
White Policemen are Nearly Exclusively the Targets of Felonious Killings

White police lives matter too. In 2014 for instance felons killed 50 policemen in the U.S.A. and of those 47 were white.


Only three of the killings occurred when the officers were handling people with mental illness. Seven were killed in plain ambushes.

People have been concerned about black violence for decades. The causes of that are uncertain, both historical and cultural I guess. What concerns me is the economic effect. It may be a reason why good American industrial jobs disappeared by 15 million since 2000 I believe it is. China seems to have nicer workers. It may be a reason as well why so many like illegal Latino immigration for work; prosperous people are distrustful of black violence. An Africanized America is something some worry about, as if it were like killer bees bumping out the nice honey bees.

Police kill far more whites than blacks-more than twice as many though blacks are more likely to murder. http://newobserveronline.com/far-more-whites-killed-by-us-police/

Maybe I am mistaken about the above. There certainly were lots of other reason for the wussification of the American job market such as the Clintons. Now everyone works for Wal-mart, is on the government's payroll or is otherwise a service worker or in the financial sector preponderantly. being a nurse is the only reliable big money for aspiring upwardly mobile normal people it seems. Self-driving trucks will eventually take out truck driving jobs.  American blacks will find something to sing 'we shall overcome' about and riot no matter what. It just won't be about good jobs, paying off the national debt, space exploration or stopping illegal immigration. It it were, white people might join them.

So was it ethical for a robot to detonate itself all over Micah Johnson-the Dallas sniper? Not if it was thinking for itself and not a drone controlled by a human. A more reasonable question could be this-would it have been ethical to use a rocket propelled grenade or artillery?

Thoughts on the Black Lives Matter Police Massacre in Dallas

One idea that may be learned from the massacre of police officers at a Black Lives Matter protest march in Dallas is that protracted emotional political movements have statistically extreme outriders that bring more violence to the movement. The anti-abortion movement has occasional bombers to attack clinics, the pro-abortion movement sometimes sells human baby body parts harvested in late term abortions etc.

The Vietnam War era protests also had occasional violence as did the green revolution have its Ted Kaczynskis. President Obama’s leadership has been very poor at leading blacks away from social unrest, rioting and the inevitable violence toward reason.




The number of police contacts every day in the U.S.A. with civilians is phenomenal. There are about 6 million convicted felons in the U.S.A. and about 2 million people behind bars. In a nation of 320 million people and with perhaps 50 million police-civilian contacts annually statistically it is inevitable that some violence will occur. Keep in mind the difficulty and nature of the job and the kind of people that do it.

Racism seems prima facie to be a cause for many killings of police. In 2014 50 police officers were feloniously killed and 47 were white. "By race, 47 of the victim officers were white, 2 were black, and 2 were Asian/Pacific Islander." https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/leoka/2014/officers-feloniously-killed

Police kill far more whites than blacks-more than twice as many though blacks are far more likely to murder. http://newobserveronline.com/far-more-whites-killed-by-us-police/

Everyone knows that police work has violence in it. Police are legal bullies able to arrest other citizens and physically take them down. It isn’t a prize fight they practice-it is the most cheap shot win the fight and move on empowerment a citizen can have as an advantage over other and society has created the structure that way for reasons of public safety. The alternative seems to be to just have policemen go and smell the roses and leave the criminals alone and not to offend the media by profiling people to sort through the fish to locate the bad ones in the barrel.

What has changed is the technology of video capture making it possible to record actual crimes by police officers, yet the job of police work will continue to be one where high school graduates over the course of a career must themselves interact with dangerous people and use violence on occasion upon those that resist arrest. Every school kid learns, or should learn, that resisting arrest leads to nothing more than a life in crime as an inmate. One should yes sir, no sir police officers and thank God when they are done with you and have a good lawyer on speed dial, as well of course as not doing things that will get one arrested such as shoplifting while smoking dope and grabbing for a cops gun when he stops to question what the heck you are about.

