
An Alaska Republican Government Against Free Enterpise?

Alaska's Republican dominated state legislature has a Republican Governor now to match up with control over state politics. On moral issues the state Republicans may be more conservative than democrats, yet on free enterprise they seem to be less innovative than Vladimir Lenin.

The state Republican government over the long run has created a reliance upon major international oil and gas producers for funding the state government. Funding the state government and sharing some of those oil and gas royalties with municipal governments often times seems to be the Republican idea of free enterprise in the state.

The present gas pipeline through Canada from Alaska's North Slope is the present golden idol goal for funding the stae Republican dominated government. They seek to have an Exxon partnered firm construct a pipeline to help get rid of the state's valuable fossil fuel remnants at low cost to global corporations; that is the Republican concept of free enterprise in Alaska-and the best use of public natural resources.


The idea of conserving those oil and gas fields on state lands for use in the state of Alaska the next 300 years doesn't appear on the Republican radar screen at all. If a gas field developer were hired to drill and build a pipeline to Anchorage and create retail natural gas sales stations along the way perhaps for 30% of the value of the profit the people of Alaska would have very low energy prices and have a better free enterprise prospect than states or many nations with higher energy prices.

It is o.k. for the state to sell it public natural resources directly to the public. An Exxon or BP is no more a private interest ort entitled to cheap energy than the Alaska citizen that wants cheap propane to heat coffee to sell at his coffee drive thru. Cheap energy prices in one area can attract businesses that can pay tax revenues if needed to fund state government services that actually are needed.

Alaska's Government could set the retail price of natural gas sold at its partnered sales outlets. Natural gas sold at 50 cents per gallon with a stable supply would let Alaskans convert their gas guzzlers to burn 50 cents a gallon propane if they wanted too. They can also use propane in fuel cells (I believe) and have cheap heating energy for homes, businesses and greenhouses.

Obviously global warming and decay of the ecosphere are vitally important issues to consider in government today. A stable energy supply for even one state would allow government to address better ecological zoning laws development and policies that would encourage high insulation efficeincy in houses, prevention of leakage of heat outdoors, and a balanced state budget with liberty, justice and free enterprise jobs for all.


President Obama Line Item Veto Showdown on Federal Budget Debt Limit

With the approaching federal spending debt limit the President might start to develop alternate plans A through D on what to cut from the federal budget . Now is the time to round up his herd for the showdown at the o.k. veto-cuttin corral.

For a Ronald Reagan kind of guy with fast draw tendencies on line item veto'ing these are some of the things that might drop at high noon August 2nd, 2011; reduce military wages 50% (there is a year waiting list for enlistment and a 9.2% unemployment rate), to limit social security payments at total income for any individual of less than $18,000 annually from all sources, to withdraw all except 35,000 troops from Afghanistan-squaring aware the northern alliance and other persecuted non-Sunni citizens in defensible areas and letting the fledgling Afghan government fly free, cutting the Marines down to 50,000 and creating a new SF BOP force of 50,000 special forces rapid deployment specialists...the opportunities for specialized line item quality budget cutting and restructuring by a bold creative President is approaching August 2nd.

I am not certain if President Obama has the legal power to fund portions of programs and to redesign others. Getting more bang for the buck out of the present federal budget should be easy enough. The President must have good ideas and be chomping at the bit to get started on cutting and slashing federal spending his political opponents prefer and that are dumb so long as he increases employment and national security.

Perhaps the Congress can pass a resolution of support for the Presidential right of line item spending vetoes of unfunded federal programs and debt obligations to make his own budget duties balance.

An Imperial Presidency to Solve the Spending Limit Federal Budget Impasse?

Senator McConnell's strange idea that the President should set the federal debt limit can have some unintended consequences. The idea seems to have some support though.

It is a strange idea; if the President is given that degree of federal spending control it seems a move toward oligarchy or an imperial Presidency.

Federal spending is supposed to be the role of the Congress. It votes to give the President a certain amount of money for particular works and that all he gets. Sen. McConnel would change that.

With the new Imperial Presidency a future President could decide to spend whatever he likes so long as his party in Congress comprises at last a third of the members in order to prevent a veto.

Some M.B.A. papered President might decide to send a trillion dollars to a numbered Cayman Islands account and then resign to make way for new people and change while he goes into retirement in the Cayman Islands. A President might wage a war through foreign mercenaries or support for proxie militaries and fund it without concern of Congressionally rude war funding disruption.

A future Imperial President could set the debt limit 50% lower than the amount of the spending that congress voted to support and tell them to bite it when they ask for more asphalt for highway construction.

