color photo of a famous Pemex platform oil disaster that gushed oil for several weeks a couple decades ago into the Gulf of Mexico, if he remembered anything like this ever happening before?

“No twitt. Zapata himself would have been hit like an innocent in the Oort Cloud from such a bolt out of the blue. Frankly it could not have been predicted that a blowout preventer could fail. This is an act of Thor.”

Do you really think so?

“Well, no. That was my third-place thought.”

What were your first and second?

‘My second brilliant idea was that the mountain hillbilly terrorist planner Oz Bin Bomber brought bought influence in the oil industry to sabotage a venerated blow-out preventer in order to smear the pristine beaches of the retirement home estate Colonel--the late former President Jefferson Davis int Biloxi Mississippi.”

That is a terrifying prospect Deep Boat. What was you first idea for the cause of the disaster?

“Cheap labor, illegal aliens and too much alcohol can make that equipment become improperly installed. I plan to have my Richard Feynman moment before a congressional hearing with a roomful of press cameras. I have already received a million dollar contract to wear a shirt to the hearing with an advertisement from a Japanese footwear manufacturer…’Sushi Shoes Sans Succi-4 Spray on Anti-Callous Running’.

Deep Boat, what are the real prospects for stopping the leak from the benthos right away?

“None at all. We have instead designed a satisfactory containment plan. The wind will constantly shift to drive the oil away from sensitive beaches and critical habitat for politicians in affected gulf states and move the free crude to the skimming prissy free loading beaches of Florida. Florida is a no drill state and deserves the mess more than Mississippi. Yet it could easily be a communist plot of the Cubans to steal crude oil knowing that currents may take the gist of it to Cuba shores where it can be recycled in green way an power Cuban cars.”

That’s a mind, numbing all thought, Deep Boat. What about putting a cork in the blown wellhead?

“It’s five thousand feet deep you idiot! When these unforeseeable things go wrong and our games theory modeling of benthos oil structures fail we must use games theory modeling on propaganda containment of formation of adverse political opinion. We have ample dispersants for that. Even the President left after a few hours, and a terrorist of the beige bomber faction from Dubai placed a smoking SUV in Times Square designed by a pre-school to explode when the mouse ran up the clock.”

Do you know these Middle Eastern pre-scholars yourself Deep Boat?

“Net, it’s only a rumor at a rival scuttlebutt wireless Internet café.”

Well then, time is fleeting. Have you learned anything else that we might name as credible scuttlebutt Deep Boat?

“There is a plan to manufacture several immense submersible barges called by the industry Halibut ledge blow-out preventers offshore in tactical locations along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 1000 feet. Designed to resemble Alaska halibut, these barges are five stories high and larger than Noah’s Ark in length. At first sign of smell of a future vast deep-sea oil affluence the Halibut will leave their deep sea ledge and swim with magneto-hydrodynamic thrust at a thousand miles per hour to the location of the oil leak and encapsulate it thought the sliding moon pool door in the milky white hull. All bubbling, rising light sweet crude oil will flow inside t the mechanical separator and laboratory rectification process of justification. None of the precious oil will be lost. Instead it will be processed by the automatic rescue halibut and fed into a pipeline augmentation splicing mechanism for high speed transport to distant SUVs fueling social progress in Dubai.”

That is important for bi-lateral political relations isn’t it Deep Boat?

“You’ve got that right son. Peace is the real goal of the selfless work at Bugger Petroleum. Defeating the socialists, overthrowing the commune, requires never-ending and unrecognized vigilance—even heroism and open heart surgery with high tech robotic submersible vehicles from cold and dusty control rooms, lots of lobbying and oodles of enterprising legislation. Remember---rust never sleeps.”

That patriotic reminder from an oil company great concluded the interview. Assured that the oil industry would improve the aquatic health of the Gulf of Mexico I got into my 1965 Coup Deville for a drive along the Katy Freeway down to San Antonio and lunch with Alexjendro Vargas at the Alamo High Speed Wireless Internet Café. He was leading an effort to defend Texas from a hostile takeover attempt by illegal aliens to close down free wireless Internet access in U.S. cities and replace it with pay wireless networks exclusive controlled by Mexican drug trafficking gangstas.


The 'Material' Wisdom of Robert Heinlein

Science fiction writers with more than a bit of wisdom tend to be favorite reads of mine. One might think of Heinlein's two most well known books as typical of the rest; Stranger in A Strange Land and Starship Troopers, yet that is not so. Many of Heinlien's books are topics of more general human and philosophical interest.

