
Peyton Manning & Veracity in Pro Sports

Allegations that Peyton Manning used human growth hormone to help repair a broken neck and his denial raises the question of veracity in pro sports; that is do athletes ever tell the truth about the use of banned substances?
All of the great 1990s baseball home run greats; Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Rodriguez used and initially lied about the use of banned substances. Maybe the great Hank Aaron unwittingly benefited from steroids to help him pass Babe Ruth's record. Arnold Schwarzenegger could be a poster child for steroids invented in his home town of Vienna in the 1950s. And what about Lance Armstrong, Bill Clinton and the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Can athletes be held to a higher standard than politicians?
In the case of Manning however, I have no problem with his use of HGH if he did use it. A broken neck is a fairly serious injury. If it is of fair use in regular medical recovery procedures for non-athletes I know of no reason why athletes should be banned. If HGH can help paraplegics recover help or prevent people from lapsing into paralytic conditions they could fairly use it too.


(Bob) Hope and Fischer video

Syria, Pakistan, Solar Power and Arable Land

Syria has vast tracks of land presently utilized more for warm than agriculture. Would it be reasonable for the U.S. Government and its partner sponsors of the civil war to invest as much in water making through desalinization for agriculture purposes as weapons, explosives, cash and training to the coalition of willing anti-Assad political jihadists?

One may wonder if thousands of hectares of new crop land irrigated with water that was saline before be pumped with solar power through pipelines to canals where evaporation and condensation trapping occurred yield freshwater isn't a better catalyst for peaceful coexistence than barren deserts and fossil fuel exhaust.


Presently solar power is underutilized in the low tech pumping of water and evaporation of saltwater for condensation entrapment process in desertified regions with land that might otherwise sustain agriculture. Cheap local food supply is good for human health and as valuable as a healthy wild ecosphere where it exists. It may not be necessary to displace prime wild land biota in order to create farmland when quality desert farmland could be brought online with judicious coordination of alternative energy sources that don't add pollution or global heating gases.


What if ISIS could be transitioned into installing solar panels instead of bombs and digging canals for water making and irrigation instead of for burials.

Police Shootings Videos; What About Crime Videos

Select demands to immediately publish police shootings in order to protect civil liberties raise a number of interesting questions. Because few like any shootings of people and a certain innate prejudice would exist against anyone shooting others it is probable that adverse publication would create adverse publicity for police departments generally. the context wherein such incidents are published ought to be included too, as well as the out of context police action comprising shooting anyone.

I will not belabor the point that some defense attorneys probably would not want video of their clients involved in shootings immediately published on Youtube. That recalcitrance might exist for ordinary criminal defendants as well as police.

Police shootings such as those of Chicago occur in a given context. Police officers might have work that sends them from one criminal incident to another rather like some people might shop from one store to another. A police officer may experience involvement with hundreds or thousands of crimes and never shoot anyone. I think the context of police shootings; not just the specific incident, might be included in video publication in order to better understand the circumstances in which police shootings happen.


Perhaps Chicago police forces might upload to Youtube whatever video of crimes they have every day as soon as they occur for the public to experience, and then when a rare police shooting occurs swift uploading of those videos could be uploaded too in a context where the public better appreciates the nature of the work of police departments in urban areas.


The Good News of Jesus Christ

Into this world approximately 2020 years ago was born a Savior unto those of faith named Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus was born in a manger in the little town of Bethlehem in fulfillment of nearly two thousand years of prophecy. The Lord brought good news to humanity. Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

In the world today there are more than a billion souls professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Even so the world is challenging with pressing demographics and classical competition for scarcity of finite resources. The greater challenge is even more fundamental though; human nature and the fallen state of mankind.

Mankind exists or coheres within a physical field in the Universe with thermodynamics that require constant fueling. Personal survival and comfort reinforce a will to power drive that generates conflict. The Lord professed that humanity basically be untroubled about all that. For God provides, clothes the sparrow and numbers the hair of everyone's head. Overcoming human nature's corruption with faith in the Lord and the grace to accomplish that the Lord provides allows the Holy Spirit to work with more cooperation of that were possible, through one's own life to solve the world's social troubles.

