
President Obama's Wussifying Policies May Stimulate Police Killings

Police Shootings Are Too Common

The steady escalation of Black Lives Matter protests of incidents of police killings of black Americans seems to have spawned a shadow of death killing policemen that follows the Black Lives Matter movements. I believe the F.B.I. Behavioral Analysis Unit models probabilities of where select crimes may occur. Locations where B.L.M. protests have occurred must be in the red zone.

President Obama's recalcitrance to consistently and convincingly condemn attacks on police officers, expressing understanding and tolerance for ‘the other side’  implicitly implying some sort of equality of equation elements hasn’t been helpful. Neither are the tragic killings something to panic about.

During the Obama administration anarchy, chaos, civil unrest and civil war have increased across the Middle East and Europe.The Muslim presence as terrorists has increased globally while mass public social media have brought several methods for inspiring individuals to commit acts of terrorism off-the-shelf as it were, at the sacrifice of their own lives. The United States was not immunized against such developments by the lack of Presidential leadership.

Gavin Long,the killer of Baton Rouge police,was a former Marine Sergeant, well versed in killing with a long gun. Black marines and other military personnel exposed to radical Islam abroad are susceptible to taking war into their own hands domestically it seems if the political winds deem it ripe.Given the usual difficulties of adjusting to civilian from military life, the President should make damn sure he does not give any impression about being sympathetic will protest instead of legal justice where and when legal justice is not as corrupt as the budget balancing portion of government. One would think that the late Sgt. Long would have trusted in Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the like for justice.

Just yesterday while playing internet chess I was verbally attacked (in print) for being an American. My opponent from overseas called me all sorts of  insulting names to distract me from winning the 3 minute game. From a winning position I got just a draw. If President Obama hadn’t queered marriage in the U.S.A. I probably would have won that chess game because my opponent would have had no basis for making that sort of insult demanding my reply in the midst of the game. It is rotten to be lumped in with a category of immoral people for simply being a citizen of a nation. The President probably liked stimulating hatred of the U.S.A. and bringing people abroad to feel people in America are wussy faggots.

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