
Quantum Teleportation of Information Making Progress

Quantum teleportation experimentalists in China and Vienna have recently made enhanced distance and quantity of photons entangled records. Chinese scientists set a distance record recently of about 100 kilometers. In 2007 a Vienna Group sent entangled photon data in between a pair of Canary Islands 143 kilometers. New efforts may target satellites as receivers for entangled quantum photons.
These experiments aren't like those of Star Trek's transporter room. The information from entangled photons is sent rather than the photons themselves. Science News has a good article on the progress of Zellinger's Vienna team and of the Chinese.
image credit GNU Public License via Wikipedia

President Obama is Not Serious About Eliminating Bush-Obama Tax Cuts

President Obama has suggested that Bush II tax cuts he signed off on in December  2010 be extended again for all except the rich. That seems a campaign ploy. Like the 2010 renewal the President is unlikely to do more than sign off on them again before leaving office.
If the President was serious he would let the tax cuts expire for all and let Democrats in Congress have that leverage for getting concessions on important ecospheric and economic reform legislation in return for a 1% tax cut for the middle class here, and a 2% tax cut on the poor and working class there. Its the only realistic way to go. Gradual reform by a thousand budget cuts and reforms are more practical than the big bureaucratic package compromised to death.

Romey's Bermuda Retirement Account, Obama's Foreign Origin and the Problem of Globalism

The poor at least (who are U.S. citizens) would like America to be for Americans and the rich to invest in creating good jobs in the U.S.A. Many of them don't prefer to have a president raised offshore in Indonesia eating dogs with or without barbeque sauce who won't reinforce Arizona border security or U.S. immigration laws, neither are they thrilled about numbered Swiss accounts, no-tax havens for the prosperous in Bermuda (e.g. Mitt Romney) or Rhodes scholars running for political office in the U.S.A. Bermuda is also a British possession and no right-thinking Republican candidate should touch that empire's financial assets and institutions with a ten-foot pole.

Some of the poor deplore Bill Clinton's Oxford academic treason as well as Tom Harkins Bermuda vacation home. They may hate Charlie Wrangell's Santo Domingan condo properties and wonder why they aren't in Puerto Rico. How can President Obama advocate for illegal aliens as he recently has and let Samoan Americans languish without citizenship-everyone should be a citizen of one country and no more-American Samoans living in a U.S. territory have none.

Americans today are plundered by globalism and existential economics of unaccountability and global irresponsibility. From a Diamond President of Barclay's Bank to a Diamond President of Chase losing 6 billion on the roll of dice the climate of global existentialist self-interest prevails in U.S. politics. Deregulation has made a diner's dilemma macro-social gradual decline into a pit of unprofitability for the national interest. 

Democrats have made the Romney tax-free retirement account holding in Bermuda a campaign issue. It indicates the need for pervasive reform of capitalism such that U.S. free enterprise is featured and the prosperity of all Americans is a concern preponderantly in politics. Americans are global investors in mutual funds and a plethora of other financial instruments yet when everyone pursues their narrow self interest the systems tends to fail just as if everyone at a football game with a 100,000 people sought to pursue their best self interest using the restrooms at half-time making the process inefficient.

Adam Smith and David Hume were friends and philosophically minded. They advocated for capitalism with values in their day adapted to the prevailing empirical conditions of trade, commerce and allocation of personal and public resource. Hayek and Von Mises inquired into the nature of capital and what it is-plants, cash, gold, social structure and so forth. Smith and Hume realized that the pursuit of the good might be construed as capital, for capital is a good that secures the well-being of the individual as well as of the many. The concept of common wealth and ordinary capital build up is a function of the description of the literal, variable meaning of capital at any given time.

In one era water may be the most valuable capital good, in another it might be an oar or a sail. Tradable commodities such as gold may represent capital, or seashells or good social structure such as in a well-trained mercenary army for hire. Capital is an abstract expression of concentrated point phenomena of good states of affairs. It is a failure in modern social and economic theory to recognize ordinarily the concept of capital as a variable representing the epiphenomenal object of goodness to the experience of human life that brings automatic and mal-adapted economic iterations and ideas such as existential deregulation of social commerce to dominate the present mal-adaptive global economic system.

