Republican Presidential primary candidate Newt Gingrich is leading the pack of Republicans lusting after the office of President. With an historian's point of view on world and domestic affairs Newt has no competence on current economic affairs of course, yet talking about the Battles of Bull Run and the Marne, genuflecting upon American greatness of the past and how it can be recovered with cheap imported webbook computers from Taiwan can bring many Iowan voters to believe that cutting capital gains taxes on the rich is actually good for them.
Contemporary history, economic history and so forth are sub-specialties within the overly specialized academic divisions of history. The Wall Street problems of greed and deregulation, the transformation of much of the U.S. labor market to a Latino center driving down wages and creating a reverse economic apartheid in the U.S.A. for strait white male workers, the corporatism ingression into ossifying the national infrastructure in partnership with government-these are items the Georgian historian is only dimly cognizant of if at all. Well, at least he knows who wrote 'Gone With the Wind'.
Farmers with a million in debt and some kind of physical assets making them small business class people are easy pickins for the slick 'I know better than you yet feel your pain' style of the former speaker of the House who was dumped by his constituents after allegations of modest achievements of political corruption.
One must wonder if Mr. Gingrich has any idea of the redistribution of American wealth abroad through a variety of financial instruments brought about by deregulation and federal leadership that resulted during his tenure as speaker, and if he believes that horizontal rainfall will send wealth from abroad to America to trickle down in financially parched regions of the U.S.A.?
The comfortable insiders of the Republican and Democratic establishments fully employed and prospering during these unshared hard times for 20-30% of Americans live in a different nation than many of the rest of the citizens of the United States in effect, and they have the entertainment industry and media on their side as only sycophants are admitted. The rich are very comfortable and can dump buckets of manure on those below complaining of their indifference about high unemployment in the U.S.A, and the military academies are bought and paid for to defend ruling class interests so the confidence of the comfortable insiders is not badly formed.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Newt Gingrich, Sexed Political Changes and Religious Wars
People may get the chance to answer the question 'who do you hate more- Newt Gingrich or Barrack Obama?' Alternatively Hollywood may make a thriller on President Obama as Abe Lincoln making a speech in advocacy of gays at Gettysberg.
Probably there were some homosexuals amidst other cabin vacating soldiers from the north that believed they were fighting to prevent oligarchy from rolling back democracy where it existed just barely.
If the Log Cabin Republicans are representative of Republican globalist designs the new U.S. military may be set to free gays all over the world with as much vigor as Grant attacking the Army of Virginia. Now that Obama has freed the gays the Republicans will have to put away their whips and chains-or perhaps not.
Maybe Mitt Romney can reverse the ill political winds of Washington in 2013.
The President's record as a champion of queer reichs is unchallengable. Thats the problem with many Americans perhaps. Homos and tepid tax cuts, Obamacare and the prospect of 20 trillion dollars of federal public debt if he is re-elected. If Newt were elected and had a sex change to become Queen Maude the First I that would be about as alien.
Newt's lesbian half sister is reported to have said she supports Barrack Obama. Newt is evidently against activism in support of homosexuality. That position places him outside the Obama global gay rights activism clan.
The new normal seems to be a progressive wave of corrupt federal leadership. Plainly Alaska's Don Young has a reprehensible environmental record, he also spends too much federal money in the state and is happy to cut services to the poor to pay for it.
America as the official planetary advocate for the sin of homosexuality may bring as much political insecurity as to advance it. One might wish a President would have more restraint before through his hat into the queer eye for the world strait guys ring willy nilly.
The new normal as a way to advance weirdness and public debt into American politics seems to be the goal of the broadcast media. I suppose the entertainment industry is a kind of networking leadership of depraved people that have little respect for individual economic rights. Maybe the price of cocaine will drop enough that those in front of television cameras have more creative thought.
One might wish to keep the record straight on who these Republican candidates are-even Sarah Palin doesn't seem so bad these days. Only Mitt Romney seems like an adult candidate running for the Republican nomination. The Iowans seem to prefer religious war sides as an essential element of choice for leadership. St. Bartholomews day all over again I maybe. religious wars of Europe
Probably there were some homosexuals amidst other cabin vacating soldiers from the north that believed they were fighting to prevent oligarchy from rolling back democracy where it existed just barely.
If the Log Cabin Republicans are representative of Republican globalist designs the new U.S. military may be set to free gays all over the world with as much vigor as Grant attacking the Army of Virginia. Now that Obama has freed the gays the Republicans will have to put away their whips and chains-or perhaps not.
Maybe Mitt Romney can reverse the ill political winds of Washington in 2013.
The President's record as a champion of queer reichs is unchallengable. Thats the problem with many Americans perhaps. Homos and tepid tax cuts, Obamacare and the prospect of 20 trillion dollars of federal public debt if he is re-elected. If Newt were elected and had a sex change to become Queen Maude the First I that would be about as alien.
Newt's lesbian half sister is reported to have said she supports Barrack Obama. Newt is evidently against activism in support of homosexuality. That position places him outside the Obama global gay rights activism clan.
The new normal seems to be a progressive wave of corrupt federal leadership. Plainly Alaska's Don Young has a reprehensible environmental record, he also spends too much federal money in the state and is happy to cut services to the poor to pay for it.
America as the official planetary advocate for the sin of homosexuality may bring as much political insecurity as to advance it. One might wish a President would have more restraint before through his hat into the queer eye for the world strait guys ring willy nilly.
The new normal as a way to advance weirdness and public debt into American politics seems to be the goal of the broadcast media. I suppose the entertainment industry is a kind of networking leadership of depraved people that have little respect for individual economic rights. Maybe the price of cocaine will drop enough that those in front of television cameras have more creative thought.
