
Romney's Best VP Picks: Rice & Ryan

Mitt Romney has the opportunity in the next two weeks before the Republican Convention to select the next Vice President of the United States if the voters approve. Former Sect. of State Condi Rice and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan are the two best choices, and they are good ones.
Each prospect is articulate, intelligent and will take public stands on principle. Condi Rice has a rated IQ of 165 and will probably put up an intelligent idea or two for the benefit of the nation over a four year period of time. With the weight off her shoulders of being down in the Bush I hierarchy without much opportunity to creatively express herself the liberation of the Vice Presidential office may let her think outside the box and get a few ideas through to improve American prospects for full employment, no public debt and a recovering ecosphere.
Paul Ryan being from Wisconsin naturally encounters the same leftist stimulation that drives people to take an opposite view. The late Senator Joe McCarthy was from that state too and it drove him over the edge seeing communists in every closet. Representative Ryan is merely challenged to develop national budget balancing straitway and that is good. While a lot of ox's get gored in the process with intelligent leadership the pork can be cut out from redundant entitlements instead of the vulnerable being tossed under the wheels

Paul Tillich's 'What is Religion?'

Paul Tillich died in 1965 in the era of the rise of space science and with a world full of regional wars and conflicts. For non-commerical or vocational Christians it was failure easy to overlook his work. Tillich was very well known along with Karl Barth to most Protestant Christians, yet I wonder how well read he was to philosophers.
Reading Tillich's essays published in 1926 (and thtis version in 1965) brings an awareness of his role in bridging the gaps amidst many philosophical systems that grew in that time. One may find an empirical and epistemological vein following science and an avenue of the development of the philosophy of logic and language regarding the empirical. Tillich developed a way of regarding a scientific worldview and of culture concurrently existing with alternative and even trancending ontology. That is the unconditional.
Before the rise of science when the world was not well understood from a mechanical point of view it was simpler for the religious inclined to have a naive view of the world-experience as a manifestation of the unconditional. The maya or illusory nature of temporal things was self-evident and stimulated even the Athenian philosophers such as Aristotle to find underlying principles of material changes and to develop structures in logic and language to represent those relationships. That inquiry was parelled in plain materrial scientific research.
Religion can be a cultural affair as well as an encounter with the unconditional. Modern afficiandos of science have often attacked the cultural aspects of religion, yet the scientific worldview fails  in its essential voacation to grasp the worlod-experience of things-in-themselves-the unconditional. Paul TIllich's early work in his career helps to illuminate the tripartite classification of human epistemology regarding ontology.
I enjoyed finding Tillich's excellent comments on Kant and Hegel and of the formulation of meaning-reality paradigmata within a subjective database for regarding reality. Sure science provides excellent data-yet it isn't exclusive and exhaustive informing a human being about the meaning or being of reality for-itself.
Tillich provides a way of regarding metaphysics as a religious intuition rather than of a greater physics such as I have prevalently considered it to be in recent times. For example one has a variety of cosmological theories and might extrapolate what is 'beyond' the known. Tillich's parameter for metaphysics is not like that.
Having read Schopenhuaer, Kant and Hegel it is helpful to to find Tillich to be a philosopher of religion able to place traditional classical westernn metaphysics within a context that isn't antipathetic to Plotinus' Enneads and view of the One.
The wikipedia page below on TIllich refers to Origin as having a view of the 'unoriginate' that is probably something like Plotinus's idea about 'The One'. In the book I am reading I think the translator uses the term 'the unconditional' to mean 'the unoriginate'.
That idea of God as not requiring anything to prove he exists, or scientific classification that would reduce Him to some sort of creature is as valid now as then. The immanence of a transcendent point of view of reality is always a good thing to have about in the busy world of secularism and science today.