The nature of capital and of ecological economic philosophy is too broad of topic to pursue far in this essay. Yet it should be possible to reform American capitalism such that free enterprise is again accentuated over concentrated wealth through collective corporate structures. The number of individuals employed in any corporation should be limited to 5000 and the number of corporations anyone could invest in would be limited to three. A new age of qualitative economic competition and free enterprise should develop. Yet it needs to develop with the criterion of ecospheric renewal through the necessary vehicle of government regulation, zoning and incentives.

Condolizza Rice Moves Up in V.P. Ranking Competition

Former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser and current President of Stanford University has received recent media attention as a top-ranking potential V.P. choice of Mitt Romney. We hope he does bring the Republican into the 21st century beating the Democrat Party to the punch in placing the first woman inn the Vice Presidential post. The Republican Party ought to recognize that when a quality female candidate-especially a black woman-with the best qualifications to serve the nation is eligible yet passed over it diminishes the trust minorities would place in the party that their personal effort would receive commensurate reward.
The late President Ronald Reagan modernized the White House doomsday communication system informally when Soviet subs off the East Coast launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike would only give the President six minutes to determine if he ought to launch America's missiles at the Soviet targets before Washington D.C. was incinerated. The President decided that instead of evacuating the Oval Office at first early warning to fly to a safe location he would remain right there managing until the last the world's fate. Yet three teams of successors would leave earlier to go to different, safe and undisclosed locations; the Vice President, the Speaker of the House and the Secretary of State. One believes that if some disaster affected American and world destiny one day that Condolizza Rice would be capable of filling the role more than adequately in the emergency.
If a President Romney selects Florida Senator Marco Rubio to be his Secretary of State he will have a capable third team member with valuable experience in world affairs and running a large organization.


Political Mechanics Interview of Administration Economic Guru Tim Gagner

Political Mechanics obtained a priority interview with Administration economic guru Tim Gagner recently. In the fabulously well-appointed hall of curvaceous mirrors we were served neat mint juleps and tiny ornate cookies to munch on though less filling than we deserved.
P.M.- Thank you for consenting to this interview today, we know you are a busy man. Tell us, and truthfully mind you for we know that the truth would agree with the answers I have written here to my questions how you rate the President's first term performance in advancing gay power?
Gagner: He sucks.
P.M.-Well then, that might have been enough for first term supporters, what does he have planned for a second term if re-elected?
Gagner- The President will add enough public debt each year to raise the public debt total to 22 trillion dollars enabling future generations to pay a trillion dollars in annual interest from a five trillion dollar annual federal budget without reducing the debt at all. That plan may not be enough to win over hard-core red state voters, yet I have more leverage that isn't disclosed.
P.M.-What is it?
Gagner- It is our plan to cut taxes and the federal budget from five trillion to three trillion with one trillion set aside to pay down the national debt annually eliminating it entirely in 22 years starting with the next administration following us. The public would have three trillion to spend on frills such as infrastructure development and environmental protection and pay another two trillion for debt reduction and interest on the debt-a trillion apiece.
P.M.- That seems to add up to a five trillion dollar budget to us. How will the public accept the extra two trillion dollars in taxation?
Gagner- It's not a tax. We will require Americans to buy existential insurance from government-approved retailers on a window shelf exchange for a piece of the American dream. It will be a penalty made upon all Americans for breathing.
P.M.-Interesting. What else have you got if that doesn't sell?
Gagner- We have a special on home-built cold molded cruise missiles for fewer than $299. These babies have a range of 100 miles and can deliver a hundred pounds of dissent with off the shelf prop and motor, g.p.s. and optical guidance.
P.M.- That's sure to win a few more votes.
Gagner- You ain't seen nothin. We plan to halt the funding of the communist military and entirely privatize soldiering and the art of war. That will also save trillions of military entitlement programs. Several different private armies and navies in competion for rich contracts will relieve taxpayer of the burden of self-defense. 
P.M.- Anything to increase the single female vote harvest?
Gagner- The President believes that the undermench can be liberated further by placing a penalty upon smiling. Smiling is a way that the undermench show sexual submission to the taller mench.
P.M. -So that's it? Will the President be at the Olympics ?
Gagner- Of course. He would never miss a celebrity happening. He may announce the end of nuclear national competition and outsource ballistic missile leases. We believe that long-range ballistic missiles can lease for a billion dollars per year with full MIRV and MIRV capability, and shorter-range missiles at a discount rate.
P.M.- That is a brilliant plan. Why would Iran develop a nuclear weapons program if they could rent one of our big bangers for just a billion bucks?
Gagner- We will also replace Secretary of State Clinton with the more likable diplomat Sir Don Rickles. The innovations will flow like a million glaciers melting.
P.M. What could be a bigger fulfillment of change than that?
Gagner-Electing Mitt Romney.