One might wish to keep the record straight on who these Republican candidates are-even Sarah Palin doesn't seem so bad these days. Only Mitt Romney seems like an adult candidate running for the Republican nomination. The Iowans seem to prefer religious war sides as an essential element of choice for leadership. St. Bartholomews day all over again I maybe. religious wars of Europe
Eurozone Evolution to New Economic Warsaw Pact?
Europe as an economic Warsaw Pact wit former East European nations merging with the west under the benevolent guidance of a superior German union may by jolts and starts bump its way to becoming an example of the New World Feudalist Order under a kinder, gentler, evil ruling class of global supremists. Some obviously will object that quantitative cons by global arbitragers, insurance scammers, corrupt gangstering stock transaction rocket science quality scheming and other perfidy may be a blessing for those inferior people globally that fail to appreciate the force backing up the Evil New World Empire. Well-picky, picky, picky.
Contemporary sophists may persuasively argue that Gingrichian New World Order Economics is an inevitable consolidation of the inferior by the superior. A socialist underclass ruled by true capitalist majority network shareholders have overcome the problems raised by nationalism an individualism in economics and politics that lead to the sorts of chaos and war that elites have always opposed.
The founders of the United States of America valued individualism an individual rights most highly in the secular political sphere. Today they would reign in runaway organizational corporatism an globalism and restrict business organization to a bite-size and shareholding to a few companies in order to promote individual material prosperity as the foundation for democratic capitalism rather than vice versa. Plainly sophists will stipulate that the founders could not have been more wrong in not reinforcing rule by foreign aristocracy. Again it will be said that opponents to the New Corporate Feudalism are overly picky.
President Obama has sent some of his crack Bush II era financial advisory team to Europe to confer on how to help the Eurozone transition into a better supine position for global corporate takeover. If Newt Gingrich is elected President he can exploit his Reagan-Clinton era economic-political restructuring expertise to help build a new 2008 financial, banking and investment crash that will bring Europe to its knees faster and with more panache.
In order to create a New World Feudalism for elite sport the United States and Eurozone must be volatilized politically. Individualism and private individual interests must be quashed and totalized network economic control promoted. The masses must be massified and national independent reinforcement of private individual property annihilated. With the masses dependent for their survival economically upon networks of global scale mass economic power over the masses will gradually and sometimes suddenly transition into the determinative power of the wealthy elites with concentrated wealth and power.
Contemporary sophists may persuasively argue that Gingrichian New World Order Economics is an inevitable consolidation of the inferior by the superior. A socialist underclass ruled by true capitalist majority network shareholders have overcome the problems raised by nationalism an individualism in economics and politics that lead to the sorts of chaos and war that elites have always opposed.
The founders of the United States of America valued individualism an individual rights most highly in the secular political sphere. Today they would reign in runaway organizational corporatism an globalism and restrict business organization to a bite-size and shareholding to a few companies in order to promote individual material prosperity as the foundation for democratic capitalism rather than vice versa. Plainly sophists will stipulate that the founders could not have been more wrong in not reinforcing rule by foreign aristocracy. Again it will be said that opponents to the New Corporate Feudalism are overly picky.
President Obama has sent some of his crack Bush II era financial advisory team to Europe to confer on how to help the Eurozone transition into a better supine position for global corporate takeover. If Newt Gingrich is elected President he can exploit his Reagan-Clinton era economic-political restructuring expertise to help build a new 2008 financial, banking and investment crash that will bring Europe to its knees faster and with more panache.
In order to create a New World Feudalism for elite sport the United States and Eurozone must be volatilized politically. Individualism and private individual interests must be quashed and totalized network economic control promoted. The masses must be massified and national independent reinforcement of private individual property annihilated. With the masses dependent for their survival economically upon networks of global scale mass economic power over the masses will gradually and sometimes suddenly transition into the determinative power of the wealthy elites with concentrated wealth and power.
Obamacare's Underestimation of the Effect of the Unexploited Risk Pool
No one really knows what a 'constitutional republic' is. One can refer to Plato's republic, or that of the Dewitt Brothers in 16th century Holland, or the Florence of the Medici as examples of Republics preceding in theory that of the United States of America, yet the founders designed a new in order to prevent aristocracy and rule by elite organizations from existing in the new nation, conceived in freedom with liberty and justice for all.
Today the organizational phenomenon of corporatism and collectivism has dwarfed individual economic efforts. Actual restorationist conservatives would need to attack the collectivism of Wall Street globalism vigorously in addition to tramping on the poor as the right does presently in their ideological subjugation to a New Feudalist World Order.
The people of the United States have just so many resources to work with, and must allocate those resources optimally if possible including health care to have a healthy work force. Millions of poor American, self-employed labor entrepreneurs work for themselves at their own risk if they want to work at all. Corporations and government would prefer they sit on their hands.
Rhetoric effectively in support of Wall Street corporatism and globalist political hegemony over American economic self-interest is an abandonment of nationalism and an onerous subserviance to an aristocratic malevolence of an inferior class of would-be rulers of the planet.
The U.S.A.'s founders were advocates of individualism rather than aristocracy. They used what philosophical tools they had to design a polity that freed individuals from shackles of elite organizations of exploitation. I do not doubt that the founders would not have been confused by organizational wise guys requiring that individuals purchase health care insurance or buy Jamaican rum to exist as an American.
The founders given the opportunity to govern a public with real health care costs that occur by default and transform that into the nation's best economic interest, would have. The founders were not timid ideological losers that would get down and roll over if the right sophist phrasing were used.
I believe a free public health care system for the poor is the practical and affordable way to create a healthier America at lowest cost. It should serve veterans better too while also existing as an emergency public medical service in case of neutron bomb or designer plague attack.
