AI does scan encyclopedias for existing information yet on philosophical questions they are not capable of much inductive reasoning yet. They tend to be conservative on venturing opinions and regurgitate what's already out there while remaining politically somewhat to the left and inoffensive. I think this sentence would get some criticism and laughs if a human wrote it. AI-"Additionally, the nature of ultimate reality remains a subject of contemplation, speculation, and personal belief rather than empirical verification." It misses the point that things entangled in the Higgs Field may be the ultimate nature of reality- even if its a ram caught in a bush made a substitute for sacrificing Isaac. Ultimate reality is likely to always be a step down from God; and that last step is a pretty big one.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Sartre and Stoicism; Fate and Determinism
Some might say that the quantum field humans are embedded in, like everything else that exists, determines human actions. Stoics might argue about relative freedom and absolute freedom. Does one would need to be God to be absolutely free? Would God then be free if He had existed from eternity; an unmoved mover, or would He be predetermined to be who He is? I believe stoics might modernize their way of regarding the effect of auxiliary and proximate causes in this fashion- I wonder if Sartre's term 'ossified praxis' that he gave to things like highway signs could be applied generally to semiotic challenges to freedom to exist? A stop sign of course means different things to human powered vehicles like bikes and machine carried people in cars and trucks. A bicyclist must put physical effort in deciding to comply with signs that are primarily made for motor vehicles when none are present. It is comparable to the non-sign for jaywalking on an empty highway instead of walking a mile to find a crosswalk. With a profusion of signs of ossified praxis and aged object in existence an individual must be free to choose which ones he wants to interact with in some way. Sartre also wrote that one always has the ability to just say no to whatever is being demanded of them in communication. Even so, one has the issue of cause and effect such as Hume descried and the paradigm of behaviorism such as BF Skinner developed for human organisms. An individual has certain select degrees of motion- does a fish have freedom not to breathe water? Is it fated to breath water (if it is blessed) and therefor not free because it has some choices it can make in regard to directions to choose to swim? Do humans need freedom in every possible dimension to be free or just a few, or even one or two?
I wonder if causes can be differentiated from the complete complex of compresence; the field in which all things exist in the present, and if the Earth that has a cause, and the sun that warms it in addition to radiological elements in the core, and all things that exist now can easily be categorized into simple causes of a linear sort, or even of a nexus that determine human actions. Causes, being and time, space-time, the Higgs Field and deterministic massless quanta given a third dimension in virtue of being slow and entangled in the Higgs field so they have apparent mass do seem to have a significant element of recognition from sentient minds, and some things like causes seem to exist within the mind; like language, rather than externally in the world.
Responsibility and freedom for choices would in a sense appear to depend on the independence of thought in a Cartesian Meditations sort of way that seems implicit in self-aware reasoning that occurs in a contiguous field of quantum entanglement given the particular conditions humans in societies find themselves in as peers. It seems a dead reckoning and practical criterion for judgment with laws and other formal regulatory ossifications made to serve social convenience rather than to oppress.
Accelerating Expansion of Space-time and Geometry
I was taking a coursera course on ancient philosophy and especially Stoicism in chapter 5 and found an interesting illustration of a Stoic idea about auxiliary and proximate causes in the context of fate and thought to apply some of it to cosmology. I wonder this;
Retrospect; A Dozen Years After Obama Admin Began the Queering of American Law
Nearly a dozen years have passed since the Obama administration began levering queer marriage into law across the U.S. By 2015 a leftist dominated SCOTUS approved homosexual marriage. What has occurred in America since that sea change toward decadence and the dark side of the force?
On Christmas eve 2010 I was in Anchorage Alaska where I spent all but 30 days sleeping outside on the ground. It was a cold time and I was not quite broke earning $200 a month writing on-line as a top 5% peer-reviewed essayist. I wrote in opposition to homosexual marriage and used terms like ‘queer’ occasionally. That was why the Boston-based Helium Company banned me from posting their and confiscated my earnings. Democrats banned as many writers and sites opposed to homosexual marriage as they could and Wall Street Ce Os were also purged if they spoke out against homosexual marriage. That seems in retrospect plainly a part of the modus vivendi of the Democrat Party of the U.S.A. to win through legal force through laws passed by Democrats and Democrat judges. After failing to convict President Trump of anything including impeachment or collusion with Russia to win the 2016 election Democrats ungraded the charge to include insurrection for protesters bum-rushing the capitol. A Colorado court banned Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 Presidential ballot in Colorado. Those judges were all appointed by Democrat Governors.
American families are no more secure and probably less so. The legal fiction of queer marriage has undermined the integrity of biological family history and gender lines. The nation has seen an influx of sex change policies and the public educational since has embraced a closer to being neutered or spayed gender neutral approach to social reality. What is of actual concern thought is the Democrat Party’s propensity for violence and disinformation as it has sought to expand its homosexual hegemonic policies globally.
Democrats have taken up a rule by judicial decree way of doing politics whenever it can get a Democrat President in office. He, she or it will pack the court with morally leftist judges who will rubber stamp Democrat policies of moral decay while failing entirely to solve border security, inadequate taxation of the rich, environmental crisis or basic income for all Americans that kicks in when they have fewer than 12,000 dollars of annual income.
Democrats have used disinformation and war to compel the world to submit to their corporatist partnered agenda of moral decay for the masses and concentrated wealth for the 1% they serve. They have made sure Americans are as dopey as possible expanding cannabis sales in as many states as they can.