Even so Christians themselves may worry about the end times of the troubling world. For at least a couple of centuries some Christian theologians have misinterpreted John's Book of the Revelation and given the bulk of its first century prophecy fulfillments a future date. Setting back correct Bible prophetic interpretation 2000 years they see a looming apocalypse as ever immanent. In error they believe that Armageddon will precede the second coming of Christ. Muslims believe a similar, comparable wrong interpretation of the Revelation that was synthesized by Muhammad the Erroneous Prophet.

In fact when the end times seem near, it probably means that the end of the age of the gentiles isn't. Jesus Christ will return in a time when there is a majority of Christians in the world, not when they are few and challenged by a majority of infidels as in the first century. While it is entirely possible that the worldly policies of mass migration relocating problems instead of fixing them, over-consuming natural resources and failing to use intelligence in environmental economic design to overcome economic injustice and environmental decay exacerbated by war and the immorality of atheism will lead to global population crashes and apocalyptic events as the bubonic plagues of the 13th century destroyed 2/3rds of Europe's population, that is probably an indication that the end is far away, for the Lord will return when there is a Christian majority and a fairly prosperous world.

The good news to consider is that the world's population may evolve a Christian majority and good environmental economic business ethics during the next century or two and make the world a place appropriate for the third coming of Christ, for Jesus was here in Earth in the flesh the second time following his resurrection.

For further reading on post-millennialism I suggest Kenneth Gentry's 'He Shall Have Dominion'.


Washington Post takes Chimp Shot at Ted Cruz

In the heat of the political campaign the igneutrality of the media raised its ugly head when the Washington Post on-line took a simian shot at Senator Ted Cruz' kids and the candidate too picturing them as monkeys tended by Cruz the organ grinder. One must marvel at the Jim Crow mentality that afflicts Democrats that is blind when the hate is applied to Republicans  or those without decadent political sentiments.

Back in the day it was reasonably svab to consider President Bush II's simian ancestry because of things like T-ball and the cost of waging war in Iraq. That wasn't the President's family though, and G.W. Bush was a good sport about that sort of thing at least, while nothing can be said for the Washington Post's bad humor except that it reminds one of a 1930's German style about Jews.

Political cartoonists do of course tend to go for sensationalism rather than sobriety. Sometimes they go too far in exploiting politicians if that were possible, yet in 2015 that sort of racist cartoon from a leftist paper is remarkable. Really.



On the Question; Is Life a Basic, Necessary Form of Matter

Tegmark's 'Mathematical Universe' considers the idea of the Universe in a Platonic realist sort of way I suppose. In my opinion the questions about quanta(ty) units at the smallest size and what they are ultimately made of (something else) isn't resolved and perhaps never shall be. Quanta are viewed as embedded in a field, and the field is some form of energy, and particle-wave quanta(ties) are regarded as of one-dimensional perhaps (the reductionism is a logical necessity) from which quanta are built up into large combinations according to force relations that are permissible.

So what are one-dimensional units of basic quanta; something like a section of a membrane may be. And where did those originate besides in poetry? Well, if not poetry perhaps as an undifferentiated minimalistic field that some would designate as the beginning of the Universe.

The beginning would have no time or information (a meta-level reference denoting the allocation of resources) content and might exist without time-since time is a measurement of process. Time is regarded by some as not existing at all, instead it is considered a phenomenal observation by sentient beings of the configuration of passing dimensions intersecting.

One can ask if life is a necessary part of a Universe, as if life is a natural step along the path of entropy, stellar synthesis of chemical elements in novae, recombination and formation of new elements and so forth, and I suppose it might be. I think however that it might be rash to believe that the configuration of matter that is considered to be life could not be a direct result of Supreme Intelligence ordering the components of the beginning that is enigma, and who also transcends the relativistic fields of this or any possible Universe.