Most of the designers of Obamacare are office types that risk getting a paper cut at most. Paper cuts can be painful of course we should stipulate. The designers of Obamacare believe that U.S. health costs for the middle class may be subsidized through payroll deductions younger workers without insurance can may-or their employers I would guess, when the payments are eventually made.
Those working class Americans with regular employment who are younger and uninsured tend to be covered on the job by workers compensation policies, yet not all of the poor and younger workers have good corporate jobs. Many of them work for themselves at their own risk, often have injuries that go untreated and have no spare money to remotely consider paying for health insurance.
With the addition of a few million self-employed workers laboring, painting, o jobbing their way without any job security at all from job to job and living on less than half the annual American average income the opportunity to have free government mandated health insurance will bring some opportunities for free surgery and dump a load of impossible to complete paperwork. Those workers will need to send in tax data on ‘how I was a digger for Joe at the last house on the right’ for 3 hours last Wednesday, and ‘then I traveled via hitchhiking to Texas and looked for something to paint and got about 5 bucks and hour for five days but also got hit in the eye with an airless paint sprayer jet before bumping my head, falling and tearing my rotator cuff and popping out my subluxed ankle for the tenth time this year.
My travel expenses were pretty high because I bout a few burgers at McDonalds instead of going to the missions on the way-yet it was faster that way. Also I rode a bike 30,00 miles the past few years looking for a regular job but didn’t find none, and ain’t got no post office box anywhere cause that costs a days work at Labor Ready and they ain’t got enough work. I think the Guatemalans are taking all the local odd jobs.
Seriously though, with free insurance there will be millions of workers seeking to get their backed up surgeries and things done that they ordinarily just don’t worry about. The cheapest thing to do would be to create a free public medical service for the poor in the U.S.A., keep the workers healthy and stop dumping more bureaucracy and more emergency medical costs for treatment that the middle class end up paying for anyway through their most-expensive and inefficient way to provide health care to Americans unwelcome to have regular employment much less with health benefits.
The hypothetical youth risk pool on soft jobs with good pay able to afford to help pay for middle class health costs may be a figment of the collective dump debt on others imagination so popular in conservativism the past couple of decades. probably it won't work this time.
Today the organizational phenomenon of corporatism and collectivism has dwarfed individual economic efforts. Actual restorationist conservatives would need to attack the collectivism of Wall Street globalism vigorously in addition to tramping on the poor as the right does presently in their ideological subjugation to a New Feudalist World Order.
The people of the United States have just so many resources to work with, and must allocate those resources optimally if possible including health care to have a healthy work force. Millions of poor American, self-employed labor entrepreneurs work for themselves at their own risk if they want to work at all. Corporations and government would prefer they sit on their hands.
Rhetoric effectively in support of Wall Street corporatism and globalist political hegemony over American economic self-interest is an abandonment of nationalism and an onerous subserviance to an aristocratic malevolence of an inferior class of would-be rulers of the planet.
The U.S.A.'s founders were advocates of individualism rather than aristocracy. They used what philosophical tools they had to design a polity that freed individuals from shackles of elite organizations of exploitation. I do not doubt that the founders would not have been confused by organizational wise guys requiring that individuals purchase health care insurance or buy Jamaican rum to exist as an American.
The founders given the opportunity to govern a public with real health care costs that occur by default and transform that into the nation's best economic interest, would have. The founders were not timid ideological losers that would get down and roll over if the right sophist phrasing were used.
I believe a free public health care system for the poor is the practical and affordable way to create a healthier America at lowest cost. It should serve veterans better too while also existing as an emergency public medical service in case of neutron bomb or designer plague attack.
Most of the designers of Obamacare are office types that risk getting a paper cut at most. Paper cuts can be painful of course we should stipulate. The designers of Obamacare believe that U.S. health costs for the middle class may be subsidized through payroll deductions younger workers without insurance can may-or their employers I would guess, when the payments are eventually made.
Those working class Americans with regular employment who are younger and uninsured tend to be covered on the job by workers compensation policies, yet not all of the poor and younger workers have good corporate jobs. Many of them work for themselves at their own risk, often have injuries that go untreated and have no spare money to remotely consider paying for health insurance.
With the addition of a few million self-employed workers laboring, painting, o jobbing their way without any job security at all from job to job and living on less than half the annual American average income the opportunity to have free government mandated health insurance will bring some opportunities for free surgery and dump a load of impossible to complete paperwork. Those workers will need to send in tax data on ‘how I was a digger for Joe at the last house on the right’ for 3 hours last Wednesday, and ‘then I traveled via hitchhiking to Texas and looked for something to paint and got about 5 bucks and hour for five days but also got hit in the eye with an airless paint sprayer jet before bumping my head, falling and tearing my rotator cuff and popping out my subluxed ankle for the tenth time this year.
My travel expenses were pretty high because I bout a few burgers at McDonalds instead of going to the missions on the way-yet it was faster that way. Also I rode a bike 30,00 miles the past few years looking for a regular job but didn’t find none, and ain’t got no post office box anywhere cause that costs a days work at Labor Ready and they ain’t got enough work. I think the Guatemalans are taking all the local odd jobs.
Seriously though, with free insurance there will be millions of workers seeking to get their backed up surgeries and things done that they ordinarily just don’t worry about. The cheapest thing to do would be to create a free public medical service for the poor in the U.S.A., keep the workers healthy and stop dumping more bureaucracy and more emergency medical costs for treatment that the middle class end up paying for anyway through their most-expensive and inefficient way to provide health care to Americans unwelcome to have regular employment much less with health benefits.
The hypothetical youth risk pool on soft jobs with good pay able to afford to help pay for middle class health costs may be a figment of the collective dump debt on others imagination so popular in conservativism the past couple of decades. probably it won't work this time.
