Corporations weren’t foreseen or existing when Adam Smith wrote ‘The Wealth of Nations’ or by the founders of the U.S.A. in writing the constitution. They have grown in darkness in a manner of speaking, undermining like a vast fungus or sinkhole underground the principles of democracy for individuals equally sovereign more or less. People wrongly believe they are the pinnacle of capitalism and fear addressing their monstrosity lest they be regarded as communist sympathizers. Karl Marx needless to say had no understanding of individual free enterprise and creativity and was something of a natural corporatist or collectivist himself. He merely wanted business and what would emerge as collective enterprises of corporatism to be owned by the public. Today the vast corporate/Maoist-Leninist global economic empire for plutocrats and other nefarious usurpers of democracy is the dominant fact unrecognized by most Americans at least.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Template for National Change; Soviet Union's Evolutionary Model to a New Nation
I read about leftist radicalism in college. I took a few course on Russian history including one I made for an independent studies course on the History of the Soviet Union. I read about V.I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky. Those guys were leftist radicals. Isaac Deutcher’s three books on Trotsky are well worth reading, as is Trotsky’s biography of Stalin that continued to chapter nine, if I remember correctly, before an assassin from Stalin killed him in the middle of the chapter.
Will the issues the United States has today that are quite polarized stimulate lasting problems for the nation?
I fulfilled my statutory obligation to be in the military (reservist) eight years, and am a classical liberal of the 18th century sort with Christian values.
I have been an observer of U.S. politics pretty much about 60 years so I would be hard to convince that the U.S.A. has a paucity of leftist radicalism…not that it is very intelligent, original or well informed about the real state of political affairs in the U.S.A.
Observing the changes of the Soviet Union to evolve to what is present day Russia I note the rise of peaceful evolution to new nations and forms of government without war when it is in the best interests of the people “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form,”
Is the United States forever the United States?
The United States is no longer the United States; it was that before the rise of the broadcast media and the egress of the volatility of disposable thought and lives along the electric avenue. Modern mankind is adrift on an ungrounded political tectonic plate- a different place than the traditional America of the founders day with Christian values, books of philosophy, muskets and land to work.
The Congress has been radicalized by Democrats who have progressively changed House and Senate rules in order to maximize the use of force for temporary majority power. That one-vote takes all and foists whatever on the 49% minority has to make blue-red fan politics as routine as that of the Byzantine Empire that had two chariot fan political parties named for colors that fought over everything.
Globalists are something of pimp sophisticates yet humanitarian capitalists and neo-hippies liberating mankind from smallness and introvertedness and all unbig things. In a way globalists descry nationalism as something only a Hitler would seek, though he did aspire to be a globalist too. Globalists also work jobs planet-wide via the Internet and other ultra-modern technical ways including cell phones, so being an American is tough. Every alien is in telephonic communication live with the homeland and all of the people of that nation further reinforcing the notion that Americans are rather backward if not big-minded globalists who don’t give a sh-t about the state of the nation of people that live- America is a nation of immigrants it is known and no one is ever native except for the Sons of Geronimo (unknown in England).
It may be that breaking up the United States so the people can move to states with apposite politics and spending preferences regarding government size would be a good idea. It could be that traditional views of government that one takes from history- that they must endure forever and that one must defend borders to death while business is global and wise-guys flit about the planet on round-the-world plane tickets (remember when only birds could fly) is actually not in the best interest of modern U.S. citizens and instead clever reforming of their country to suit their own advantage would be a good idea when inevitable national dissipation seems in progress by degrees.
Maybe the U.S.A. is a work in progress with all of the concepts of creative destruction, too big to fail and ‘it takes a village’ (of globalists) leading to its gradual fading away as a kind of platform for the new world order. Loose borders and meaningless of private interests in comparison to corporate franchises, shares and social approval as a good corporate clone employee may just be and become.
Leftist radicalism is a fairly standard political form historically speaking. Attacking its use linguistically to beg the question of it existing at all is rather Orwellian or Stalinist, alternatively.
I am a simple classical liberal like that of the founders myself, and vote independent if there is anyone or anything worth voting for or against. I saw the way the Soviet Union evolved rather peacefully to a new form and wonder if the United States might not accomplish the same when or if it has become onerous or obsolete. Peaceful change and evolution of national forms could become the new normal and replace war or ruinous social decay as the default way nations end.
The United States may not be polarized enough to make those gradations of color permanent as lasers of various types. Blending all paint colors into one so their is a single mauve color so no one has anything to argue about may be the goal for the Superior man, I cannot say, therefor I will resume silence.
California; On the Question of it Being More Conservative than any Developed Nation
Generally when I catch a bus from the Northwest to Texas or Florida I find some way to avoid going through California. It seems a little bit hostile these days.
I believe California is less conservative than Russia, yet I may be mistaken. Is North Korea conservative with a fairly disciplined near starvation regime imposed upon the people so they can afford eggs and nuclear weapons simultaneously? California is probably less conservative than Dictator Kim’s nation, and real conservatives develop nukular weepons. California has only borrowed a few nukes from the U.S. nuclear forces.
