
What the Mark of Kaine Means for Hillary

When Bill Clinton selected Senator Tim Kaine for Hillary's V.P. running mate; a guy who hasn’t got blood about him as does Hillary Clinton from her time as Secretary of State supporting wicked and bloody Middle East policy, he was clever in picking the former head of the DNC to cinch up the Clinton clique dominating the Democrat party.

Tim Kaine as Governor of Virginia for a term had only the Virginia Tech massacre on his ledger and he wasn’t responsible for that. He has gone from political job to job as a fast track promotion Harvard Law school grad.

Like Donald Trump, Kaine has an undergraduate degree in economics although not Trump's major in anthropology that I find interesting. There is contemporary anthropology somewhat comparable to sociology that allows one to view human social groups rather objectively. In instead Kaine took a law degree from Harvard and met a Harvard law student to wed. The Clintons like to pack courts and the White House with Harvard lawyers evidently; the better to employ legal subterfuge to advance the new world order I guess. To command the law entails the ability to break the law and evade responsibility-skills at which the Clintons excel.

Tim Kaine seems a little like a conservator for Hillary potentially providing the competence she may lack. In effect Kaine would be her Dick Cheney while Bill is pursuing student interns, golf and a tan.

Chess, Oil Championships and Freedom at Stake

In the Carlsen versus Karjakin chess demolition derby in November 2016 the player driving a Telsa hybrid will be the real winner.

Fracking has destroyed the reliability of the Hilbert curve regarding peak world oil production. Peter Maas may have got the nature of oil economics and government right in 'Crude World; The Violent Twilight of Oil’, yet like so many others he also failed to foresee the crash of global oil prices.

I wrote about that several months in advance yet the Alaska government failed to respond. The state legislature still has a multi-billion-dollar budget gap. Plainly fuel cell power plants, wind, solar and geothermal are better, more clean, less Neolithic sorts of energy directions to go with the global carbon dioxide content exceeding 400 parts per million.

Unfortunately for the prospects of human survival on Earth (see James Lovelock's -'The Final Warning’) fracking will renew most of the world's oil fields including those of Iran, Russia and Saudi Arabia etc. permitting global second and third world development based on the dirty fuel that will accelerate greenhouse gassing, global warming, desertification and brain damage to potential chess players in urban areas of poor nations.

A global corporate government with Zillary could move toward making a planetary cartel on oil sales with high government taxation in all member states- ostensibly to fight global warming. That would make the price for petrol very high though oil is fairly cheap-about 1960s levels. While that might be good for slowing nominal pollution from cars, the demand for oil and petrol will return corporate profits greater than present and take the high ground in the propaganda war for green government even as human freedom is lost to corporatism-socialism.


Hillary Picks a Kaine to Help Her to Finish

Hillary Clinton picked Kaine to help her campaign remain ambulatory. She didn't need a walker to keep going; showing the same kind of panache of old. Senator Tim Kaine will give Hillary something real to lean on travelling the path to November. 


It is good that the elderly can keep active with a little help. 

Sect Clinton's U.S. Sponsored Syrian Rebel's Behead a Child

When Sect. Hillary Clinton organized the Friends of Syria group in 2012 in order to promote the Syrian civil war with sponsorship of rebel groups a Zenki rebel cadre of 1000 soldiers received $150 monthly to wage war against the lawful government of Syria. That group received C.I. A. weapons and funding until 2014. Five Zenki recently posted a video of themselves capturing and beheading a child.


The article relates that the Zenki are not enemies of Al Qaeda and are a Muslim extremist militia. That is the sort of people the Obama-Clinton administration built up to get a good civil war raging.