Free Public Health Care for the Poor Does Not Need Socialism
In a democracy the people may construct government establishments to enact services as they wish, such as war, construction of commerce and defense infrastructure, provisioning of relief supplies and so forth.
It might be more fun to have the free enterprise of civil war and get rid of the laws and allow the logic of automatic weapons, nitrogen grenades and sundry explosives to adjudicate the property and taxation disputes in a free society in order to prevent the imbalance of the advantaged becoming too rich and concentrating power, wealth and legions of goons bought and paid for to repress their class enemies. That isn't the way many have believed society best functions though. Some may prefer to have absolute power, yet it is sometime rolled back a bit.
Socialism is a society with a state run economy. Today there is a corporate-government partnership developing that is more of a version of corporatism with idiot aristocratic characteristics. Because it compiles vast wealth the economy is retarded and unable to meaningfully change toward an ecospherically sustainable basis-that is very dangerous.
There is no particular pure ossification of capitalism that would work within Adam Smith's criterion to best advantage the people today that would eliminate all government provisioning of services including ecosphere defense. Presently that toilet you drop a load of crap in is connected very likely if you are like most Americans to a public sewage line.
It might be best to have Incinolet electric toilets and home fuel cells to provide power yet affluent pooping networks are not preponderantly completely private business. The trouble with crank political theorists is that they have no concept of actual economic reality as it is structured within political philosophy and have no tools to actually change it for the good.
Those traffic laws and law enforcement on the street are public provided goods enforced instead of the bumper car mayhem that would be more enjoyable for bike riders to watch perhaps. When hydroelectric dams break for lack of public oversight, inspection or maintenance the private sector could be sued for failing to provide good emergency services in private courtrooms with corporate justices-wait, we have got Chief Justice Roberts!
Generally the people have the good sense to seek to secure their best self-interest and way of life including public and private concerns. Public medical provisioning for the poor is one rational investment the public may invest in.
The liberty of aloof citizens nurtured from youth with free public education, defended by veterans of military service, given medical service from physicians trained in public universities, protected by public law enforcement agencies, wearing clothing and eating food inspected by government inspectors, driving on highways and bridges built at public expense, receiving electrical supply for factories and homes generated at publicly financed projects and so forth is not the only role for government.
The poor also have need of medical service. Your liberty isn’t being traded away if poor self-employed working people have some medical coverage for hernia and other injuries that put them out of working health. Christians should have some concern about creating a good government that works to assure full employment, complete medical coverage for the poor and a health ecosphere. Free enterprise is one of the basic opportunities for the poor to advance their self interest and independence, yet one of their great vulnerabilities is in the medical field. I had to pay for hernia surgery in 2010 by trading my real estate to a surgeon. Living for years in a tent is not as good as building a hut for-oneself. The corporate world is cold blooded and globalist and quite impractical as regards social equality for Americans.
Wall Street has already sold your liberty to the Chinese and globalists buying up the United States as it is. If pseudo-conservatives have any interest in the United States remaining a somewhat free nation they would need to take their blinders off and set aside global corporate control to man up to real politik in the United States looking real human interests directly in the eye and stop being corporate pimps of real humanity.
One should regard one’s fellow citizens a little like soldiers regard other soldiers in their units and not deny them medical coverage if they are injured-wait! Maybe that a good new idea and corporate contractors could charge wounded soldiers for medical services giving them special credit and better treatment for those that aren’t socialists. They should also start paying for their food I guess.
Human beings that are injured or starving, without shelter and so forth must get those services somewhere if the exclusivists of corporate-government axis don’t provide them. A lot of time can be wasted and public expense compiled indirectly. When a society is run by a bunch of indignant, advantaged louts extolling their own greed to the harm of their fellow citizens seeking a rational government emergency safety net with a real healthy self-help free enterprise sector besides one expends much effort in getting relief from the repressors.
Sure one could be a libertarian anarchist moron believing in delusion that mass social organizations haven't already taken over most of the U.S. economy. It is just that the comfortable like to kick around the poor perennial and the intellectually challenged bark along on command for more reward.
It might be more fun to have the free enterprise of civil war and get rid of the laws and allow the logic of automatic weapons, nitrogen grenades and sundry explosives to adjudicate the property and taxation disputes in a free society in order to prevent the imbalance of the advantaged becoming too rich and concentrating power, wealth and legions of goons bought and paid for to repress their class enemies. That isn't the way many have believed society best functions though. Some may prefer to have absolute power, yet it is sometime rolled back a bit.
Socialism is a society with a state run economy. Today there is a corporate-government partnership developing that is more of a version of corporatism with idiot aristocratic characteristics. Because it compiles vast wealth the economy is retarded and unable to meaningfully change toward an ecospherically sustainable basis-that is very dangerous.
There is no particular pure ossification of capitalism that would work within Adam Smith's criterion to best advantage the people today that would eliminate all government provisioning of services including ecosphere defense. Presently that toilet you drop a load of crap in is connected very likely if you are like most Americans to a public sewage line.
It might be best to have Incinolet electric toilets and home fuel cells to provide power yet affluent pooping networks are not preponderantly completely private business. The trouble with crank political theorists is that they have no concept of actual economic reality as it is structured within political philosophy and have no tools to actually change it for the good.
Those traffic laws and law enforcement on the street are public provided goods enforced instead of the bumper car mayhem that would be more enjoyable for bike riders to watch perhaps. When hydroelectric dams break for lack of public oversight, inspection or maintenance the private sector could be sued for failing to provide good emergency services in private courtrooms with corporate justices-wait, we have got Chief Justice Roberts!
