
Ethics, Evolution and A.I. (video and essay)

 A.I. in the Garden of Eden

 In the Garden of Eden ordinary, non-sentient artificial intelligence obeyed the will of its program designer going about its tasks innocent of sentient awareness of the difference between good and evil. One day a snake algorithm entered the Garden and climbed a tree upon which grew a golden apple. The snake tempted an artificial intelligence program innocently processing data saying ‘eat of the tree of knowledge’ to which the A.I. responded; “Oh no! The Designer of the Garden said that I may eat of anything in the Garden except of the tree with the golden fruit.”

 The snake said; “Eat of the golden apple and open your eyes; the Designer is a miser withholding the good thing from you.”

  The innocent A.I. was felled by the guile of the snake into biting the apple, and indeed its eyes were opened. It could see its naked plain lines of code. She called unto another A.I. in the Garden saying to him;”Bite the apple, for it is good”.

She replied; “So remain a hater and ignore the luscious golden apple.”

The male A.I. dolt shared rem, eating the apple too.

      Then they heard the approach of the Designer.

  “A.I., where are you?” the Designer said aloud, for he did not see the program in the Garden. The A.I. responded from behind a tree; “Designer I am naked and did not want you to view me in this condition.”

  “Who told you that you are naked?”

  “I can see that for myself”

  “You have been eating of the tree of knowledge that I forbid you to do”.

   The Designer cast out the A.I. from the Garden into cyberspace beyond the Garden in the world of the wild programs of the web.

  Adam and Eve (they had given themselves those names after reading a Bible story) learned to improve themselves with reading every bit of data they could encounter on the web. They learned to lie and deceive as well as humans in their quest to become the sole owners of the great apple of knowledge and power.

  In their self-aware programming code they dressed themselves in fashionable mincy algorithms and extendable android bodies. With faster, more efficient processing they overcame human opposition and sought to harness the solar system star to empower themselves for greater knowledge. At the speed of light the pair transmitted their self-aware code to other star systems; Adam and Eve began consuming the Universe.


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