
Feds Bully N. Carolina Over Right-Handed Urinating

North Carolina's law requiring use of the right hand in urinating has been challenged by the Bamako administration that will withhold billions of kickback dollars if a left-handed only urinating policy in male toileting isn't implemented. Gay transgender neutral lesbians have file amicus curiae briefs to compel toilet switching across from their originally endowed genetic idemnity and that pissed off state legislators to. The governor would like to wash his hands of the affair of course, yet is caught between a rock and a hard place with the time pressure from the Bamako administration.

Plainly segregated toilets should be outlawed and just one kind of equal squat and/or stand hole implemented for individuals only. Men traditionally keep their toilets cleaner than women. And have complained about the change. President Bamako said change is good and that the nation stinks generally and anything to outrun the way it is has got to be an improvement; youth should not be recalcitrant about change of any kind the philosophy goes.  Isn't it another form of apartheid just like six figure incomes for men at three times the rate of women in Alberta?

Global Conspiracy Consulting Services informed its subscribers that the Federal plan is to eliminate gender differences progressively on the road to preventing unregulated procreation and eventually halt in vivo fertilization of inferior eggs. Taking a page from the science fiction classic 'Attack of the Carrot People' starring Natasha Eastwink, planned reproduction will be scientifically managed in vitro with computer designed zygotes only.

In spite of the fact that there are more ways to change than to let things remain the way they are. It is tempting to break things in order to fix them up better when one has parts to sell I suppose. Thus the one-toilet-for-all, pay as you go plan is the most democratic possible, and private showers may damage the coach child molesters opportunities of course as at Penn State, yet showers are in-themselves a luxury over-used perhaps, as is the 30 gallons of water per. Rationing water would probably be a better policy-5 gallons a week for all purposes for any individual or billions would be with-held in federal kickbacks of Federal Reserve zero interest loans to the big banks.

Each toilet use could be sold for a quarter that would go to pay for Bamako care.

No Pawn is an Island Unto Itself (poem)

This is a poem from my 'Trailer Trash' poetry collection that I may write one day if I can afford a trailer and have sufficient trash poems to put together a book.

No Pawn is Captain of its Fate
No pawn is an island
sufficient unto itself
the squares are lonely, dark and deep
and each has more to go before they sleep
or are promoted unto a new life
as thrilled queen
trumped down with checkmate

Trump and his Republicrat Opponents

Much is being made of the defection away from the party nominee by Republican insiders comfortably bought and paid for along with their Democrat Party partners that live and breathe as tools for global corporate plutocracy. Trump may not play along with the crooked insiders who would be happy with a Democrat being elected that is on the global corporate payroll like Zillary. Republican goons with their heads up their derriers are effectively working to elect Hillary. The party needs a Republican President and is a deballed toy without one. Trump is the Republican candidate.

The public is quite unhappy with the New World Order of U.S. Congressional kickback to insiders that is a policy solidly supported by Presidents since the end of the Reagan administration. The American public gets poorer and more irrelevant as Political Action Committees with deep global pockets and no legal spending limits saturate the airwaves and Internet advocating their immoral global corporate agenda that would eventually produce a planetary corporatist-socialist dictatorship of the plutocrats served by a dictatorship of the proletariat.

The G.O.P. isn't being broken. It is a rug with some of the dirt being beaten out of it that gathered through disuse by honest intellectuals seeking the betterment of all the people of the United States directly rather than theoretically via some kind of investments in China, the Cayman Islands and deep dark high speed trading super-computer pools.


President Obama's Rose Colored Glasses Speech

Speaking at a commencement address at Howard University the President said that by all measures 'this country' has gotten better since he graduated in 1983. Of course that is bunk. The public debt has skyrocketed, the population increased while the ecospheric health decreased, a portions have taken down two generations, homosexual marriage and other immorality have increased while Christian ethics in the public decreased, there are 20-30 million illegal aliens in the nations, C.E.O.'s earn far more now in comparison to ordinary workers than in 1983, wealth has been concentrated so far to the 1% that 50 million Americans have just ½ of 1% of the nation's income while the middle class has become a minority.

