
Never Say Never on Humans Beating Super-Computer Chess Engines

I couldn’t say they won’t. The capacity lies the realm of science fiction. A break-through in human use of logic that allows shortcuts to winning calculations computers cannot make would be the best way. It is more likely that human brains enhanced with technology or D.N.A. modifications permitting spatial matrix folding calculation visions to find winning tensors will arise for other purposes than chess.

Chess has just 64 squares so, though there is a very large number of possible paths to victory, the number is finite. I am not sure why anyone would want to bend, fold, warp, rearrange the squares and their order in imagination to find optimal paths given the variable worth of pieces and pawns together, yet some mathematician of the future may learn how spaces and relations like those of chess apply to configuration theories of the Universe construction in some way and apply the discoveries to beating a chess supercomputer engine that lives in quantum spaces of all possible worldlines over the threshold of solid-state space before the dawn of quantum decoherence.

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