
Clinton Admin Policies Supported N.Korean Nuke Development on Two Fronts

Not only did President Bill Clinton's administration policy provide food to North Korea in return for little more than a promise to stop developing nuclear weapons (it didn't), the Clinton policies of swiping the Ukraine from Russia and making it independent so that people that supported the German Nazi side in world war two could have it and kick back to Wall Street led to a second chilly political war with a Russia trying to get it back. Chaos in the region necessarily grew.

Creating a new cold war to swipe land that was part of Russia before the Soviet Union existed was a policy bound to create tensions and lasting regional destabilization. Now it appears that North Korea was able to buy some rocket engines, designs and perhaps scientific technical help from the Ukraine or Russia that enable it presently to attack the United States and especially attack Guam.



It might be fun to delude oneself that one can bully states with impunity and Russia was a poor choice of a state to try to intimidate rather than to build good social and commercial relations. Because the Ukraine was unsecure following the end of the first cold war nuclear technology was filched and forward to points unknown. It is quite possible that numerous nuclear warheads and weapons grade uranium are already out of control of regular nuclear powers.

At least President of Russia Vladimir Putin was able to help congress trim the federal budget when he kicked 750 U.S. diplomats from Russia following new U.S. sanctions. Congress sure can't cut back on the size of government itself.

On Deck (poem)

Ye were there rested, when
e’en the edge exceeds
shelters endless, 
perfect strength’s sleep
stemmed  to end
when hedges drempt
wetter waves 
set free.

Composition B Fortiori (poem)

Vikings rising with desert winds fair:
cross over the crown of creation passed by
lights from nothingness in phenomenal majesty:
beyond the world to Tao Seti wear
forms of being, muscled, bare,
brains given orders of idea doth lie
nervelessly retaking the distant sky;
a fight against reason and mirages of air.
Warring ‘gainst bloody nightmares steep
scriven on stones rising along the hill;
where ever bodies of recurrence piled deep!
found Valhalla the wrong destiny’s will:
the very dead forever asleep;
decorate destruction still!

*I have used the last word from each line of a poem of Wordsworth in this poem (Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Sept 3rd, 1802

Cold Can of Empty (a poem)

Snap over the red hatch, covers
a dimple for draught, over
deep nothingness given, volumes
specific as a live space-time, added
machine sprayed shining, shapes
jumping with bar codes, like
a cylinder with circles, never
again full like the start, packing
six ends of days, smoother
7th paint rolled over, shaped
imprint of enterprise, with
pixels of instants, nothing

like little cat feet.


The Dog is Leader of Man (poem)

Through the nightmare of crowded street
the dog-mutt led his subject through a maze
wilderness of legs and troubles
footfalls crashing like loud barks

darkness fell too without energy
setting the bowl cleverly
just so
where the man his eyes would fasten
relieved from those ravings outside

nothing besides a bed of rags for the leader
who has taken place to guard the man
through dreamless sleep

with the sun-king.

The Point of Singularity (poem)

One point of singularity
divided into infinite portions
fish jumping somewhere
basket-fulls grown with strange evolutions
thought sine-waved to silence
of zeros and ones
infinite representation of dimensions
added afterthoughts in time
with zero-dimensional singularity
apparently paradoxed as zero plus zero
equaled one.

On Innovating Change and Upgrades to Incarceration Theory

Recently I took a course on incarceration, mass incarceration and the problems it presents to the U.S.A. today. It has more than 7 million on parole or in jail. Those actually in jail are somehwat mmmore than two million. The majority of those are black and that is a cause for social resentment. Blacks view the prison system as a racket to repress blacks; and it was after the civil war and until 1923 when convict lease-labor ended.

In some states like Alabama ex-felons can't vote. Nearly half of black men can't vote in Alabama (an approxiation) as a result of being incarcerated at some point and that creates a new class of sidenfranchised Americans. If it were a small number it might be understanndable, when a large number it indicates a social problem ( if blacks convicts in Alanbama want to vote maybe they need to move to another state after completing parole).

With a 70% recidivism rate the correction system of the U.S.A. has an inefficeincy standard as high as congresssional budgeting. Prison is also  very costly for the nation at about 80 billion annually. Can't something be done to change the way the criminal justice system is structured so it provides real education and does not train criminals to commit crimes or be wise guys?

The following essay was a simple course end-of-module reply to a couple of question. I would think my earlier posts onthe incacerations status have more information that isn't focused on the topics here.

One can one do to learn about the criminal justice system? I took a couple of law courses and did visit a courtroom. Actually I lived in a state capitol and walked past the Supreme Courthouse quite often. I watched news for criminal activity and read the papers. Later I spent a few years visiting a homeless shelter right in the middle of the bar district (alcohol not legal) and learned something about those traveling through and those involved with the local legal system as offenders.

Sometimes those on parole are placed in good jobs. It can be easier for those released form prison to get those than for the non-criminal homeless. Sometimes those from halfway houses gang together awaiting bus transport and show a lack of socialization skills ordinary in the middle class.; how would one provide them that without putting them in the middle class?