Russia isn't a Threat to Europe Unless N.A.T.O. Members & Diplomats are Crooked and Stupid

Donald Trump isn't as paranoid about Russia as some N.A.T.O. leaders it appears. Trump being not so concerned about a possible Russian military threat including the east expresses a realpolitik that is lacking in the leftist leadership of Europe and D.C. It isn't likely that Russia wants to garrison a hostile and restive Eastern Europe in order to force them to accept democracy, free enterprise or even subjugation under war and crime lords. Neither is Russia seeking to force another evil communist empire upon Europe. The potential causes for conflict are fairly low with the exception being the natural Russian unwillingness to part with the historical core of its nation in Ukraine. The Russian insisted on self-determination for a part of Georgia-Ronald Reagan was big on political self-determination unlike D.C. leftist gayocrats


It is true that without a cold war there is scant need for N.A.T.O. to exist except as a force de frappe. It should have a lean, volunteer military that actually trains and is ready for adequate defense keeping in mind that it was Russia that deescalated the cold war giving up the real estate it had occupied for 50 years following the Nazi invasion-The U.S.A. probably wouldn't have done anything different in a similar situation.

The left and the defense contracting right and Wall Street want to take all of the former lands of the Soviet Union into its economic domain and sanction Russia until it submits to rule by Goldman Sachs et al.  They want a gay lap dog of global corporate in the Kremlin and Russian aren't really down with that.

It took complete bungling idiotic leadership in DC and NATO nations to foul up economic, political and social relations with Russia. Without Russia though China would be the main adversary and that would require advanced 3D printed drone aircraft instead of another new fighter or bomber. Old government habits die hard and the next generation cold warriors are as recalcitrant about making things work with Russia as they are at moving to new environmental economic systems.

Trump as a realist would at least expect Europe to defend itself before the U.S.A. enters the next improbable war with Russia. When the Check Republic becomes the new bloody battlefield with N.A.T.O. forces cornered like Custer at the Little Big Horn I am sure the Donald will send air mobile to the rescue. Oh what a glorious day that will be that smells like victory.

In the meantime INTERPOL should have its own paramilitary branch contributed from N.A.T.O. nations to interdict Muslim terrorist ops in Europe. Western leadership is its own greatest danger, yet its still adequate to put down any Atlantic warriors seeking to plunder the fair shores of France. China is another issue, but Euro-American leadership might be deflected enough to bungle that defense paradigm too.

Why'd the Cop Shoot a Therapist With Hands Up Helping a Retarded Guy?

The reason for the shooting is a mystery. I guess it's a community thing. People who know the policeman that shot a physical therapist laying in the street with his hands up who had been helping a retarded, obstinate, autistic charge who had runaway and was playing with a toy, might be able to explain why.

In a nation of 320 million people dumb things happen. there are many dumb things that happen in the naked city and this is one of them... http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2016/07/charles_kinsey_shot_hands_up.html

Charles Kinsey wasn't killed-he was shot in the leg. Still, there is a serious problem with competence at some level in the event. At least Kinsey was tough enough-he said the bullet felt like a mosquito bite.

 Even police forces have members that aren't the brightest bulbs, and North Miami is hot. Someone made a wrong 911 call that said someone with a gun was threatening to kill themself-plainly pure fiction loosely derived from what was observed. Police people might have bought it hook line and sinker and filled their heads with images of threats, guns, immanent death etc. before arriving. Then, dumb as a polecat they saw the autistic guy with a toy car in his hand in the middle of the street, took him for a psychiatric interventionist and shot the actual therapist who was laying down with his hands up as an ISIS threat  or whatever that should be shot a little to calm things down. It is an incredible report that should provide an interesting explanation.

update- The explanation turned out to be that the cop was trying to shoot the patient-the retarded kid with the white toy truck-and the cop was as bad of a shot as he was at making a judgment judgment to shoot.


So, no problem-he was trying to shoot a white kid and accidentally shot a black guy in the leg. he did not have an intent to harm a black life that matters to him.

Profuse Propaganda from the Majors This Year

This isn't an in-depth investigative article-just a remark that the media seems full of propaganda this year with inaccuracy and hyperbole or plain falsehoods almost normal. Anything to get people to read or click on an ad.

