
All-Female Identity Politics in Space

N.A.S.A. has delayed a spacewalk by an all-female team- no transgenders there apparently, putting on hold the start of identity politics in space. It was a clever idea bringing identity politics to space. After an all-female team an all-negro team of space-walkers followed by all-Hispanic could bring in more voters to continue the program.

An all-queer team perhaps is some way down the space-out program for N.A.S.A.


If 50% of astronauts have herpes virus, the thrills of space-walking may be tempered with the sober realism of disease.

It could be that Democrat Presidential candidates have tricks up their sleeves such as all-godless atheist spacewalking synchronization teams, all new green deal spacewalking teams while Donald Trump may field an all-Christian space-walking team. What about sending lotto winners to moon-walk in space?

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