The Imperial President could expand his executive branch agency budgets and do without further Congressional legislating of bills.

On the Extracosmic Void

Reading a book on the void of space and the topic of nothing brings me to consider the topic that Aristotle amongst other considered so long ago. Not that I will do so as well or completely-just a few ideas to write down.

Is it an extracosmic void with neutral pressure rather than a negative vacuum pressure that serves to let the positive pressure of the matter of the Universe expand at increasing pace? Does the extracosmic void beyond the edge of the universe (or an infinite garden of universes connected in some way) continue on without boundaries forever? That idea of pure nothingness is one of the most challenging ideas of all to ponder.

I think it a better idea to consider God as creating matter, energy and nothing as well within his own field of being. It seems more reasonable for me to think that God actually occupies all space infinitely and creates the space-time and voids for universes as willed rather than to believe that God exists separately from an independent primordial nothingness into which he ordered a Universe to exist.

In the beginning the deep was without form and void-yet it was God's form and void existing like a blank canvas on which to fill in the 4 dimensional art of The Creation.

Albert Camus expressed one perspective of the existential paradox in his book 'The Stranger'. At one point in the story the stranger was on a beach alone and philosophically experienced nausea that anything existed at all-it is a difficult thing to think about deeply.

Sartre may have taken that literary experience as the title of his first philosophical fiction book 'Nausea'. As an associate professor of philosophy in La Havre before the 2nd world war he had some time to write. He did not write about God in generally as a theological concept of everything existing-possibly a more difficult realization even than Camus', instead he wrote about subjective experience of being in particular; a common philosophical approach instead of a theoretical speculation with an Aquinian or metaphysical style. We too may leave off from the difficult, even mystical contemplation of God as the sole existing reality transcendently and consider the more local subject of this particular universe, potential infinite universes and any causality we might think of regarding physics and empty space.

If there is an infinite number of Universes it isn't impossible that they all comprise some kind of a structure. As quarks, sub-atomic particles, atoms, elements, dust, planets, stars and galaxies exist, and as the observable universe exists, the entire universe may exist as a part of a larger structure. It may function like a cell in a body of a far more complex being...or not. Even so it is not necessary that an infinite number of universes existing in a disordered matrix of accidental and phenomenal causality. There may be quite a number of physical channels of communication structured meta-universally. The neutral void may continually affect the actualizing history of those compositions of mass.

The New Normal/An Era of Nothingness

NPR has described the high state of unemployment and lackluster economic growth as 'the new normal'. I believe that technically it might better be called the new b.s.

Lucretius for one amongst middle aged investigators considered the formation of a vacuum. Aristotle before had inferred attributes of a theoretical vacuum space and of pure nothingness-he rejected its existence. I shall regard it a little more even so.

A zero-growth ecologically sustainable economy cold still have full employment. The present problem is that economic growth and national productivity is unrelated to the employment rate directly. Instead the increased profits just go to concentrated wealth management and the upper class while the government apologists for 'the new normal' of ordinary citizens being screwed by the corporate world fail to consider the infinite subtlety and beauty of constructivist economic systems and rules for free enterprise democracy that allow a myriad of formations of prosperous cultural versions of a democratic society to potentially exist.

Ideas about nothing are as challenging as ideas about things potential yet not actual. We tend to regard the concept of an empty universe and a vacuum as one with three dimensions if it did exist before any Universe ever did. It is more difficult to imagine a vacuum or empty universe without any dimensions at all.

In fact the idea of a primordial vacuum could be wrong. A vacuum has negative pressure in comparison to something else with positive pressure or mass. So before any universe ever existed, before the first virtual particle ever oozed out of nothingness, the vacuum with its unbounded infinite existence must have had neutral pressure (no pressure). The emergence of even one single dimensional virtual particle would have exerted a pejorative negative pressure upon the entire neutral vacuum universe forever increasing collaterally with the appearance of more virtual string-particles. That concatenated pejorative positive pressure on the neutral vacuum might account for the acelleration of the Universe into the extra-cosmic vacuum noticed since about 1999.

A steady-state economy can be regarded as a full employment economy with sustainable energy input that does no harm to the ecospheric viability of a continent or world. Negative internal pressure of an economy creates high unemployment, poverty and pathos. Positive external pressure degrades and destroys the viability of an an ecosphere and non-sustainable accelerates thermodynamic conversion of natural resources from a low to high entropy condition.

It is possible to have an economy that sucks with high unemployment and simultaneously concentrates wealth while devastating the ecosphere. A health steady state economy has neither of those features. It perennially increases the quality of life for all its citizens with improvements in culture and in optimizing use of renewable resources.

