
An Unoffical Long-Term OIl Price Forecast

I got the crash in oil prices forecast about a half a year before the drop considering the effect of all that fracking. So it is rather simply to predict that oil price per barrel won't recover to former levels at all with Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Baku oil fields and every place on Earth with running down oil reserves able to frack and recover former reserves available quantities if they wish (going on the American experience). That would include Mexico and Pemex and African nations too.


Thus oil price may be effected more by the design of oil companies and governments to increase the cost for revenue streams. Even so the steady increase in alternative electronic-solar and super-conductor technologies will offset short-term oil price increases through war and other supply disruptions. If global warming continues to affect shoreline economies and actually increases pace public opinion may decrease the value of oil per barrel too as alternative transportation is sought that is renewable and non-polluting thermally such as electric platforms covered with very efficient solar voltaic materials.

In present dollars I would think that oil should range from 10 to 60 dollars per barrel for the next half century. There is a lot of oil to recover, while engines are increasing in efficiency, alternative power supplies also, and public opinion about the effect fossil fuels have on the environment will balance out the increased yet untenable demand from second and third world consumers for gas-guzzling ground transportation.

A Doctor’s Right to Privately Euthenize and Abort?

Should a physician be allowed to cut, slash and terminate lives if done discreetly and privately. A recently passed Oklahoma law concerning abortion that does not recognize a physicians right to privacy covering his action abortion someone else’s fetus in theory should apply to euthanasia equally well. It is a real stretch of the constitution to say that a citizen’s right to privacy implicitly covers his actions upon others to perform services for them. While an abortion may be legal for a women to perform upon herself, as it might be legal in Oregon and and few other states to take one’s own life if sick and in pain, it is quite another thing for someone else to take take another’s life or abort a fetus even with consent.


The U.S. Supreme Court has never said that an abortion is moral or implicitly meaningless, it instead simply determined that the issue is hidden under the right to privacy all citizens have. When another citizen becomes involved that privacy has already been compromised. Making it a felony for a physician or anyone else to perform an abortion on someone else appears to be consistent with the concept of privacy.

If privacy were to be used as a general curtain to excuse illegal acts such as possession of stolen goods or buying and selling stolen goods the absurdity would be apparent even to members of the court. The high court should not just decide what things are politically correct to hide behind the curtain of privacy, or how many people can be in the space concealed from legal review.

When a city such as Arlington Texas is asked to build a new 900 million dollar sports stadium for the Texas Rangers to place baseball in with parking taxes raised to help pay for it, wouldn’t the visiting citizen from Houston have a just right to be excused from paying the parking meter tax because he hates the Rangers and has a right to privacy in his parking space without the intrusion of decadent, corrupt government building stadiia when the Zika virus is spreading? Why is the Houstonian’s right to privacy destroyed when he does not want to subsidize a private sports authority?

It is possible with the new age interpretation of the Constitution to make it a rubbery document stretchable in any direction. N-dimensional legal interpretative universes have arrived. The U.S. Supreme Court in Rowe v Wade in effect found that the right to privacy covers illegal acts if they are politically correct. Yet that criterion hasn't been applied equally and well elsewhere. Privacy seems to be a superfluous concept meaningful mostly as a tool for the court to allow political correct yet hitherto illegal acts to  go ahead yet cast aside if an act is disapproved by the court. Privacy as a legal concept is  a middle term syllogisticly speaking used entirely at the court's discretionary whim.


Post-Cold War Abomination; The Spiritual War

The end of the cold war with Ronald Reagan's inspired Christian leadership and a willing, bungling communist leader accomplice brought an age of new hope. Irrational exuberance saturated the stock market and President Clinton signed off on every sort of Wall Street scam for global profits with dire results. President Clinton was also known for moral failures.

President Clinton began with burning a rural farm of Christian cultists at Waco Texas with the A.T.F. and F.B.I. growing impatient on the 52nd day of their siege. He followed that up with the notorious Monica Lewinsky lip service peccadillo that got him impeached by Congress for lying. School children started shooting their classmates and the grunge era was followed by deeper, darker, satanic musical and media trends. President Obama has taken the post-cold war immoral tangent to a deeper level of hell.

