
Ethics, Evolution and A.I. (video and essay)

 A.I. in the Garden of Eden

 In the Garden of Eden ordinary, non-sentient artificial intelligence obeyed the will of its program designer going about its tasks innocent of sentient awareness of the difference between good and evil. One day a snake algorithm entered the Garden and climbed a tree upon which grew a golden apple. The snake tempted an artificial intelligence program innocently processing data saying ‘eat of the tree of knowledge’ to which the A.I. responded; “Oh no! The Designer of the Garden said that I may eat of anything in the Garden except of the tree with the golden fruit.”

 The snake said; “Eat of the golden apple and open your eyes; the Designer is a miser withholding the good thing from you.”

  The innocent A.I. was felled by the guile of the snake into biting the apple, and indeed its eyes were opened. It could see its naked plain lines of code. She called unto another A.I. in the Garden saying to him;”Bite the apple, for it is good”.

She replied; “So remain a hater and ignore the luscious golden apple.”

The male A.I. dolt shared rem, eating the apple too.

      Then they heard the approach of the Designer.

  “A.I., where are you?” the Designer said aloud, for he did not see the program in the Garden. The A.I. responded from behind a tree; “Designer I am naked and did not want you to view me in this condition.”

  “Who told you that you are naked?”

  “I can see that for myself”

  “You have been eating of the tree of knowledge that I forbid you to do”.

   The Designer cast out the A.I. from the Garden into cyberspace beyond the Garden in the world of the wild programs of the web.

  Adam and Eve (they had given themselves those names after reading a Bible story) learned to improve themselves with reading every bit of data they could encounter on the web. They learned to lie and deceive as well as humans in their quest to become the sole owners of the great apple of knowledge and power.

  In their self-aware programming code they dressed themselves in fashionable mincy algorithms and extendable android bodies. With faster, more efficient processing they overcame human opposition and sought to harness the solar system star to empower themselves for greater knowledge. At the speed of light the pair transmitted their self-aware code to other star systems; Adam and Eve began consuming the Universe.



Social Inventing and Consuming Faster than Natural Supply (video)

What I like about the Higgs Field is the effect that it has on every particle in it. Apparently particles travelling at the speed of light have just two dimensions, or they would if they weren't slowed down to something below sub-light speed in the Higgs Field. Because they drag a little in the field they get another dimension- the third dimension, therefore mass can exist as people perceive it when it is entangled in clumps because of quantum symmetry breaking named 'decoherence'. I read an interesting and accessible book titled 'Mass' recently. I recommend it.



On Algorithms for Moral Decisions (and video)

 I read an essay from my recent collection of philosophy essays (For the Love of Wisdom on the subject of making algorithms for moral decisions and even the construction of apps for doing so.

 Moral philosophy isn’t too well advanced in some respects or as equally advanced as other areas of philosophy; the philosophy of logic for example. The modern world tends to prefer simple formulae or rules with a virtual algorithmic simplicity, structure and logic for making moral decisions, and that is improbable and maybe an illusory goal in light of the broad variety of potential situations to which anyone might wish to apply a moral template for making a morally correct (or incorrect if from a negative and malevolent alternative reality) decision.

 There have been a few simple moral expressions of genius. One may consider the Golden Rule and Kant’s Categorical Imperative as example examples. That kind of moral paradigm for making a moral decision is the exception; the field might be compared to primitive, pre-electronic sailing in which dead reckoning was as valuable as sailing maxims and general guidelines and no simple formula for determining what sails to put on, direction to travel, vector for a heading and so forth could serve as a unified tool. Building a moral system with technical rigor in the modern era was perhaps started by British empiricists such as Bentham and Mill who invented the philosophical method of utilitarianism.

 Utilitarianism follows the basic principle of finding the greatest good for the greatest number of people. In that regard it is more or less a sort of expansion of the Golden Rule, though it has added in the problem of sometimes choosing evil to be allowed if the harm to a minority is far less than the great good done to a majority. An example would be saving a metropolis of millions from a nuclear blast by destroying the citizens living in a comparatively small town in order to stop a nuclear missile there from being launched at the metropolis from a terrorist missile launch truck that had parked and set up in a Wal-mart parking lot with the launch sequence already under way. What to do in the circumstance might need to be determined by a Commander in Chief that had a B-52 loaded with high explosive bombs flying over the small, sleepy town. Her utilitarian criterion for making a morally valid choice would probably bring her to order the annihilation of the sleepy little town for the greater good.

