
Democrat Items for the CDC's To Do List

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has said the Democrats will pass the budget bill if a rider is attached directing the CDC to research the cause of gun violence. That is not the only item on the CDC's to do list. Here are the additional items now published for reasons of humor.

1) Discover why politicians get rich after election to the U.S. House and Senate

2)  Find the root cause for the french donation of a giant female with a torch after defeat in the 1974 Franco-Prussian war

3) Because of rising income inequality the middle class are no longer the majority; why? 

4) Is the bi-partisan policy of giving trillions of zero interest loans and such to banks a rational economic policy? Can inflation develop with so much cash and national public debt? Is it really a good economic idea policy for the government to spend more than it has in revenue?

5) Will Elvis return with a new and renewable green cheese from the Orion (warrior) constellation?

6) Are gangs discriminatory against people of different races?

7) Would a guaranteed minimum income eliminate gun  ?

8) Are guns the final chapter in the invention of cheap tools to harm others?

9)  Will quantum computing advance sufficiently in time to stop global warming?


Trump is Right; Ryan Wrong on revisionist view of immigration history)

Donald Trump's political proposal to halt all Muslim immigration to the U.S.A. is solid and consistent with precedence of mainstream U.S. history. When in prior times foreign ideologies inimical to vital security interests of the nation endemic to a foreign population presented a threat to the fundamental values of the U.S.A. the government acted to halt or strongly reduce immigration of the those with malevolent ideologies to America. That includes ideological theocrats bowing to a foreign city five times daily. I will not even mention Thomas Jefferson's ideas about admitting Caribbean nations to the union. Politicians may have their heads where the sun don't shine on the issue and that is snafu.

Many politicians have said they would ban immigrants from hostile nations or perhaps those with chaos and war created by U.S. administration efforts to force regime change upon them thereafter stimulating civil conflicts and continuing chaos. Iraq, Syria and Libya might be included in those. Politician's assumptions that Muslim nations mirror western nation's organizational premises are wrong. Muslim nations tend to seek one world order themselves without the divisions of nationalism rather like John Leninismists or Trotskyite communists.

Most of the Middle east nations-states structures were forced upon the indigenous people by a victorious west over Axis powers including Turkey. Pan Arabism during the Nasser era leading up the the 1967 six day war with Israel is not unlike the union aspirations of Issis to restore a Caliphate such as existed historically with the Ummayad and Abassid dynasties. The problem is Islam; not particular national-boundary lines and citizenship in regard to Islam. Political square pegs in round holes by the blind D.C. leadership strike recurrently like a hop-headed Zarathustra-McGoo that skimmed a few thin, large-print graphic novels of history thence to act as Fausts with the confident power of delusional scholarship corrupting the U.S.A.

A virtual ban on communist immigration to the U.S.A. during the 1950s is an example too obvious to need to mention. Islam is a theocratic political system itself. It is a political as well as a religious ideology comparable to communist-atheism. Islam has forsaken its theocratic constitution only as a result of foreign conquest from the west.

Turkey had its military revolt only after the Sublime Porte was beaten by the west. Though Lebanon was part of Syria before the end of the Ottoman empire, it was with the partition by the allies of the Middle East that compelled neo-democratic systems upon Muslims in the region.

Some in the U.S. government are dumb enough to believe that Islam has a natural secular and democratic balance with clerics comparable to that of a declining U.S. clergy in relation to the state, and that is, well, too wrong dudes. Muslims vary naturally between authoritarianism tending to secularism and theocracy. That historical tendency is not one that can be changed by a naïve and ignorant American political leadership class of over-promoted materialists risen to their level of incompetence.

The United States also banned Shinto religious policy with worship of the Emperor (not Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton) during the MacArthur period of Japanese occupation. Debathification was compelled upon Iraq during the Bremmer administration albeit with disastrous results. Paradoxically while atheism is a religion in-itself, the U.S. government tolerates and even promotes its values these days, and tends to invest in communist-atheist nations and even support immigration.

