
China's Foxconn Riots Prove Universal Management Failure to Understand Workers

Labor issues are a perennial concern of workers even in the socialist people's paradise of China. Riots at a large electronics firm by thousands of migrant workers underscore the failure of management to comprehend the challenges workers experience historically. Plainly management needs a systems analyst seeking to positively understand what workers want not only in roilsome Chinese factories but in U.S. factories as well.
The Obama administration and National Democrat Party have taken essentially adversarial positions to labor in the United States reinforcing importation of cheap illegal labor from Mexico by failing to support adequate Mexican border control. The gentrification of the Democrat Party is an anti-labor position. Many of its remaining union members are high wage unions even of bureaucrats in government. Those people often have no interest in real material work and instead occupy positions for which they negotiate leverage of power as well as earnings.


Mecca's Haj An Exchange for Global Illness?

A new SARS-family disease has appeared in a man hospitalized in London. The man is a Saudi Arabian and the second fellow to present the disease that has not been seen before. I hadn't given it a thought before, yet the annual haj or journey to Mecca by millions of globalist Moslems is an excellent vector for mixing and spreading communicable disease to the world.
With the use of designer viruses as weapons for mass destruction the annual haj to Mecca by millions of Moslems from every nation has the potential for being a local for distributing new lethal illnesses to the nations of the world. It would be better if people could invest more in solar and Thorium fission development technology and use effective prophylaxes on the sojourners on the haj.

Probabilities and Dimensions (a poem)

A world set with troubles
given unto created beings with things
like clouds and rain, dreams and plains
rumbling, crumbling across the first person narrative of experience
amidst buildings and ossified constructions
dumped upon nature's destruction
that too few understand
with galactic lenses of several dimensions
shaping gravity's paradox
that it works at the speed of light as if it were massless
like a photon following curved space-time
through four dimensions held together a little

As a field with variegated contents of probability entanglements
Universe (1) is a net without a cause
for plausibility enough waterfalls flow
somewhere with time this place one knows
given a few of infinite dimensions
restricted to hues of mathematical uncertainties changing
forms of orbital selections
viewed from Earth.

Lawyer's Arguments vs Businessman's Ideas Presidential Race

President Obama pledged to stop the sea level from rising. he also pledged to close down the Guantanamo Bay torture facility. Has he accomplished either of those tasks? He claims to have ended the war in Iraq yet everyone knows that  G.W. Bush really did the heavy lifting on that before he left office; President Obama merely takes the credit. The war in Afghanistan-a war President Obama wanted to invest in, seems muddled and its future uncertain. He has created a weird future in North Africa and the Middle East that has stimulated local terrorist organization and war development, let Iran continue to develop its nuclear weapons program and fundamentally left a mess for the next President to stabilize.

I have no belief at all that the catastrophic economic circumstance currently exacerbated by the Obama administration has one cause alone, unless it be something general such as 'money is the root of all evil' etc.

President Obama has allowed more jobs to be lost than created in his first term. He plans to add at least 4 trillion additional dollars of public debt saddling youth with 40 to 80 years of future public debt repayments.
I would not find that generalities regarding the behavorial psychology of politically oriented people-whatever that is-is a meaningful area for consideration. I think that Skinnerianism regarding organic physics are rather vague and too malleable toward creative fiction writing at higher-level thought-constructed activity.
I suppose that one may have a belief that  sub-conscious political latency of the Democrat party to believe in archetypes of political mythos might be juxtaposed with economic quantitative easing psychology of the Federal Reserve to conserve the deepening of the national debt to an appropriate holistic portrait of the political leader as a inspirational figure...yet I don't.
Even so, the U.S. public debt of something less than 17 trillion dollars would require 34 years to pay off with just a half trillion a year in payments from the public. of course, they also have three quarters of a trillion dollars a year in present interest to pay, so they would have to pay something like 1.25 trillion dollars the next 34 years (a little less as the interest payments on the principle decrease with the principle). If the Obama administration has a second term it will increase the public debt to more than 20 trillion dollars if his planning goes ahead.
The  lawyer's approach of arguing vaguely for losing causing in order to take the office and its benefits instead of doing constructive work on the economy is an Obama-Clinton trait. Yet their way of deregulating the economy, cutting taxes (Obama claims to have provided tax cuts to the middle class) and allowing tens of millions of illegal border crossings of cheap labor migrants (each have used some of these economic errors) is destructive to vital U.S. interests and full employment prospects.