Mass and energy are convertible forms of quanta, sometimes locked into a particular steady state wherein life is believed to occur, that is life as a matter and energy configuration instead of life as pure spirit or self-aware information given a materially associated corporeal body.

So one might wonder if any given configuration of mass and energy are necessary in any given Universe. I think that physicists have stipulated that the boundary conditions of a Universe pre-determines its fate. Divine intervention obviously could interact non-deterministically, yet one wonders why an omnipotent God would change anything after making it as it was perfect to start with. Plotinus wondered why the One would do anything being perfect himself. In fact the random coalescence of Universes from various progeneration processes is an assumption often used to counteract the anthropic principle as some sort of proof for intelligent design.

Knowledge hasn't certainty. Epistemology is probabilistically verifiable, yet what if thought is itself provided deterministically inclusive of error, belief and faith such that the potter predetermined who would play this or that role in any given Universe wherein they should appear?

I think the relationships of the basic forces of the universe and the relations they have such as are known of gravity and the strong force are considered by some to be indicative of dimensions of different sizes that define them. Gravity is the most weak power yet covers the largest area. Space-time seems to expand as gravity contracts, perhaps as a reciprocal of stuffing mass and energy into black holes. And one wonders if the singularity isn't just an approach to the boundary of a particular dimension, while the strong force has its boundary at the point wherein it goes from most strong to snap.

Pres. Obama's Indonesia Homeland Has Just 8% Christians

If one wonders why the President's policies heavily favor the spread of Muslim populations around Europe and to North America the simple explanation is that he naturally works to make the world resemble his early childhood homeland of Indonesia. In that Sunni Muslim nation just eight percent of the population claim to be Christian. Sunni domination is a fact of life. It is that world that nurtured the infant Obama until the age of seven.

The President regards ISIS as an anomalous and even minor danger, rather than as a condensation of restless Muslim populism expressing itself through terror and opportunistic political expansion that it is. The President's immoral support for homosexual marriage in the United States and around the world throws gasoline on the fundamentalist Muslim hatred for the perversions of the non-Muslim godless atheist liberal west.

Americans might consider themselves fortunate that the Democrat Party did not pass laws making it hate speech and hate crime worthy to consider ISIS or ISUL as a terrorist organization rather than a challenged Muslim youth gang-morality issue that could be corrected with sufficient quantities of dope and homosexuality.


Self-Driving Electric Vehicles Extrapolation Three

The U.S. postal service may transition street deliveries to self-driving electric vehicles to try to reduce annual budget deficits and improve service. While FEDEX and other street delivery businesses may take the lead in fielding self-driving electric vehicles or mini-vehicles that operate locally 24/7 the U.S. postal service may also be forced to delivery with mini-electric self-driving units if they wish to remain as a back up for postal deliveries to the private sector.

I would think that a vacuum tube trans-continental ground module 1000 m.p.h delivery infrastructure would be a practical way for the U.S. postal service to gain an advantage in speed of module delivery to regional distro hubs...yet the U.S. government doesn't think big any more except in expanding arms deliveries to insurgents, tax cuts for political leaders and campaign contributors and free money to large banks.

Fullness in God (poem)

Half theories of half lives-
why aren't half lives better than none
whild radioactive decays
sink authoritarian royces to silence
and faith looks beyond

half of the distance and half of the strength
gravity exemplifies the four forces in time
diminishing like garnished wages of death
fullflinging soured grapes of wrath

a strong force shell energizing one dimensional bells
forkin infinite kantian quanta staying within
space-time where energy and mass are dimensional fluff

black holes of gravity collapse to boundaries
like an inverse nuclear force binding event horizons
against which infinities attract mass bits of remainders
adding onto a larger singularity-exchanging scale

reciprocals of spatial volume, mass and light
dimensions of membranes still quiet and bright
before half lives return to the One
where the Lord overcomes
errors against one in three
pre-determined waves

dreampt into the silence of night.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...