
None Knew the One Before (poem)

What is beyond solid state mass
where everything quantified is a string or particle-wave theory
occupying every possible world-line path and location beyond
when quanta have no when and where of time

Time is embedded in solid state mass
matter in motion measured is time
captured as points of motion forward
mass evolves through thermodynamic complexity
into the solid state incapable
of running in reverse

What is the quantum world in-itself
coherence with one dimension strings 
everyplace potentially if quantum symmetry were broken
when everyplace becomes one place in time
a string caught in quarks and atoms

Decoherent quanta abandoned from timeless symmetry
from a theoretical energy field
where general and special relativity do not go
become matter in the Universe
energy fields and mass together
flowing in relativistic, thermodynamic courses
toward phase states and more dimensions
though none knew the one before.

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