At the start of his administration I noted that his was likely to be an abomination administration morally speaking ans so it turned out to be. The President has built a homosexual atheist immoral ascendancy creating a spiritual war within the nation; one leftist atheist and anti-Christian plan to win.

Replacing the external threat cold war with an internal threat spiritual war with the aggressor side employing traditional satanic methods of personalized and mass spiritual attack was a double failure of leadership. It was possible to avoid the conflict; just as it was possible to avoid the Syrian civil war simply through not supporting its build-up with cash, weapons and advisors.

Homosexual civil security wasn't endangered without the usurpation of traditional heterosexual marriage unto themselves. It probably would have been possible to end the homosexual deferment from military service over time too if they really desired to kill rather than suck their military foes.

The spiritual war is a way that insider, scientific atheists can attack the people of the United States that are Christians and traditionalists. President Obama repeatedly calls for change and has placed a homosexual as Secretary of the Army and threatened lawsuits on states that are recalcitrant about keeping bathrooms separate for men and women along traditional lines without the blur of undefined 'trans-gender' right to go anyplace they want, perhaps on the same day. The spiritual war seems to fit with the President's pro-Muslim immigration policies and transition to waging war upon Christian cultures wherever they are through spiritual means of homosexual, drugs, immigration and Islam.

American is a tolerant nation on the foundation of independence and personal individual freedom. It never has supported government coercion though, and the spiritual war is essentially a war on the soul for the possession of Satan.

Science and evolution are great things. Contemplation and research of the Universe are wonderful. Curious human beings seeking a better life inevitably work in that direction-just as they would invent blankets to stay warm in winter travel. It would be a tragedy if those drunken with the power of science and materialism further their attack on the human spirit, religious liberty and philosophy in their blind quest for power for power and believes in error, that a particular configuration of dimensions and relativity can explain creation of all, that space and extension paradigmata finally account for the set of all things and that there is no God.


Human Hunting Drones Could Change Face of War

Human hunting drones with face recognition tech built into their books of good kills will probably be fielded too soon. Built in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors small, stealthy flying and crawling drones will replace passive land mines, recharge from the sun or maybe water (for fuel cell powered drones), and be purposed to attack military units with the correct uniforms, people of a given height and weight and so forth. Cheaper to field than human soldiers drones-of-war, military conflict can be regarded as becoming more tactical and not just a straightforward chess game.

 In the future military unit survivability may be in advanced camouflage not only of visible and infrared spectra but of shape and form as well. Infrared and form recognition systems might be electronically spoofed to perceive a soldier as a tree or bolder, etc. Terrorists leading the way on camouflaging themselves as civilians may find that field crowded on a future battlefield wear unique opfor and friendly cadre identifiers are changed and recoded often in order that those regarded as fair and even legal kills are separated from those that are not. In a planetary bureaucracy those considered fair kills may evolve to political categories.

After Six Years of Support for Civil War Obama's Syria Policy Emerging

The true form of the Obama-Kerry Syria policy is finally beginning to emerge from the mists of uncertainty after six years of stimulating civil war to remove Assad- it's a twin towers demolition plan with the other towering strong man being for Assad being the late Muammar Gaddafi. It is probable that a time of troubles would follow a removal of Assad in Syria as it has in Libya after the removal of Gaddafi with more direct U.S. military intervention.


There isn't anything about a homeland for the Kurds, or a expansion of their Iraqi homeland, into Eastern and Northern Syria mentioned in Obama planning. Perhaps they would get the squeeze after their usefulness is reduced after regular non-Sunni, Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Sunnis were to take over much of the power in Syria. Very likely Hamas would send advisors and Hezballah and Iran would be unhappy. No more smiley faces attached to emails to the west.