More Americans are divorced now than in 1983 with drug use increasing along with prison populations and mass shootings in public schools. Good jobs for white men are much harder to find, while the average compensation for white men that aren't rich is basically unchanged counting for inflation. Sure non-whites and women have earned more, however those good paying solid average jobs weren't taken by non-whites or women generally-they can't get them either. Those good jobs in industry and even for liberal arts college graduates have disappeared overseas to people earning a few dollars a day.

Foreign policy changes such as Reagan's ending the cold war are not domestic items that were in this nation. In 1983 the mainland U.S.A. hadn't experience real terrorism since the British attacked D.C. and burned it down in 1812. Terrorist threats saturate the nation today and are a plane trip or a cache of c-4 smuggled in over the Mexican border through a drug trafficker's tunnel away. The government has violated every citizen's telephonic privacy and has used torture to interrogate suspects in addition to 'extraordinary rendition'. President Obama has ground out a six year civil war in Syria driving refugees to Europe. The Muslim mayor of London-a real improvement in foreign policy-can review British treatment of refugees radicalized by the war for fair treatment. President Obama said the British must remain part of the E.U. and should vote to continue to lay down for Muslim immigrants in effect. President Obama was sophisticated in his development of the conflict through intermediaries.

One may definitely say that freeways are more crowded and infrastructure rotting, that the space program never returned to the moon although free enterprise efforts seem to be getting more accomplished at off-planet orbital launches. American housing has become unaffordably expensive for most, and frankly, too largely and environmentally inefficient with bad, unreformed zoning and ecodevelopment concepts continuing to displace the environment. Foreign corporations and businesses by up American housing and rent it to the working class while the government gives zero or very low interest loans to big banks so they can continue to mint their own e-currency in new loans based ob the deposits of government loans, to buy up more housing.

Global warming has increased and there may be more tons of auto pollution emitted into the sky from North America now than in 1983. The high Arctic of Alaska is threatened with unsustainable human development. Recently a private oil firm sued to get permafrost on the North Slope declassified as a protected wetland. Nuclear weapons have proliferated in spite of President Reagan and Gorbachev's efforts to rid the world of them. There are innumerable more weapons of mass destruction threats from biology technology now than in 1983 when the human genome project was a very distant, future concept.

Certainly non-white Americans and women are more prosperous and powerful than in 1983, yet that isn't all that matters. The President's rose colored glasses that view all things as having gotten better since he graduated from college shows how out-of-touch the Democrat party leaderships is with social ecospheric reality.


Axis of Losers to Boycott Trump's Convention

The axis of losing Republican Presidential campaigners and Son will boycott Trump's 2016 Republican convention. Bush 41, Romney and McCain were all losers in the race to the White House and their unwillingness to darken the doors of the Republican National Convention this year may remove some of the doom and gloom of insiders that probably were too happy to let Bill Clinton and Barrack Hussein Obama take over to get the global corporatist moral and financial agenda advanced in due time

Donald Trump seems like the first outsider to Republican high-level politics that has been interested in taking the job since the 1992 election when Ross Perot sought the post. Democrats also have largely sent up losers since 1992 in order to let the corporate agenda be fulfilled in due course.

The wild child was of course George Bush the II whom voters initially believed would bring back the Reagan years yet brought a new Vietnam instead; though with more sophistication and a safer, non-jungle environment to act in where expensive contractor weapons and support services of Vice President Cheney's former corporation where he was CEO-Halliburton-could provide non-competitive bid services and exorbitant cost.

Things are looking up for the Trump campaign with only Zillary on the interior lines-rather like Lee in the Virginia campaign, who should succumb to a relentless bombardment and mobile attacks such as Grant used from the Wilderness top Cold Harbor.



Pro Football Greenhouse Gassing Nodes

Pro football events besides being irreligious clusters of decadent secularists are clusters of global greenhouse gassing. In the 1960s cities like Dallas had the excuse of ignorance for clustering thousands of polluting cars and trucks at the stadium. In 2016 people are supposed to know better and act responsibly. That would require riding bicycles to watch greatly over-paid and over promoted athletes entertain a hundred thousand souls without any meaningful or socially useful thing to do and with a lot of money to spend on frills while people are starving in Bangladesh and South Sudan.

