
Chelsea Clinton Wasn't at Fault for Criticizing Rep Omar Because of an Australian Mass Killer

I find it hard to believe that the Australian killer Brenton Tarrant was a follower of anything Chelsea Clinton wrote or said. Today, political opponents will smear political targets through association with anything they can, even as vague derivative or parallel maladroit inferences. The criticism of Rep. Omar was self-standing, not to mention the post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy nature of the blame Chelsea Clinton thing. Anti-Islamophobists have been militating against any criticism of Muslims since 9–11. Totalitarian thought and speech controllers might want to rule the world and censor everyone. 

Y genes are passed on just through males. Killers concerned about y gene cultural extinction as happened to dark haired blue-eyed Iberian farmers living there in 4500 b.c. when eastern Europeans moved in and had a lot more children while bumping out the locals probably aren’t concerned about the opinions of x gene progeny of the privileged in some distant place have to say. X genes have a guarantee of survival, y genes require cultural stability for cultural continuity.

The point about general criticism of Islam as somehow inappropriate is wrong considering history. The cult formed in the 7th century has been warlike and expansive in fact and doctrine. It is probably the most intolerant of major religions going on Middle eastern experience. In the Middle East mosques of different sects aren’t allowed to exist in nations with a Sunni or Shia majority. Logically if one is from a Christian majority nation that has overcome its own sectarian issue, letting many Muslims in would be a dangerous way to let a dangerous weed grow. It isn’t very complicated.

The United States formed with more tolerance than most, because their were few people, they were mostly of one Christian religion, and everyone was needed to overthrow the British aristocrats ruling the place. There were brilliant philosophically minded dissidents who wrote a great declaration and constitution that was antipathetic toward aristocracy. Simply because the founders had God’s grace to found the nation does not mean that it necessarily must stand with a flood of millions of immigrants and many illegally that don’t speak one language, have one faith, or even one allegiance. The United States may not only experience more terrorism from more Muslim extremists down the road, it may fade away without a core population with one sentiment and identity.

During the cold war the communist propaganda machine was largely external. Today the anti-American left have internal allies in the broadcast media, deficient theorists in the Democrat Party, and billions of people that would not mind just moving in to take over the United States through demographic supremacy. Being aware of history does not comprise racism. It is o.k. to learn from history and defend the territorial integrity and political identity of the United States.


Humanity tends to evolve technology as well as physiology. When humanity started eating less meat because it evolved agriculture, human teeth no longer needed to bite down on tough meat on edge to edge. Instead the softer diet allowed the upper teeth up front to moved toward an overbite. With that change the f and p words could be pronounced. Human vocabulary a recent article explained began a proliferation of those words just about 2,500 years ago. The United States may be humanity’s last best hope for making a sustainable new ecological economic structure. It already creates ideas for adaptive technology that could support a sustainable human place in a viable and healthy ecosphere. Flooding the nation with chaotic, under-educated immigrants or building religious conflict won’t necessarily be helpful. Though the Clinton administration led the way to moral corruption, Chelsea Clinton is faultless for making valid and appropriate political speech concerning job performance of Rep. Omar.

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