
Iraq Leadership Crisis-V.P. Sentenced to Death

Iraq's Vice President, a Sunni, was sentenced to death for allegedly supporting death hit squads in the nation. The Vice President has adamantly declared his innocence of the charges and is now in Turkey speaking out against the trumped up putch to purge Sunni participation in the government.
President Maliki, a Shi'a has now the prospect of developing a Shi'a government with declining formal Sunni participation and with terrorism increasing,  the prospects of renewed violence comprising sectarian civil strife. 
With a U.S. sanctions intafada directed against two other basic Shia or Alawi derivative nations of Iran and Syria the consolidation of Shia rule in Iraq before an inevitable Sunni takeover following a Sunni Muslim Brotherhood conquest of Syria seems a logical if not best direction for Shia partisans in the middle east. It is doubtful that the Obama administration or Secretary Clinton have a clear plan for bringing the situation in Syria or Iraq to a peaceful resolution.
The Al Qaeda resistance in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan with financial support from Saudi Sunni Salafi fundamentalist oil rich Sunnis seems to be increasing in the region. U.S. suspension of training of Afghan tribal policemen recently  because so many of them make suicide attacks on N.A.T.O. soldiers seems an indicator that the will to power of the Sunni-Taliban-Pakistan I.S.I. axis of insurgency makes the prospect that a diminished U.S. presence will bring an increase in Sunni attacks and purges on our original Shi'a allies in Afghanistan-the Northern Alliance.
The expensive and apparently unintelligent U.S. actions could stand substantial improvement and cost efficiency increase.

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