Amid the hundreds of thousands of police officers in the U.S.A. making 50 million contacts annually there will be some that are not well balanced, burned out, bad attitude, desensitized or whatever that make inappropriate actions with civilians. Some police officers frankly are criminals themselves...remember the Serpico movie based on a true story.

It is possible to slowly evolve better policing and safer methods for civilians and police officers alike yet the Black Lives matter protests and riots do nothing to help that in comparison to the rioting and civil destruction, economic losses and mayhem they bring. President Obama’s leadership has been terrible in clarifying that. It is the sort of bad social organizing that has divided Europe, rekindled the cold war and created conflicted across the Middle East flooding Europe with refugees and terrorist infiltrators.

Police officers are just people trying to get through a challenging career. Black Americans have a higher crime rate, a less intellectual, more aggressive social environment because of its emergence from segregation and the ghetto, and present challenges for police work. If one reads LBJ’s riot commission report and notes the challenges and bullets used by the national guard as compared with the 101st Airborne in Detroit it is easy to see that the Black Lives Matter protests over the incidence of violence concerns lesser numbers.

Each year in the U.S.A. about 250 people are killed by police officers and felons kill about 50 police-that is a reasonable ratio. The Black Lives Matter intifada protests are not going to create a sudden change or correction to statistically hard to avoid behavior. In fact the movement probably stimulates violence and provides a draft for extremists to act. Because statistically problems can be reduced yet not disappear and because people watching videos believe a few incidents are occurring a thousandfold more often it is easy to drag people out into the streets and create chaos rather than the civil order required for measured social economic progress.

Video captures of crimes by civilians and police put on the Internet can easily bring political responses- elections can put unresponsive politicians out. It would be good if police officers were all college graduates yet would such people want to be body builders ready to take down the guys on PCP or meth with guns or body building drunks that are belligerent and hate police officers? If one is interacting with a guy that should be a marshal artist of a kind one should be aware of the possibility that he may use marshal art. People with ordinary IQ can make mistakes or perpetrate crimes in or out of uniform-thats just the way it is. The in theory one wants to find someone brighter on internal affairs to investigate the dummies that were corrupt-and someone brighter supervising internal affairs however it doesn’t really work that way. Politics is corrupt in America-even globalist-and politicians control the police forces ultimately and are themselves socially challenged by not electing good people that have no interest in running for office.


Many Feel the U.S. Economy is a Bubble

In spite of the June jobs report of about 287,000 non-farm jobs many Americans still have the feeling that the economy of the United States is something of a bubble that will burst sometime like a souffle collapsing.It seems as if the U.S. economy is pumped up with the gas of public debt, foreign investment, outsourcing of good jobs to China to make things cheaper to sell to Americans about half of whom are on the public dime in some way or another.


It has nothing to do with President Obama being in part, African. Americans realize that since the Carter administration Wall Street has been getting exceptional favors for 'liberalization'. Wealth has concentrated and is getting worse all the time.The Clintonomic phenomena with Larry Summers took an entirely wrong course in cutting everything possible for Wall Street such that deregulation allowed globalist empowerment at a time when financial discipline was called for,

The U.S. workforce now is four million less than in the year 2000. The number of Americans not in the workforce increase 15 million in the same period. 

After the cold war the U.S.Government should have been sober and wary of irrational exuberance instead of taking a victory lap for capitalism with no concern for economic reality. With careful taxation and investment in paying off the U.S. public debt, and keeping out of new permanent foreign trade alliances, in letting gradual and moderate economic growth rise the world of problems the U.S.A. faces today with about 20 trillion dollars of debt, a habit of fomenting conflict with Russia and stimulating global Muslim terrorism could have been avoided.It is time to rectify that approach and  created new work opportunities for Americans that support quality lifestyles.



