
Spatial Expansion of Universe-Is that Entropy?

This is just a note. I wonder how the expansion of space-time relates to the principle of entropy-something to think about.

If there were dark energy pushing mass or space apart it can't violate the conservation of energy laws. It should be finite unless its a reciprocal of gravity and finite in that respect extrapolating from a finite mass at t=0 singularity.

There is a derivative line of inquiry about conservation of energy in regarding to the existence and quantity of dimensions; would they have any sort of conservation of dimensions criteria?

Obama Raises Direct Syrian Hostile Takeover Force to 300

After six years of waging a war upon the lawful Syrian government through proxies that stimulated a flood of Syrian refugees and terrorists to leave for Europe, President Obama has increased the direct U.S. military presence in Syria to 300 specs. The ostensible rationale is to attack ISIS yet the collateral mission is to occupy and enhance the global corporate hostile takeover coalition of the paid for and jihadists attacking Syria.


It would be wrong to think that the historical American tendency to push in to second and third world nations militarily is preponderantly beneficial to U.S> national interests. The Kurds are probably the sole non-Israeli political element besides the Syrian government with any reasonable claim to eastern Syria. Yet everyone knows the U.S. won't support an independent Kurdish state in eastern Syria. Instead the effort in rolling back an ISIS terror force largely enabled by Obama and Bush II policy is designed to annex another state to the corporatist global evil empire. N that effort abortion, homosexuality and cocaine may be forced upon the terror and takeover loving Arab peoples of the Middle East.


Suicide In U.S.A. Up 24% During Obama/Bush Administrations

When the nation has poor leadership it trickles down the scythe to the struggling perhaps. Demoralization of a polity looking to the deficit spending Presidents appointing those that will make wicked decisions to the High Court and send hope and wealth to the 1% bring people to more than nausea evidently.

Of course it probably is really Bill Clinton's fault.


Abortion planners might be pleased with the news however, though abortions are counted as homicides presently.

More Notes on Forming a Priesthood of Believers (video)


Is it Real or Is It Memotech?

My site is simply a blog of things I find interesting including original writing. Tabloids get a lot of views though and I suppose bloggers have to admire those counters that roll up. So I am posting links to the following two videos so you too may decide for yourself; Is it real or is it memotech?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vi7y0fl45_Q Abortion activists caught possessed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK2K5v5bm0Q Hillary Clinton career criminal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5imiHYoBx4 Bobby Fischer in his troubled phase on who killed Michael jackson

Notes on a Priesthood of Believers (video)

Hillary's Mate; Another Cracker or Michelle Obama

Evidently people are speculating about who will go over the election waterfall of doom to defeat with Zillary as running mate. Will it be another old cracker or a livelier choice such as Michelle Obama?


Speculation has touched on Senator Elizabeth Warren; yet Senators always ambitious never get elected. That's bad wampum. Elizabeth Warren has claimed to have true aboriginal blood flowing through her veins. She claims the legacy of Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and other great founders of the primeval human presence in Amerigo yet she was found not to have even 1/8th true blood thus failing qualification as a warrior of democracy.


Ted Cruz' Liberal Attack on the U.S. Constitution

Why Ted Cruz' candidacy is a radical liberalist subversion of the Constitution

Conservatives support the constitution of the United States.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary Alberta. Electing Cruz would thus be a direct subversion of the constitution; something liberals enamored of Wall Street globalism love as it gives the planetary plutocrats more power to use the U.S.A. as a tool for itself.

The heritage foundation has an article on the topic;

Quoting from the Heritage Foundation article; “Undivided loyalty to the United States was a prime concern. During the Constitutional Convention, John Jay wrote to George Washington, urging "a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen." Justice Story later noted that the natural-born–citizenship requirement "cuts off all chances for ambitious foreigners, who might otherwise be intriguing for the office."

This requirement hasn't changed and the sentiment is even more important today in the age of instant global communications and fast jet travel. Plainly innumerable people seek to terminate the requirement quite possibly including the Republican and Democrat parties.

The Ted Cruz candidacy is a kind of poison pill that attracts conservative evangelical voters if they just overlook the tiny little problem concerning the ineligibility of Cruz. Real conservatives acknowledge that the constitution could have been written in support of any form of government that the founders preferred (unless of course one appeals to divine purpose of God in electing people to write it so it would appear in history in a timely way). It is possible to interpret the constitution in whatsoever way the powers that be desire. 

Fudging on the terms for eligibility is not the only potential fudgy. The first and second amendments too could be readily fudged. In fact one could I suppose prove that abortion is an inalienable right and that homosexual marriage is too. A trouble with constructionism, or better, constitutional drift is that it definitely proves that God is no longer an active author of its revision.

The founders revolted against the British Empire including Canada. In a decadent phase of its history the leading parties just wouldn't give a damn about electing a fellow that has technically been a subject of the Queen via Canadian citizenship all of his life.


Ted Cruz is a Calgary Alberta Native

Ted Cruz, born in Calgara Alberta, is a natural Canadian citizen. Americans concerned about national independence just don't want to expand the eligibility such that anyone on Earth regardless of where they were born can be President of the U.S.A. Vladimir Putin could run if a corrupt congress dumped citizenship legislation on him. One can oppose the Supreme Qwert decision on homo marriage yet it is the law. The only way to change that would be to get Supreme Court appointees sufficient to reverse it and abortion. When 'conservatives' like G.W. Bush appoint people like Roberts that doesn't get done. I believe Trump should get the support of the party since he is the lead guy, and draw in more support as the best chance Republicans have in 2016.

Being born in Canada or any other nation and being President will never be anything millions would be happy with. That is the citizenship in the United States isn't the only issue-its being a natural citizen of someplace else. Its sentiment and a desire not to be ruled by foreigners who could just buy citizenship for convenience some day with enough public debt perhaps. What if some Arab billionaire wants to rule the U.S.A., or a Chinese Communist Party leader? That's the direction the founders didn't want to develop.

Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...