Bad or Good Penny?

The 2010 U.S. penny has something that looks like an acorn on its back-at the top it is inscribed ‘e pluribus unum’. ‘In many we are one’ might be regarded as a new world order zeitgeist of select financial elites. So much for free enterprise pluralism and individualism.

With luck Lincoln’s commemorative obverse is only a temporary, bad design. In some ways the Lincoln Penny’s Babylonian back suggests a new world order minting; let me explain…

I had become accustomed to the Lincoln Memorial classical building on the obverse of Lincoln’s penny established the past few decades. Then one summer day I occasioned to examine one of the strange shiny objects with the unfamiliar symbol and found that it was a transformed penny.

At first glance the art looks like a vast left-wing acorn. I guess it could be some sort of Union symbol for the 150th anniversary of the civil war to save the Union from recrudessecent global oligarchy, yet it is also implicitly a shield with a chevron-like figure at top. That sort of Army E-2 rank mosquito wing doesn’t suggest anything good.

Recently I learned something more about cuneiform-you know-those Sumerian-Babylonian writing and number symbols of 2600 B.C. with the style stick imprimtur used in mud tablets. I realized that the Army military ranking we use today for enlisted men/women and undeclared are all based on the Babylonian-Sumerian numbering cuneiform imprimatur for the number ten. It is a mosquito wing rotated 90 degrees.

The 360 degrees of a compass or circle and 60 minutes of an hour are also of Babylonian origin-yet disregard that for the time being.
The symbol for ten was rotated on its side for military purposes. One mosquito wing meant ten, two of the stripes represented twenty, three stripes thirty and so on.

The Babylonian mosquito wing also has a tiny diamond at its interior apex as if it anticipated a first sergeant’s status symbol.

Cuneiform stripes add up better as one reaches sergeant, staff, platoon sergeant etc with cuneiform coincidence of leader of respective numbers of units of ten. A squad is usually made of ten soldiers, a platoon of 40 to 60.

So what if America uses Babylonian stripes for its ranking system and as the chevron rank on the top of the acorn Lincoln penny backside you might ask-well perhaps it’s a Christian recalcitrance about Babylon the Great trading with all the nations of the world. Babylon has a bad end in the Bible, and all the nations actually cheer at her demise like the Chinese did when Al Qaeda took down the World Trade Center Towers in New York. It just seems like a bad penny with maladroit symbolism.

Maybe the military should change its ranking symbols and use something modern-numbers of catapults, space capsules, x’s and o’s, peace signs, pluses or minuses, lines, geodesic domes or atoms.

The United States’ war and political culture rebuilding for Iraq is estimated to cost about 3 trillion dollars by the time the real costs are in. The United States in its decade long Iraq policy drift began a new political policy era of global militarism as a political and economic cultural pacification device with borrowed money. It was a bad policy that made money for a contractual minority and failed to create long range stability without a counterproductive U.S. investment policy of ‘constructive’ engagement.

A Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Mike Mullins advocated openly homosexual enlistees in the military. Open tolerance of sin seems in conflict with traditional moral norms. Some Christians at least might wish that U.S. policy aspires at least toward domestic policy harmonious with the will of God expressed in the Bible. Of course every nation must fall short of the moral perfection of Jesus Christ. The United States at least should try and do the best it can.

The net effect of the bad penny and associated national moral decay in politics presents the appearance of a drift toward Babylon the Greatism described in the ‘Book of The Revelation’ with the United States as political role player of the whorl of Babylon on the global stage. In my opinion it is not an intelligent role to play.

The back of Abe Lincoln’s penny should have an image of Mary Todd. If Lincoln had not had a wife the good times of his life would have been limited to getting positive body counts and good weather for burials in Robert E. Lee’s Arlington horse pasture or kicking a rock around the White House horse and buggy lot. His speeches would have been more grim, jokes and optimism absent and his staff kept busy taking notes on his eschatological hopes for the future. Lincoln might have envisioned solar powered, glow in the dark tombstones and hot selling advertising on them with scrolling lightening writing to pay for government funeral and burial costs in a somber, inspired mood.

If Mary Todd can’t go on the back of the coin, some sort of miniature math instruction cheat sheet series might be inscribed each year to remind Americans of basic math concepts and physics formulas.


South Sudan- New Independent Nation With Current Prospects

The South Sudan could select the Chinese yuan as its new national currency for a few years and perhaps profit as the yuan rises in value and the dollar drops.

With use of the Yuan the burgeoning Chinese economic political managers might dump additional political and economic aid as a way to increase Chinese cultural currency in Northcentral Africa.