Homosexuals should be able to live without fear of violence or have less than equal social rights. Corrupting marriage and jettisoning gender in order to reassign centuries
of marriage support to same gender pairs was gross public corruption and should be rectified by a conservative SCOTUS eventually.
More Bang for the Buck with Enhanced border Security
The porous border portion in Arizona should be secured with a large berm with solar panels covering the sunny side to charge electric-self-driving patrol cars moving along the top. If one wants double security one could build a pair of canals behind the berm. One would carry salt water piped up with solar powered pumps from the Gulf of California/Sea of Cortez to New Mexico and the continental divide where the salt would be removed through condensation and capture under clear polycarbonate roof panels shaped to collect the water and let it flow to micro-canals on the sides where it is further directed in pipes to the fresh water canal that is underground.
Congress needs to return to the practice of multi-purpose constructs that get more value for the buck and actually improve matters physically when they are invested in and built. The southwest could use more freshwater.
Merry Christmas on the Son's Birthday Commemoration
Merry Christmas; I tend to agree with a theory of an infinite, omnipotent God having infinite Universes in His pocket. What He does with them and who is allowed access to them is the question. Thank God for His infinite wisdom and for sending the Son to save at least some of the lost.
It's sort of an implicit assumption about God that He is omniscient. If God created everything then he knows everything as well. Imagine that one could create an AI that was self-learning and infinitely so compounding it's knowledge at a scalar pace until it had learned everything that could exist, God comparatively always existed and was not created. Everything that does exist He knows before it exists. I don't think it easy to surprise God on the Son's birthday with a special present if one had one to give.
Shepard's Crook (the poem)
If I were to talk in my sleep
more eloquently than in life
conversation would flow like playing a fife
not like dull day when thoughts must needs leap
to reach phrase ends first and last
each night to start I could talk with the sheep
I count flying skyword to jump mountains steep
we could talk of politics or futures past
IVs, quarks and dark helicopters of night.
Dems Political Crock-Pottery Begins Removing Trump from 2024 Ballots
Following Colorado’s lead in removing Donald Trump from 2024 election ballots the obvious next step further down the road of political madness is for all blue states to remove the winner of the 2016 election from 2024 ballots. Maybe Red states can emulate the Democrats and remove candidate Joe Biden from Red state ballots so only contested purple states elections would be required to select the next target of litigation and criminal charges to lead the nation to bad politics and legislation that creates vast public debt, lasting poverty for some senior citizens, youth stuck in a work/unemployment cycle that makes it impractical to always have housing or long-term investments, foreign wars and an expensive moon settlement program that just doesn’t seem to get anything built there.
Neither party cares enough about fixing the ecosphere and atmospheric heating to get it done and the re-entry of wolves to Colorado is probably just a PR show that will result in the pack being crushed one at a time on freeways by diesel trucks and shot by ranchers after being spotted by drones.
The brilliance of the Democrat method of upgrading conflicts was proven during Trump’s first term when specious Russian collusion charges eventually evolved to impeachment and a legendary insurrection that was something less than a Guy Fawkes try and more like a ‘Trump is the marionette in chief who pulled the strings for a mob conquest of congress show that was supposed to overturn election results’. Now the mythical insurrection is the cause for Democrat state supreme court judges to ban Trump from being re-elected; truly a triumph of political crock-pottery of the first order.
Should Colorado Ballots Be Banned for Banning Trump from 2024 Ballot?
Colorado recently banned candidate for President Donald Trump from being on the ballot. Donald Trump isn't a convicted felon nyet, so should Colorado be banned from participating in the 2024 election itself since it's getting jiggy with it.
One doesn't want courts subverting democracy.
Concerning Evidence for the Soul and Shannon Entropy
The soul may be simply information- the coordinate patterns of all of the quantum comprising an individual, he body, mind and history over the course of a lifetime. Information is conserved. With the data it would be possible to reconstruct any or all of a being for ever if an eternal being wanted it to be so. God may have better or more subtle ways of keeping track of sentient beings though.
Evidence is things and relationships evident. I wonder why it is that people leap towards ‘nothing evident’ these days…for political purposes I would guess. One shouldn’t overlook the evident. People exist, they have a structure made of quanta and it has a form. People know about Shannon Entropy and Deictic references I suppose, about patents, designs that outlast individual products because there is a record kept somewhere; of Plato’s realm of forms. I am presently taking a course on the Archaeology of Africa, one learns various techniques for interpreting the material present and its theoretical use in the culture long gone. One has evident matters like rocks, lithic artifacts and micromorphology, one uses reason to attempt to interpret the unknown, and what tools one has available, such as to interpret marks on ancient bones. One may ask oneself; how would scriptural references to something like a soul be understood or said today in modern terms. What part of human existence does according to modern physics last forever? That which does is information. Hawking theorized that information even escapes black holes. The criterion of Shannon entropy that information is conserved is the obvious association for what a soul is.
Universal Basic Income Should be a Doge Priority
It might prevent a lot of crimes and costs of incarceration. It could replace unemployment compensation, food stamps, etc and enhance effici...
Here and there pointillist continua build rowing the skiff clambering over the road staying in shadows until spring insouciant compact snow ...
Alaskan officials have cut down or banned King Salmon fishing in much of Alaska because so few of the large fish are returning. The Ancho...
Why do F-22 pilots lose consciousness and let their planes crash and burn? The air superiority fighters are designed to survive oppositio...