I did not learn about that female government worker's rare yet flaky practice of embezzlement-a crime that seems to be in the news featuring women more commonly than men. Neither did I learn about the big-time drug smuggling of people that enter the state often from California with a suitcase of drugs worth a lot. I learned something about the hard times and hard face of being down and out in a cold place such as Anchorage. In Anchorage the homeless shelter is just a brief walk from the ‘county’ prison and the cold of winter creates a tough life for the homeless and those without jobs. People out of jail and from rural Alaska too, as well as visitors and substance abusers are concentrated in a place where they sleep on the floor shoulder-to-shoulder; some with frostbite. It tends to have violence now and then.

Restorative justice as described in module six seemed an effort to create circle-soviets at the community level that would enable black male criminal offenders from receiving criminal convictions or sentencing. The justification for that would be that black males are discriminated against by a white criminal justice system and greater, supremacist power structure. The prison system was described as a new slavery. I am not sure if that is true in the south, though I am fairly certain that is not true everywhere.

The state of Washington where I grew up for example, was more than 90% white when I was growing up. Today whites are fewer than 62% of the population. Schools were desegregated and students of color bussed to white schools and vice versa. Affirmative action placed women in minorities in good jobs and admittance to colleges. Legal action forced equal pay for equal work metrics on government. There were innumerable policies created to reduce white advantages or privileges and promote newly arriving and expanding non-white populations.

I suppose law enforcement and the criminal justice system might be slower to change that some other government department such as transportation, yet I cannot imagine that circles or little Soviets composed of non-working adults presumably- maybe housewives if they still exist or homosexual partners not-working, could replace standard criminal processing structures. Maybe it works for certain classes of juvenile offenders. One of its implicit problems is putting power in the soviets and not in objective legal rules that can be reviewed by anyone and that do not provide any advantage in theory to anyone.

It is understandable that power to the soviet-circles would be desired as a way to defeat objective legal justice and the flip side-objective legal rights of individuals. It is not reasonable however to expect working adults to give up their free time to commune with someone or persons that committed crimes upon them, or that did them ‘harm’ as the ‘round-table participants preferred.

Neither are all adults stationary and sedentary as might women with government jobs or non-profit posts that pay and would like to spend time leading soviet-circles. Truck drivers moving about the nation might not want to spend Tuesday evenings in Nashville participating in requisite meetings of a local Soviet to help correct some guy that burglarized his trailer.

I see two parts to the problem of breaking up an inefficient social system-or rather a malfunctioning one, informally regarded as the cradle to prison pipeline. One is education and the other is corrections.
The round-table people for reformative soviet justice tended to agree that schools and rules coerce individuals into acceptable social behavior and force them progressively toward prison by degrees if they resist. Government does have an obligation to provide mass social education however as it is regarded as essential for any modern state to have an educated populace.

For schools to exist they require rules of behavior and guidelines for graduation. They did arise in an era before the Internet though and might be obsolete. Killing two birds with one stone might be achievable. Schools that send black men to prison could be abolished and individuals could attend school and advance through dedicated government education Internet servers. Then the discipline and behavior problems of school could be obviated entirely. Students would be individuals that would need to be self-motivated to advance through on-line courses.

It is difficult to fore students to learn that don’t want to. Legally students must attend school until the 8th grade. Forcing students to advance through Internet coursework until the 8th grade might be easier than trying to keep them sitting down in a little student desk-chair until completing the 8th grade.
Internet public schools would be supported by safe public student-study cubicles where any student could do homework without interruption or receiving counseling services or mentoring on homework assignment. I think it could work and entirely defeat the high cost and ineffective condition of public schools.

Since soviets need something to do, perhaps they could run grades 1-6 as teacher-circle correctors of the little kids, and train them to be Internet students of excellence.

The corrections problem is something else. Plainly the present ways are ineffective with a 70% recidivism rate. Though the average most common age of whites is 55 and of blacks, 24 and of Hispanics 8, and as prosperous people using dope don’t need to steal to pay for buying dope as might the poor, the number of black men in prison even so is high.

Just 17% of black men are college graduates while for whites it is 30%. Forty-eight percent of black men have attended college though the number is somewhat higher for whites. Getting a job that is stable in the rapidly changing modern American economy is difficult for many males of any race. Correcting adults that are convicted oft crimes requires several levels of advance from detoxing prisoners to educating them and keeping prisoners themselves from becoming victims of crime while in state custody.
New methods of educating prisoners is certainly possible, and it too must develop volunteering in convicts to want to help themselves in positive directions and provide the means to do so while incarcerated. However institutions are not at the leading edge of society. They are slow to change for a number of reasons. Public schools have not changed their paradigm since creation; simply continued to expand instead. Thus if public schools have not developed an Internet server neither have public prisons. Forrest Gump said I believe; stupid is as stupid does.

