
Noble & Sterling Shootings-My Opinion

Firstly I am just interpreting the video of the two incidents. Dylan Noble seemed to be committing suicide by cop. Since he appeared to be white Black Lives Matter won't care.

The police shooting protocol was rather disgusting however. The first shot was reasonable yet the remainder weren't needed. After being shot people probably would tend to thrash about rather than obey instructions since that hurts. Shooting someone in pain in negligent and seems cowardly. I suppose the police aren't cowards though-they simply act as if they are union shooters in a video game. No charges should follow if laws weren't broken. Fresno OD policy should change on extra shots though.

I always give a bear a warning shot if its approaching and never had to shoot one yet. Police need to have enough confidence with basic pistol marksmanship so they can wound and not kill a subject as if they were soldiers on a battlefield- for whom anything else than a kill shot would be unreasonable. It woud be useful for police to have the power to discern where to place a bullet accurately and at least try...a certain degree of risk would not be the union way yet it would be an honorable way. There is no crime in shooting for a leg, missing and having to duck if the suspect really has a pistol hidden and returns fire requiring the kevlar protected patrolman to drop and fire with more lethal intent a second shot.

The Baton Rouge convenience store store shooting of Alton Sterling is also nothing to protest about. The police seem quite guilty of something taking the fat man down and putting a gun on his chest as if it were a staple gun and firing center of mass point blank four times.

At best it could be aggravated manslaughter, at worst first degree murder with a fake 9-11 call from co-conspirators that wanted to get rid of commercial competition from the street. A semi-automatic pistol is not a staple gun and it was not o.k. to put four rounds into his heart. Maybe one in the shoulder from that range would have made Sterling easier to handle. What clowns.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxw7xd5vlmY

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