It is easy to find examples of limits on immigration quotas from particular nations during times when a given population presented excessive danger to the security of the United States and its constitutional values. Immigrants from Eastern Europe were nearly stopped after the ideology of anarchism and neo-communism became widespread. Perhaps that was an historical mistake considering the potential value of Eastern Europeans as productive people, however we shall never know what that alternate history would have been. As it was the nation suffered little from the rise of anarchism with the exception perhaps of Chicago that remained something of an anarchist training ground.

Not until the Second World War did the nation again need to restrict immigration from particular populations. Those from axis powers were curtailed. Chinese immigration has been tightly regulated ay various points in U.S. history, especially during the Maoist years.

It is interesting that so many Republicans in leadership posts such as Speaker Ryan are absolutely clueless about real U.S. history and values of prior generations. They espouse a revisionist, sanitized version of history as naturally as my posts looked after censorship and deletion at Helium.com circa 2010.

The U.S.A. hasn't got buns of steel such that it cannot be harmed from adverse mass migrations. Maybe House Speakers cannot suffer from a good ass-kicking, yet ordinary mortals can, and so, they take defensive measures against that occurrence rather than basking in a Catherine the Great-Potemkin revisionist view of sanitized U.S. history. Neither are sweet sounds of rhetoric in front of a microphone necessarily consistent with real national security interests.

Odious attacks from Republican leadership on Donald Trump ought to stop; Trump at least has a backbone., and says what he thinks. In your heart, you know he's right. Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are the choices of the New World Order crowd presumably. Nearly anyone else, yet especially Donald Trump, would be a better selection.

U.S. Legislature passes 'Every Child Suks Seed' Bill

A news story mentioned Senators Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray in conjunction with an early childhood education bill to replace President Bush's 'no leftist child behind' with an Obama-era homosexual marriage friendly training update. The House and Senate have passed something named 'Every Child Suks Seed'.

The suckcess of the government childhood training agenda may depend on what the meaning of is, is in the New World Order.

Alaska State Government Considers Corporatism

The Alaska State Government is in effect considering privatizing itself to become a corporate funded entity. Oil tax 'royalties' from sales of North Slope crude on state lands leased to global oil corporations comprised the bulk of the state budget since the days of Governor Jay Hammond and the oil boom of the 1970s. Hammond created a permanent fund investing in Wall Street with an endowment from the oil money so the people could share from state sales of oil to the private sector too. It was not created to generate funding for the state government.

Government is supposed to pay for itself through taxation instead of being an unaccountable to the people private business. Taxation that pays for government is a two-edged sword that requires government accountability to their bosses-the people paying the taxes. When people pay no taxes they have little control over their government; government is loyal to those giving it succor, if the people are not disarmed politically or practically. With the drop in oil price per barrel to about $40 the state budget has a three billion dollar deficit so the Governor and legislature are searching low and high for ways to pay the bureaucracy and kickback to community contractors at a level to which they have become accustomed. Now the state permanent fund is the glistening apple in the eye of the state Government.

The government is looking to redirect the permanent fund and its wealth of Wall Street stock investments from the people it was intended for to the government itself. That would in effect make the state perhaps the best example of a corporatist political takeover of government. Corporatism was invented by the Italian fascist dictator, radio commentator and theorist Benito Mussolini, and has seen its stock rise versus communism and democracy for the past several decades. In cash flow volume tough times the government has to pay itself first, and let the people struggle as best they can. In the every government for him or her self, idea-challenged economic jungle, government collectives and affiliated kickback recipients of the private sector are billion pound/dollar/yuan/peso guerrillas.


To Reduce Medical Costs and Death

People living on a budget or conserving a finite sum care about needless financial waste. With a budget of $131 dollars the next 30 days I was unpleased to receive another bill of $200 dollars from the Wrangell Medical Clinic (in Alaska) that had no basis in reality, another month. So I considered the greater parameters of how the charge for an office visit came to be.

There are perhaps millions of people that need to get a prescription drug regularly. Even if the individual knows what it is they need, such as the generic drug Lysinopril to reduce high blood pressure, they must visit a physician or other medical provide and incur the cost of an office visit. I believe that computer software and networking could reduce the need for patient office visits to get prescriptions for non-narcotic drugs of various easy to control classes.