Generally the people have the good sense to seek to secure their best self-interest and way of life including public and private concerns. Public medical provisioning for the poor is one rational investment the public may invest in.
The liberty of aloof citizens nurtured from youth with free public education, defended by veterans of military service, given medical service from physicians trained in public universities, protected by public law enforcement agencies, wearing clothing and eating food inspected by government inspectors, driving on highways and bridges built at public expense, receiving electrical supply for factories and homes generated at publicly financed projects and so forth is not the only role for government.
The poor also have need of medical service. Your liberty isn’t being traded away if poor self-employed working people have some medical coverage for hernia and other injuries that put them out of working health. Christians should have some concern about creating a good government that works to assure full employment, complete medical coverage for the poor and a health ecosphere. Free enterprise is one of the basic opportunities for the poor to advance their self interest and independence, yet one of their great vulnerabilities is in the medical field. I had to pay for hernia surgery in 2010 by trading my real estate to a surgeon. Living for years in a tent is not as good as building a hut for-oneself. The corporate world is cold blooded and globalist and quite impractical as regards social equality for Americans.
Wall Street has already sold your liberty to the Chinese and globalists buying up the United States as it is. If pseudo-conservatives have any interest in the United States remaining a somewhat free nation they would need to take their blinders off and set aside global corporate control to man up to real politik in the United States looking real human interests directly in the eye and stop being corporate pimps of real humanity.
One should regard one’s fellow citizens a little like soldiers regard other soldiers in their units and not deny them medical coverage if they are injured-wait! Maybe that a good new idea and corporate contractors could charge wounded soldiers for medical services giving them special credit and better treatment for those that aren’t socialists. They should also start paying for their food I guess.
Human beings that are injured or starving, without shelter and so forth must get those services somewhere if the exclusivists of corporate-government axis don’t provide them. A lot of time can be wasted and public expense compiled indirectly. When a society is run by a bunch of indignant, advantaged louts extolling their own greed to the harm of their fellow citizens seeking a rational government emergency safety net with a real healthy self-help free enterprise sector besides one expends much effort in getting relief from the repressors.
Sure one could be a libertarian anarchist moron believing in delusion that mass social organizations haven't already taken over most of the U.S. economy. It is just that the comfortable like to kick around the poor perennial and the intellectually challenged bark along on command for more reward.
Dagomir Kaszlikowski wrote an interesting piece published in Scientific American's online 'Guest Blog' on the topic of how macro-reality is a result of the underlying quantum mechanical, non-local reality. He relates his description to the EPA paper of Einstein and others from several decades ago. That paper has been much read in recent years in regard to its forward looking content.
One might guess that non-locality in the quantum world also means non-relativity. Space and time or space-time could perhaps be a sort of local feature of an entangled macro-quantum universe of solid states.
The quantum world seems to have non--locality in it in relation to the conventional world or universe with solid objects in it. That non-locality provides an appearance of letting particles travel faster-than light or faster than any of the macro-particles that seem to exist in the local 'reality.
Obviously one must wonder if space or time are somewhat separable features of the quantum world as it emerges into the locality of large clumps of space-time. I believe that Kaszlikowski offers a statistical entanglement and exclusion principle as a reason why non-quantum features emerge from the quantum universe. Perhaps local features are emergent characteristics something like standing temporal waves of objects in reality.
That does give one pause to wonder how the entire space-time Universe emerges from quantum non-locality letting it provide an area for objects to appear. One might think that the quantum world has everything possible within it all of the time and yet only such things that are downloaded into reality because of quantum entanglement become local reality.
Local non-quantum reality is apparently something that is just observed by intelligent beings generally as more than statistically entangling units of mass-energy. The reason for those quantum entanglements is something difficult to know. As gravity and black holes appear as space-time aspects of the macro-local reality the relation of each to quantum non-local objective clump of things-in-themselves is interesting in numerous points.
One might wonder what effect non-local quantum reality in-itself experiences in relation to local clumps of statistically entangled of apparent mass-energy? To what extent are all quantum waves unbound and non-local? Can non-locality in quantum mechanics form any meaningful structures as unbounded non-local 'objects' for-themselves?
The definition of a Universe or Metaverse isn't perhaps a referent to an infinite object, which it probably is. As human elements within that Universe or set of all sets it is challenging to be a subset that defines the infinite metaset. Well, Most everyone knows what the Universe is I would think. The physical delimitations of it change all the time as do metaphysical speculations about it.
If the Universe is a locality as a phenomenal download from an underlying pervasive non-locality the the terms referring to the material local universe are somewhat contingent and useful mostly within that locality of a Universe.
I cannot imagine how all of those quantum waves in non-locality with all possible worlldlines existing in space-timeless non-relativistic potential cohere in any meaningful sense in anything at all-even a 'Universe' of quantum non-locality.
One might guess that non-locality in the quantum world also means non-relativity. Space and time or space-time could perhaps be a sort of local feature of an entangled macro-quantum universe of solid states.
The quantum world seems to have non--locality in it in relation to the conventional world or universe with solid objects in it. That non-locality provides an appearance of letting particles travel faster-than light or faster than any of the macro-particles that seem to exist in the local 'reality.
Obviously one must wonder if space or time are somewhat separable features of the quantum world as it emerges into the locality of large clumps of space-time. I believe that Kaszlikowski offers a statistical entanglement and exclusion principle as a reason why non-quantum features emerge from the quantum universe. Perhaps local features are emergent characteristics something like standing temporal waves of objects in reality.
That does give one pause to wonder how the entire space-time Universe emerges from quantum non-locality letting it provide an area for objects to appear. One might think that the quantum world has everything possible within it all of the time and yet only such things that are downloaded into reality because of quantum entanglement become local reality.