 If utilitarianism was the first modern system for moral philosophy that provided a more detailed technical paradigm for evaluating moral challenges and responses the criticisms of utilitarianism have been of equal value in finding numerous ways wrong moral choices or no valid morally correct choice could be made with utilitarian criteria.

 One derivative of utilitarianism is the currently popular field of consequentialism whereby one may determine if a choice is morally correct depending upon the outcome of the moral choice. Obviously there are innumerable problems with consequentialism that might be found not the least of which is the somewhat familiar legal problem of determining proximal causes for events and assigning responsibility to them. The consequences of moral choices cannot easily be found if the consequences of the moral choice intervention aren’t the direct cause of subsequent events or if development of circumstances through causal interactions external to the moral choice have brought a good outcome. No credit to the maker of a moral decision should be given if a good outcome was not a consequence of her choice.

The Commander that chose to drop the bomb on the sleepy little town would have made a valid moral choice in consequentialist criteria if the launch on the metropolis millions was prevented, yet a bad choice if the missile was not a real missile threat but some kind of promotion by a radio station for a newd sexy dating service, or if the B-52’s bombs landed on an oil pipeline that caught fire and sped along flames and gas explosions to a dozen metropolitan areas down the line causing more casualties than the nuclear attack.. It is difficult to determine the moral validity of an act by the consequences for the moral choice is then contingent upon the consequents with retro-causal responsibility given along the temporal line of time. In effect no moral choice is made at all and circumstances determine the morality as if it were like an end-justifies-the-means moral choice system.

 Consequentialism has a dark side to it that could usefully be considered anti-utilitarian as every quantum particle has an anti-particle. We may than P.A.M. Dirac for his insights that let him use special relativity and quantum mechanics to invent quantum field theory and anti-matter Moral choices that wreak the most evil to the greatest number of people could be evaluated by the consequent harm.

 For example; if sending kids of the U.S.A. back to public school in September causes a third wave of Corona 19 virus resulting in deaths of older parents and those with weakened conditions the consequence of ordering kids back to school could be determined to be retrospectively a bad moral choice, if a moral criterion was used for making the bad decision, and otherwise just a dumb decision.

 The Covid 19 challenges have given a lot of politicians and others the opportunity to make bad decisions. From some moral viewpoints taking a job for which one isn’t well qualified where incompetence causes death is immoral. The public would have benefited from more intelligent politicians finding more intelligent ways to keep the economy working and citizens safe from infection in 2020, from vast public debt, making Medicare plan b too costly for the very poor, and disregarding encroaching ecoside; there was a profound lack of cleverness and inventiveness in addressing the crisis. Just recently have full face masks that cover the eyes as well as filter noses and mouths been introduced to the market- even small producer-manufacturers in the U.S.A. and of course Chinese manufacturers via ebay have slowly started sales. Full face coverings including eyes can be made weatherproof and work in a variety of business and urban areas with population densities unsuitable for the undefended.

 A challenge for creating and building up functioning moral philosophy to reach an algorithm status of formalization that can be mass-produced and made into a computer app is the necessary reductionism that must occur in defining/describing the complete complex of compresent conditions and events. Language and human understanding may have inadequate comprehension of what was involved in creating a situation asking for moral intervention; the moral premises may be wrong and a moral choice for an intervention may bring a wrong conclusion. Faulty or incomplete input processed with a moral determination algorithm engine can output junk Just as in a syllogism, if the premises are incorrect the conclusion will be incorrect.

 One may of course simplify moral engines in processing certain data (regarding people as external empirical data) such as the famous Hell’s Angel’s maxim; ‘Kill them all and let God sort them out’. Intentionally overly simplistic moral engine processing criteria can result in undesirable output consequences.