Public medical clinics that treat the lower middle class and poor at a reduced rate are useful. They often are the sole providers of medical services the poor can get. Even so financial and accounts personnel may feel free to mug the poor for whatever reason. The financial service sector and Wall Street deregulators were largely responsible for the 2008-9 economic crisis.

When I sought a prescription for Lysinopril I was informed that with the poor man’s discount the office visit would be eight dollars. They asked if I could pay. I filled out an eligibility form and paid eight dollars. Then was billed $200 dollars the next two months, and was yet given the $8 visit rate. Perhaps its a front loading white man’ discount, I cannot say.

There are numerous holes in the nation’s medical provisioning logic circuits that could stand improvement. Social security and I.R.S. income records should be available to some sort of national medical eligibility for service database integrated with medical screening for prescription drug renewals via automated machine.

It is easy to imagine an artificial intelligence program that can be automated to renew prescriptions for free that also provides simple medical screening. Then a patient would need only visit a regular medical office couple of years unless given so medical opinion b y the computer to go directly.

Blood pressure and pulse rates could be taken at the ATM-like machine that also asks twenty questions relevant to the patient’s condition. Medical experts would write the software along with good programmer-systems analysts. The data-base should be national and machines available to any retailer that wants them, perhaps near the pharmacy.

Apparently physicians also have problems that could be better addressed with systems analysis and new software and hardware. Physicians arriving at hospitals evidently take time at getting up to speed on the conditions of residents patients at shift changes and people die. So why not have a computer expert system that physicians enter their data about patients on while making rounds on a tablet computer. Then have an expert system evaluate and triage the condition and priority of each patient and assign a patient condition evaluation rating and condition synopsis.

At one central patient monitoring station each room, patient and patient rating would be presented in a multi-windowed video display in order of priority for the physician to examine before making rounds. The expert system could also create a patient visitation route and itinerary based on the expert system evaluation.

If the present system is such that a physicians goes along the line from room 1 to room 10, then if the patient in room ten is suffering from acute paper cut and the patient in room ten from rotten cardiac valve and West Nile virus complicated by stage three cancer and 2nd degree burns, the visitation order needs to be reversed, yet the physician may not know that until moving from 1 through 10.


Bilderberger Group Chess Ratings Impact?

Moving from Bilderberg Group theory to chess ratings theories, I wonder sometimes if SGM chess isn't similar to NFL Football and Pro Wrestling (or even boxing back in the day) sometimes. At least Carlsen is keeping the World Chess Championship relevant to all of the 2700 players. Wasn't Top the only other 2800 player until losing 2 of 3 at the London Chess Classic? Right now Kramnik is #2 at 2796.
If Magnus was hitting 3000 instead of dropping to 2832 candidates might need to ask for a time advantage on Carlsen like they should have when playing blitz against Stockfish or other programs with so many instant history pgns in R.A.M. that don't require a second of thought to choose from.
One might apply monetary policy theory as well, with Wei Yi and the value of the Juan rising while deflation is occuring to economies of Europe. The United States chess currency is rising in value, except Janet Yeltsin might increase the prime lending rate, and the budget for U.S. military deployment in Europe is set to increase to counter 'Russian agression' in the Ukraine.
Some have nostalgia for the Anand years before the arrival of a bear  inducted need for a bull market on that.
Then of course, the FIDE President was recently put on a U.S. terrorist supporter watch list or something for alleged investments in Syria, and the U.S. said Russian aircraft bombed a Syrian army base.
I think Carlsen will win a split decision against candidate X in the Nov. 2017 match, and his rating will be 2870 then.

Kudzu, Asian Carp, Islam and the Invasive Species Problem

Some people believe the world began in 1945; it didn't, political currents existed before then that continue to the present. Protestant reformers were effectively the leaders of revolution against historical Catholic and state monarchy,feudalism and theocracy in 1776. The continuing revolution of politics and theology that started when Martin Luther posted 96 theses on the door of a Catholic church in Germany reached England and eventually Puritans seeking religious and political liberty moved to America. Kicking over British trade restrictions on tea and rum and taking Lard Fairfax's vast Virginia estate were contingent to the fundamental revolt of the protestant masses against hierarchical church and state rule from the old world.

