
White Policemen are Nearly Exclusively the Targets of Felonious Killings

White police lives matter too. In 2014 for instance felons killed 50 policemen in the U.S.A. and of those 47 were white.


Only three of the killings occurred when the officers were handling people with mental illness. Seven were killed in plain ambushes.

People have been concerned about black violence for decades. The causes of that are uncertain, both historical and cultural I guess. What concerns me is the economic effect. It may be a reason why good American industrial jobs disappeared by 15 million since 2000 I believe it is. China seems to have nicer workers. It may be a reason as well why so many like illegal Latino immigration for work; prosperous people are distrustful of black violence. An Africanized America is something some worry about, as if it were like killer bees bumping out the nice honey bees.

Police kill far more whites than blacks-more than twice as many though blacks are more likely to murder. http://newobserveronline.com/far-more-whites-killed-by-us-police/

Maybe I am mistaken about the above. There certainly were lots of other reason for the wussification of the American job market such as the Clintons. Now everyone works for Wal-mart, is on the government's payroll or is otherwise a service worker or in the financial sector preponderantly. being a nurse is the only reliable big money for aspiring upwardly mobile normal people it seems. Self-driving trucks will eventually take out truck driving jobs.  American blacks will find something to sing 'we shall overcome' about and riot no matter what. It just won't be about good jobs, paying off the national debt, space exploration or stopping illegal immigration. It it were, white people might join them.

So was it ethical for a robot to detonate itself all over Micah Johnson-the Dallas sniper? Not if it was thinking for itself and not a drone controlled by a human. A more reasonable question could be this-would it have been ethical to use a rocket propelled grenade or artillery?

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