
Chess, Oil Championships and Freedom at Stake

In the Carlsen versus Karjakin chess demolition derby in November 2016 the player driving a Telsa hybrid will be the real winner.

Fracking has destroyed the reliability of the Hilbert curve regarding peak world oil production. Peter Maas may have got the nature of oil economics and government right in 'Crude World; The Violent Twilight of Oil’, yet like so many others he also failed to foresee the crash of global oil prices.

I wrote about that several months in advance yet the Alaska government failed to respond. The state legislature still has a multi-billion-dollar budget gap. Plainly fuel cell power plants, wind, solar and geothermal are better, more clean, less Neolithic sorts of energy directions to go with the global carbon dioxide content exceeding 400 parts per million.

Unfortunately for the prospects of human survival on Earth (see James Lovelock's -'The Final Warning’) fracking will renew most of the world's oil fields including those of Iran, Russia and Saudi Arabia etc. permitting global second and third world development based on the dirty fuel that will accelerate greenhouse gassing, global warming, desertification and brain damage to potential chess players in urban areas of poor nations.

A global corporate government with Zillary could move toward making a planetary cartel on oil sales with high government taxation in all member states- ostensibly to fight global warming. That would make the price for petrol very high though oil is fairly cheap-about 1960s levels. While that might be good for slowing nominal pollution from cars, the demand for oil and petrol will return corporate profits greater than present and take the high ground in the propaganda war for green government even as human freedom is lost to corporatism-socialism.

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