Something of a social realist, I enjoy the spiritual element in Heinlein that recognized so many potential areas of new, innovative philosophical thought. The implicatives for cosmology and social selection for actualization in a challenge-response criterion on the human side of experience-- extrapolations of given technologies and biological facts, are hypothetically elaborated.

His 'Time Enough for Love' is a complete enough treatment of the known scientific biological facts of life at the time, and of the centrality of heterosexual relations as the social foundation of life. His treatment of genetics is extraordinarily interesting, even in retrospect. The conclusions Heinlein sketches are physically possible though rather repulsive; Lazarus, aka. Woodrow Wilson Smith, is not the best of humanity—perhaps just one gifted at survival and common sense. As the eldest of all humans regenerated countless times through cloning and other techniques he lacks some of the arête or virtue that ought to transcend even the manifestly physically evident—

One can make moral decisions if suitably inclined toward spirituality without prioritizing matter for-itself. Moral meanings can cohere within a spiritual-intellectual matrix. Such a spiritual paradigm follows the a priori rather than an interpretive paradigm of the extensional or empirical matter of experience. The failing of Lazarus Long to be more than just an excellent log roller on the phenomena of life leads to unusual evolutions mixed in sentimentality.

Heinlein has outlined one way a wayward humanity could go if it were capable—personally I think he was overly optimistic regarding science applied to transmogrification of human life, yet he was unaware of some of the potential science has created since to more radically transform and end the present nature of human existence. Well, one may read the history of Attila and the Hun invasion of the Roman Empire for relief.

I haven’t enough understanding of genetics to answer the question that arises in reading ‘Time Enough for Love’; if female clones are made from a man’s x genetic component, and he impregnates them, what would the progeny be genetically—more clones, or permutated genetic sequencing? Lazarus Long reaches the conclusions along with society generally that the sole wrong in sexual reproduction is the production of defective progeny. Because all genes are screened before mating to determine if defective births would occur, it becomes morally a non-sequiter for Lazarus Long to have sex with relatives so if the genetic examination people determine that no defectives will result inn marriage. Morality lacks a spiritual element in the brave new world of the very long-lived.

Genghis Khan also has had several interesting history books written on his life and times that one may find good alternative reading. While the United States plants war eggs of offshore oil wells and onshore nuclear plants that will serve as accelerants in improvisational explosive devices for a future conventional war attack on the U.S. economy, these genetic moral war eggs for future material confusion are being sponsored by federal tax support too. Remotely piloted submersibles, r.p.v. and drone aircraft will be able to ignite upon foreign discretion any and all vulnerable offshore oil infrastructure when convenient. In 1989 the Exxon Valdez oil spill altered the state of Alaska policy from a growing transformation away from reliance on oil to one of just basic, survival. The Gulf Coast of the U.S.A. has also experienced a reduction in intelligence through a variety of mass insults. Incompetent levy maintenance before Hurricane Katrina, a profusion of offshore oil platforms often controlled by foreign powers—these levers of globalist power over the economic security of the United States are clear and present dangers largely ignored in the District of Corruption.

A U.S. political environment foisting a constellation of offshore oil infrastructure upon sensitive ocean habitat presents a what me worry defense posture. Taxpayers are expected to pay for what amounts to a corporatist oil defense military force to lock down the security of vast tracks of coastal waters from potential improvised jet ski vectors for explosives ordinance launched from distant ships smoke on the horizon, or helions on terror junkets from abroad locked on courses of self-destruct with grappling hooks and pentex. The Chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullahs, has a plan to homosexually liberate the Navy with SecDef Gates. Congress is content with the defense response evidently. Reminds me of when Admiral Sanchez wanted 50,000 barrels of free oil from Alaska for the Pacific Fleet before the Exxon Valdez spill, and was turned down by Alaska Gov. Cowper. Oil disaster is always waiting to land on sensitive U.S. coastal environments, and probably those of Africa too.

In the story, Lazarus Long has lived for nearly 4700 years and recounts elements of his experience to a very great great...grandson. His experiences of society, politics, experience, space travel, pioneering of other worlds is full of interesting early American kinds of pioneering information as well. The book is a full kind of Cliff's Notes verisimilitude to making lists of things to fill a Conestoga wagon setting out for the unknown on an Earth-like world.