Electric Jet Aircraft are Getting Closer to the Day

Governments that rely on fossil fuel financing are preponderantly corrupt-especially in Africa. Regarding jet aircraft-the electric jet is on the way-people realize putting exhaust high in the sky is a bad idea. Europeans are working on it.
Until recently some people could remember when only birds could fly, yet technology has continued to advance. Better batteries with more storage, room temperature super conductors etc will create better range than that anticipated for the first generation of commercial aircraft in the 60-70 passenger jets of 3 hours and maybe 1500 miles. Maybe drones can transfer power mid-air plugging in to the passenger jets easily creating unlimited flight range. Its difficult to anticipate what tech will follow along on the new way of things. Of course Musk and Tesla Motors have a concept for high speed ground transport in a tube that would make much trans-ocean flight superfluous, yet electric aircraft seems to be the way of things on Earth and probably on planets with atmospheres-I believe N.A.S.A. is working on it too.

http://www.nasa.gov/centers/armstrong/Features/leaptech.html  'the future of flight is electric'


Dallas Sniper Prototype for ISIS Ad Hoc Mode

ISIS inspired killers have been moving toward the practical application of violence with simple means for Europe and the U.S.A. recently. Sniper shooting within 300 meters is no more than basic training any marine or soldier is proficient at-it is just the Air Force that can be counted upon to miss 50 meter targets consistently.

Micah Johnson had a lot of weapons training while serving on active duty (with the Army Reserve) in Afghanistan. Like Tim McVeigh he apparently was radicalized while living in a Muslim country. Like any bright potential terrorist he did not leave an obvious trail of radical association. When one sees how easily one can take war into their own hands serving abroad, some choose to do so in their homeland.


I should point out that Dallas has a very large community named White Settlement that is maladroit this century. It makes Dallas seem racist. What if the Bronx were renamed 'White Settlement'? A couple of centuries ago it was reasonable. Now though, that community should change its name to Staubach or Landry.

The modern ISIS approach for terror seems more like that of the 60s and 70s P.L.O. Euro-front than Al Qaeda. Using rifles to create mayhem instead of the grand application of weapons of mass destruction works well with  the modern media relishing the quality video captures. Black Muslims have always been a violence prone group in the U.S.A. and have great potential for organized and ad hoc violence. Black  Muslims machine gunned Malcom X down coldly on stage in New York City. In the 60's trendy blacks made the stupid choice of selecting Islam instead of Christianity as an African religion when in fact Christianity is easily as well qualified or more so than Islam as being African...neither are yet each are. Jerusalem is as close to Africa than Mecca.


Reagan said Politics is 2nd Oldest Profession

President Reagan also said politics is a lot like the oldest profession (prostitution). That should be understood by Senate majority leader McConnell, House Speaker Ryan and other non-Trump republican leadership. Winning in 2016 is necessary to get a rational Supreme Court-losing is not an option and Republican political leaders should act as if they love the Trump touch even if they don't because they are bought and paid for whores of globalist corporatists like the Clintons.

Wall Street will survive a Trump administration, yet the High Court packed with Clinton appointees would corrupt the U.S.A. for the remainder of its existence like as not.


The public should political garrote McConnell, Ryan and other spoilt Republican leaders so complacent and cynched in sinecures that they in effect are Clintonistas.

Trump Must Win November 7 Battle of the Boobs

Dolly Parton was quoted by Rolling Stone saying 'they can always use more boobs in the race'. The facts are that women will vote for Hillary in the same way that blacks voted for Barrack Obama. Since getting elected is the most important element of a Presidential run Trump must find a pair of boobs to combat the Clinton boob advantage.

Fortunately the Donald as already interviewed Iowa Senator Ernst who is qualified for the Vice Presidential job, and she does have the qualifications needed to attract female voters.Former Speaker Gingrich is simply a fat old white man unappealing to women,blacks and Latinos who like Hillary's shrewishness and lesbian class affinity.

One can trust that Hillary would bungle international relations,the economy and national security adroitly if Trump loses the boob battle in November. If not Senator Ernst Trump will need to look hard to find the best qualified boobs available to win the run for the Presidency.