As generations passed after the founding of the United States by protestant revolutionaries the reasons for the founding of the nation were lost and reinterpreted through purely economic glasses. The Supreme Court interpreted the constitution existentially so far as to decree homosexual marriage in a triumph of juridical Eleatic paradox. The American left grew blind to problems of autocracy, imperialism, corporatism, theocracy and atheism. It could not recognize Islam as a theocratic invasive species in regard to western civilization. Like the invasive plant kudzu, Islam expands to the maximum extent of its capacity to do so; it does not become 'assimilated'.

As the people of the United States forgets national, historical Protestant and moral origin in Bible scripture and moves to existential atheism, concentration of wealth, outsourcing of industry, globalism and immigration of Muslim population as well as atheists of China, Catholic Mexicans, other 'Latinos and Latinas' and Hindu of India there is no good cause to think the U.S.A. will continue as a democracy. If America was a democracy starting with the Protestant era, when that era ends so might democracy. Wealth is alreadyconcentrating in the U.S.A. One percent of the population has more of the nation's wealth than 150 million (about half) of the people. The founders revolted against that sort of thing.

Catholic and Islamic nations were or are supporters of imperialism and the concentration of wealth and power. Jeb Bush is a Catholic plutocrat who wants vast military deployments to enrich a Bush ally military-industrial complex another decade even if it results in vast public debt increase (its nearing 19 trillion dollars) and concentration of wealth to global plutocrats with further erosion of U.S. civil liberties. Hillary Clinton is a Chicago lawyer like President Obama. They are of the left existential British imperial amalgam of David Hume , John Dewey, Zeno of Elea, the Russian anarchist Kropotkin and Charles Darwin (if President Obama isn't a closet Sunni Muslim); why should Americans expect a balanced protestant reformed moral authority with fundamental scriptural hermeneutic and support for a limited and moral government with a separate, independent Protestant church social environment to prevail in the U.S.A.? N.P.R. is the de facto propaganda broadcast outlet for the U.S. government. It promotes an atheist religion, a corrupt interpretation of Christianity and a false theology of Islam and the Quran that fails to recognize the implicit expansionism of Islam through any means starting with Muhammad the horse warrior.

Western values tolerate religious independence. The wars of the protestant reformation preceded the establishment of western democracy. Previously the Catholic church and the Catholic Hapsburg dominated state and church relations for the benefit of monarchy The Protestant reformation with allegiance to Jesus Christ and the Bible increasingly through the word of God in natural language translations of scripture instead of the scholastic Latin evolved the removal of state control of Christian ecclesiastical structure and vice versa that has been as close as Wall Street and the U.S. Government are today. From Russia to England and Vienna, Madrid to Rome just one religion an monarchy were permitted and all others deemed as heretics and rebels. Islam is not part of western tradition and is instead a rival civilization.

Historically mollycoddled leftists cannot comprehend politically invasive species and under the political parameters of the theory of evolution believe that with enough dope and homosexuality they can assimilate Muslims and evolve them to become godless atheist Muslims comparable to the evolution of some Christian sects such as the PCUSA toward leftist, godless values where sin is OK. and the values of state socialism inform hermeneutics.

It may be the case that science will eventually develop methods to slightly alter the genomic content of D.N.A. used in the reproductive cycle such that people could choose what sort of characteristics they want to pass on to progeny. If short people such as midgets want to have kids that are 7 feet tall they can have their reproductive D.N.A. gene tweaked to that effect. Like a computer graphic portrait of and individual that can be altered to be of any color, shape, lip thickness and so forth human reproductive genetics may one day be selectively recombined to allow designs conforming to the will of individuals involved. Even though the human genome may be malleable to willed determinism rather than just mate selection for breeding particular characteristics eventually, it does not follow that cultural beliefs are equally as malleable nor that they may be designed a priori.


