
Gold Value After Economic-Government Apocalypse

Gold is the simplest identity-value item in existence. Gold and bullets might continue to be valued in a society with complete social breakdown. Philosophical value theories (axiology) may serve to offer numerous alternative value-objects or even behaviors and constructions as valuable instead of money. In the event of economic collapse depending upon what the demographic facts are and who leads if anyone, new values may arise to replace that which formerly existed.

If the American Midwest evolves into a desert like the Sahara within two hundred years as some people predict because of global warming, water may become more valuable. If there are epidemic lethal diseases, vaccines for immunity may be most highly valued. The answers to what future value theory will be are speculation and even fiction, yet interesting to consider. They are limited only by social and individual intelligence. If people are as dumb interactively as ants and follow the meat stimulating scent of the fetish of value perhaps some ecospherically profitable variable value will need to be usefully invented so the workers accomplish something productive rather than counterproductive for the environment.

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