Populism can win elections.Al Gore have won with Oprah WInfree as VP candidate.Romney could have won with anyone that didn't look male and pasty white. Trump is the populist candidate this year since Hillary is a Lady MacBeth the public is cool on. Making an an overly conservative VP pick that would doom Trump's chances in November. It must be either Ben Carson or a better boob qualified pick if Trump is to surf the populist wave to victory.



Speaker Ryan Joins Red Team Asses on Yellow Star Semiotic

House Speaker Paul Ryan joined with red team Democrats in attacking the Republican Presidential candidate for using a yellow star sheriff badge symbol in a tweet. pejorative Democrats necessarily choose to interpret the symbol as representing Jews in Death camps-something Hillary Clinton is closely associated with as a survivor of Whitewater and the Lewinsky affair.


Ryan apparently doesn't realize that the Speaker should not join with Democrats during a Presidential election season in attacking his own party's candidate as if he were Benedict Arnold trying to become Axis Sally. It's quite possible to understand that Hillary as a corrupt chief law enforcement officer wouldn't be a good thing. Using a sheriff badge symbol is American enough and a yellow star is a fair symbol with the primary alternative being silver.

I suppose Trump should visit Jerusalem for a photo op wearing a marmoset on his head while putting a note into the Western Wall.  

The world population of Jews is only 13 million or so and just 7 million live in the U.S.A.-they are a tiny minority that most Americans don't think about much, and in the context of a Presidential campaign concern about 60 year old foreign symbols of the Reich is just a polemical diversion from facts that Democrats would understandably use, though its rather crazy. 

Donald Trump supports Israel and probably will be the Jewish stat'es best friend since President Reagan or maybe George W. Bush. In 1994 or 5 I saw a guy that looked like Bill Clinton in casual clothes about 30 feet away at the Juneau Alaska ferry terminal  parking lot in casual clothers wearing a large yellow badge. A woman that looked like Monica Lewinsky wearing a fishnet shirt walked over to me and asked me if I had change for a dollar so she could call a taxi in order 'to get Randy home' Though no one in Juneau wears large yellow badges, it occurred to me that its what the slicks in DC probably think would impress the rural hicks

Trumps use of the yellow star-not necessarily or even reasonably representing a star of David or a devil worship symbol-and the reaction to it shows how corrupt and in competent people are in the Democrat party and in the Speaker of the House lofts today.

LeBron Should Go to Spurs or OKC

Since Kevin Durant went over to the red super team the only way the N.B.A. can be competitive next year would be for LeBron to play for OKC or San Antonio. 

The Oklahoma City Thunder are one of the best teams without one superstar available, and the Spurs just signed Pau Gasol for three years and have possibly the best coach in the N.B.A. So if James wants to beat the Warriors those are his off-the-shelf options (besides signing with the Warriors too).



Baghdad Blasts Offer Field Testing Opportunity

The Iraqi government is having a tough time providing security from ISIS bombers that most recently killed 167  people. One would think that micro drones able to search for explosives packages in a variety of forms could be field tested In Baghdad on an ongoing basis. It may be that the U.S.A. will need such capability itself one day with the deterioration on border security from illegal entry from Mexico and the Muslim tourist element. D.C. should make ordinance security scans with drones a prioritized field testing opportunity and work out an arrangement with the government of Iraq.


Mexican drug smugglers used to use zodiac inflatables with 100 h.p. outboards to bring garbage bags of dope to unload on the beach next to the U.S. Navy Seal training site at San Diego. Later quality tunneling enabled vast quantities of dope and illegal entries of people in a standard evolution of law-breaking quality. Today the President is of political help to law breakers seeking entry illegally to the U.S.A. , and drone aircraft as well as drone ground vehicles innovate new means of making a mockery of democracy and national self-determination of the citizens. It is only a matter of time before all of the loose plastic explosives liberated to global terrorism during the Obama administration migrates to Mexico and Canada and travels to the U.S.A. illegally (if Muslim owned transportation businesses don't just bring shipping containers full of explosives in sometime).

Fast Upgrades in A.I. Tech

A.I. is improving and applied quickly. AI is moving toward super-intelligence. Its use in flying small, silent drones with claymore mines to...