
Free WiIl and the Eternal Coherent Quantum Field

Consider for a minute the nature of free choices. Say that God has created 1000 pre-determined paths and that you, as a kind of intelligent pinball, can roll along any of the paths. If one has conditional freedom, the degrees of freedom are those that one may choose. What number of choices would make one free? What if one were very dumb yet free and could never think of more than one or two things to do? Would free will be limited by that individual or His creator?

Can one be said to be free if one is restricted to being subject to a gravitational field that draws one toward mass? Can a human being in a steady state of mass that is generally made of decohered quantum wave-particle strings from a coherent field of all possible world lines be said to be free? To be is to be in a solid state mass of strings downloaded into particle-waves and a solid-state of matter. Matter exists because of symmetry breaking of all potential locations of coherent particles. Observations of quanta brings symmetry breaking.

The entire symmetry breaking of the Universe that becomes mass could be a result of the observation in the mind of God of quanta that became decohered by design. Is one free then knowing that an eternal coherent quantum field of all possible decoherent forms that fall into space-time thermodynamics, or not? That is the question, much less than those of what the mechanics are of the coherent quantum field that hasn't dimensions and time.

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