
None Knew the One Before (poem)

What is beyond solid state mass
where everything quantified is a string or particle-wave theory
occupying every possible world-line path and location beyond
when quanta have no when and where of time

Time is embedded in solid state mass
matter in motion measured is time
captured as points of motion forward
mass evolves through thermodynamic complexity
into the solid state incapable
of running in reverse

What is the quantum world in-itself
coherence with one dimension strings 
everyplace potentially if quantum symmetry were broken
when everyplace becomes one place in time
a string caught in quarks and atoms

Decoherent quanta abandoned from timeless symmetry
from a theoretical energy field
where general and special relativity do not go
become matter in the Universe
energy fields and mass together
flowing in relativistic, thermodynamic courses
toward phase states and more dimensions
though none knew the one before.


Letting Foreign American States Join the Union

The United States of America is a description of several states that are politically united on a continent of America. Like N.A.T.O. that expanded a bit, the U.S.A. has gone a bit beyond its geographic locator; Hawaii isn’t in America. Turkey isn’t on the North Atlantic.

It is possible that one day additional states may join the union. Venezuela, Chile, Mexico and Peru are obvious candidates. Territories of the United States of America may petition congress to be admitted as states, yet presently sovereign, foreign states in the Americas probably would be allowed to join the union if they were to accept the constitution of the United States and petition the congress for admission.

The Union of American States and Islands has a certain panache about it that may be lacking in The United States of America. With sufficient skill, reasoning and oratorical ability a President might get the designator for the United States of America upgraded to something else.

Every President Should Have a Turn on Mt. Rushmore

Every President should be on Mt. Rushmore. A color holograph of each would be superimposed over the drab stone, in turn, morphing into the next in succession cyclically. The technology might be a decade ahead. Everyone likes a good light show. One day holographic fireworks may enable safer pyrotechnic displays.

Viewing President Trump Historically, From 2119

I am not sure that viewing the future from an imaginary point of view a century ahead is worth much except for presenting extrapolations of the effects of the present bad and good trends. People a century from now may be less human mentally and physically, while government may be more invasive and wire every soul to a central controller. In one-hundred years President Trump may be regarded as a sort of global warming Luddite who was reasonably effective on pre-reformed economics. Americans don't use Celsius much. Average global warming temperatures are predicted to rise 1.5 degrees C by the end of the century and that doesn't impress them. Scientists point out that the Arctic temperatures will rise by 5 C regardless of what steps are taken to stop human caused greenhouse gassing, and that might concern them a little more. The actual temperature rise in the Arctic is more like 10 degrees if one converts the Celsius rise into Fahrenheit degrees.
Ten degrees of increased warmth will not only make the icecap go away in the summer, it will make permafrost melt that holds as much Greenhouse gas (methane) as mankind releases into the atmosphere. If that happens temperatures will rise a lot more than 1.5 Celsius globally and far more in the Arctic. President Trump may be viewed as having been unable to appreciate the vast empirical threat and move toward directed evolution of free enterprise and capitalism policies toward ecospheric sustainability.
If mankind survives and overcomes ecosphere decline challenges, the decision to renew the manned space program may be to his credit as enterprising off-world ventures may grow in scale quite a lot.
If the national economy collapses because of its inability to pay off public debt and create a more egalitarian social ecosystem with liberty and justice for all citizens, President Trump could be viewed as one of the last of his kind in the lost society. A great symbol amidst a society in moral, financial and ecospheric decay.

Quantum computing scientists have investigated the arrow of time that is inherent in solid state mass (decohered from quantum uncertainty), and actually returned a quantum computer computer state its past state. If the realm of general relativity is with the solid-state, thermodynamic Universe with its arrow of time in one direction (to the future because of entropy and anisotropic complexity, I wonder what the absence of relativistic effect in the quantum realm are? Maybe the past of solid state mass will become as malleable as the present. That could include the present state of politics.

[Best of 2018] Researchers prove the arrow of time is irrelevant to quantum computers

Scientists Were Able to Reverse Time, But There's A Catch

Arctic Temperature to Rise Nearly Ten Degrees F

Americans don't use Celsius much. So when average global warming temperatures are predicted to rise 1.5 degrees C by the end of the century that doesn't impress them much. Scientists point out that the Arctic temperatures will rise by 5 C regardless of what steps are taken to stop human caused greenhouse gassing, and that might concern them a little more. The actual temperature rise in the Arctic is more like 10 degrees if one converts the Celsius rise into Fahrenheit degrees.