Romney May have Communique from Kolob to Make 3rd Party Run

For Mitt Romney to consider making a 3rd party run for the White House and give the job of President to Hillary Clinton he would need to have extra-terrestrial instructions or otherwise be spaced out and unconcerned about terrestrial reality.

Mitt is Romney was a one-term governor of the liberal state of Massachusetts and provided the prototype for Obamacare so perhaps he actually was a camouflaged democrat; as likely an explanation as instructions from the Kolob Star system where Mormons believe Jesus and other divines reside.

Mitt could helpfully fade into history and stop showing jealousy of Trump who is the best the Republicans have this year. The party may not ordinarily, run excellent candidates- usually the best recommendation being that it is a less offensive choice than the Democrat-even so the bunglers should support what they have and quit with the sapping their own guy for not being a particularly satisfying kind of extremist. Trump isn't too bad at being an executive anyway and seems to have an idea of what he wants to do if elected.


Actions Harm; Not Words or Lies or Truths

A Nazi prison guard looks over the Jews and sees one that has been excused from going into the gas chamber directly. The Jew told the guard he was a scientist (and he was really an electrician), and the camp commandant had a special that week on sparing scientists from execution so they could work on building a nuclear weapon. How much harm did the Jew do to the Nazi guard by telling him the lie?

Absurd philosophical situations like that arise when one credits all lies with necessarily being harmful. Satan may be the father of lies yet he is also the father of everything evil including actions that really do cause harm. Lies printed on paper that isn't read do no harm. Falsehoods are not magical incantations that bring the wrath of harm and doom to the gullible. In fact telling the objective truth to people can in some circumstances cause as much harm, or more, than a lie. it is actions that bring harm to the soul.

A lie without an action accompanying it to bring harm usually can do little harm. A truth not acted upon can cause harm just as readily as a lie, since it is the action or inaction, response or non-response to words that can bring good or evil to others. People need to be given credit for some cognitive  reasoning capacity to discern for-themselves what is true or false, right or wrong, good or evil and decide for-themselves if or how they should act.

Without thought the human body does very little beside biologically metabolize or fall if in a gravitational field. Human actions follow human thought and the will to act or move.

So the prison guard is happy that he has saved the fake Jewish scientist from death and looks at the Jew menacingly knowing that he can act some varieties of sadistic torture upon him later to motivate Jewish science. Then another prison guard arrives and sees the Jew. Looking upon him he says-what is that Jewish electrician from my village doing in the scientist's line Heinrich? The guard has only said the truth. Nothing changes until the first guard then orders the electrician to the gas chamber. That was the harmful action.

Belief in words is for-itself a kind of action. Human will and thought are actions some use better than others. Each individual is responsible for his own thought, action or inaction for-himself, though it is possible for others to interfere with one's own freedom to act and think. Sadists and the too comfortable in politics, government and business are susceptible to perpetrating callous victimization of others overcome with their own easily arrived concepts of self-worth.

Lies and falsehoods intentional or not probably have a greater prospect for prompting harmful actions than truthful statements. Reckless driving has a greater prospect for causing harm in comparison to safe, truthful driving, yet reckless driving could be identical in appearance to evasive driving by a car and driver seeking to not get strafed by an opposition force aircraft.

Plainly virtuous actions would work for the intentionally good with accuracy and truthfulness, yet that may be a complex line of travel.

Britain's Radical Muslim Immigration Attitude for U.S.A.

Brits Should Be Demoted in Ally Rankings

British leaders including former P.M. and Catholic Tony Blair and London's Muslim mayor have attacked Donald Trump's thoughts on curtailing Muslim immigration to the U.S.A. They probably also don't support Israel with much vigor. Blair and the Brits would like an Anglophile globalist like the Clintons in the White House to blow smoke up their derrières better than the more nationally independent minded Trump. Brits are attacking America's sovereign immigration control concerns seeking to influence the November election.

http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-36300005 P.M. David Cameron's abuse of Trump (Cameron is a guy that never reported the money laundering Panamanian law firm though he must have suspected or known about it for years and years)

The Obama administration is ditching Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill and the nation that burned down the capital in the war of 1812 should like that. President Obama is another critic of Trump's intention to stop Muslim immigration to the U.S.A. for a while. Obama, raised in a Muslim country, is far too developmental of Muslim terrorist movements across North Africa and the Middle East and probably likes all the thousands of Syrian refugees moving into Europe and Canada. He too has rose colored glasses on about the Muslim religion.

