
Dallas Sniper Prototype for ISIS Ad Hoc Mode

ISIS inspired killers have been moving toward the practical application of violence with simple means for Europe and the U.S.A. recently. Sniper shooting within 300 meters is no more than basic training any marine or soldier is proficient at-it is just the Air Force that can be counted upon to miss 50 meter targets consistently.

Micah Johnson had a lot of weapons training while serving on active duty (with the Army Reserve) in Afghanistan. Like Tim McVeigh he apparently was radicalized while living in a Muslim country. Like any bright potential terrorist he did not leave an obvious trail of radical association. When one sees how easily one can take war into their own hands serving abroad, some choose to do so in their homeland.


I should point out that Dallas has a very large community named White Settlement that is maladroit this century. It makes Dallas seem racist. What if the Bronx were renamed 'White Settlement'? A couple of centuries ago it was reasonable. Now though, that community should change its name to Staubach or Landry.

The modern ISIS approach for terror seems more like that of the 60s and 70s P.L.O. Euro-front than Al Qaeda. Using rifles to create mayhem instead of the grand application of weapons of mass destruction works well with  the modern media relishing the quality video captures. Black Muslims have always been a violence prone group in the U.S.A. and have great potential for organized and ad hoc violence. Black  Muslims machine gunned Malcom X down coldly on stage in New York City. In the 60's trendy blacks made the stupid choice of selecting Islam instead of Christianity as an African religion when in fact Christianity is easily as well qualified or more so than Islam as being African...neither are yet each are. Jerusalem is as close to Africa than Mecca.

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