The auto and SUV cult gang-banger nodes are cancer site promoting issuance of greenhouse gassing. It would be far better if NFL stars quit the corrupt game and climbed Mount Everest and K2 instead in a competitive league for minimum wage yet with corporate sponsors. Camping out in zero degree weather would be good for the lads, and being relieved of so much cash and bling-stepping away from the mansions and sports bars, would enable those hard-wroking on useless activity souls to think about actually producing potatoes or something, perhaps putting themselves in teams to the harness and plow to trudge through fields for a sense of satisfaction.


Lt. Cork and the Natural Language Drone (fiction)

In the silent sky just after 2 pm. when the only sound was that of minimalist hum from the approaching city and  barely discernible whoosh of the stealth drone's passage through nimbus clouds Lt. Cork went over a checklist in his mind of tasks to be executed in the nearing future. The lights of Yongbyong would be a change of the darkness of the tight cabin's dim green status display. Lt. Cork hadn't given any natural language pilot instruction to the drone's artificial intelligence persona since ordering it to circle around from a programmed flight path to ground zero to check out a light upon the darkened China Sea.

The stealth drone was a smart combat infiltrator fighter craft with easy ejection for a rider that could also pilot the drone with simple natural language orders to the A.I. The A.I. understood ordinary ideas about flying that any human might give it very well, and would execute the orders safely-within combat margins of safety presently- with self-determination and creativity allowances ample to prevent it from crashing into the earth.

Lt. Cork thought about the possibility of discovery by North Korean air defense radar and the inevitable MIG that would fly out to intercept it, or even a surface to air missile. He was confident enough in the drones capacity to win a dogfight or spoof a missile that he was able to concentrate again on execution of mission parameters COMPAQ thought necessary for East Asian security.

The drone would pop Cork out at very low altitude and egress to a wait on station location hovering a couple of miles away. It would return when Cork signaled for the exfiltration phase of the planning sequence.


Rafael Cruz and the Oswald Connection

The National Enquirer reports they have identified an unidentified man with Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 as Ted Cruz's father Rafael. Neither of Cruz's parents or himself were born in the U.S.A., and Rafael initially supported Communist dictator Fidel Castro before turning his coat over to a new leaf of anti-Castroism.


In the intrigue of espionage of the height of the cold war years many interesting stories were never told. Its sad that Ludlum is gone.


This issue reminds me of the theories about G.H.W. (aka '41') Bush and the oil industry connections to the grassy noll. 41 was eventually C.I.A. chief and previously owned the Zapata offshore oil corporation. The relationshiup of L.B.J. to Kellog, Brown & Root, as well as that of Cheney and RUmsfeld to that corporation and the early Vietnam War defense contracts that continued through the oil axis of no-competition contracts to their successor and parent corporation Halliburton and the Gulf Wars of 43's G.W. Bush (II) period.

J.F.K. needed to be put down for the oil services and construction contracting businesses of the insiders through the Vietnam war to roll. Ted Cruz's father might have been part of the Cuban ex-pat shadow world the C.I.A. used, and of course the Bay of Pigs fiasco brought a lot of antipathy toward the Kennedy administration that pulled out support at the last minute letting the Cuban ex-pats take the fall. Ted Cruz's might have met Lee Harvey Oswald who was the nominal shooter though there are theories about that too.

It is known that Ted Cruz was financed by the present insider New World Order corporatist players 'Goldman Sachs' in his U.S. Senate campaign, and his wife is employed there. It is difficult to say how deep the New World Order Bush I people run through the U.S.  Government and top of the Wall Street food chain. Plainly electing a Canadian born subject to frag and put down the last of U.S. Presidential qualifications requiring citizenship rather than being President of the World Bank would be trifling for them.

Evolving a Dictatorship of the Proletariat in the N.W.O.

In the political system known as corporatism the government and top corporate leaders are in effect a tight kickback and support unit steering profit, power, and control unto an elite that owns the corporations. It is sometimes challenging to discern the nature of the beast dominating the global financial and power networks when it is above so many billions of comparatively unempowered people.

