
Trump Must Win November 7 Battle of the Boobs

Dolly Parton was quoted by Rolling Stone saying 'they can always use more boobs in the race'. The facts are that women will vote for Hillary in the same way that blacks voted for Barrack Obama. Since getting elected is the most important element of a Presidential run Trump must find a pair of boobs to combat the Clinton boob advantage.

Fortunately the Donald as already interviewed Iowa Senator Ernst who is qualified for the Vice Presidential job, and she does have the qualifications needed to attract female voters.Former Speaker Gingrich is simply a fat old white man unappealing to women,blacks and Latinos who like Hillary's shrewishness and lesbian class affinity.

One can trust that Hillary would bungle international relations,the economy and national security adroitly if Trump loses the boob battle in November. If not Senator Ernst Trump will need to look hard to find the best qualified boobs available to win the run for the Presidency.

Populism can win elections.Al Gore have won with Oprah WInfree as VP candidate.Romney could have won with anyone that didn't look male and pasty white. Trump is the populist candidate this year since Hillary is a Lady MacBeth the public is cool on. Making an an overly conservative VP pick that would doom Trump's chances in November. It must be either Ben Carson or a better boob qualified pick if Trump is to surf the populist wave to victory.


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