If one considers radical future galactic pioneering, it may be that complete self-reliance on non-technical items that could be forged from raw materials would be necessary. Independent pioneers might take advanced data bases along with them, yet high tech equipment requires a vast economic foundation to construct--if one part is missing the entire factory of culture may collapse letting the hapless pioneers starve. We may tend to look at Star Trek and magic box production machines as the future of real space colonization, yet that may be self-deceptive, for an independent colonization future of explorers and pioneers scattered throughout the galaxy may have no contact with an advanced civilization able to produce modern goods at all, nor could they take along such equipment with them and expect it to last forever. The Maytag repairman would be a long time in reaching an obscure planet several light years away.

That was one of the reasons I was so disgusted with President Obama's decision to skip the moon and raise the bar to some vague Martian future. Neglecting to establish a practical down-to-moon base of self reliant materials pioneers able to live without Earth resupply forever-even if that is just in potential and people only live their a few years at a time doing research-means that a practical, self-reliant Martian colony will as well be neglected and fail to appear the next century.

The federal government prefers 'flashy' one-off disposable symbolic ventures rather than pioneering bases on extra-terrestrial locations. As a leader in moon base development the U.S. Government could bring in teamwork from the International community of space developers, and missions of true space-ships constructed on the moon to be launched to mars in advance of human explorers, with supplies and shelters that could provide substantial survival redundancy to encourage a self-reliant facility as soon as possible. The President’s plan is simply a way to subvert the U.S. leadership in extra-terrestrial development.

That is not too surprising, for the U.S. economy is misdirected by the administration as it was by the previous three administrations. With the financial related service sector being nearly a third of the U.S. economy, and government much of the rest, there is a huge non-materially productive sector of the economy. When these sectors want to increase there income for employees and executives, essentially that means either printing more money, taking money away from the really materially productive sector, or finding cheap workers overseas to exploit. Unfortunately the latter outsources material production from our nation to nations A, B, C, D and E.

The federal government and others can of course borrow money from the materially productive countries to maintain or increase their standards of living for a while, but they won't want to have a substantial space pioneering mission on a moon or another planet for it would cost real money, and as the nation's material production declines many of the components would need to be made overseas. That is one of the fundamental problems with the United States today. Heinlein's books have some interesting ideas on society and economics as well, though perhaps not those given above.

That economic cycle of just increasing creature comforts--a dozen kinds of body wash as if Americans have become smellier than prior generations, fast food restaurants and other food outlets every 50 feet in many cities, 3/4s of young adults far overweight--this is a decadent generation trained that way by the indoctrination of consumerist supply and demand, or those without meaningful values. I believe that may have begun during the Vietnam War era when people got the scream yellow honkers from the Beatles, a Yellow Submarine or some such munchy ethic causality.

While various kinds of liberation occurred for the nation, I think kids suffered when their mothers no longer cooked at home making Yankee pot roast, corn beef and cabbage and various healthy foods. McDonald's is no substitute for home grown and cooked foods. A junk food generation smoking, piling of foreign financed public debt, canceling lunar development is challenged to find transcending, healthy social values. There is a clutter of non-valuable values making investment in the United States difficult.

Individualism was not only respected-it was unavoidable in pioneering generations, for technology had not advanced so far that women canning at home, cooking and so forth could be done without. Inventors in the United States were once world leaders, for the material opportunities to build and idea were in the United States rather than in China, India or Japan. Today, amongst those that are not corporate employees and are free to patent their own ideas, the extra costs of materializing an idea are much higher than before, since the lead in materials production increasing is transferring to China. One must not only have $3000 dollars for a pack of 5 patent applications, one must afford a patent search, higher a patent attorney and perhaps spend hundreds of thousands to defend a patent. Then one must perhaps fly to China to learn how one goes about finding materials producers willing and able to actualize the idea. In the meanwhile the clock is ticking and rivals have interest in your idea generally--and there are other problems such as hiring attorneys abroad to defend pirates of the idea producing in Thailand or some Quack province in China

The challenges presenting to Americans for the insipid federal response to the challenge of making patents affordable to poor, bright U.S. inventors will continue to create a serious loss of economic opportunity to foreign interests. I have given away several ideas myself in public writing after learning of the impossibility of actualizing patentable ideas in the U.S.A.