Sleeping on a Mattress vs. Sleeping on the Ground

I had an opportunity to write an article on the topic of how the mattress one selects can influence one's quality of sleep. Sleep quality is very important for WashingtoniD.C. insiders, so I wanted to commend sleeping on the ground as well.
I have slept on the ground for several years in Alaska and learned that one tends to belch turning to one's left rather than to one's right. I believe the stomach isn't symmetrical so that is a gravity channel phenomenon. Sleeping on the ground lets one feel every sort of vibration and earthquake travelling through the muskeg or dirt. One discerns the difference between the short earth waves, the back and forth jigglers and the ocean-like longer length waves. Earth tremors and an important and relaxing benefit of sleeping on the ground.
The opportunities for encounters with nature and wildlife are greater sleeping on the ground that on a mattress as well. One discovers the eagles are out and about early and late singing their calls through the forest, and occasionally one may have a bear, porcupine or adverse humans approach one's sleeping site to enliven the time. These features of sleep are absent from the mattress placed indoors-though one has the advantage of stepping down to earth from the mattress rather than getting up from it-especially important when the weather is inclement or cold enough to remain below freezing all day.
The perfect sleeper indoors may dream of paper clips and provisions for the condo. The ground sleeper tends to remain alert for danger, falling trees (last year in Wasilla there were so many of the freeze dried things crashing about that even the moose must have taken notice), moose kicking the tent sharing a winter trail, large clumps of snow falling to crush the tent from trees, or in Colorado,Texas or Florida occasional high winds flattening the tent like their hurricane cousins. Sleeping through the approach and passing of Hurricane Wilma years ago was informative.
Why would any politician choose to sleep on a comfortable mattress instead of the ground?


Actual Dimensions; Fewer Than All Possible Dimensions?

One might wonder what dimensions are made of. It would be a tautology to define them as made of either mass or energy-things that are contained in dimensions or at least provide color content so that one might 'see' the otherwise transparent directions.
Mass and energy existing in dimensions even in a basic form such as strings or membranes ought not to be able to flow into dimensions that do not exist. One might tie a complex string knot in a finite number of dimensions, yet unless the nature of dimensions is that they can be infinite in number, their should be a limit to the number of dimensions a knot of mass and energy can take.
One must wonder if the number of dimensions any given universe might exploit is driven upward through cosmic evolution to the maximum number of dimensions possible, or if the number of dimemnsions that are possible for mass and energy to take is fated to be fewer than the potential number of dimensions that can exist potentially. One might ask if the potential number of dimensions that might exist must be the same as the number of dimensions that actually exist in the absence of mass or energy.
The obvious question though is; can larger meta-dimensions that surpass all possible universes in their contingent dimensions be anything besides omnipresent in relation to the contingent dimensions of mass-energy Universes?

September 26, 1983; Close Call for Nuclear Wipeout

September the 26th 1983 was an interesting day. Evidently the first world was within six minutes of being incinerated in a global thermonuclear war. The event in a Soviet military facility that day is recounted in a book named 'The Dead Hand' by David Hoffman. Yes it does read as well as a basic action adventure novel.
Evidently the Soviets like their U.S. counterparts had less than 12 minutes from warning of opposition force attack to make a decision to launch a retaliatory strike. Since the U.S.A. had 1000 ballistic missiles in Minuteman silos pointed at the Soviet Union and they only need 35 minutes to reach their targets the balance of the nuclear scythe of the respective nations was precarious.
Soviet satellites watched the U.S.A. and the computers processing the data made a mistake signaling a U.S. launch. Some Soviet officer named Petrov had to make the decision to advise Chairman Andropov if the attack was real or not. Andropov had little time to decide to wipe out Washington D.C., Boston and N.P.R. forever before Pravada, Tass and Izvestia were also incinerated. Petrov trusting his gut that the super-computers processing the data were wrong said the attack signal was wrong. His choice stopped the unprovoked Soviet missile retaliatory strike. There are many other interesting stories in 'The Dead Hand'.
With computer viruses existing on the Internet one might wonder if someone might launch the missiles by remote control one day. Well, it's an interesting world with innumerable weapons of mass destruction in the hands of people that don't even know what sex they are supposed to function with much less balance a budget and have full employment and a recovering ecosphere.