Local non-quantum reality is apparently something that is just observed by intelligent beings generally as more than statistically entangling units of mass-energy. The reason for those quantum entanglements is something difficult to know. As gravity and black holes appear as space-time aspects of the macro-local reality the relation of each to quantum non-local objective clump of things-in-themselves is interesting in numerous points.
One might wonder what effect non-local quantum reality in-itself experiences in relation to local clumps of statistically entangled of apparent mass-energy? To what extent are all quantum waves unbound and non-local? Can non-locality in quantum mechanics form any meaningful structures as unbounded non-local 'objects' for-themselves?
The definition of a Universe or Metaverse isn't perhaps a referent to an infinite object, which it probably is. As human elements within that Universe or set of all sets it is challenging to be a subset that defines the infinite metaset. Well, Most everyone knows what the Universe is I would think. The physical delimitations of it change all the time as do metaphysical speculations about it.
If the Universe is a locality as a phenomenal download from an underlying pervasive non-locality the the terms referring to the material local universe are somewhat contingent and useful mostly within that locality of a Universe.
I cannot imagine how all of those quantum waves in non-locality with all possible worlldlines existing in space-timeless non-relativistic potential cohere in any meaningful sense in anything at all-even a 'Universe' of quantum non-locality.
Shell Oil Moves to Attempt Development In Arctic Ocean Near Alaska
Because the U.S. economy is somewhat moribund on energy progress into newer, cleaner forms global oil corporations like Dutch Shell have made billions and billions of dollars developing oil prospects in ecospherically sensitive area. Alaska is again a target for oil development that is generally deathly for substantial biospheric elements.
It is rotten to be without a job in Alaska. The weather is tough and injury and death in the cold are not rare. Anchorage is a city that has lost its historically more frontier sociality and has transitioned into being a safe, tight corporate city-state that global corporation partner with politicians. The city of Juneau has itself tightened up and eliminated about all free wireless Internet access through which independents might post. Fewer than two or three Internet portals exist at no cost, and a state capital ought to be completely wired in order to encourage free enterprise Internet venturing.
The employed can be fired if they write from their own homes in antipathetic expression to global corporate political takeover.
Corporatism is a political economy upgraded since Mussolini and Hitler's day to become a state dominated by add hoc concentrated wealth that represses individual liberty and democracy making one feel that they live in a mild form of Soviet evil empire with the corporate communards being the lucky goons with good paychecks. Alternative individual development should be regarded as worth respecting in an actual democratic political environment instead.
Oil development costs the public billions or trillions in opportunity lost for better domestic transportation schemes that are shelved. Oil does work of course, yet it is just one technology that is over-exploited and too influential politically. Alaska could use super-conducting power lines to power electric vehicles in new ways of moving about, yet who would invest in that when the potential to spill oil under the Arctic Ice exists instead?
Oil, drilling fluids and other toxic materials released under the ice may travel for months before observation by non-corporate personnel. Arctic ocean currents may move and somewhat disperse pollutants far away from a sporadic point source. No records are kept of the total history of noise pollution in the water adversely impacting arctic sea mammals.
Shell is building its own icebreaker so it will match the U.S. Coast Guard fleet in that. One would prefer a better, more ecospherically benign and diversified employer portfolio in Alaska rather than the cash-heavy, whale insulting oil industry as the jewel in every Governor's eye.
It is rotten to be without a job in Alaska. The weather is tough and injury and death in the cold are not rare. Anchorage is a city that has lost its historically more frontier sociality and has transitioned into being a safe, tight corporate city-state that global corporation partner with politicians. The city of Juneau has itself tightened up and eliminated about all free wireless Internet access through which independents might post. Fewer than two or three Internet portals exist at no cost, and a state capital ought to be completely wired in order to encourage free enterprise Internet venturing.
The employed can be fired if they write from their own homes in antipathetic expression to global corporate political takeover.
Corporatism is a political economy upgraded since Mussolini and Hitler's day to become a state dominated by add hoc concentrated wealth that represses individual liberty and democracy making one feel that they live in a mild form of Soviet evil empire with the corporate communards being the lucky goons with good paychecks. Alternative individual development should be regarded as worth respecting in an actual democratic political environment instead.
Oil development costs the public billions or trillions in opportunity lost for better domestic transportation schemes that are shelved. Oil does work of course, yet it is just one technology that is over-exploited and too influential politically. Alaska could use super-conducting power lines to power electric vehicles in new ways of moving about, yet who would invest in that when the potential to spill oil under the Arctic Ice exists instead?
Oil, drilling fluids and other toxic materials released under the ice may travel for months before observation by non-corporate personnel. Arctic ocean currents may move and somewhat disperse pollutants far away from a sporadic point source. No records are kept of the total history of noise pollution in the water adversely impacting arctic sea mammals.
Shell is building its own icebreaker so it will match the U.S. Coast Guard fleet in that. One would prefer a better, more ecospherically benign and diversified employer portfolio in Alaska rather than the cash-heavy, whale insulting oil industry as the jewel in every Governor's eye.
A Reply to the Statement that 'Mind is a Formal Essence'
I like that definition. It appears to be something from the philosophy of logic or perhaps set theory. One must be careful though not to exploit self-referencing systems so far as to stipulate they may create real existence in the abstract.
I wonder if written words haven't an aesthetic equivelent of sound and speech. The things one utters may be satisfying and even appropriate yet less than extrinsically meaningful.
One might want to say that mind is empty. Yet an empty mind is a kind of equivelent of non-being and only seems to gain meaning and even self-cognition as it acquires content and non-emptiness. All of those synaptic connections store data in chemical form with neural storage and asssociation structures of tremendous complexity.