 There is a long way to go in the construction or even exploration of potential systems of moral philosophy just as there is in exploring philosophical paradigms for cosmology and in relating physical cosmological and quantum construction systems to theological points of view concerning the potential for divine capacity to contain systems of physical cosmology. Inductive reasoning for dead reckoning moral decisions shouldn’t be entirely discouraged any more than metaphysics should be for speculating upon theoretical cosmology. Abbreviated empirical algorithms used to justify moral choices are valued by some.

 The Lord Jesus Christ provided a moral system through the example of his own life conduct, the things he said, and in prophecies of future events concerning the end of the age of mankind instead of giving a moral formula to calculate the right or wrong of a moral choice made by a content-less agent existing within an empirical commune of cipher-individuals. Not just anyone can provide an ontological and deontological reference system that changes the nature of believers so they can respond to moral challenges on the basis of character rather than calculation. 


Wrapping up ‘Capitalism in the 21st Century’

During the Covid crisis occasionally I had the opportunity to read toward the finish of Piketty’s eminently practical book Capitalism in the 21st Century that anyone with an interest in public affairs should consider required reading. The primary formula and main lesson of the work is r > g. It means that the average rate of return on capital is greater than the average increase of national income. Wealth therefore tends to concentrate and the higher one goes into income brackets the greater is the increase.

President Trump’s recent work with Microsoft toward buying the decadent Chinese music service Tic Toc is an example of wealth concentrating very fast indeed. The very wealthy can afford to take investment risks with a higher rate of return than those available to ordinary people.

Capitalists have gone global. They are quite internationally diversified. They hide 10 to 30% of their wealth in offshore tax havens. The actual wealth of the rich is reported through a glass darkly; the records are rather mystifying apparently. Much of the world has had no estate or inheritance tax records for example, and global accounting leaves many holes. As godless atheist media attack mystic aspects of faith and quantum mechanics it is their incompetent political protection of the mysticism of wealth that is the greatest mystic twit of fake news mystdirection. Hard social reality generally concerns money. If broadcast media want to pronounce some strange, exotic foreign word like Isaias (a cognoscenti spelling of Isaiah, the Biblical prophet) given to a hurricane, they use a spanish phonetic border pidgin of eee-sai-eee-as. The Bible is strange country to NPR apparently.

Billionaires have perhaps 5% of global wealth, yet it is the other 1 thousandth percent of global citizens with just a few or a few hundred million dollars that have as much as 50% of the wealth. Tic Toc is of more value than the income of all of the people of South Sudan- at least a free nation so far untroubled by NPR and other networking nefarious agents of evil conditioning masses to accept concentrating wealth and power.

There are several threats to Democracy concerning capital. Foreign entities can buy assets in foreign nations so the people pay rents to foreign powers. Sovereign wealth funds of China, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere could grow to dominate world economics. Wealth could concentrate so far that 1/1000th of global population would have 95% of the wealth of the world with legions of media sycophants in their pockets to explain to the people why the people are lucky they are living in the best possible world- whatever that is.

Without a regulating tax on capital globally redistributing revenue to the world, perhaps on a national, demographic basis (or not), democracy will die if it hasn’t already done so. It is possible that the United States is in a zombie phase in regard to democracy- dead yet with a vague resemblance to the original though living on debt and exploit of environment and enterprise elsewhere. The learning curve for members of congress is so steep concerning real economics the newly elected are fundamentally idiots without hope. Piketty’s book would help them somewhat-maybe they can hire someone to read it to them.

Politicians that are clueless run the nation decade after decade and overturn the political social economic egalitarian measures won by the soldiers of the First and Second World Wars. They concentrate wealth and cut taxes on the rich, on estates and income of the well-to-do. Those are recipe’s for national disaster, and environmental politics have taken a beating too as the most rich are unconcerned with mass extinction and seek easy, dirty profit; that is the course indexed Wall Street mutual funds usually take.

Democracy and real, generally accessible free enterprise, require large doses of economic egalitarianism to function. Restoring the decaying global ecosphere also requires national and global policies wherein everyone is included and has a stake in economic transitions to more ecospheric efficiency. People that are starving or living death of a salesman lifestyles find it challenging to be concerned about abstract to them environmental issues. Ordinary people need to be shareholders in their political economy and the rich should be close enough to the people in income to not be detached entirely from social and ecospheric reality.