Because the left seeks its own kind of political stasis utopia with dope, sexual licentiousness for hedonistic and economic purposes of convenience and has a corrupt political leadership class that is rather unintelligent and over-reliant on a costly volunteer, professional military it wants to use as a substitute for a draft occupation army increasingly to accomplish social engineering, it hasn't an ability to recognize invasive species. It has implicit assumptions in a political philosophy of hedonism and atheism, unisex military androgyny in film and reality,existential economic empiricism etc precluding recognition of the existence of lasting dissent . Its ideal narcissistic regard for itself brings it to believe that all others want to be as they are too, and the high ground of evolution will bring them there. Besides, the river of time flows all of the conflicts under the bridge of the present to the non-troubling realm of the past while their own pleasant lives complete.

In the United States the terms left and right, liberal and conservative have evolved to become corrupted. The meanings of either are rather lost in relation to origin circa 1776. The dangers of concentrated wealth to a democratic society haven't changed since the time of the Republic of Socrates and Plato when the oligarchy was at odds with the democracy. Neither have the dangers of apathy, and ignorance to democracy that Aristotle noted in his book The Politics disappeared, each are evident in the president failure of the left to defend the nation against illegal immigration building a large internal proletariat adjacent to a large external proletariat and construction of another internal proletariat of Muslims with cell phones and the Internet able to coordinate with a large external proletariat. They are problems that require intelligent leadership and immigration control, rational environmental economic policy and limited military responses abroad rather than large importunate militarily conventional reactions to moderate or control foreign political and demographic circumstances.

In meeting the Muslim challenge Republican leaders tend to want to put a square peg in a round hole, and democrat politicians want to suck the peg or put hole on hole. If the crusader leadership and European leadership had been so daft as today's politicians Europe and the U.S.A. would already be Muslim.

Walking to Future Transportation Infrastructure

Why do cars exist? Wagons and automobiles were evolved for a purpose. Driven by necessity of carrying loads easier efficiency increases and concurrent technological innovations brought adaptations that are now stagnated in a mature form as fossil fuel vehicles preponderantly although alternative energy vehicles exist as swell.

Why do people breathe through the mouth less so than the nose? Try closing one nostril and inhaling deeply through the other until the lungs are full, then switch and close the open nostril that you inhaled through, and exhale through the formerly closed nostril. A simply breathing exercise like that lets one experience the health of full lungs more so than usual. Healthy lungs are a good thing. I suppose one could use a Vick's nasal inhaler for a kind of minty lung sensation carefully) if recently recovering from quiting smoking of tobacco to move toward a better lung use experience. People get used to doing things in a habitual way, from breathing to driving cars, and don't consider the existential circumstance sometimes whereby dialectical social phenomenal history brought them to a particular point in life.

Do cars still need to exist? Isn't it already possible to make a new transportation infrastructure nationally with in-line electromagnet networks create a Meisner lift half for any rightly configured package placed on on it to let it levitate and move on down the line? It should be feasible to overcome the worries about prolongued exposure to an e.m.g. field by using 100% of the field for lift and motion. The e.m.g. field is of a finite nature; like a tank of gas, and should be used efficiently, leaving no part of the e.m.g. field escape work to reach the individual moving alone the e.m.g. line on a select package platform.

Early wagon builders and automobile manufacturers didn't seek to create new voyeur and pleasure opportunities with their products. Instead the four wheeled critters really were made for work; joy-riding simply evolved as a fact of life, and in the U.S.A. vast SUV with stuffed leather star trek enterprise command chairs, bone shaking sound systems and on-line INTERNET let a modern hippie-gypsy drive to the office or field development to build stick frame rectilinear buildings for interior trogs to watch large flat screen televisions. Plainly cars are a link in the chain of consumerist life wherein the planetary ecosphere is a seeming irrelevant externality that leftist worry themselves with. Citizens of democracy shouldn't rely on vicarious political brains for thinking or machines for movement instead of their own two feet. Walking upright is a great human acheivement of evolution-It even helps regularity. People may be evolving constipation and obesity because of reliance on cars to get to the liquor store to buy booze, spice and even dope (Spice, Booze, Dope, Devil and Quear) does sound like a Chicago post-modern civil rights law firm I suppose).