In S.E. Alaska where I have spent much time, I have encountered a number of criminals at a public shelter, There is a prison in the city, and a bus is the pipeline to the prison from the shelter and the bars up and down the street.

From what I have seen drugs and alcohol are the most common elements in crimes. People are arrested for crimes while under the influence at least a little and given a jury trial after adequate legal representation. Most of the sentences are not too severe. Even so some repeat offenders have 30 or 40 arrests for minor offenses. Eventually they tend to get a larger sentence for some greater offense.
The city does have a nice, free micro bus ride to a detox center for drunks that want to go. The shelter gets a lot of calls both for police when someone punches someone else and for medics when someone has a medical emergency. All those calls are probably rather expensive.

For adults breaking up the cycle of substance abuse is a key to stopping criminal behavior and that can be really difficult. Circles would not fix PTSD. They are complex problems that need excellent veterans counseling that wasn’t available locally.

I may write a little more an d publish at my blog ideas about changing corrections policies. Sometimes even legislators might catch a glance at a blog story I guess. However changing things in Alaska is very difficult.

The Alaska establishment just wants to keep things the way they are; profitable for themselves. It isn’t particularly racist at all, instead it is an economic establishment that most people want to be in, and it has an existing well-established corrections structure with existing policy and methods that would be difficult to change. One may evolve things, yet actually changing government structure is very rare. F.D.R. accomplished some of that in emergency circumstances perhaps.

Governments and establishment forces are made of average uncreative individuals that have risen to their level of incompetence and they do not entertain ideas of change. I will continue to write when I can, yet even opportunities to publish on the Internet are limited by the fact that Internet writing sites can be taken down by wealthy corporations and corrupt influence. Even Google's blogger may disappear one day with enough pressure. In Alaska writing opportunities to communicate with the public are actually limited. Newspapers are owned by corporations from the east coast etc. One must afford advertising, and that is expensive, to even get anyone to take a look at anything published.

Poor honest intellectuals have it better today that did people in imperial states of the past however today with a billions of blogs and Internet sites it is challenging even to get a local public to read anything written in the state.

Trying to change public policy in some way by providing a better idea and disseminating that idea is probably the best way to change and upgrade the corrections system of a state. Alaska already sends convicts at great cost out of state for incarceration lacking bed space in state. It might be possible to show that it is cost effective to keep convicts in-state with newer, faster, cheaper better correction methods.

Wildfires in Montana in a Dry Season; Any New Ideas?

The Montana wild fire season for 2017 is pretty good. Maybe a hundred thousand acres on ablaze in the Rockies generally along the continental divide slopes. When it is quite dry and the prevailing west winds cross over from the dry regions of eastern Idaho and Washington a spark from occasionally lighting storms sets fires going that aren't extinguished sometimes until nature acts in late September. 

image credit John McColgan – Edited by Fir0002 - taken by John McColgan, employed as a fire behavior analyst at the Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2172367


New approaches to extinguishing wildfires might be required to change the pattern of fire in dry years. There are larger air tankers to drop water. Has anyone thought about using napalm from the air to start pin-point fire control lines, or coating some trees and lines with some sort of new fire retardant?

A fire-resistant spray on coating such as people may choose to put on Christmas trees might be too spendy (only people that have visited Oregon are known to use that word it is said) for thousands of acres. So maybe DARPA should invent some sort of low-cost spray-on fire-proofing for forests that could be temporary or removed generally with some sort of spray on solvent after fire dangers pass.

Would it be useful to innovate flying drones to help control fires, or ground drones able to cut trees or at least set explosive charges to blast down trees on fire control lines? Combat engineers have used a few wraps of det cord around tree trunks to sever them. The late Sen Ted Stevens plea for aerial logging with blimps even might be used to mass-skid thousands of trees to a less combustible service area.

An example of local summer weather, with about 1 and a half inches of rain per month in the summer "
  • Issuing Office: Great Falls

    Source: National.Weather.Service

    4:11pm MDT, Sun Aug 13

Blitz Chess (3m) Alekhine Defense: John Tracy Gambit

I played black.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Sends Supercomputer into Space to Accelerate Mission to Mars | HPE Newsroom

Sending a  supercomputer to the space station for a year to compare it to an identical one on Earth afterwards is a good idea. It also  shows why creating a moon science and research base is a good idea. Building large computers on the moon would be just one experimental direction.

One might want telescopes to view space from the 'darkside', Earth observatory scopes, a seed repository for Earth since the one at Svalbard has flooding risks from global warming, biological research, gerontology research for old people in low-gravity and numerous physics and asrony, industrial and materials research.
Speaking of which, will there be good phots from the moon of the 21 August eclipse shadow on Earth?

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Sends Supercomputer into Space to Accelerate Mission to Mars | HPE Newsroom:" From faster problem solving to astronaut survival, the Spaceborne Computer is the first step in developing sophisticated onboard computing resources"

Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...