Autumn Equinox in Several Hours

The center of the sun will pass over the Earth's equator (relatively speaking) within the next 24 hours heralding the end of summer for the northern hemisphere. It is to survive the cooler six months ahead that some wildlife have put on a little extra weight. The Autumnal equinox has an opposite equinox in spring named the vernal equinox.

I was reading an interesting book recently with figures such as Tycho Brahe, Copernicus, Keplar, Galileo, Cassini and others notable for developing astronomy science and found a term called the Aries or Zero point.The ecliptic intersects the celestial equator. That happens in vernal equinox when the sun returns north. The Aries point is used to measure a year a little more accurately than a calender year.


There is a star 65 light years from Earth named Alpha Arietis believed to have a planet orbiting it. That is just a coincidence with the Aries or Zero point used by astronomers.


Adam, Eve and Pre-History

I wanted to write a note on the topic of Adam and Eve in history followed by the flood story. People have difficulties with those as history sometimes, tending to want to compare them with scientific paradigms, yet that can be a mistake.
The Bible may have several meanings for different people at different times-it was inspired by God who is more capable than humans at arranging meanings, Universes, dimensions and space-time.
It is well known that the Sahara desert and Saudi Empty Quarter were verdant gardens before the end of the last ice age. That's probably where Adam and Eve were located in a paradise in comparison to much of the rest of the world. If they were in Iraq someplace that was a paradise during the ice age moving south when it became a wasteland to live on the dry seafloor of today's Persian Gulf would have been natural.
Their story made it through the thousands of years into history. Its probably the earliest actual human history that remains in existence.
Adam and Eve were fully human of course. It is difficult to say what their age was. That period spans the transition for homo sapiens into the fully modern status. When the ice age ended and they were locked out of paradise by four cherubim of space-time dimensions that guard the temporal order because it became a desert they wandered to a better place and moved about the middle east and elsewhere probably parallel to various dispersion theories of anthropology. Some of those people founded the first human civilization on the seafloor of the Persian Gulf when it was dry perhaps as early as 10,000-20,000 years ago.
The Persian Gulf sea level has risen 200 feet since them drowning out that first mud-brick proto-civilization of decadent individuals except for N.O.A.A. and his family plus representatives of many of the animals that lived in the area before it was cut off by rising waters and submerged. N.O.A.A. wisely heeded God's warning about a flood-perhaps the first Global Warming warning given unto human kind in the civilized era.
The late historian Arnold Toynbee speculated the Cain represented land tillers and black smiths who killed the goat herding 'Able's of the unbroken for agriculture lands-they were naturally at odds with one another regarding land use.
Eating of the tree of knowledge was an original 'sin' that enabled (or doomed) humans to survive outside paradise. The historical coincidence with the pre-history of humanity is obvious
The mark of Cain would identify him as a blacksmith as he brought the farming and weapons technology to various cultures of the ancient world Those cultures were hunter gatherers and pre-metal tool culltures-it would have been quite a change, yet it might even refer to stone and wood plows pulled by oxen-what a radical innovation!
The maybe most people were descended from the Sahara-Empty Quarter Adam and Eve in paradise era that remain alive today. All of those other near-human primates were killed off-maybe 'Cain's influence did it.

Wireless Electric Car Technological Development Should Get Priority in the Sunbelt

Innovations on charging electric vehicle batteries with wireless technology has been proceeded for several years. With gaps between surfaces of as much as 12 centimeters recharging of buses in Korea was achieved. MTC TEchnology's Evatran in 2010 is said to have developed a plugless electric vehicle recharging system. One hopes the U.S. Government is funding serious research into making major southern urban highways wireless electric vehicle recharging loops as are the Koreans.
When electric cars can draw power from cables under the road surface they need not have batteries so large to get around. Weight and cost of e.v.'s could drop.
The Korean development program is named the Online Electric Vehicle

Avast!-Bread, Circuses & Public Debt Develops Imperialism

The ancient Roman Empire was famous for providing bread and circuses and public sports spectacles to keep the plebeians happy. Those 'democrats' that were Roman citizens moved into the City and were restive without free bread, gladiator and boat shows, chariot races around the forum and so forth. They didn't have useful work and many jobs were outsourced to foreign colonies while cheap labor'-slaves-worked the farms.