American investors have piggybacked on the Chinese economy for more than two decades and American farmers and ranchers look to export U.S. crops to cash paying customers abroad. The prospects of a U.S. led ecological economic infrastructure development of the South Sudan is hence about nil. The U.S.A. may provide South Sudan with military assistance; machine guns, explosives, concertina wire, rockets and aerial overblast protection as part of its multi-decade glorious war on Al Q'eda. Some of that multi-trillion dollar project may spill over into the South Sudan to help develop their economy. Mybe they need tax cuts for the rich as well to help provide jobs for the poor.

The South Sudan might also sell passports for a thousand dollars to those needing a dual citizenship free base and tax liberation if they show some intent to reside in the Sudan perhaps contributing to quality soup kitchens for the broke.

Supply Side Economics Have Produced Federal Debt Since 1981

Never since the era of cutting taxes and running a federal deficit was created by the Reagan administration has increased business growth brought enough additional tax revenues to pay off the deficit. Republican administrations have themselves increased federal spending at any rate treating the nation's infrastructure a little like the way the Red Army and The Fearless Leader regarded the German industrial infrastructure in 1946.

Since 1971 Republican leaders have downsized U.S. corporate employment wages and health benefits, job security and social economic egalitarianism while flooding the U.S.A. with illegal alien workers and relocating manufacturing to China over time.

President Obama through in the towel on letting Bush II era tax cuts expire in December 2010. Now the Republicans have the opportunity to repair the federal budget as did The President in December 2010 before he gave up. Walking on the supply side of the force has concentrated wealth and gutted America's immediate economic well being for those not owned by Darth.

Republicans can raise taxes on the rich and upper middle class and cut federal spending and tax dodgeholes and run a budget surplus to pay off federal debt straightaway. The instead rely on the completely discredited Laughferian supply side theories that will create more economic misery ahead for a nation already misguided by excessive Wall Street financial and trading deregulation.

Infinities & Numbers as Representations of Real Things and The Apparition of Soup Bowls

I am not a mathematician; I enjoy philosophical thought however so I have a few comments of a philosophical nature about numbers here.

I had read J.D. Barrow’s ‘The Infinite Book’ and recently added another fine book of Barrow’s to my summer reading list- ‘The Book of Nothing’. This book is quite an interesting elaboration of zero and nothing as an idea in math and philosophy as well as physics and cosmology.

Barrow described the social evolution of number systems in various civilizations such as Mayan, Babylonian and Indian. It is easy to see the correlation of abstract representations of real things that are counted to symbols that represent the things. Real substances are represented in the abstract by symbols, and the meanings or validity of the symbolic representation coincides with the accurate representation of the substances quantitatively.

I believe that relationship is the basis for much or all of mathematical validity.

Our base ten number system decimal system’s 1-9 are symbols that originated largely in India as Brahmin culture numbers as early as 300 B.C. The Indian numbering system and ideas about zero eventually made its way to Arab civilization and Europe. The point is that the symbols might be anything.

Georg Cantor’s work on infinite series is discussed in The Infinite Book. Abstract mathematical infinities seem to arise as abstract representational phenomena.

If one has a barrel of soup and subtracts no real quantity from it, that might be done and infinite number of times; one divided by zero equals infinity.

If one has a circle with ordinal measuring unit spacing on it such as whole even numbers one can insert and infinitely smaller ordinal series of numbers within it infinitely.

It is possible to insert an infinite number of differently ordered infinite series within any given infinite series or finite series or segment with differently ordered series.

Cantor’s transfinite series may be a way of representing the theoretical capacity of infinity to contain an infinite number of dissimilar, variegated ordered mathematical series representing infinity. That is something like saying that in an infinite barrel of soup there is an infinite number of ways of increasing the size of the bowls of soup served from it in unlimited quantities. Representing those bowls and serving size and numbers in structured and infinite series would be a phenomenal activity never completed if one wanted to describe every possible size combination of bowl, spoon and serving size and number issued.

If there is a finite barrel of soup the kind of infinity that can be made to describe potential servings of soup is limited however. I am not sure if the real barrel of soup could be represented by the Surreal Numbers of John Conway. I am not sure that any numbering system for infinite series could not itself be permutated infinitely. 1 could become 1A, 2 could become 2A and so on. Logicians differentiate symbols occasionally with a ‘representation (prime); 1’ and 1’’ could be the start of infinite series of representing real substances like soup.