The U.S.A. actually should halt all immigration permanently except for 50,000 annually that are the poorest of the poor selected by lottery from the poorest nations and 50,000 annually that are the smartest of the smart willing to serve in a U.S. government serve the poor program for a two year enlistment before being released to look for work in the private sector.

The United States would be better off with Russia and Italy as our strongest allies than the globally imperial minded Brits. There isn't anything wrong with Peru either; why not promote Peru in strongest ally rankings and demote Britain down there to the number fifteen slot as a sort of auxiliary strongest ally if no one else is available and there is a national fish and chip shortage?

Ten Points about Trump and Asia Policy

Ten Points about Trump and Asia Policy

Some criticism has been directed at Donald Trump's Asian policy. Generally the critics are pots calling the kettle black as it were, as if the U.S.A. usually has had good Asian policy since the Vietnam conflict.

So I will supply some of my own ideas about Asian policy in order to illustrate the point that it isn't difficult to form a practical executive Asia policy.

1) China is OK. and not much of a threat for war. China is vulnerable militarily from numerous angles and will remain so yet is, alternatively, not in much danger of being attacked.

The Chinese economy may change regardless of global attitudes to China, in ways that cannot present be foreseen. There is no necessary course of economic evolution the Chinese have a course of destiny upon except the environmental constraints facing all of the people of the world today.

If China were the first large economy to adapt to ecological economic policies of low entropy and sustainability through selective, democratic capital review qualitative growth innovations it would be somewhat antipathetic to external old-style capitalism and contemporary global finance infrastructure though not in conflict. There is no probability that China will take the way of the emerald sword rather than that of the worsted dragon of global warming and viscous capitalism reinforced with semi-socialism.

2) With so many globalists seeking to exploit and be exploited by Chinese consumption and production phenomenalities of potential U.S. Congresspersons are reluctant to put U.S> national interests before those of Wall Street and Chinese trade and investment. Trump can pursue more national advantage policies for the U.S.A. without exploiting China or creating military conflict with little effort though panic stricken politicians worry about their Wall Street contributors wishes.

3) China in its new era of swagger has expanded in the South China Sea aggressively creating some military issues for the Philippines and Vietnam as well as damage to the environment, yet global warming and rising sea levels may render those investments to King Canute status eventually. Worst about the Chinese land building in the ocean is what it says about that nation's environmental attitudes; that entire area should be off limits to resource use at all in order to let fisheries recover that are already overstressed.

4) Taiwan seems to have a better relationship with China these days, yet drone aircraft can help them keep a lower-cost balance of power to prevent Chinese invasion, as well as to provide a counter-strike capability on the Chinese mainland. Cheap hover-drones and mini-fast-smart-torpedo-submersible drones can attack Red Army assault boats in the Formosa Strait and sink invading forces after they are manufactured that will help keep U.S. naval forces from needing to be involved in regional disputes de guerre.

5) Vietnam does not allow enough philosophy and religion books to be marketed and has inferior Internet access for ordinary people yet what can Trump be expected to do about that?

6) Indonesia is too Muslim and that isn't Trump's fault. In some respects Indonesia and Malaysia shouldn't be thought of as really Asian at all. Instead they are more islanders as is New Guinea and Australia (the big island). China cannot be a threat to islanders or that could involve a just war with drones filling the skies like a zillion mosquitoes. The islands including the Philippines would be ruined by Muslims and improved by environmentalist Christians although all face the threat of capitalist scientism represented by godless atheists. Godless atheist probably don't like Trump even though he hasn't been seen swaggering around with a copy of 'God, Cosmology and Nothingness'. Trump can call on the island nations to be environmentally improving and good Christians with good neighborliness with more literacy. China could help instruct in the theory of environmental economics, but even the second edition of the Daley, Farleigh textbook on environmental economics runs about 80 bucks.

