
Mueller Report Flop Flips Democrats/Ecosphere Recovery Requisites

The Mueller Report was a flop at proving Democrat Party McCarthists that President Trump was colluding with Russians. The report indicated there was no collusion between the President and Russian agents. After years of media accusations and smears with accelerant thrown on by the untrue blue Democrat party politicians they are left with only the hope of more phony investigations through the 2020 election.

Democratic Presidential candidates are the worst in several generations. They are air-heads with brain contents full of non-sense and hatred of President Trump as if that was all that is required for leadership, It would be shocking to find a single Democrat candidate that could articulate 15 excellent political ideas that are good for the nation and would have bi-partisan support.

Electing leaders in a democracy should be about promoting those with good ideas to execute those good ideas. It isn't about a swell with a microphone or good college gang credentials (Ivy League). The Democrat Party is brain dead and vacuous intellectually. I am not implying that Republicans are excellent here. I am simply describing democratic candidates that should be advancing the quality of American politics instead of degrading it. 

A green new deal should be created with as much attention to detail as a complex computer program. In the way 70 scholarly translators made a Greek version of the old testament from  Hebrew language )the Septuagint), a team of engineers, ecological economists and scientist under engineering management should discover and compose algorithms that would correct identified point sources of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse pollution. Free enterprise theorists, constitutional attorneys and political scholars should design modularized programming scenarios that could correct ecospheric deficiencies. When the work is done and compiled in a publishable format, then it might be possible to select elements of the program to enact in accord with the political will. Economic analysis to discovery the most cost effective means of bring economic and human habilis phenomena into compliance might be legislated or promulgated through voluntary means.

Good works require work. Simply trying to disqualify political opposition in order to promote those most motivated with a personal egoist ethics and political philosophy doesn't get it done.

F.Y.I. The late historian Arnold Toynbee in his Study of History noted that civilizations have internal and external challenges. Revising or changing internal economic and political forms that are obsolete or inappropriate evolutions, Toynbee commented, are one of the most difficult challenges for a civilization to meet. Ancient Greece could not unify its city states, imperial Rome could not get good political leadership and its business people expanded to much abroad letting Roman Italy become comparatively neglected and vulnerable. Today the United States has an economic capitalist structure unsuitable for the national and global ecosystem without substantial revision. The nation that first completes transition to a new capitalism and free enterprise founded in ecological economics will be a world leader while the others will lag behind trying to emulate it.

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