
Lawyer's Arguments vs Businessman's Ideas Presidential Race

President Obama pledged to stop the sea level from rising. he also pledged to close down the Guantanamo Bay torture facility. Has he accomplished either of those tasks? He claims to have ended the war in Iraq yet everyone knows that  G.W. Bush really did the heavy lifting on that before he left office; President Obama merely takes the credit. The war in Afghanistan-a war President Obama wanted to invest in, seems muddled and its future uncertain. He has created a weird future in North Africa and the Middle East that has stimulated local terrorist organization and war development, let Iran continue to develop its nuclear weapons program and fundamentally left a mess for the next President to stabilize.

I have no belief at all that the catastrophic economic circumstance currently exacerbated by the Obama administration has one cause alone, unless it be something general such as 'money is the root of all evil' etc.

President Obama has allowed more jobs to be lost than created in his first term. He plans to add at least 4 trillion additional dollars of public debt saddling youth with 40 to 80 years of future public debt repayments.
I would not find that generalities regarding the behavorial psychology of politically oriented people-whatever that is-is a meaningful area for consideration. I think that Skinnerianism regarding organic physics are rather vague and too malleable toward creative fiction writing at higher-level thought-constructed activity.
I suppose that one may have a belief that  sub-conscious political latency of the Democrat party to believe in archetypes of political mythos might be juxtaposed with economic quantitative easing psychology of the Federal Reserve to conserve the deepening of the national debt to an appropriate holistic portrait of the political leader as a inspirational figure...yet I don't.
Even so, the U.S. public debt of something less than 17 trillion dollars would require 34 years to pay off with just a half trillion a year in payments from the public. of course, they also have three quarters of a trillion dollars a year in present interest to pay, so they would have to pay something like 1.25 trillion dollars the next 34 years (a little less as the interest payments on the principle decrease with the principle). If the Obama administration has a second term it will increase the public debt to more than 20 trillion dollars if his planning goes ahead.
The  lawyer's approach of arguing vaguely for losing causing in order to take the office and its benefits instead of doing constructive work on the economy is an Obama-Clinton trait. Yet their way of deregulating the economy, cutting taxes (Obama claims to have provided tax cuts to the middle class) and allowing tens of millions of illegal border crossings of cheap labor migrants (each have used some of these economic errors) is destructive to vital U.S. interests and full employment prospects.

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