With the patent trickle up to globalists and the federal political tilt toward macro-economic drift--with utter federal economic incomprehension of the importance of renewability in resource use, defending the nation's borders and the need to set goals and parameters that prioritize national economic self-advantage as an obligation rather than actualizing a vague, amorphous capitalist global theory such that a trickle down to the United States is in the best interest of Americans rather than direct effort to invest and build a self-reliant, independent U.S. future economy,--the United States has set a course toward intentional national disadvantage.

There are those that rationalize that a disadvantaged America is somehow in the nation or the world's interests, and they are wrong. The rich may be comfortable with that idea, Bostonian elites may like that ideas a 'liberal', yet it is simple the result of a lazy and myopic greed. The elites are heavily invested in thee trans-national corporatism corrupting U.S. politics through the media control and through direct political influence.

The United States should present a strong nationalism to the world. A new nationalism that defends itself against terrorism at the borders and through covert foreign intelligence and military work abroad would be more effective and cost less than a misguided conventional war saturation of second world nations to temporarily compel them to like a hypocritical U.S. concept of democracy and perhaps George W. Bush or Barrack Hussein Obama themselves. Many of the poor will always hate the rich in every place on Earth. Many of the repressed will forever hate their oppressors. Many straight people will forever fight the hateful attitude of homosexuals that regard them as potential sex objects and urinate on the idea of marriage as a heterosexual fact. Homosexual 'love' of their straight brothers attitude may be reckoned the kind of love a lion shows to its prey. These things cannot be changed. What should be changed and can be defended are fundamental democratic values of national independence, avoiding of entangling foreign alliances. Self-reliance in economic so far as possible and practical, elimination of public debt and elimination of authoritarianism in any form domestically. All citizens should have an assurance of the necessary items of life such as food, clothing and health care, yet such should be accomplished through reforms that make social safety nets including retirement useful for the people that really need them as insurance against suffering, and as just potentially available to those than can afford to do without them.

One of Heinlein's points was that any nation that requires I.D. of its citizens is probably too advanced and set for collapse. I may not go that far with a somewhat anachronistic idea of Heinlein, yet without somewhere else to go through the invention of a faster than space-time travel method, we must proceed in such a way that the health of the planet's people and ecosystem are attended with extreme care and conservation.

We know that communism is a response to authoritarian oppression of the majority by a minority. It is a power minority bargaining position in war and for revolution. Communism is itself totalitarian and so undesirable by the majority that wish freedom, yet we know that following war and revolution, in the absence of a government chaos reigns until an authoritarian power emerges to rule generally. That is a reason why so many governments are dictatorial following revolutions of any sort--it is difficult to evolve.

In China we see this history--following the revolution against the imperial government a corrupt nationalist government was followed by a corrupt Japanese military presence as well as a civil war and an authoritarian Chinese government. With 1,300,000,000 people, China cannot afford to just get rid of its neo-authoritarian government for it requires regulation to prevent chaos and mass death.

So the Chinese Communist government pursues liberalization in economics to a limited extent to raise its standard of living. Simultaneously it experiences the double bind presented when its formerly majority agrarian rural economic foundation is replaced by internationalism, trading, investments and finance. Such investment has much risk, and brings circumstances to China not within their control. The worst risk is that sudden economic collapse brings deregulation or political revolution and a few million Chinese are killed in the chaos. The chaos is a social organizational phenomenal product of the dynamics of demography and geography more so than of political system choice.

As the United States leadership pursues rather self-deceptive political economics of global investments in the belief that it will benefit the world's poor countries rather than itself, and is a kind of benevolent mentor in economics while actually receiving vast profits for the globalist participating in the process and impoverishing many of its own citizens, it might be useful to look ahead and consider not just political correctness by real politics as well. Basic pioneering sorts of issues about self-reliance no not mean that one must be at war with one's international neighbors.

There are no magic money machines that produce social justice and economic opportunity for all people of the world at a distance better than at home. If one can rectify national economics to that of renewable natural resource basis with full employment and very low population growth with sobriety and dedication to investing in fundamental life bettering technology, one may invest at very low, non-usurious rates, cash in select foreign projects that would help raise a nation abroad toward a rational ecologically healthful way of life within a sustainable economic basis. Developing a moon base the next few years would show a political, economic and scientific competence in judgment that people are increasingly skeptical regarding its existence in U.S. politics.

Nations have periods of historical existence with few or no challenges, while some have many. Some nations may find challenges as forced options, while other nations may have few forced options and many opportunities from which they may choose to actualize few or none.

