
Tame Wolf Demense of Constitutional Monarchy

Monarchs rule through pure force. The most powerful would have the most rightful claim. Constitutional monarchies have devolved from absolute monarchies. Why people that have progressed beyond that would think of going backwards- politically devolving to a lower life form, is beyond me.

Dogs have been bred from wolves. Personally I like wolves a lot better than dogs, yet wolves would have trouble in modern society socially. Some lunatic recently shot one in a U.S. state. Humans do not share every feature of dogs. Dogs probably die too soon to get gum disease bacteria sufficiently to cause Alzheimers disease (the bacteria eat the brain too). Non-divine monarchs never die soon enough. Neither do old political philosophies get replaced soon enough.

People breed dogs yet rely on ancient political philosophies like socialism, capitalism, communism, democracy etc that were designed for different centuries past. They look backwards to the days of wolves without living in a wild ecosphere. Democracy and free enterprise need adaptation to demographic and ecospheric reality.

Gum Disease May Be the Cause of Alzheimers

A scientific study has found that gum disease and bacteria associated with it may be the cause of Alzheimers. Good dental and gum health is even more important than was thought if the study is right.

Bleeding gums are a symptom of gum disease. The bacteria go to the brain and slowly consume it.



State of the Union From the White House- Congress Could Watch TV-Reduce CO2 Gas

President Trump should go ahead with this year's state of the Union address and make it from the White House since Speaker Pelosi has cancelled authorization to make it in Congress. The speech is really for the people anyway. It is no big deal to skip informing the Congress directly. They too could catch it on Fox. Congress is de trop this year.


Initial Content of Hilbert-Vector Space and a Creativity Game

Eventually a better game than chess may model Hilbert -Vector space and players will be aesthetically judged on the creative use of the initial content in it. Math and logic without content are no more than vague theoretical and variable structures. A posteriori content endowed through a time axis provides content that for-itself shall afford theoretical reconfigurations, aesthetically, for artful purposes.


All particle-wave quanta of Hilbert space coexist within the metaset Vector Space
vector space is temporal while Hilbert Space is static.

Mass, even represented as Energy, phenomenally appears only within Vector Space, because time-space-mass are integral. Cutting a slice of Hilbert-Vector Space and relocating it without severing the HVS originating location 'connections' is a problem. So it might indeed be useful to clone HVS content for relocations, although not philosophically satisfying.


Record Lifetime Quantity of Water Use

To help conserve water the awareness of how much water one uses at a home or commercial building should be recorded annually. Like an automobile flow meters should be able to record hundreds of thousands or millions of gallons used cumulatively since the flowdometer was installed. on a faucet They might also be given wireless connectivity in some cases to upload data to one's overall energy and water use data bank.

There are lots of flowmeters out there.


Rep Ocasio-Cortez and Sophomoric Socialism

There is no easy way to get good political philosophy that works in the modern world. Many like to take up their great great grandparents new theories of socialism as if it was newly revealed from Mt. Chomolungma unto them. Bernie Sanders came by his socialism honestly. Rep Ocasio-Cortez learned hers in Boston working as an intern for the late Senator Ted Kennedy (or Boston College). It is a maladaptive political philosophy that cannot be practically implemented without great destructive effect. It is also fundamentally an anti-free enterprise theory.

Sophomoric academic socialists don't learn ecological economics nor understand what corporatism is (Mussolini's invention) and work to reinforce one world government under a unified corporate-communist monolithic power risen from plutonomy and Mao. Concentrated wealth dominates through party elites and ordinary human inventiveness is enslaved; t'isn't a good thing.

The remedy is to reform capitalism and make democracy work. I've written how to accomplish that elsewhere, and a 90% tax rate on earnings over the first one or two million annually is a good idea- only if it is first known what it would be spent on, and that helps t benefit human health nationally and rebuild the damaged ecosphere while continuing full employment.

There is no easy way to develop a state-of-the-art political philosophy. Adam Smith had to put some serious work into his effort; and he probably consulted with the philosopher David Hume about the content of The Wealth of Nations in their conversations as friends. People today are often happy to just follow that venerable lead thoughtlessly as if this still were the 18th century.

A good economist and a well-read philosopher might be able to work together to create a good theoretical model of a reform of Democracy and political economy such that it is well adapted to the very different modern world compared to that of the 18th century. Government should seek to assure that all citizens in the artificial world of today with a crowded social environment have optimal creative and health opportunities to be as productive as they can be. It should reform democracy in policy so wealth does not strangle free enterprise and patents for the millions that do not control the market through networked ownership. Democracy should have some sort of screening to select business ventures that are the most synergy with the environment and body politic.

