
Why Quantum Entanglement Can Send Data Faster-Than-Light (an unscientific theory)

Recently I have been working a little on a revision of a novel project named 'Temporal Cross Currents' and tossed in a comment about quantum entanglement of photons and why they appear to exchange information faster than light. I used a dialogue between to characters to discuss the point.
Not being a physicist I can only guess with some logic about those things of the quantum world. Maybe the field containing the Higgs and other fields is an extra dimension turned sideways to the four dimensions of this Universe so everything from this Universe just travels across that extra dimension's thin edge seemingly instantly for us. That dimension would be like a 'T' intersecting this 4 dimensional universe. There are probably better ideas than that, and another one or two are mentioned in the brief dialogue. I believe multi-dimensional membrane theory is a little lake that above.
"Rafaela shared her belief; 'Quantum computing has one significant drawback Patrick. Shannon entropy and conservation of energy principles apply to the quantum world. Quantum entanglement excludes non-deterministic potential of other quanta. There is no infinite supply of potential quanta that are undetermined-only an infinite potential state of being regarding location and state. When particles are entangled and observed they leave a footprint of determinism in the potential for all possible particle locations. It is a minor wave in the unified quantum field that can be inferred with the quantum field itself."
Hey that's great Rafaela, I said. You ought to try the pastrami and rye sandwiches here sometimes-now those are really hot!
You know that entangled quantum particles seem to us to share information faster than the speed of light because their foundation is in a field that hasn't time characteristics of the macro-physical universe. The information of entangled fundamental particles is pinned together and that doesn't change with their space apart in the macro-dimension Universe (1) time field. Another way of looking at it is that quantum particles have a fundamental association in another dimensions without the same time values as the four ordinary dimensions of space-time in Universe (1)."

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