
Cruz like a Spanish Fascist Compares Trump to Michael Corleone

Presidential Ted Cruz compared Donald Trump to Michael Corleone; a cold-blooded killer, of the Godfather and Sons movie series. That is most helpful to Hillary Clinton. Clinton is the matching Plutocrat party choice for the 2016 election. Plutocrats are equally o.k. with Cruz or Clinton as servo-units of globalism.Ted Cruz, official portrait, 113th Congress.jpg

Though Cruz technically isn't a first-generation American himself having been born in Canada (if the term first generation means being born in the U.S.A.) his policy does reflect that of his fellow non-first generation brethren the illegal aliens insofar as Cruz doesn't want to build a security control barrier such as a canal for salt-water desalination (water pumped up from the Pacific or send illegals back to Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Iran, China, North Korea, England, Libya  Trump does business with all the public and encounters ordinary people routinely unlike Mr. Cruz who is a U.S. Senator and presumably had private exclusive law offices unless of course he worked to serve the people as a public defender for a while (just kidding). Treating Trump as a made mafiosa brings dishonor to the legal profession (ha ha). Cruz isn't the only disreputable lawyer in the Presidential cycle this year of course.

Trump has resisted comparing Cruz to Spanish fascist dictator Franco so far though Cruz seems like he would have been a natural fascist in the 1930s Spanish Civil War.

Michael Corleone via wikipedia

Pro-Cruz, Anti-Trump Plutocrats Killing off Republican Party

Well, maybe it isn't that bad. Elephants are endangered in the U.S.A. though since the Republican establishment has done everything they can to subvert Trump's populist appeal. If the Republican establishment is successful at gutting the Trump candidacy and foisting an unpopular Ted Cruz on the Party that will effectively terminate any semblance of the party presidential selection process being decided at the voting booths of the nation by ordinary people.



If Cruz ends up on the Republican ticket instead of Trump it will be time to rename the Republican Party the Plutocrat Party Local.

Karjakin - Caruana final (video)- Disregarding Alexhine's Gun

Is there a lesson to be learned about North Korea or Iran's missile program?

An earlier F.C. game... 

Map Shows Cruz Takes Dairy Queen States & Hardee's, Trump Everything Else


Judge Garland Should Go Back Over Rainbow With Nuclear Option

In 2013 Sen. Reed used the nuclear option to end Republican filibusters on Obama appointees. Now they haven't got a majority and can't just force things through. The democrats have been consistent rule breakers to force their way upon the American people and would like to take control of the high court too. It isn't just a Republican responsibility to play fair unlike the Democrats; they also have a responsibility to keep another Democrat President from starting nuclear wars, or civil wars in Syria or elsewhere, to halt abortion and homosexual marriage and other issues Democrats favor yet many hate.


It would make a complete farce of resistance to abortion since Rowe v Wade in 1973 to let another pro-abortion killer get on the Supreme Court.


Some 'trust' Hillary poll Says; Americans Still Have Sense of Humor

Cruz Leads a Slow-Speed Internet State

One can discern the potential competence of a Presidential candidate on the basis of the Internet speed rating of the state they are from. Candidates such as Trump and New York that rate near the top are not trying to punish the poor with crummy slow speed internet access if it exists at all.

Those states near the bottom are probably seeking to isolate the masses from publication and reading access on-line at a high speed or to prevent people from playing internet blitz chess as a game that distracts people from cutting wood and destroying forest habitat.


When people waste their lives becoming literate and learning to write and communicate it is counterproductive to make internet access quality as low as that barely literate savages would expect. Americans ought not be graduated then turned into 2nd raters with slow internet speeds unable to avail themselves of contemporary technology for the commerce, productive, creativity and inventiveness as well as chess playing that occurs in cyberspace.

When states lag behind such as Alaska and Texas where even broadband internet speed on Verizon may be slower than the melting rate of glaciers it makes for a bad existential experience of social sludge where people are expected to say things like 'progrum' or crystal meth' 'whore' or whatever. Slow internet speeds and the prevention of chess make for a very bad social environment.

Kerry Visit Hiroshima; Site of Democrat Party Use of Nuclear Option

Secretary of State Kerry visited Hiroshima recently to note the terrible devastation caused when a Democrat Party incumbent dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima. The Enola Gay dumped quite a load on civiliansBecause democrats hate the draft and a lot more would have been killed in taking Japan without nuclear weapons it made me wonder if a Republican would have taken Japan without using the nuclear option.



Obama's Worst Mistakes; The Real Order

  1) Syria
  2) Homosexual Marriage
  3) Permanent Bush Tax Cuts
  4) Ukraine
  5) Failing Ecological Economic Reform
  6) Canceling moon landing
  7) Speech in Cairo
  8) Egypt Policy
  9) Manner of Exit from Iraq
10) Failure to support a Kurdish State
11) Benghazi/Stevens fiasco
12) Libya


Obama Reportedly Designing Clinton Style Mortgage Crisis

President Obama was reported by the N.Y. Post to be designing a Bill Clinton style financial crisis. The article also said that a global crisis wouldn't necessarily be attached 'because the banks learned their lesson'. Yet with about a third of rental properties owned by foreign investors any U.S. home mortgage crisis might stimulate an international crisis.

Foreign investors buy up U.S. properties in the boom and bust cycles designed by Clinton-Obama style economies at the lowest possible price.


Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...