The Atlantic, normally a respectable publication put out some b.s. today about Trump as Putin's agent and Hillary running officially against Putin. It is full of logic errors and baloney. Its policy opinions are simply wrong besides. Those opinions are good for business aggressors seeking land and territorial expansion that were promulgated by the Clintons and Bushes yek destabilize and divide east and.


An example of misdirection was a story about an 'explosion' in Ankara 'just days after the coup'. Readers would check it out and discover that it was actually a house fire. A house fire utting out smoke in Ankara is not a terror or coup related explosion. Yet people would click on and the ad revenues roll in.



Cruz at Convention; "America is Not Just a Land Mass Between Two Oceans"

Ted Cruz speaking at the Republican national convention spoke emotionally of the slaughtered Dallas policemen and several elementary civics concepts for quite a while. Notably he said that America is not just a land mass between two oceans. He said that the U.S.A. was founded upon five famous words I'd never heard before. I thought he would say "In God We Trust, Amen" or something like that. Instead he "We want to be free." I think that is more suitable for a Mel Gibson movie, the founders probably said things like 'dump the Brits', let's kick their butts' or they can eat sh...

In eloquent language the founders wrote the declaration and constitution, yet they were rugged individualist already free unwilling to be further oppressed by globalists. Ted Cruz got several elementary civics platitudes right and erred in refusing to endorse the Trump candidacy. It evidently is Ted's way or no way...and people will remember that in 2024 if he decides to waste the public's time again.

Scientific Skepticism & Epistemological Nihilism Due to Evolution

Some scientific fans of atheism are epistemological nihilists and unfamiliar with Bishop Berkeley's Three Dialogues. The points about idea-ism aren't new. Berkeley wrote them in 1713. Plato also described the phenomena in a different way in The Cave section of The Republic.


One can find a quantum basis for ideasim. Even so reality is a reference again to all of human experience perceptually. A mountain may have a foundation in the crust of a planet without negating the validity of its summit appearance. Relativity exists not only in plain matter and motion, it exists in all frames including the psychological. The Universe has time and motion as implicit attributes of matter. Perspectives of change occur within a changing paradigm. An ultimate, epistemological ground of being might occur only within spirit that transcends the relativistic virtual reality that's being and becoming.

I enjoyed reading Tegmark's 'The Mathematical Universe' and recommend it. The search for a quantum unit that is fundamental is abstracted to relationships. One may call those numbers I suppose, with ordered relations. It is no less philosophically interesting to consider pure spirit entailing quanta and ordering all space-time existence within spirit. Tegmark doesn't take that sort of approach. Bootstrapping some sort of way for monism to generate pluralism is easier in the mind-spirit of God context than as one-dimensional monads that appeared or existed forever and generate ordinal expanding series even as numbers that do seem odd.

Opportunities for F-35, F-22 If China Declares Air Zone

If China declares an air zone over the China Sea opportunities for air to air combat simulations with a quality air force will present for the U.S. military that haven't occurred in some time. Live drills with real opposition force aircraft are rare opportunities in the modern world. The F-22 and F-35s haven't had enough practice with Mig-29s to determine if they can clear the way through for stealth bombers.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaSHXR9FPjs F-35

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=totzfPN4hWQ F-22

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzwL_6NuEls Mig-29

With luck China will declare an air exclusivity zone that can be disassembled methodically, and maybe. the Philippines can declare its own air exclusivity zone over the China Sea with the United States as its rental air power for a dollar a year.

China should focus on alternative energy and projects with Warren Buffet's investment entities rather than intimidating S.E. Asians. The Beijing government has not meaningfully put down the North Korean nuclear missile threat and that is not appreciated. It may be that one day those nuclear missile will launch their way rather than west.

Sometimes Intolerance Is Necessary

 Tolerance of cruelty, tolerance of injustice, tolerance of crime, tolerance of corruption, tolerance of bad foreign policy, tolerance of co...