
Russia isn't a Threat to Europe Unless N.A.T.O. Members & Diplomats are Crooked and Stupid

Donald Trump isn't as paranoid about Russia as some N.A.T.O. leaders it appears. Trump being not so concerned about a possible Russian military threat including the east expresses a realpolitik that is lacking in the leftist leadership of Europe and D.C. It isn't likely that Russia wants to garrison a hostile and restive Eastern Europe in order to force them to accept democracy, free enterprise or even subjugation under war and crime lords. Neither is Russia seeking to force another evil communist empire upon Europe. The potential causes for conflict are fairly low with the exception being the natural Russian unwillingness to part with the historical core of its nation in Ukraine. The Russian insisted on self-determination for a part of Georgia-Ronald Reagan was big on political self-determination unlike D.C. leftist gayocrats


It is true that without a cold war there is scant need for N.A.T.O. to exist except as a force de frappe. It should have a lean, volunteer military that actually trains and is ready for adequate defense keeping in mind that it was Russia that deescalated the cold war giving up the real estate it had occupied for 50 years following the Nazi invasion-The U.S.A. probably wouldn't have done anything different in a similar situation.

The left and the defense contracting right and Wall Street want to take all of the former lands of the Soviet Union into its economic domain and sanction Russia until it submits to rule by Goldman Sachs et al.  They want a gay lap dog of global corporate in the Kremlin and Russian aren't really down with that.

It took complete bungling idiotic leadership in DC and NATO nations to foul up economic, political and social relations with Russia. Without Russia though China would be the main adversary and that would require advanced 3D printed drone aircraft instead of another new fighter or bomber. Old government habits die hard and the next generation cold warriors are as recalcitrant about making things work with Russia as they are at moving to new environmental economic systems.

Trump as a realist would at least expect Europe to defend itself before the U.S.A. enters the next improbable war with Russia. When the Check Republic becomes the new bloody battlefield with N.A.T.O. forces cornered like Custer at the Little Big Horn I am sure the Donald will send air mobile to the rescue. Oh what a glorious day that will be that smells like victory.

In the meantime INTERPOL should have its own paramilitary branch contributed from N.A.T.O. nations to interdict Muslim terrorist ops in Europe. Western leadership is its own greatest danger, yet its still adequate to put down any Atlantic warriors seeking to plunder the fair shores of France. China is another issue, but Euro-American leadership might be deflected enough to bungle that defense paradigm too.

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