Essences and essentialism were a part of the philosophy of logic I believe that is somewhat transcended now as it were because more complete descriptions or categorizations of the empirical world of experience are regarded as linguistic ontologies or sets. Essences of things like atoms tend to be regarded as descriptions of locations and relations in language rather than as things-in-themselves.
Classical realism is somewhat of a theological question. Language and even set theory may refer to existing 'real' structures or 'things' yet still be regarded as just phenomenal descriptions of events or processes.
At any rate your definition is an interesting approach that seems to describe mind as a set theory or formal classification (as in Quine's 'Philosophy of Logic'). I haven't read that book for a few weeks and am a little vague on the distinction between formal and applied logical forms.
I wonder if written words haven't an aesthetic equivelent of sound and speech. The things one utters may be satisfying and even appropriate yet less than extrinsically meaningful.
One might want to say that mind is empty. Yet an empty mind is a kind of equivelent of non-being and only seems to gain meaning and even self-cognition as it acquires content and non-emptiness. All of those synaptic connections store data in chemical form with neural storage and asssociation structures of tremendous complexity.
Essences and essentialism were a part of the philosophy of logic I believe that is somewhat transcended now as it were because more complete descriptions or categorizations of the empirical world of experience are regarded as linguistic ontologies or sets. Essences of things like atoms tend to be regarded as descriptions of locations and relations in language rather than as things-in-themselves.
Classical realism is somewhat of a theological question. Language and even set theory may refer to existing 'real' structures or 'things' yet still be regarded as just phenomenal descriptions of events or processes.
At any rate your definition is an interesting approach that seems to describe mind as a set theory or formal classification (as in Quine's 'Philosophy of Logic'). I haven't read that book for a few weeks and am a little vague on the distinction between formal and applied logical forms.
Eurozone Axis of Next Global Financial Collapse?
The world’s waves of epic blitzkreig mass media broadcast misdirection and financial swindling packaging temporal political and deregulatory packages into structures amenable for plucking by high tech quantitative redistributors of wealth from the people to the corrupt has concentrated its efforts presently upon The Eurozone. Quants must be having a field day flipping arbitrage clumps of Euros, Dollar and the Yuan. Some might even be readying for betting on a return of the Drachma, Deutchmark and other currencies lot lost to the past. Will the Ruble look like a safe place to stash some of those log rolling political windfalls if the Euro joins confederate dollars in the past?. George Soros speaks
As Chancellor of the Exchequer Winston Churchill requested a compliant President Herbert Hoover to increase money supply. Today the Eurozone has effectively had President Obama do the same via its printing press loans to Eurozone entities.
Its been said that by the end of next week the world should know if Eurozone financial perfidy ostensibly progressing a sophomoric new world order zone idea of mass market conformity will lead the way into another, improved round of global financial collapse.
This next possible economic infarction is believed to have prospects for being a record setter surpassing the 2008 Wall Street banking and derivatives/mortgage failures. Insider economic sclerosis cannot always be relieved by a jolt of instant printing press bug juice and a sermon of voodoo economics. It is beleived that if enough Europeans have a new Euro flag to salute perhaps the medicine can be given as patriotic monetary sacrifice for the good of the masses allegiant to an oligarchy. Inside Job trailer
Many of the same players and global financial skill sets are back as veterans leading the surge of long distance, speed of light arbitrage and monetary manipulations. The Eurozone trough for potential profits must have attracted a legion of investor to the dark pools of meta-monetary extractions.
Philosophically one might wish that value theory were modernized to reflect real geo-temporal national values and that speculation and quantitative trading was substantially curbed. As it is the non-production sector of financial and government continue like an over-populated vampire colony to feed upon the small-time free enterprise cows innocently grazing the fields of nations.
The possibility of a Barrack Obama vs. Newt Gingrich U.S. election in 2012 may restore fear to the markets as the U.S.A. proves itself completely incapable of even nominating intelligent economic reform minded nationalistic candidates to the highest office. Yet if so we may ask, what of it? The market seems to have the poor, unemployed and increasingly the middle class to kick around increasingly as payback for delays in its conquering the world financially. Anyone financially online may have their assets redistributed to the wealthy one way or another-if not through mortgages than through the power company or fuel station.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has shared the Chinese wealth a little to the Eurozone liquidity crisis with a quantitative easing through half-price U.S. loans to European banks. The Chinese were uninterested in directly loaning money to the Eurozone.
One would prefer that the Eurozone be talked down from its suicidal perch on the top of the financial world and return to national currencies and firewalls a little at a time. The new world order of slick financial skimming globally should be bulldogged, hogtied and rendered unto history museums.
Adapting national economies to local sustainable resource use and employment should involve cutting out the middleman of cyber-space financial perfidy from planetary players with concentrated wealth seeking to rope-a-dope of yocality. The global trans-national investment era creates an apparently ideal network of economic irrationality as a kind of inversion of neural network devoted to reason, full employment, a good society and ecosphere.
Some of the nations least economically integrated in the New World Financial Disorder seem to be most secure from incipient waves of financial collapse when speculative quantitative profit taking temporal arbitrage overcomes political economic control. Iran with substantial sanctions upon it may suffer little if the Euozone and the dollar collapse. Russia and Iran too would be better set than China if the global financial house of cards experiences a new wind of change. George Soros speaks
As Chancellor of the Exchequer Winston Churchill requested a compliant President Herbert Hoover to increase money supply. Today the Eurozone has effectively had President Obama do the same via its printing press loans to Eurozone entities.
Its been said that by the end of next week the world should know if Eurozone financial perfidy ostensibly progressing a sophomoric new world order zone idea of mass market conformity will lead the way into another, improved round of global financial collapse.