China with its large population and finite geography has experienced many forced political and economic options the past century. Since the end of the cold war the United States has experienced comparatively few. Arnold Toynbee believed that a nation with challenges (what William James would call forced options) could respond successfully or perish (or perhaps stagnate). Alternatively he found that without challenges—with an easy life, some peoples and nations have simply given away their advantage, lost the will to creatively advanced and otherwise have accomplished less with more than others that produced more with less. The United States has tended to give away its industry abroad, invested abroad, piled up vast debt, responded badly to external terrorist challenges financially speaking and failed to reform its own national interests at all well in the absence of a forced option to do so.

It may be so that intelligent concern can provide the information and stimulation for reform that is needed in the absence of an immediately compelling reason to do so. One may be content drifting, fishing, and drinking nectar with nubile lasses aboard the political love boat ship of state even while the sea is calm. Reason lets us know that the course may be unsustainable for a variety of reasons, and that waiting until the time of a forced option to pursue another course may be too late to successfully respond (a hurricane was over the horizon and the weather radio broke). It is time for the United States to get its house in order.

President Obama Affirms Plans To Green Light Oil Development In U.S. Offshore Coastal Habitat as Gulf Oil Disaster Continues

President Obama continues to support offshore oil drilling in a lawyer-politician way. Lawyers are agents of others—hired guns of jurisprudence. When they are elected as politicians they are doubly actors detached from public interests in-themselves. They may originate with some vague occupational tie to specific individuals or groups, yet inevitably they must migrate allegiance toward abstract social power special interests such as the offshore oil industry. Vladimir Illych Lenin was of course, a Russian lawyer. Too many lawyers in Government converts bread into the aerial souffle without eggs as it rises to windy eloquence within existential incomprehension.

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/31/science/earth/31energy.html Obama Offshore Oil Development

http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/environment/jan-june10/drill1_03-31.html Obama Offshore Oil Development


http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36800673/ns/us_news-environment/ Gulf oil spill reaches coast

http://www.ktuu.com/Global/story.asp?S=12398762 Alaska Offshore Drilling--Shell

The oil spill response so far has been disingenuous—a week ago the undersea gusher might have been expected to become a mass beach disaster making life difficult for beachcombers of the south. The hundreds or thousands of offshore oil platforms are vulnerable advance placement jewels for opposition force elements to target. The President has overlooked the fact that oil corporation assurances that oil platforms offshore are safe make no provision for human failure and human attack. In the world today, human malevolence and political ignorance are the twin towers of environmental terror. An anemic administration effort to move to new forms of energy and transport relies upon fossil fuels on and offshore as a guarantee that things will remain as they are—profitable for concentrated wealth.

Not expecting a Hunnensturm of illegal Mexican aliens to conquer the west and put painter-entrepreneurs out of work in the volkerwanderrung. The administration like many comfortable middle class corporate milieus believe an American security in the brave new world can be purchased globally. Yes, there are economic Huns out there offshore that would subtly sabotage tempting offshore targets such as oil platforms and soft underbelly pipelines if they are stuck out to the conventional low-tech economic-military strategists like a glass jaw. A decadent 5th century Roman Empire was overrun by Goths and Huns by degrees. Romans believed their civilized way could be extended universally—the rest of the unRoman world disagreed. At a certain point, conventional military rationality regarding of the practicality forward positioning vulnerable soft target oil platforms controlled by global corporations should be considered. Americans too easily make themselves hostages to their own fossil fuel and nuclear economic infrastructure with the silly belief that a very expensive military guarantees the safety of those targets—instead it guarantees a continuum of oil dependence and military expenses with vast opportunity costs for the citizens of the United States

The Obama administration has helped transition Afghanistan and Iraq into proto-authoritarian governments conformable to the tradition U.S. role of partnering dictatorships abroad that sell oil to the Exxons and Shells of the world. Neither President Karzai nor Prime Minister Maliki is willing to give up office. America has spent trillions to replace oppressive totalitarian governments with fledgling totalitarian governments that only the future will reveal as becoming narcocracy, theocracy or secular National Socialism.

The military industrial complex alone could work offshore oil platforms for financial leverage in a myriad of scenarios. The ideal political fantasy world has no such cognizance in its programming-logic circuits of course.

Even if Hillary Clinton wrote that it takes a global village, the millennium has come and gone without the arrival of utopia or world dictatorship. C.E.O. megalomania still envisions a sugar plum fairy world of universal corporatism with happy drone employees purchasing product as consumers without a political voice of dissent. The world is a developmental league with implicit self-interest, and –pragmatic political and military defense precautions still require intelligent analysis. Offshore oil platforms and infrastructure, nuclear power plants, and other large plants are tempting targets for improvised exploding ordinance attacks from the Oort cloud of foes of U.S. economic independence.