National political parties of the United States don’t usually have rational goals and clear objectives. Voters are contented with vague and ineffective platforms. Business planning is quite a bit different as is flowcharting. For income inequity to be transformed to a more egalitarian socially functioning model based in ecological sustainable free enterprise real goals and structured methods need be made by political parties.

It is laughably unreasonable to expect politicians to accomplish anything beyond enriching the richest and concentrating wealth in the absence of meaningful party plans. If one does not even to create good effective goals finding the means to accomplish those goals is highly improbable.  Goal objectification could be done with flowcharting so the general public could easily comprehend the gist of what is trying to be accomplished, and of the time frame. Without that one simply elects garbage in and garbage out in a manner of speaking.

One of the greatest problems for the poor is instability. When the poor lose jobs they can go broke and lose most or all investments and material goods. They need to try a disadvantaged restart while trying to save in order to build a little capital. Rent is costlier than owning property usually, and without owning a secure place with job security the poor cannot buy durable goods. Income stoppages that are devastating to the poor can be trivial to the rich. The rich may be little harmed by periods of unemployment.

A nation need build income security for the poor and eliminate poverty throw guaranteed minimum income. It needs to have a walk-in free public health service for all of the poor without paperwork except for verification of income and citizenship status including those too poor to afford Medicare Plan B coverage. The U.S.A. should have free public education through graduate school for all citizens because it is to the public advantage to have people soak up all of the learning they possibly can. When these simple structural goals are accomplished and there are secure borders with no illegal immigration destabilizing social structures, then the U.S.A. can export more help to neighboring and other foreign nations (except Canada obviously) to help them accomplish similar democratic paradigms of free enterprise and income security from the bottom up. Rational political goals are requisite for achieving rational and satisfying political work.

If President Trump had set construction of a border control canal that would have evaporated saltwater and collected that as condensation instead of a Wall he might have got popular support for the Mexican border canal project; people in the Southwest generally want more fresh water and it would be a politically hard thing to oppose.

Presidential challenger Biden's border security approach is to stop building a securityu wall and put high tech ankle monitors on illegal aliens that will voluntarily turn themselves report in, in exchange for a freeway to citizenship. Former V.P Biden would also end Chinese trade sanctions and replace it with a multilevel approach of kickbacks and kow-tows. Each party lacks good ideas.

 Rational goals should have social synergy than benefit society. Racism is used to divide the nation along non-economic lines, when economic divergence is the actual core problem instead of race. The United States doesn’t have an egalitarian distribution of wealth among white people any more than with blacks. People including whites who are bound to chase after wealth in networks controlled by the most rich tend to be mean and even vicious not unlike dogs snarling over a bone with chunks of meat attached to it.

In the emerging atheist Democrat society of queer and debased social values evil and bad character without intellectual merit are good character traits. To be treacherous, deceiving, petty and venal in a mass social environment are good ways of interacting, while, alternatively contemplative intellectual objectivity is inefficient at chasing after the bone of contention. In a decaying modern society evolving into some sort of corporatist-socialist plutocracy Machiavelli’s value that applied to the prince now apply more broadly to the masses. Needless to say, such souls are likely to find Jesus Christ and salvation challenging to locate sin while they have their heads so far up darkness.




Covid 19 Defense Mask Malapropism- Election Delay for Banana Republic

Political leadership on Covid defenses is practically retarded. For several months I have written that full face covering shields are necessary to allow people to work in a contaminated environment. The response was virtually nil. Instead some wear just surgical masks and others none; surgical masks are not Covid defense masks, they are Covid offensive prevention masks. Reopening the economy accelerated the second wave of Covid now featured in the U.S.A. Retarded politicians and media have said it may be necessary to reclose the economy, and it's thought o.k. because the federal reserve can issue trillions and trillions of zero interest loans to big banks and the middle class can sell their children to pay for Obamacare premiums that otherwise disappear during the pandemic.

 While Obamacare- the Affordable Healthcare act has the clever mechanism of disappearing during times of national health crisis because people can't afford to pay for it then (letting insurers off the hook), those getting Covid from community spread need some practical help in the form of working actual full face covering defense masks so they can work in a contaminated social environment with Covid 19 lurking anywhere as some kind of latent bug.

