
What the Mark of Kaine Means for Hillary

When Bill Clinton selected Senator Tim Kaine for Hillary's V.P. running mate; a guy who hasn’t got blood about him as does Hillary Clinton from her time as Secretary of State supporting wicked and bloody Middle East policy, he was clever in picking the former head of the DNC to cinch up the Clinton clique dominating the Democrat party.

Tim Kaine as Governor of Virginia for a term had only the Virginia Tech massacre on his ledger and he wasn’t responsible for that. He has gone from political job to job as a fast track promotion Harvard Law school grad.

Like Donald Trump, Kaine has an undergraduate degree in economics although not Trump's major in anthropology that I find interesting. There is contemporary anthropology somewhat comparable to sociology that allows one to view human social groups rather objectively. In instead Kaine took a law degree from Harvard and met a Harvard law student to wed. The Clintons like to pack courts and the White House with Harvard lawyers evidently; the better to employ legal subterfuge to advance the new world order I guess. To command the law entails the ability to break the law and evade responsibility-skills at which the Clintons excel.

Tim Kaine seems a little like a conservator for Hillary potentially providing the competence she may lack. In effect Kaine would be her Dick Cheney while Bill is pursuing student interns, golf and a tan.

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