With a Caesar on their side for a time the plebeians had no concern about a restored Republic with those unpleasant Senators and upper class keeping them down. Foreign soldiers were employed to serve in their stead. It worked reasonably well for a time yet of course Constantine eventual moved the Empire east to Byzantion and the Byzantine Empire grew to survive until the 15th century.

The Byzantine rulers were noted for treachery in achieving power. It was quite a bloody succession and losers were often blinded and perhaps set upon a donkey in the countryside. The maxim that location is everything worked for Constantinople. It wasn't really until a crusade-sacked Constantinople and mobile cannon on ships developed that the City really became vulnerable to conquest by the pushing Moslem power of Asia Minor.

The United States today has good location, food stamps for 47 million, outsourced jobs and vastly increasing public debt. By then end of another Obama term the interest each year on the public debt would be more than a trillion dollars. Here is what is wrong with the nation...

The Democrat Party is no longer a responsible majority party as it was after 1929-30 until the end of the Carter administration. It has developed a tax the rich and provide benefits to the middle class psychology. A two-term Obama administration would add more than 10 trillion dollars of public debt-and that may be a little too much for a 2016 Republican President to correct.

The Democrat Party under Obama has moved further toward a dialectical Marxist opposite status to the very rich as if they expect an evolutionary clash to develop to synthesize John Lenin's own brand of godless New World Order. The Republican Party has always had its ideological purists (a.k.a. extremists) advocating for the concentration of wealth. Democrats cannot expect them to become the former Democratic moderates advocating for fair tax rates, no public debt and full employment. Democratic Presidents took up that task from Roosevelt to Carter and even Dwight Eisenhower followed that line. After President Reagan's style of conservatism President Clinton agitated to end Glass-Steagle and signed off on that in 1999 throwing middle class mortgages into the rough ministrations of British and other alien political-economic powers. The Democrat leadership pimping of U.S. middle class economic interests let radical deregulation go ahead and handed the nation to the world's financial sharks on a platter.

Without an economically realistic Democrat Party with theoretical support for directing the economy toward full employment concurrent with deficit elimination, secure borders and protection for the U.S. labor force the national drift toward insolvency and possible economic collapse with unmanageable, vampiristic public interest on the national debt payments the nation actually is drifting toward the classical imperialistic transition in order than none besides the ruler will have actual financial accountability.
Some argue that too much regulation is the problem for U.S. business. The problem is actually not enough good regulations and too many ineffective regulations. Quality rather than quantity is the challenge for good government.

If one compares the ruling classes of Tsarist and Communist Russia there isn't so much difference in the way the upper echelons repressed free speech. A global corporate bureaucracy also represses free speech. One cannot imagine an Exxon or Shell employee lasting long if they advocated against fossil fuel politically and for alternative energy.
The Roman Republic and The Roman Empire differed. The Roman Republic grew 7000 years and the Roman Empire was in decline generally. The Empire brought a steady decline with rampant corruption. If one reads Suetonius and Plutarch the sordid lives of the Emperors are recounted.

Bread and circuses bought public support for incompetent political management (#1).

Caesar, the first Emperor got and built the empire at it's height. He was a little like Dwight D. Eisenhower followed by a line of poor leaders with an occasional Reagan or Nixon thrown in to arrest decline for a while.

After Caesar the expanse of the empire sort of stayed the same with Octavian-Augustus and Tiberius I seem to recall. Then it began its long slow period of decline.

Constantine moved the capitol effectively to Byzantium in 316. Rome itself was sacked by Alaric and the Goths in the 4th century. As an empire then, Rome lasted barely three centuries during a time of decline and troubles. It was beset with invasions and defeats even by Attilla and the Huns in the 3rd century.

The Eastern Roman Empire ruled by Justinian had famines and such-and that Emperor sent a fortune trying to hold the lands of the former unified Empire together without luck. The Byzantine Empire lost land for centuries to the Moslems and others yet they had such an excellent fortress site on the Dardanelles they could hold on behind two excellent defensive walls and water barriers for a thousand years. The United States cannot even defend its Mexican border against illegal Mexican migrants and foreign terrorists smuggling whatever they like to cache for later use.