Morality is what people actually do. An existential anthropologist may describe it objectively. In a capitalist system being a billionaire is not immoral. It is just exemplary for an economic system not adapted to maximize human creative potential and national security. Too much concentrated wealth also stifles democracy and free expression making it difficult or impossible for democratic political reforms to occur if they are not what the most rich oligarchs want. Where was the referee when the Saints were robbed of the Superbowl? Where was justice? The most rich got the best demographic viewership and the Saints were kicked to shuffle out.

Fact Check; Americans Are Not Hostages as Demos Claim

Americans aren't hostages as Democrat Party leaders claim because the federal government is partially closed. Second Corinthians 3:17 "the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty". American Christians shall always be free so long as they are within the kingdom of God regardless of what the godless atheist Democrat Party leaders think.

Democrat party leaders are keeping the U.S. Government partly closed to prevent a very small portion of the federal budget from being spent on border security. There isn't a sign of Stockholm syndrome with them yet. Little chance of them sympathizing with the President. They also believe they have Americans as hostages. They are wrong about both.

Some Dare Call Capitalist Business With Russia Treason*

Sometimes Americans seem like backward hillbillies regarding foreign policy and history. Unfortunately the Democrat Party- a party that seems to be in permanent foreign collusion with illegal aliens and their governments or at least criminal organizers to defeat U.S. national security, feel the need to make the worst sort of McCarthyite accusations against Donald Trump for a domestic political platform. The Anti-Russia phobia of the Democrat Party leaders exemplifies U.S. ignorance of history.

Donald Trump is not a traitor because he is a capitalist. Maybe investing in China or Mexico could be considered treason by the sort of people that believe business with Russia is treason. For myself I felt that President Clinton’s foreign graduate education at Oxford as a Rhodes scholar was a qualifier for treason in a Presidential candidate; he might have ate jellybeans with King George III's face on them.

During the cold war while an Army reservist I took college courses including those for Russian history. A good general historian need learn more than western European history or African history or U.S. history; he need cover all the world including Russian history. Usually Democrats are so bloody ignorant on the topic one might guess they devoted their lifetimes to inhaling bleach fumes.

Democrats might not be able to differentiate Menshivism from Bolshevism or Alexander Nevsky from Alexander Kerensky. They could not recognize that Boris Godunov is not a pseudonym for Boris Yeltsin, and some might believe that Chernyenko was a nuclear plant melt down.


Pelosi-Schumer Axis Likely to End MLK Month Before President's Day

Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer have made January a federal holiday probably in honor of Martin Luther King. The government partial closure gives federal workers an extended unpaid holiday to reflect upon the sacrifices people have made to secure equal rights of American citizens- not that Democrats support a strong nation or borders anymore.

I predict the recalcitrant Democrat Party leaders will return the government to function with the Trump border security bill before Presidents Day.


Democrat-Republican Dialectic of Closed Minds Show Need for Third Party

Democrats would keep the government closed rather than let the President have 5.7 billion dollars more for border security. Plainly there is a need for a tie-breaking third party in government ordinarily.

Brits have coalition parties and show the way parliamentary government is supposed to work stalling implementation of a national referendum and jacking the system to benefit the most rich. Brexit has brought calls for new government yet border security has just brought Speaker Pelosi to demagogic indignity.


A third party might not differ much from the Demo_Republican dialectical evolution of corporatism and scialism unified to concentrate wealth and political power yet it might help bring some ecospheric political progress.

Corporate power controls the media and politics with mass communication control to program the electorate. Democrats have provided Orwellian hate of Russia while seeming to be rabid dogs regarding political theory and priorities. Everyone expects Republicans to just benefit themselves. Conservatives seem somewhat anti-madness yet many are on the Satanic sheet of msic anyway and one could not differentiate them much from Democrats in that regard. Homosexual corporatists seem to be an economic sabotage element glad to break laws for political purposes with internet access technologies. They work like the most conservatives in history toward censorship- lacking any sort of democratic principles of free speech. It is unfortunate that they have politically formed a permanent division within the body politic through a will to intentional domestic political hegemony.

Conservatives often aren't creative enough and resist change that is necessary, positive and utilitarian. Yet rabid, pervasive change and dogish moral norms are not beneficial either. The repression of civil liberties may occur through innumerable avenues.

God and Omniscience

 Some like those logic loops, tests and disjuncts for extrapolating to the unknowable. God is other than everything he created; entirely dif...