
Secure Border and Secure Citizenship Were Lacking in Hoover Administration

 Apparently President Hoover authorized the deportation of Mexicans that were believed to be illegals during the depression. Economic panic stimulated state and local governments to enact an ethnic cleansing policy of Mexican foreign nationals. However a large percentage (60%) were birthright U.S. citizens. Fortunately that could not recur because everyone now has good I.D. and on-line birth records.
The issue underscores the need to have secure borders and citizen ship accounts so people may know who is and isn’t a U.S. citizen. The spaced out way benefits drug traffickers and Democrats that value corruption as a normal, desirable condition.
The Mexican Government did not declare war on Nazi Germany until very late in the war. They seemed to be recalcitrant, and might have hoped that a German victory would give them a new deal for retaking land from the United States that formerly belonged to Spain. Clear citizenship would help to disambiguate issues of where people have a lawful right to live, and serve to avoid hurt feelings that can exacerbate international conflict relations.

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