Genghis Khan also has had several interesting history books written on his life and times that one may find good alternative reading. While the United States plants war eggs of offshore oil wells and onshore nuclear plants that will serve as accelerants in improvisational explosive devices for a future conventional war attack on the U.S. economy, these genetic moral war eggs for future material confusion are being sponsored by federal tax support too. Remotely piloted submersibles, R.P.V. and drone aircraft will be able to ignite upon foreign discretion any and all vulnerable offshore oil infrastructure when convenient.

In 1989 the Exxon Valdez oil spill altered the state of Alaska policy from a growing transformation away from reliance on oil to one of just basic, survival. The Gulf Coast of the U.S.A. has also experienced a reduction in intelligence through a variety of mass insults. Incompetent levy maintenance before Hurricane Katrina, a profusion of offshore oil platforms often controlled by foreign powers—these levers of globalist power over the economic security of the United States are clear and present dangers largely ignored in the District of Corruption.

A U.S. political environment foisting a constellation of offshore oil infrastructure upon sensitive ocean habitat presents a what me worry defense posture. Taxpayers are expected to pay for what amounts to a corporatist oil defense military force to lock down the security of vast tracks of coastal waters from potential improvised jet ski vectors for explosives ordinance launched from distant ships smoke on the horizon, or hellions on terror junkets from abroad locked on courses of self-destruct with grappling hooks and pentex. The Chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullahs, has a plan to homosexually liberate the Navy with SecDef Gates. Congress is content with the defense response evidently. Reminds me of when Admiral Sanchez wanted 50,000 barrels of free oil from Alaska for the Pacific Fleet before the Exxon Valdez spill, and was turned down by Alaska Gov. Cowper. Oil disaster is always waiting to land on sensitive U.S. coastal environments, and probably those of Africa too.


Offshore Oil developments Assault Health of World's Oceans

The massive oil spill from an exploded offshore oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico below the Mississippi River is an example of why offshore oil exploration and drilling in the Alaskan Arctic is such a bad idea. President Obama signed off on that development of course, in an ethical compromise with Republicans in order to gain support for his energy plan. It was Barry Goldwater I believe who said ‘extremism in pursuit of virtue is no vice’ (I believe). When President Obama signs off on ethical compromises in pursuit of political objectives he may indeed reflect former President Richard M. Nixon’s political style, yet without President Nixon’s depth of political understanding all that is produced for the nation is an avalanche of mediocrity. While it is true that the sludge of Obamanism is less deleterious than that of former President George W. Bush who was most skilled at spending political and public capital, it is an ecologically unsustainable course. The environment is uncompromising in its turning a cold shoulder of death to those organisms that repeatedly and decisively violate its ‘partnership with life’ to their own advantage.


If such a disastrous oil spill eventually occurs under the winter arctic ice it would be very difficult to access before the spring-summer melt to stanch. Just one seafloor wellhead corruption could decisively kill vast region of the Arctic marine habitat, and potentially radically alter the Earth’s northern albedo index through a cascade of alteration of environmental characteristics impacting sea ice formation.

A network of Atlantic Coast and Appalachian wind farms tied through superconductors to Rocky Mountain wind farms may be able to supply much energy for the energy-inefficient U.S. electrical consumerist sink—that course should be encouraged while marine ecosystem and marine chemistry integrity destroying offshore oil developments ought to be halted and Executive Operating Officers of Major Oil Corporations given fair jury trials and jailed for crimes against the environment when such spills occur.

Such permisiveness in environmental assault is a consequence of the too big to fail or be held accountable dispensationalism given to global oil corporations that have addicted the United States to oil consumerist slavery. It is theoretically possible to liberate the public reliance upon global oil for energy, with the incredible scale of damage to the environment and alternative economic and ecological opportunities lost to the polluting, trade deficit, liberty sapping oil industry as it has been the last century. The Coast Guard has a 10,000 dollar fine for just throwing a candy wrapper out the window of a ship in San Pedro--such oil spills and transmogrification of the ocean composition just once should place BP out of business in the United States for good.

First Cause Argument and Evolution

If you believe that everything has a cause, such as the universe emerging from a singularity that exploded because of a quantum instability ...