When the Congress passes multi-year 300 billion or half-trillion dollar transportation bills they effectively reinforce corporatism (an ad hoc corporate-state socialist kickback loop) through propping up automobile infrastructure. People simultaneously complain about decaying national infrastructure and lack of creativity and intelligence in leadership while providing vast support for a dirty, ecospherically destructive, mostly foreign owned automobile industry without investing even 10% of those transportation bills in electro-magnetic highway research.

If the national highway network was gradually replaced with advanced electro-magnetic lines to levitate independent platforms (that make no contact with the ground unless at rest) it might serve as a laboratory for applying room temperature superconductors and solar photon capture networks.

Though the left regard the conservative right as too dumb to be concerned about anything besides the optimal material all-day lolly pop provided by fearless leaders, leftist leaders like the Clintons are servants of the corporate 1% plutocracy too. Left and right plutocrats simply exploit the majority from different channels. I only mention that fact because automobiles and other ancient product technologies are part of an ossified economic and political structure that should be gracefully transitioned to a new infrastructure when possible; political leaders of the left and right haven't an interest in evolving transportation infrastructure to something completely new that would help restore ecospheric health any more than the majority of the electorate is concerned with ecological economics, axiology or quantum mechanics.

With personal morality large numbers of Americans may be conservative. When the same people disregard global empirical facts and just think about their narrow self-interest ,economically speaking they become apathetic jellyfish without much prospect for evolving to an upright, peripatetic social philosopher sort of thinking about politics. Morality amidst a majority conditioned to economic servility tends to folly the will of will. A corrupt Hollywood may condition the public to amoral atheistic paradigms. Atheist leftists acting through 'conservative' Wall Street and the media can reduce the people to an Irwin Corrie level of political understanding (a confused philosopher comic) if they think at all. Pre-tribulation theologians of immanent doom happily accept it all as a pre-determined spectacle of God (in error). Some post-tribulationists wrongly infer that there is a necessary continuum of upward political and religious evolution toward a global majority of Christians and that the population of Christians (and others) could not crash as it did during the Bubonic plagues of the 1300-1400s when most of the world's Christians probably died (before increasing later). It is pre-destined that in the end a majoritarian Christian world will exist, yet the road to that destiny may be long and winding. They need to work for a moral world now; a Christian world, and for competent environmentally synergistic economic policy and infrastructure wherever possible. If Christian Americans do not or cannot lead; who can?

The United States serves as a bulwark against tyranny. Though the Democrat Party seeks to bind the Gulliver states with a thousand tiny strings such as citizen gun disarmament, if America falls to leftist authoritarianism there actually wouldn't be any other power (besides God) that would exist to fight global authoritarianism effectively. Bilderbergers and communists as well as Nazi socialists all could evolve the black hole of global tyranny. New transportation infrastructure that combines the best of world engineering that ends the tramping pollution and habitat destruction of the over-mature automobile economy plainly would also create a better human habitat where walking was regarded as a good thing.

Walking is a good thing. Auto drivers have an implicit cyborg paraplegia voyeur mind set it would be good to lose. Driving a car is nearly a required social way of economic life. It is difficult to drop out of the lemming rush contributing to ecosphere oblivion. Electromagnetic lines lifting and moving people and freight anywhere they want to go-as ubiquitous as roads are today would make the highway itself the engine and the people and boxes set on it as packages to be safely, quickly delivered. I think that really is possible. The ways to improve that kind of system are innumerable; existing chip technology and software could support quite a lot of command and control safe destination subtleties.


Democrat Party Leadership; Reasoning Challenged?

One finds the fulfillment of affirmative action theory expanding to cover all Americans except for the oppressive straight white male class expressing itself in so many Obama-NPR channels. It is possible to wonder if reparations for women will be on the agenda next best opportunity. From N.P.R. coverage of the San Bernadino slaughter by a non-fruity Muslim couple one could get the impression they were victims and that white supremacist groups and Southern Baptists might not be the real concern. Virtually every story about the 16 gunshots by a white police office in Chicago of a black youth begins with race identity, yet that of Farouk was set aside, and instead disarmament of Americans is regarded as the best way for the people to defend themselves from Muslim terrorists.

One hopes that Islamofobia doesn't build resistance to 20,000 Syrians settling east of Los Angeles.