A Few Good Brief Videos Worth Viewing

Here are a few good, brief videos. I ought to stipulate that I am a Christian with a philosophical interest and haven't any trouble with contemporary cosmology theory and Biblical history simultaneously.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGe2SEt8WQw Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls
image credit:  Philippe_de_Champaigne 1644
File:L' Annonciation de 1644, Philippe de Champaigne..jpg


Leaky U.S. Economy Needs Patches & Reforms/Glass Steagle Repeal Explained/Bill Clinton Admits Mistakes

The leaky U..S.  economy needs many patches and reforms if the long slow drain is to stop and  reversed. There are several issues needed to seal up the national hull-not just bilge pumping with deficit spending hoping to pump prime and stay afloat. Neither party seems interested in using the tough reality choice required to pay down federal debt, fully employ American citizens, secure national defense at a reasonable cost and halt the environmental decay.

The Obama administration in the first term seemed just to ignore fixing the problems and instead deficit spend and provide relief to the poor and unemployed through welfare programs that deny hope for employment. The prosperity of employed middle class voters is good enough and problems of the future are too far distant to be concerned about now.
The middle class should want to be responsible and pay higher taxes while demanding more political control over the Washington D.C. politicians. They should be a moral majority and not seek to be rely on the rich paying taxes for them. Just because they are lucky enough to be well off middle class voters they cannot abandon responsibility politically or solid taxation either-that sort of political posture results in eventual rule by dictatorship, royalty, commune elite central committee or Emperor.
U.S. jobs continue to hemorrhage and there is no real plan to fix that, secure the U.S. border against dumped cheap immigrant labor, pay off the federal debt and stop paying 3/4 a trillion annually on interest, save the environment against mass extinction and global warming etc. The major political parties represent constituents incapable of objectively comprehending the real world or perhaps they don't care about it.
Government must help to adjust social value theory and point out that real values can differ from present social values-it can be worth more to eliminate atmospheric greenhouse gasses and possible mass disaster than to own an SUV for instance. Well, the problems of the commons with wrong value theory ideas is for another essay.
There are fundamentally five bills that could be legislated and signed into law that would immediately begin to restore the slippery slope of national decline.
One-let the Bush era tax cuts expire and in the future cut taxes from the bottom up reducing poverty directly. Every welfare recipient that can be employed cuts out reliance on social security, medicare, food stamps and so forth savings 10 to 20 thousand dollars per individual-and they would  even  pay taxes.
Two-create incentives for employers to hire the longest unemployed first and incentives to really go  green and national with least entropy causality for most quantitative production. Make manufacturing more like human intelligence that develops ideas that make use of mass & energy models a priori efficient structures.
The human brain in a dream state can produce an almost live high-resolution color video with sound and tactile senses thrown in-imagine what kind of computer program would be required to make a comparable spontaneous creation-and the human brain does that without even thinking about it! Human thought should be better utilized at the social and political levels to move America in the right direction.
Three- Halt all illegal alien immigration that trashes the labor wage values market. Build  a mile wide border control zone with Mexico using berms, ditches, salt water for desalinization evaporation canals (condensing the fresh water) and so forth that would serve as a wildlife refuge as well. Create jobs, fresh water and wildlife habitat while securing the border against all illegal entry off-the-road.
Four- Restore the Glass Steagle act's purpose and defend U.S. home mortgages against global takeover. AS it is, the reason so many homes mortgages are being purchased is that deep pocket investor groups are buying up the distressed housing.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCPg8fDYq_Q History of Glass Steagle Act repeal explained
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs3Z2Z2WMJk&feature=fvwrel Bill Clinton admits he made mistakes on deregulation
Five-cut defense spending and other federal spending where possible. The Chinese military threat is more of a future than a present danger, and spending much on equipment today that will be obsolete then isn't a first-rate concept.
Afghanistan policy should change so that the Northern Alliance forces are given a homeland there with U.S. support. Outside that area there would be a voluntary association region that would receive some U.S. assistance if  they wanted to be confederated with the Northern Alliance led Afghan state. The Northern Alliance would work with those Sunni tribal elements of dubious loyalty to Barrack Obama and the gay-friendly U.S. military, and U.S. military forces would not. The U.S. would help defend the Northern Alliance Afghanistan when it wanted help.
It seems unreasonable to believe that Afghanistan would become a strong independent state without an extremist jihadi presence-especially without direct U.S. military and civil support in 2015. Proflligate military spending on unsustainable objectives is not good economic sense.

Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...