So if one wants to subdivide the serving size of an infinite barrel of soup infinitely obviously one could with forever smaller portions. Making a Mandelbrot fractalization landscape formula representing infinitely decreasing quantum bowls of soup-perhaps shrinking down to a smaller quantum representational level as each soup bowl field is consumed might be one way of making a finite algorithm representing infinite reduction.
The use of a Mandelbrot fractal sequence as a way to model the expansion or contraction of a given form of order of structure consistently at various magnitudes obviously can suggest to some philosophical thought a potential for representing quantum mechanical structures immersed in various environments that would cause the usual model assembly to change its formations quantitatively and perhaps model it’s new characteristics as particle/waves and forces of the Universe.

The point is that one may make infinite series only in one direction-the direction of reduction, when one must confine infinities to a real barrel of soup or other finite substance.

Whole numbers, even and odd numbers, countable infinities and non-countable infinities made from real numbers; these seem to be no more than detached from real substance potential series of representation.
W.V.O. Quine’s book Elements of Logic described how to build a system of logic. Number systems seem to be sets for representing relations to real substances. Newton’s law of gravity falling off at the square root of the distance between objects seems representative of the most simple fundamental association of mathematical representation to real substance; planets etc.

Mathematics in this Universe seems to have a requirement that it conform to the being and nothingness relationships of substances of matter. It is perhaps possible to imagine a universe where the pluralism of objects of this universe and its logical, original monistic unified field were represented with a different way of being…

Perhaps the spin values of quantum particles or of quantum effects providing not obvious or consistent arithmetic assumptions in appearance and combination might be given. The way the universe at the observable level ordinarily is though, if one substance is divided in portions then numbers that represent its quantitative features must conform to meaning indicating the new number of portions.

Any arbitrary numerical series of representation could have any sort of size r dimension infinitely and would work to represent portions of the soup so long as its existential parameters coincided with the actual quantitative characteristics of the barrel of soup for instance. The series of numbers might be letters or other symbols with structured quantitative value-even with extra dimensions as subscripts within every bowl.

That’s all I had to write about infinite series and numbers here; they seem to be potential infinities rather than necessarily corresponding to real substance; potential descriptions of meanings.

J.D. Barrow’s ‘The Book of Nothing’ mentions that ‘bindu’ was an ancient Sanskrit word for nothingness as a point. I guess that sort of point is something equivalent to the notion of a tiny micro-loop or string as a fundamental quantum foundation for mass.

Of course the Brahmin of The Indus Civilization had the idea of a monistic creator issuing the Universe in various kalpas of 50 billion years or so perhaps from an infinitely small zero state in nothing before inflating another cycle of existence. In the Book of Jeremiah God says that everyone knows Him and just develops intentional forgetfulness (perhaps because of the fallen nature of mankind)-so this kind of speculation is actually good enough. Numbering and quantifying nearly infinitely small loops or strings that exist potentially or actually as some sort of a unified, monistic state of being in an apparent pluralism for forms isn’t a simple matter mathematically. It is good that scientists are working on the association of transfinite infinities in representational mathematical systems with the real world of the Universe at physics research facilities as time moves on.


Mammusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God/6 Days of Creation

The first translation of the Bible into the Massachusetts language (Natick-Algonquin) in 1661 enabled pre-Columbian ancestry Americans of New England to have an idea of the creation of the Universe by God that not even English speaking Americans would have for several hundred years when Einstein's General and Special Theories would provide theoretical physics parameters of space-time cosmology for an expanding universe.

Yes, in the first six days of the history of the Universe all things that were to be were begun. Besides, as God is infinite He could view all temporal, finite segments as already past.

As mass becomes infinitely compacted as in singularities and black holes time seems to slow down for outside observers. The opposite holds though-as in the Twins Paradox time speeds up for the insiders. What seems a day to those near the singularity might seem a thousand years to those far outside. For those in the singularity time effectively stops-itself a paradox from our human perspective.

The speed of light photons at 186,000 miles per second is regarded as the maximum possible speed of anything in the material universe. Photons have no mass size and ere emergent characteristics of an electro-magnetic field in space-time perhaps. If one were able to travel much faster than light-even infinitely faster, it would be possible to watch time unfold or travel from ahead of it. It is a contemporary cosological speculation that the universe actually experienced a faster-than-light inflationary period within the first second of its existence. It is believed possible because the laws of the physical universe were not quite yet firmed up with nothing to hinder a sudden burst of high-energy expansion of space-time.

Black holes and gravitational singularities may or may not exist, yet for an infinite Creator it is quite reasonable that he created the world in just six days. He might in fact have created this and all possible universes in infinite numbers to complete fulfillment in that six days and viewed them from the seventh day of rest in a transfinite post-temporality not described in detail in Genesis.

Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...