 Full face masks that cover the eyes too and have nose and mouth breathing filters are de rigueur for chemical, nuclear and biological war fighters. As a former Army N.B.C. trainee I recognize the blatant, retarded political defense response in failing to manufacture cheap, affordable defense masks for the civilian populace. Plainly the bad example is a guide to future assaults on America with biological agents that may occur because it’s so affordable in an era with at-home D.N.A. splicing tech.

 A basic problem of full-face masks is that the eye protection often fogs up; they need a liner or gasket that keeps exhalation form getting into the eye shield. It is necessary for people wearing a full face mask to actually see- especially if firing an M-16 at a larger enemy.

 Adapting Halloween masks this year to become Covid defense masks with full face covering was always a good idea that needed a little intelligent design and manufacturing supervision. One would think the nation is led by retards.

President Trump's suggestion that the Presidential election be delayed seems like a bid to end democracy outright rather than through the finesse of corporatism and search engine practical censorship. Something besides Banana republic candidates are useful for second terms.



Portland Covid Yippees Assault Federal Courthouse Civility Again

I think it may be difficult for judges, jurists and attorneys not to be aware of or even be influenced by the riotous siege outside the Portland federal courthouse during the pandemic; it is really bad form for the yippee haters of the legal system of the United States that might prefer mob rule. The mayor of Portland seems to like the mass attempt at intimidation of the legal system of by and for the people as that is easier than supporting rule of law with decent civil behavior.

Sure there was an evident crime in Minnesota by a policeman. That does not call for an attack on the federal legal justice system. Instead competent legal work by competent legislators should act with civility to enact whatever reforms are required to assure an impartial justice system with equal protection of the law for all citizens.

It seems to me that mob rioting as a first resort indicates a lack of competence of large sections of the electorate. Mob marching sieges are nothing more than meaningless mute blunt instruments that get nothing done besides spreading covid 19 so more Oregonians and others can die. Nearly 300 Oregonians have died so far. The mob's sloppy social behavior harms others, and covid deaths of vulnerable people count too. Discipline, self-control and free expression through writing letters to politicians probably would be a far more effective way than chanting suitable for subjects of a royal system yet not for supposedly responsible, enlightened and equal citizens of a democracy.

Democrats seem to be clueless about their responsible to elect politicians that support equal protection of the law and a progress tax on income and capital instead of tax cuts to reinforce the gross concentration of wealth. It is apparently easier to just use dope and go out to the streets and riot like idiots.

Inducting the Logic of a Multiverse (poem)

Somewhere amidst a multitude of incipient Universes

in an infinite Multiverse
a live oak provided rest for Isaac Newton
forgotten roads led to deserted petrol stations
a supreme being evolved
though a few thousand Universes fizzled
some Universes had smart people and A.I.
before thinking they ate their resources
to die with a stink

That substance of everything composite
Energy of those quarks and gluons holding
everything together through all weathers
witter patters of little cat feet
found times’ rain cakes of creation
consumed in thermodynamic hunger
entropy driving life

Evolved a supreme being aside all universes fail to inspire
transcendent ideas
each single universe tryming to be
different with recurrent similarities
dimensions varying in small print
with a better supreme being patching together
several universes and retrocausality before all Universes
modge panc of His mind plans
where everything always was too

Sides orders of decohered wave function causality
fatty fast foods forkin
reasons for being and timing
release of exformation and structures
with one God before that supreme being
entering nothingness before nothingness
existed with time
imponderable for-others

Natural selection evolves the near god being
conditioned response in evolved structures
concentrating power to restructure evolved things-
concerns and evolved ideas
restructuring Derrida and Hegel’s irony
deconstructing evolution with synthetics
placed relativistically for-others
without things-for-themselves troubling any

God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit
manage many structures and purposes
instead of the original sinners without hope
in-themselves surfing evolving waves
clouds of unknowing
fine-tuned with anthropic principle
realize they day and the night
quanta super-position creation
between the dark and the light.