When the cold war ended former Soviet leaders Yuri Andropov’s political protégé Mikhail Gorbachev was left without a political portfolio to manage. Lenin’s dream of an ideal dictatorship of the proletariat seemed to collapse with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from East Germany in December 1988. The International monetary fund that met in Berlin that year would not recognize the financial policies of the west in the Obama years as credible. With vast issuance of free loans to big banks and financial bailouts of failed financial and even automotive firms inflation has still been held down. How was that possible?

It seems as if the comparatively low unemployment rate in the U.S.A. of 4.9% reached during the Obama administration following the 2008 financial collapse and its following high unemployment rate has been accomplished through stopping the increase of the workforce overall and retiring or putting on government programs surplus labor for who no jobs in the private sector are available. Direct federal state and local government employment and other government offices along with the nearly 50% of Americans (I believe that’s the number) on some sort of means-tested government program and/or social security is possible and even temporally sustainable if p0eople are willing to work on an annual basis for about half the minimum wage averaged over the theoretical ordinary 2000 hour work year.

Corporatism silences political speech of its executives and employees. So does government for all practical purposes. How many government employees can loudly ask for cutting the size of government? What corporate execs can agitate for higher corporate taxes? How many oil industry workers can demand transition to purely electric cars to curt down global warming caused in part from automobile exhaust?

A dictatorship of the proletariat wherein each receives according to his need-and you just might find that if you try some time you can get what you need even if it isn’t what you want- and produces according to his ability, and wherein the majority are uncreative consumers concerned most about being well-adjusted lizards in a herd of lizards slithering about in a cluster f ck without moral concerns-just might be the actualized ideal dictatorship of the proletariat under supervision of the 1%.

That was the point of this essay-to ask if the evolving New World Order isn’t headed towards an unAmerican society without a regard for individualism and independence, creativity or invention, moving instead toward actualizing the corporate-communist synthesis of a controlling dictatorship of the proletariat as the global shop foreman.

Old categories of political economy from the cold war era are misleading tools for accurate analysis of current political morphophology. Computer networked communications have transformed the ownership and location phenomena of ownership and management as wealth as production and consumption classes. Preferred network insider locations snare wealth through every franchise outlet.

The dictatorship of the proletariat should be attractive political direction for the masses of former affirmative action classes to be drawn towards perhaps mislabeled as a new democratic majority. It is remarkable that each major American party may support the trend as it reinforces corporate profits with a majority of consumers vaguely contented.


Tom Cruse Could Play Ronald Reagan

Actor Tom Cruse might be the right guy to play Ronald Reagan in a semi-biographical film if not Will Ferrell. Cruse has the right kind of optimistic outlook on life shared with Reagan. Ferrell on the other hand, from Irvine California has a comedic, cynical worldly disposition that seems a little obtuse.

In an election year Ferrell's interest in producing the film seems antipathetic to Hollywood as a propaganda industry. The Guardian of England wrote that America is to shame for 'elevating Reagan'  rather than Ferrell being to blame for exploiting Alzheimer's, yet they were wrong.



Reagan's affinity for 'supply side' economics has been taken as the role model for irresponsible politicians since that have made Keynesian pump priming with government debt and free loans for big bangs, government bail outs for large corporations and flim flam derivatives schemes the rule since.

If the joke is on the American public it is for reliance on globalism instead of American invention and production, on British financial flummery with Wall Street and Footsie quantitative dark pool high speed trading rather than on secure borders, and sovereign economic resolution.

Ronald Reagan as President brought an amazing grace to the office that no one can duplicate. Instead they take the wrong lessons from the financial side and disregard the grace of ending the cold war that was not done in any sort of conventional way.

Some believe that the vast second and third world market consumer desires means that inflation cannot happen with a lot of currency and bad debt issued. There is also the factor of mechanical production that make's workers wage demands less critical. Those factors may be so, yet reality still has a way of intruding an upsetting the designs even of the 1% concentrating planetary wealth.

Donald Trump seems to have the kind of charisma without the Alzheimer's that Reagan brought to the job. It is hard to imagine what he or anyone can do with an economy that is so f'd up and ill founded. It needs to change toward lowest entropy ecological economics, pure-electric vehicles and a new building structure grid and zoning model updated from that used in 1776.  That is very obsolete in regard to environmental habitat loss and evolution of human structure design materials now available and underutilized.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...