This next possible economic infarction is believed to have prospects for being a record setter surpassing the 2008 Wall Street banking and derivatives/mortgage failures. Insider economic sclerosis cannot always be relieved by a jolt of instant printing press bug juice and a sermon of voodoo economics. It is beleived that if enough Europeans have a new Euro flag to salute perhaps the medicine can be given as patriotic monetary sacrifice for the good of the masses allegiant to an oligarchy. Inside Job trailer
Many of the same players and global financial skill sets are back as veterans leading the surge of long distance, speed of light arbitrage and monetary manipulations. The Eurozone trough for potential profits must have attracted a legion of investor to the dark pools of meta-monetary extractions.
Philosophically one might wish that value theory were modernized to reflect real geo-temporal national values and that speculation and quantitative trading was substantially curbed. As it is the non-production sector of financial and government continue like an over-populated vampire colony to feed upon the small-time free enterprise cows innocently grazing the fields of nations.
The possibility of a Barrack Obama vs. Newt Gingrich U.S. election in 2012 may restore fear to the markets as the U.S.A. proves itself completely incapable of even nominating intelligent economic reform minded nationalistic candidates to the highest office. Yet if so we may ask, what of it? The market seems to have the poor, unemployed and increasingly the middle class to kick around increasingly as payback for delays in its conquering the world financially. Anyone financially online may have their assets redistributed to the wealthy one way or another-if not through mortgages than through the power company or fuel station.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has shared the Chinese wealth a little to the Eurozone liquidity crisis with a quantitative easing through half-price U.S. loans to European banks. The Chinese were uninterested in directly loaning money to the Eurozone.
One would prefer that the Eurozone be talked down from its suicidal perch on the top of the financial world and return to national currencies and firewalls a little at a time. The new world order of slick financial skimming globally should be bulldogged, hogtied and rendered unto history museums.
Adapting national economies to local sustainable resource use and employment should involve cutting out the middleman of cyber-space financial perfidy from planetary players with concentrated wealth seeking to rope-a-dope of yocality. The global trans-national investment era creates an apparently ideal network of economic irrationality as a kind of inversion of neural network devoted to reason, full employment, a good society and ecosphere.
Some of the nations least economically integrated in the New World Financial Disorder seem to be most secure from incipient waves of financial collapse when speculative quantitative profit taking temporal arbitrage overcomes political economic control. Iran with substantial sanctions upon it may suffer little if the Euozone and the dollar collapse. Russia and Iran too would be better set than China if the global financial house of cards experiences a new wind of change.
1700 Billion Gigatons of Carbon in Soil of the North-Global Warming Permafrost Melt?
Scientists have made a revised forecast of the acellerated effect of global warming melting of permafrost and its release of greenhouse gases. Evidently its worse that was previously thought. Not as bad as all of the automobile exhaust and smokestacks, yet substantial.
Permafrost across the northern regions of the Earth may thaw and release methane and other greenhouse gases. I wrote a small article on that topic in 1988-89 or 90 in a Fairbank's paper on the possibilty of permafrost thawing and releasing toxic waste the city wanted to store deep underground thhereby polluting the aquifers-its not a new topic yet one that is not given enough political prioritization as part of a comprehensive effort to slow extraction industry assaults on the ecosphere.
Global corporate pursuit of proprietary interests could be redirected toward less harmful ventures with some intelligent political supervision. Medium sized corporations should be reinforced and large corporations phased out. Sustainable ecosphere use should be given tax support and non-sustainable extraction industries given a special ecosphere tax.
In Alaska though iit is the extraction industry globalists that determine much of the state's economy. I believe mining produced about 3.6 billion dollars worth of zinc, gold, silver and other materials last year. Global corporations in pursuit of profit own many of the ventures in Alaska. The Mayor of Anchorage Dan Sullivan shares the same name as the State's Commissioner of The Division of Natural Resources that includes mining and oil. The State gives hundreds of millions to expand the Port of Anchorage with shoddy construction work requiring reconstruction and wants more. The global fate is inn the hands of politicians with the insider's proximity to existing wealth and power and that includes the global mining concerns that seek to develop the Pebble Mine in the headwaters of salmon streams at Bristol Bay.
The globalists of Wall Street have far more invested in destroying the planetary ecospheric equilibrium than in sustaining it as a viable habitat for humanity.
Permafrost across the northern regions of the Earth may thaw and release methane and other greenhouse gases. I wrote a small article on that topic in 1988-89 or 90 in a Fairbank's paper on the possibilty of permafrost thawing and releasing toxic waste the city wanted to store deep underground thhereby polluting the aquifers-its not a new topic yet one that is not given enough political prioritization as part of a comprehensive effort to slow extraction industry assaults on the ecosphere.
Global corporate pursuit of proprietary interests could be redirected toward less harmful ventures with some intelligent political supervision. Medium sized corporations should be reinforced and large corporations phased out. Sustainable ecosphere use should be given tax support and non-sustainable extraction industries given a special ecosphere tax.
In Alaska though iit is the extraction industry globalists that determine much of the state's economy. I believe mining produced about 3.6 billion dollars worth of zinc, gold, silver and other materials last year. Global corporations in pursuit of profit own many of the ventures in Alaska. The Mayor of Anchorage Dan Sullivan shares the same name as the State's Commissioner of The Division of Natural Resources that includes mining and oil. The State gives hundreds of millions to expand the Port of Anchorage with shoddy construction work requiring reconstruction and wants more. The global fate is inn the hands of politicians with the insider's proximity to existing wealth and power and that includes the global mining concerns that seek to develop the Pebble Mine in the headwaters of salmon streams at Bristol Bay.
The globalists of Wall Street have far more invested in destroying the planetary ecospheric equilibrium than in sustaining it as a viable habitat for humanity.
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