
Considering Neo-Trade War Tariffs

 Before the neo-trade war it did seem as if some rectification of China-US trade policy needed to be implemented. President Trump worked to accomplish that and tariffs are part of the method of making trade adjustments.
The United State seems to go with short term profits in business cycles more so than with long term strategies. Inertia drives non-sustainable economic methods that are a continuua with an evolving capital investment paradigm. Challenges and responses create opportunity and impediment to business in relation to tariffs and lack of tariffs. Long-term interests, and I wonder what time is regarded as long term, are subverted by the change of population demographics and culture far more than tariffs that are temporary and less than a speed bump in history.
Tariffs on particular businesses such as manufacture of solar voltaic panels have raised the cost to consumers of Chinese products yet the Congress does more to harm American electric vehicle and solar panel manufacture than tariffs on Chinese products. Those low cost semi-flexible 100 watt solar panels can easily recharge batteries for 12 volt devices. Because of the weight of batteries the U.S. domestic battery market probably isn’t too impacted by tariffs.

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