Obama Term 1: Four Years of Extended Tax Cuts, Five Trillion More Debt and Four More Years of Guantanamo Bay

President Obama has a plan for the nation, or at least for a re-election campaign- renew cheer-leading for Bush era tax cuts excluding the wealthy with a snowball's chance in hell of passing through Congress. That would let the President cave in at the last minute again in return for peanuts for his Chicago supporters and possibly the gay union to include the rich in tax cuts for another two years. The cost of another Obama Administration term would be at least another 5 trillion dollars of public debt. The national unemployment rate has remained above 8% and may get worse if any of several economic dangers arise including global warming events.

Long ago when Barrack Obama was a young lad growing up in Indonesia and later Hawaii, the Democratic Party was a realistic advocate for the economic rights of the poor. Democratic leaders were not sycophants signing off on tax cuts for the rich now and then. Neither did they demote the interests of the poor and regard them as illegal aliens or first generation American Hispanics prevalently. Democratic administrations were not drunk on the champagne of celebrity and glitter of stars and globalism; they were able individuals with a sober view of national interests and practiced real-politick post-World War Two that brought about the rise of prosperity of all classes of Americans.

The Soviet Union formed during the lead up to the First World War. Since the U.S.A. made its wrong decision a century ago to invest in foreign wars the need to battle against political situations of its own creation has been a recurrent theme of political class. That unaffordable policy ought to stop, as should abortion of the health of the world ecosphere yet the President has no apparent capacity to escape from a political economy of cephalic idiocy put upon him by his Rasputin Cohort of Advising bankers seeking to just concentrate wealth as bankers occupationally do.

The President might have mentioned the heresy of making banks non-profit institutions and been convicted of impeachable offenses of course, yet he hasn't taken even simple steps to reduce unemployment such as halting all illegal immigration so the labor market can tighten up and wages rise in the U.S.A.

Because the broadcast media is owned by the rich with the Gay Pride C.N.N. and M.S.N.B.C. on the left and Rush Limbaugh on the right the non-party political system seems a fact with idiotic, unreformed market economics plundering social reality nationally and globally the usual advocate for elevation of short term profits to the front of the political agenda.

Rush Limbaugh mentioned that the poor receiving food stamps haven't enough pain. Pain is some sort of incentive that people require to look for work in Mr. Limbaugh's view. Some of his ideas are a big pain for-others of course, yet it is the fact that he hasn't any meaningful competition that allows him to concentrate wealth and bespeak road apples of ignorance on environmental affairs.

Without reform of the broadcast media such that all Americans can have a time slice on a local frequency via the Internet the concentration of political power through the corruption of the rich owning the broadcast spectrum isn't likely to change. President Obama hasn't taken a step in that necessary direction either. He seems to be contemplating how to add another five or ten trillion dollars of public debt for the next generation to struggle with if he can get re-elected.


Lagrange Point Global Cooling Product Hypotheses

There are many ideas for installing sunlight filters to reduce global heating on Earth. Some would place various filters or sunscreens at Lagrange points in the Earth-Moon system where they would be stationary. I would like to add the suggestion that constructing mirrors and polarizing filter screen adjustable units on the moon for easier low-gravity launch into orbit with lower per unit lift cost reach Lagrange Point 1 might be a cost-feasible approach if the construction on the moon is made with automatic robotic 'factories' built on Earth for delivery to the moon.
There are probably innumerable ways of making cad/cam jet-sprayed mirrors on the Moon using lunar materials. An electromagnetic linear mass driver would launch the mirrors off the moon as independent components for assembly at the Lagrange point snapping in to place. The polarizing filtration should allow whatever spectrum of light wavelength in quantatively and qualitatively adjustably as science requires for appropriate reducttion of temperature. This should of course only be used as a last resort, yet of course it would still take a dedicated production program to ready ahead of time.
If the global heating problem is eventually solved by eliminating the surfeit of greenhouse gas emissions, the mirrors out to be moved and relocated for use as a very large reflector space telescope.
image credit: N.A.S.A. Lagrange Points Sun-Earth System with Gravity Field

Social Media Would Have Censored Socrates' Right Wing Political Preferences

 Socrates might have been to the right of Trump and Musk. Russell called Plato a fascist because of the Republic, and the desire of Socrates...