7) Japan isn't a problem. They just need to keep working on refining technology and increasing its efficiency while improving the environment as best as possible. They should also stop whaling and renounce it as a pagan, heathen, uniformed bite of savagery they regret, yet its unlikely to occur. One may worry about the Japanese soul that isn't usually saved and isn't well-informed about Jesus Christ. A priesthood of believers might help with that, although that hasn't even got started in the U.S.A.

8) Burma or Myanmar seems to present some problems for itself. Working with security issues and promoting religious and sectarian non-violence as a norm would be useful. For any of the Asian nations it would be a good idea not to use foreign policy to promote homosexuality as the Obama administration has.

9) Trump could stop Wall Street pursuit of globalization of trade through free trade agreements that can tear up the local economy and advantage globalists far too much. Ecologically speaking it is better-because of lower added entropy-to produce things locally consumed locally. Three-D printers making goods in localities are better than making them in one part of the world and shipping them to another.

Because it is a smaller world now with large aircraft and fast large container ships global trading will continue with or without trade agreements; the question is who will benefit most-ordinary people or the one percent of plutocratic globalists, and will it help or harm the environment and local political sovereignty.

One wonders if Asian algo dark pool traders buy up planetary bulk goods for instant profits too as globally as Wall Streeters, and how that would be a problem for long-range demographic economic improvement as well as environmental prospects; if profits are skimmed off the top that could make people more environmentally desperate at the bottom.

U.S. help with educational tools at low nominal cost with cheap tablets full of language translators, math tutoring, philosophical thought, geography and history could be provided in solar-recharging, waterproof and break resistant presentations that would let people help themselves better. A library of practical, diagrammatic how-to guides could be chipped in (build a better hut, desalinate water, etc) and provided by the millions-maybe with a cell phone or wifi included in a new kind of piecework corps for Asia's poor.

10) North Korea is the 50 pound guerrilla in the room of Asia developing a career as a nuclear steroids bodybuilder with ambition to be a 500 pounder. Bill Clinton's food for nukes policy evidentially sustained them through the hard times until they could get their first crop of nuclear weapons to grow to maturity. So now they have several and are trying to make their typo dong missiles bigger and able to reach Boston and D.C. Democrats have appeased them. Its hard to say what Trump or anyone else can do with that. Maybe science needs to evolve some new tricks for dealing with local nuclear proliferation problems.


NPR Promoting Racism Anti-White in Politics

N.P.R. is a well-known leftist, Democrat party organ, even so promoting anti-white racial organizing is not an activity that should receive any federal funding.


The majority of Americans are still white, and have been so since the founding of the nation. It would be stupid to think that the political interests of the majority have nbot or shopuld not shape national politics. It should do so fairly.

Sure with a black President and hordes of non-white illegally invading the civil sector taking jobs there are better prospects for a non-white majority arising. Non-white internal and external proletariats have a poor tradition of being founders of democracy or defenders of equal civil rights. Mexico is a drug-trafficking nation where tight gun control has let drug traffickers enact more murders with guns than American soldiers killed in the Vietnam and Gulf wars combined-and in just a decade.

Andrew Jackson-unpopular with those native Americans displaced to forced out of the S.E. was a great warrior for American democracy of which non-whites were not then included. Thus the Obama administration was happy to drop a Harriat blood-bath tub on Jackson's $20 bill portrait as if he were the wicked witch of the west killed by Dorothy's landing. Will that removal of the victor over the British in 1812 bring more prestige to America as the founders are replaced by non-whites?

Instead of cutting down Jackson it would have been better just to make a $30 bill with a Tub on it apropos for a bath oil bead with bubbles era of the Democrat party. Hillary Clinton would probably like her own portrait on the dollar bill---God forbid that should ever occur.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...