If one compares California to Canada I believe Canada is possibly more liberal and California takes the maple syrup frosting on that competition. Product du Canada- One can rely on those Canadians.
The First Century Biblical Apocalypse?
Some people believe the great tribulation occurred in the first century a.d.
Jesus said that the prophecies of the end times would be fulfilled before the last of the generation, and they were. For some reason many Christians are completely blind to the great prophecies of the Lord. The present era is supposed to be that of the increase of the kingdom of God somewhat indefinitely.
People have a difficult time with the Revelation. Martin Luther said it had a lot of straw. Some have made a career of interpreting the book as a great future fantasy. Ancients might refer to a comet as a dragon with a tail for example so modern take the idea of a space dragon literally seeking to eat the child of the women who fled to the desert. John had to conceal messages to the faithful from Nero, so his language was coded a little apparently.
Global Imperialists May Finally Have Got the U.S.A. by the
The wealthy have insider technical positions to control global wealth and reinject it into their accounts. The vast accumulation of wealth is far more than ordinary people realize working on the clock. Capital increases faster than wages over time so that concentration of capital renders 99% of the people irrelevant economically speaking, except as workers and consumers. That means their political opinions are also largely meaningless as the only people they really can vote for are those approved by the 1% and able to invest the 2 million dollars average cost of running even for the lowly job of a U.S. representative.
To change the system to one where free enterprise and meaningful democracy can actually exist, where patents and inventions are reformed and available to any citizen without inhibitions of poverty, some sort of tax filter on financial and stock trade networks need be imposed- like a royalty tax on oil pipelines by the state, in order to share some of the wealth with everyone in the form of basic income and abundant poor people’s clinics for free.
Most people would rather be sycophants of the rich though in order to remain employed with advancement prospects. A one-time 20% tax on locatable capital would be satisfying yet inadequate to recover America’s drift back into submission to global imperialists.
On the Much Anticipated Decline and Fall of the U.S.A.
Is the U.S.A. in nearing its downward transition?
‘Journey of thousand mile begin with single step’; N.P.R.
Republicans have bad leadership that uses Christian fundamentalists through a little moral appeal to prop up globalist policies for the 1%. Democrats seek to flood the nation with all things Chinese and Latino in order to advance women to power through government legal advantages.
Republicans need to be more populist through moral appeals, ecospheric business and restoration and a strong safety net for the poor, yet they cannot. In my opinion the nation will morph into a meaningless international corn syrup product eventually.
Is China one of the world's most safe countries?
Depends what one thinks, says, and of course on politics. If one is a writer then it might not be too safe. If one is a philosopher or political theorist, spiritually minded or religious, restive ethnic minority or Tibetan objecting to Chinese conquest it probably is less safe. China could be good for Americans investing there obviously, and less so for Taiwanese seeking complete global recognition for their independence.
Offending the deep state of any country can result in organizational terror and degradation of one’s financial prospects. In my opinion though the Chinese Orwellian state and police authorities make it safer for walking about than many nations.
Dog with them in the car (poem)
a wave of deserts
crashing dry tsunamis
ever reg whaled
corporate hunters
povertying oceans
salt pillars and acid leaching
'verberate freq constructions
spam networks where hams
fly across moon shadows
fell swoops on thermals from mountain slopes
cardboard box dune buggies
finding dirt and dust
Gondwanaland peaches.
The Value of Intellectual Capital
Human beings socially have only their intelligence to make things with if they are lucky enough to have natural capital resources. A paucity of intellectual capital puts people on equal ground with coyotes, sloths and porcupine. It is easy to take for granted the nature of material capital- manufactured and natural, and assume that even though creative destruction is a part of the phenomena of making life easier and more rewarding for humanity, that the quality of material capital or its effect on the ecosphere isn’t meaningful, and that is wrong.
Intellectual capital has been given a nominal value by economists of about 6 trillion dollars. World Intellectual Property Report 2017
Intellectual capital and social relations are quite undervalued though as a political economy’s effectiveness is a matter of the people and what they think-how they interact, more so that the dollar value of given computer software or knowledge of technical aspects of metallurgy.
Intellectual capital- spiritual capital if you likes, is the sustaining impetus for efficient use of resources and for inventions and improvements, recovery and reform, progress and morality that Jesus might find o.k. along with faith.
Reply to "Is Russia Located in Russia"
The Rus were a people, possibly Vikings living around Kiev having travelled the Dneipr River downstream from Belarus. The Dneipr was an historically important waterway for uniting Slavs and Kievian Rus leaders. Their tribal name became eponymous with their political area. Russia of course grew to include Eastern and Western Slavs and numerous other ethnic groups. Those that spoke the Rus language might be regarded as Russian in a sense. Rus' people - Wikipedia
If Russia included the original territory somewhere between yet not exclusive of Sweden and modern day Ukraine one might say that no, Russia isn’t located entirely in Russia. Russia moved north and east for various reasons long ago and eventually a little bit south. The journey between the Baltic and Black seas was arduous and Ruthenia morphed somewhat.
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