Ten degrees of increased warmth will not only make the icecap go away in the summer, it will make permafrost melt that hold as much Greenhouse gas (methane) as mankind releases into the atmosphere. If that happens temperatures will rise a lot more than 1.5 Celsius globally and far more in the Arctic.


On Merit Systems

Merit in a given organization structure means fulfilling best the organizational objectives. If one is a good soldier one has merit if one follows orders and kills enemies efficiently. If one is a good investment adviser one has merit for making much money. If one is a subordinate in any organization one has merit for accomplishing the objectives that help the organization best. Merit in-itself is nearly without value.
What is best for a society may have no organizational merit; that is the organization may have no recognition of what its actual needs are. Organizational values may be tautologous and self-reinforcing and discognizant of external challenges. Existing organizational structures promote merit for supporting the advance of existing values and goals. New ideas or refurbished old ideas, synthetic compositions and so forth may be given no merit. Merit for-itself hasn’t necessary empirical merit, and may be counter-productive. That is society may work against its best interests and have wrong values. That situation often exists because of historical inertia.
While the principle practice of if its not broke don’t fix it generally has merit, the principle is not invariably appropriate. An example would be the widespread continuing use of fossil fuels producing carbon dioxide contributions to atmospheric global warming. Reformation of free enterprise mechanics within a directed evolution course of government regulations need be innovated, yet the ability for organizations to create or change to new practices that involve destruction of existing, functioning practices runs counter, on the face of it, to the if its not broke don’t fix it principle.
A communist society is the most repressive of free enterprise that exists for individuals, as well as personal liberty, for it is implicitly repressive. A problem of an over-populated world with fundamental economic systems and physical infrastructures grown from thousands of years old structures is that the ability to change is repressed. The good values of selecting meritorious concepts and practices become ossified; the system can’t overcome itself.
The historian Arnold Toynbee noted that civilizations tend to become ossified and fail to meet certain challenges. Then the civilizations fall. He also noted that today there is just one civilization, and it to may fail, and fall. The capacity to change from itself enough to have a sustainability in economic and ecosphere presently, apparently lacking in the long run, may not exist. The changes would be greater than anything imagined by most economists and politicians. Free thought and free people are necessary for that. Unfortunately like the apocryphal story of why crabs can’t escape from a crab pot (because the other crabs pull them back down), communism and even corporate and ad hoc plutocratic organizations consolidate power empirically and repress the masses setting their own values for merit that the proles for upward mobility need follow.
Merit systems of stimulus-response, better biscuit for the good dog, if they exist, need be just. Cheating so bad dogs get good-dog treats corrupts a merit system.
People often don’t have occasion to philosophically consider things like merit systems. In a competitive social structure simply striving to merit something, some goal; like college admission or promotions to junior supervisor helper or top factory dog- even chief big dog, rules need to be fair. It is also important to consider the rules and philosophy and existential criterion where rules exist. If a thousand people are crowded into a sports stadium toilet facility meant for one-hundred, there are other issues besides those of does it stink or how the throughput could be increased.

T-F and a Moscow Tower That Will Never Be

One would need to ask President Trump if he instructed Michael Cohen to dissimulate anything, unless it is a matter of public record. Mr. Cohen’s versions might be encumbered with the liar’s paradox Liar paradox - Wikipedia and the credibility may be damaged. Sorting out the T or F of things would be time consuming. Search (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).
The Trump organization has holdings in many nations. Russia is a logical destination for investors. I don’t prefer Cold War to peaceful free markets, so I tend to regard the Democrat Party hatred of Russia as a very poor method of actualizing political affairs. What is wrong with building a hotel in Moscow?
On the Ukrainian-Russian issues, U.S. political leadership is as tone deaf as possible, and as politically clumsy as the worst sort of five-thumbed oaf trying diamond cutting.

Comparing President Trump and Rep Alexandria Cortez

Rep. Cortez does seem to be a publicity hound. Her Green New Deal seems to be an inefficient crock of bull to me. Its not that all the whereas’ in the bill are wrong or half-truths or irrelevant, it is just that it seems like a sophomoric effort by someone without much depth in history, environmental economics, politics and etc who would like to have a King Canute, my way or the highway sort of power to gamble the nation’s future on her particular manifesto sort of approach to politics. As an intern for the brain-cancer challenged Senator Edward Kennedy Rep Cortez may not have learned how to value or apply tools of free enterprise with directed evolution toward ecospheric restoration with government regulation. To gamble 93 trillion dollars that her particular approach would fix the damages done by human culture to the ecosphere as a result of the inertial course of human historical development the past 9000 years would be wrong. There just isn’t wisdom enough in the Green New Deal to make things work. Rep. Cortez should have published a couple of books on macro-economics and specifically ecological economics theory and application before publishing a bill. The details matter. Politicians should feel free to use the Von Pelosi Method of ‘pass the bill so we can find out what’s in it’.