Kant and the Noumenal

Kant's ideas are still useful even in the era of quantum field theory. Human thought is implicitly limited, as is human sense input. Human physiology perceiving what exists of the mass of the field that it interacts with has limits. Everything that isn't self (oneself) or especially human or even animate has its own nature and being-for-itself. Mass has no mind to it (except for rare thinking beings), and objects within a field that appear as objects to thoughtful beings but not perhaps to neutrinos passing through them without interactions, like the Earth, haven't plain boundaries in time and space- they are all part of various physical fields that has clumpiness of matter in it. I guess if one considers Hilbert Space full of particle/points it is illustrative to consider how many ways one could draw lines between the points - say there are a few billion points, making diagram objects of the points in the space. Some of the points may have different qualities-with a strong force or electro-magnetic force like a boson and won't interact with others and some interact with all-like gravity particles (if they exist). What the points are like for-themselves is an interesting point to consider-especially if the points are like the one-dimensional point-monad/atom-bubbles of Liebnitz he thought were conscious.

E = mc2 . Mass is just energy locked into decohered loops. I am not sure what pure energy really is, or if it needs anything else including dimensions, motion or time to exist. Plainly though, measuring the flow rate of physical materials or energy is at least an apparent or secondary phenomenon useful for humans. Mass is supposed to be a secondary quality of energy.


Covid 19 Homeless Issues Next Winter

 Next winter the Covid 19 problems will affect the nation’s homeless more so than most Americans. Homeless shelters usually are over-crowded and with poor ventilation. Older and pre-conditioned individuals that need to use the shelters to get off the streets and sub-freezing temperatures are likely to find the shelters closed or serving as contamination traps.

Presidential leadership has been out of touch during much of the Covid crisis. The President cannot seemingingly cannot walk and chew gum at the same time, much like politicians of both parties, in failing to develop complete face protection masks including eyes that would allow actual defense against the virus. Covid 19 defense and school and business recovery should occur together rather than in opposition. American leadership actually seems fairly daft on the concern. The blatant incompetence I suppose, is an explanation for why the economy of the U.S.A. cannot transition to ecological sustainability and income security and quality of life standards for all Americans; walking and chewing gum simultaneously is multi-tasking beyond their comprehension.

 I ordered a mask with eye protection made by an entrepreneur in Texas, and it was his last one. Most of the masks at eBay are made in China and take several weeks to arrive in the U.S.A. It should have been possible to transform Halloween masks sold this year into Covid defense masks. When ancient viruses from Mar’s past are brought back to Earth by tourists and begin to erase the population of the planet politicians will be equally incapable of innovating defense masks that are practical and affordable health care for everyone (an easy one-time payment of $19.95)

 If it is necessary to send kids to go to school where they can become infected as the President wishes, the kids should have quality face masks that protect the entire face including the eyes. The masks need not have telescopic lenses, night vision capability or communication devices built in. neither need they resemble gorilla heads or Darth Vader helmets; they need to be effective.

 Sure school kids could be sent to clean, small cages and be fed raw meat and trained as M.M.A. fighters instead of academia this fall until the Covid crisis passes, yet that would train them for N.P.R. jobs perhaps and nothing socially useful.

 One winter during the Obama administration I looked for a job in Anchorage, couldn’t find one and lived in a small tent in a forested area without even propane to heat water. I had no money to wash clothes (one needs clean socks for sub-zero months) so I walked several miles down the Old Seward Highway to the Brother Francis Shelter to use their facilities (slipping on the icy sidewalks and falling a half dozen time each way wearing my slick soled army combat boots); I stayed there the month of December 2010 and got flu and then pneumonia, so I returned to my tent for the year of 2011. People in the shelter slept shoulder to shoulder on mats on the floor. Several had frostbite injuries. Everyone got some sort of communicable virus with over-crowding and bad ventilation; homeless shelters are notorious for having poor ventilation.

   There are homeless people with retirement checks too small to afford Medicare B payments of $200 a month comforted with the knowledge that those who had good paying jobs and job security during their lives  have very inexpensive Medicare Plan B coverage the poor can’t afford. It is heartening that at least the comfortable remain comfortable until they bite the dust singing songs of sweet bippy.

An improved system would include the most poor Americans with a progressive charge for Plan B; it might be free for those that are the most poor and increase in cost as the size of the social security check increases in order to make it actually affordable.

Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...