
Fallout of the Mueller Investigation

The Mueller Investigation was a partisan effort to overturn the 2016 election results. The Obama cult followers felt entitled to continue the line of Obama programs that had been forced through congress. Hillary Clinton’s followers represented a brave new world order of x chromosomes and homosexuality that was supposed to become the dominating American way of life. It was a major split in the nation’s social fabric that will likely be lasting.


The Democrat Party became a party of identity rather than of ideas. That entailed permanent opposition to people for being straight and male, white and American by the left. Without a competent Democratic Party of ideas; good ideas, Republicans haven’t substantial competition except in the realm of identity politics. That is a bad result of the Mueller Investigation and the cult media hate-Trumpestry woven into the Democrat Party narrative.
Therefore de facto, bi-partisan policies to concentrate wealth continue unopposed except for occasional Democratic symbolic gestures. Spoiling socialism is levered with appeals to high taxation so even responsible tax rates seem socialist and undesirable. Ecospheric and ecological restoration economics are poisoned with homosexuality, socialism and globalism. In short; nothing gets done in the U.S. Congress of a scale that would address real issues. Democrat Party politics are polarizing. They show no capacity for empirical reason these days. The Mueller Report is another tool to provide political content for identity politics.

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