President Trump has a lifetime of business experience and continues that in the White House. He is solid on what he does well and isn’t experimenting much. Personally I don’t care much for the concentration of wealth in the United States that has a GINI coefficient location equal to that of Mexico, neither do I appreciate the President’s environmental approach, yet he has some strong points too of not starting wars across North Africa, not accelerating increase of public debt, and trying to secure the Mexican border so the nation can have a chance to keep a coherent civil polity without ingress of illegal aliens that the Democrat House recently voted to allow to vote- as if being an American citizen means nothing.

Rep Cortez has a racist viewpoint in her ideas about the distribution of wealth (see the Green New Deal). Wealth apportionment should be viewed statistically without reference to race. A poor white guy and a poor black or Hispanic generally experience the same purchasing power or lack of in the free market. Wealth inequalities are conflated with environmental decay in the same bill- and in fact the entire non-sustainable economic structure requires deep ecological economic restructuring and capitalism requires reform. Neither issue is addressed in any sort of deep way in the Cortez bill and it would hence place a great opportunity cost and misdirection blocking any actually effective course by taking up all the possible funding a priori. It is very wrong in approach.

It would have been helpful if President Obama had not twisted the arm of Democrats to cut taxes on the rich permanently. All Democrats except Sanders voted for making the Bush II tax cuts permanent. No one can really take the party seriously thereafter. They are a bunch of ignorant, air-bag lunatics.

Venezuelan Drake and Drone War

War with Venezuela is improbable. They haven't attacked us although Venezuela could be using illegal alien communist infiltrators to plunder vulnerable tiny houses in rural regions near the Mexican border, or not.

RT news published an article that said that "we", and I believe that referred to Americans, are being lied to! It is possible that Michael Cohen has an opinion about the improbable possible Venezuelan War- I am not certain, but it could be that the normally truthful Congress was being lied to, if Reps Waters, Taliban, Cortez etc were fooled. I am not certain that's the case. No trickery will stand to send marines into dysphoria.

War with Venezuela would be trampy. Venezuelans live there and they aren't all communists. Some support the Yankee-of-the-South movement for unrestricted internet access with VPNs actually partly socialized by government matching contributions.

Acting Interim President Juan Guido would be America's President Diem presumably, while President Maduro would be the Hoi Chi Minh figure in the pocket guerrilla war conveniently located for the southern command to mull over.

Because President Maduro cheated on the election and won't leave office peacefully, some of the military have covertly developed sympathies for what to Maduro is the dark side of the force. It is not certain that U.S. or deniable third country drones with heckfire missiles could distinguish between dark side and red side of the force Venezuelan military staff officers who presumably would be the initial targets in a deniable kinetic action to remove military support for the Maduro Manifesto.

Venezuela is most famous to many Americans for being attacked by Sir Francis Drake and his executive officer Martin Frobisher. It is also known as a country with a high incidence of people with Huntington’s disease. If Mr. Maduro returns to private life and quits the communist oil movement, the Yankee-of-the-South movement may take hold and make Venezuela a good place for retiring Americans to build vacation huts, yet therein is the core of the problem.

After the military advisers have gone and the buzz of drones fades away, will solar power and round architecture bring a new environmental ethic to Venezuela, or will the same old square, stick-frame structures that displace the ecosphere remain?


Americans Don't Really Brag About Defeating the Brits Anymore

Americans don't brag about defeating Britain in the revolutionary war much anymore; it was a long time ago. The victory was a matter of fact. Citizens were relieved to be rid of the royal parasites.
The British spent so much money trying to win the war that the public debt for the war wasn’t fully paid off until shortly before World War 1. The cost of the war and public indebtedness to the rich of Britain that held the debt was a salient reason why social benefits were fairly rotten for 19th century Brits.
An ironic joke is that Americans are achieving what the founder’s victory provided to England. The national GINI index of wealth concentration places the U.S.A. right there with Mexico and public debt is 21 trillion dollars.

Some Want Scientific Proof of God

The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God ( a paraphrase). I suppose confirmation bias works for atheists in seeing no evidence. Jurors...