N.A.T.O. Expansion/San Bernadino Massacre

N.AT.O. is the European-North American defense alliance. One must wonder why nations with significant (20%) Muslim populations sworn to expansion of Islam are top drawer choices, while Russia is given the bureau-snub. I suppose that without Russia as a potential foe N.A.T.O. would have nothing to do except defend against Muslims and maybe China should they decide to send nano-dust warrior-clouds of doom their way under some kind of evil Dr. Fu Man Chu. When Montenegro with 20,000 Slavic Muslims was added it provided potential problems in the future Balkans situation with Turkey's N.A.T.O. forces running joint ops and field exercises. Reconstructing ancient Muslim-Orthodox Christian antipathies wasn't an especially balancing sort of foresight.

Today news stories ran of ISIS killings of homosexuals while President Obama was the queer political community organizer for homosexual marriage in the U.S.A. for practical purposes. People suspect the President of being a closet Muslim practicing tafiq (Islamic lying to fool dupes), yet he did pressurize states such as N.Y. to give the limp wrist and knuckle under when the question was in legislatures. Why then move N.A.T.O. closer to Sunni infiltration with more Muslims eligible for expropriating its leadership?


I should say that I am not anti-Muslim, simply that I support a containment policy of Islam because of its similarity to the rabid for of Marxist-Leninism that Trotsky worked for in trying to take over the world through terrorism and so forth...its simply in the Quran's D.N.A. starting with the founder. I suppose Muslims as believers in God are theoretically better people than atheists with no moral inclinations at all except for personal egoism, however neither works well with the adult equal protection of the law concepts of the U.S. constitution.

Homosexual marriage is a direct attack on human family traditions past, present and future, as well as upon truth and common sense. Americans and others that support a real democratic social environment could have accepted honest queer coupling and even given them some economic benefits equivalent to those enjoyed by heterosexuals, yet the expropriation and in-your-face gross takeover of marriage through force of the judiciary preponderantly was a direct insult and assault upon social and political truth. There is little enough of that in currency as it is.

Since the world trading and financial, markets developed fast, quantitative and rather secretive trading the integrity of business and social structures have been under a new form of attack. One finds the quaint socialist ideas about labor, government and business archaic and off target today. If Americans were to have government take over their financial and trading sector it would simply crash and vanish. Manufacturing and pollution have already been outsourced to China in large measure, so how could American socialism take over manufacturing? Nothing adds up. Taxes could be increased for new programs of course, yet that isn't socialism. Government ownership or sharing of ownership is socialism, and that idea hasn't a real chance of occurring. What can happen is that government can continue to expand with funny money from the federal reserve and debt can compile while politicians can search for some new way to dump the debt overseas or two the poor or wherever. Its hard t imagine that any rich people anyplace on Earth will want to hold the bad on public debt--so that leaves the poor.

So the problems of Muslim expansionism are comparable to that of socialism and Marxist-Leninism, and each work better in a guerrilla phase rather than as a government. Socialism and theocracy have the problem of incompetents running what should be market economies adapted to ecospheric limitations through ecological economics and government regulation setting ecospheric parameters effectively. Pure market economics without direction also evolves to plutocracy or tyranny.

If American and European leadership were at all competent they would have integrated Russia into the European economy and security apparatus already. Instead protracted conflict has been allowed to develop in the Middle east with disestablished lawful government brought to destruction through Obama foreign policy initiatives rather than through regular and traditional diplomatic methods. Conflict across the Middle East supported by the United States have liberated thousands of tons of weapons,explosives and training to Muslim extremist groups and sent hundreds of thousands or even millions of migrants to Europe. The policy has created substantial security problems for Europe already and will continue to do so. It also appears that San Bernadino (east of L.A.) may have experienced a Muslim terror attack imitating that of Paris recently.

President Obama has called for gun control to limit American access to self-defense weapons. He should have called for tighter immigration controls on Muslims as well as enforced a zero-illegal alien immigration status on Mexican and Canadian borders (since Canada has decided to let in 20,000 Syrian immigrants). It seems as if political leadership has substantial reasoning deficits these years of the New World Order. One wonders when common sense will ever prevail.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...