
Coach Obama Plans Punts & Final Score: National Debt 26 Trillion - Debt Reduction 0

NBC politics reports that many well known Democratic politicians will skip the Democrat Convention-especially those running in regions where Mr. Obama is unpopular (presumably in areas with high unemployment). The convention also clashes with opening night of the 2012-13 NFL season so many will be tuned out of the Democrat speakers and tuned in to the Manning v Romo aerial contest.

President Obama made an excellent football analogy today saying something about if Mitt Romney is the Republican coach that with his record someone should punt the football of votes. This incisive analysis highlights that the offense may not always be the defense, and that the offensive coach should punt the ball to the other team-to give it up if he has a bad record.

Some might dispute that. The Indianapolis Colts had a poor record last season, yet it probably wasn't the coach's fault so much as personnel circumstance. Oh well, the President can run on his own coaching record of 16 trillion of debt with the plan to 'punt' another 10 trillion of debt for a score of U.S. Debt 26 trillion, Debt Reduction 0.

Elizabeth Warren will be the DNC keynote speaker, and that is the first time someone with probably 1/100th percent probable genuine Amer-Indian ancestry will give the address-so millions may be tuned in for affirmative action. Maybe she should be swapped out for the President and run herself-she didn't raise up black unemployment to about 15% and recent college grad unemployment to more than 50%.

I should point out that a full blooded Indian Col. Parker was the guy that wrote up the surrender document that Robert E. Lee signed at Appomattox. Democrats will catch up with Republican leadership eventually of course. If they miss the Cowboys v Giants game, they can catch the Redskins and RG3 v. The Saints and Drew Brees Saturday.


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