
Melania Trump-Learning From Michelle

If Melania Trump's fine convention speech borrowed from Michelle's 2008 speech, that should be taken as a compliment; the next first lady looked to the present for a role model. Michelle Obama is entirely not to blame for Barrack's bad foreign and domestic policy choices and failures to separate himself from the lawless tendencies of the Black Lives Matter movement that has been looking to blame police officers for years. When President Obama's son that he never had Trayvon Martin was the viral news and protest body the White House just didn't make it plain that mob protest does not complement the legal justice system. Blacks have the highest racial group percentage of convicted felons in America-those people often ‘hate the pigs’, and that evolves through to the B.L.A. movement I would think.

Melania Trump's speech delivery was the main point; she was flawless and engaging in that; a first lady that would be preferable to Zillary's caustic presences with crusty Bill as her first dude mouthpiece teaching student interns how to bake cookies.
I suppose their are just so many ways a woman might describe an elephant or donkey as the case may be. It is more a matter the public getting a chance to meet the prospective first lady than to learn about policy details. In either case I think it improbable that either Melania or Michelle wrote their speeches unsupervised if at all.

Do two crooked lawyers make a right? Does Hillary plus Bill add up to one honest, forthright lawyer? Whatever Michelle's relation to her own speech was (writing it entirely or not), she did not say that Barack would lead the nation to homosexual marriage and the Middle East to civil wars, 20 trillion dollars of public debt etc.

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