Romney Realism, British Snubs and Foreign Policy Pragmatism

Mitt Romney's experience as an Olympic organizer brought an NBC media guy to ask what the prospects for the London Olympics are. Being a forthright and honest businessman with experience in staging an Olympic Games in Salt Lake City several years ago he replied with candor-something that the Obamanite era politicians and media aren't used to. It seemed rather shocking to get an honest answer. Romney said;
"You know, it's hard to know just how well it will turn out. There are a few things that were disconcerting, the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging. Because there are three parts that makes Games successful.
"Number one, of course, are the athletes. That's what overwhelmingly the Games are about. Number two are the volunteers. And they'll have great volunteers here. But number three are the people of the country. Do they come together and celebrate the Olympic moment? And that's something which we only find out once the Games actually begin."
That realistic appraisal is the source for much ado about nothing on the Bizantine political side interpretants in the U.K.
Mitt Romney's reply to a question by an NBC newsperson-a left leaning news organization was truthful, logical, plain and off the cuff. He in no way intended to give offense or even criticize the failures of preperation of the London games. Instead he expressed the points of concern that had been in media for months.
The President of the United States cannot be ignorant of the facts generally, and if a petty dictator or puffed up PM expects everyone to naturally kow-tow or biden their tongue on anything that might seem 'insolent' to a supremacist class of predators that expectation cannot be met or anticipated by reasonable people. One never knows when a corrupt politician will pull a Beria or Stalin on the people and find offense in what someone's tone is real or imagined.
Alexander Solzshenytsin in the Gulag Archipelago Three described the crime of 'anti-Soviet activity' ( that people were given a ten year sentence for automatically). It was applied to those such as had stolen a crust of bread and hidden it in their coat because of hunger and other horrible crimes.
The evil imperial tradition is always seeking to encroach upon human liberty and bend public discourse to its nefarious designs whenever it's opportune.
Margaret Thatcher was opposed to Reagan's desire to eliminate nuclear missiles. Yet she at least seemed to argue in favor of democracy and had a clue about how people normally present themselves as peers socially. She wasn't an imperious idiot like David Cameron.
It is a wonder that dueling was ever outlawed. Stanley Kubrick's film Barry Lyndon had one resolution of an unresolvable dispute in it. Sometimes with the broadcast media paradigm heir is no lawful way to get satisfaction from louts getting under the legal structure-especially if they are the legal structure or have an imperial advantage within it such as aristocrats possess.
Argentina is a democracy today and is not placing demands on owning the Shetland Islands. The Malvinas are just a couple hundred miles offshore of South America, and though the United States has the best lawful claim to ownership of the Malvinas iit will probably support an Argentine renormalization of the non-interference policy expressed in the Monroe Doctrine.
Plainly the United State would consider supporting Falklandian Independence if it sought to be an Independent State
The Candidate has moved on to visit an ally nation in the Middle East. Mitt Romney's possible VP picks are of interest as are speculations on his foreign policy agenda.

Foreign affairs unavoidably impact the U.S. economy and ecosphere. It is useful to establish domestic policy that benefits Americans prevalently and ecospheric restoration instead of nefarious imperial global extractors of American resources and opportunities. There are innumerable options, more even than Fisher had in game nine of the 1992 rematch against Boris Spassky.

The Candidate if elected would likely talk over select international affairs on joint issues of interest with friends such as the Presidents of Argentina and Russia. A Romney meeting with President Putin Arctic Char fishing on the north slope of Alaska's Brooks Range to informally discuss Arctic ecosphere and security issues exists in addition to a possible Romney security and ecosphere rectification issue tete et tete with Argentine President Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner.

Multi-Verse Ethics, James Holmes, Massacres and Contract Renewel in Post-Rem Parapsychology

It is difficult for a malfunctioning society to pass laws to correct their drift toward dissipation. The spectacular meltdown of the Aurora Colorado killer-joker is a case in point.
The broadcast media has recovered the 'story' salting 'clues' about the 'suspect' that might explain his behavior. Discovery of behavior causality and motivation is more important for news purposes when the ending is already post hoc. It is at least better than the day of breaking news that the people are beyond a yellow tape and seeking to disarm the 'bombs' within networked with a maze of 'tripwires'.
The 24 year old killer does have subjective knowledge stages written all over his terrible actions that midnight. He used classical tripwires instead of batter-operated motion sensors for his improvised anti-personnel mines as might a modern land-mine warfare improvisor.
One could imagine encounter a smiling bullfrog of death along a trail at 15,000 feet before its solar rechargable batteries powering the motion sensor impulsed a pound of RTX to explode. The youthful apprentice psychiatrist of the top rank of the epistemological relativist ladder went for the soft underbelly of social fantasy with crude yet costly weapons-at least $3000 worth.
We learn that that James (Joker) Holmes was a top of class graduate in neuroscience from The University of California at Riverside. A brilliant kid studying to be a psychiatrist in the post-REM era of social detachment is detached to the Denver area and stuffed with psychological relativism. Evidently he sent a package of why-I-shoot data to his psychiatrist graduate school instructor.
If weapons are restricted more the psychiatrist class and their apprentices would be exempt and given the REM-Boston awards for moral excellence instead.
The post-modernist era of Dewian epistemology can have consequences for the young. It can create moral and philosophical conundrums, alienation and confusion about reality itself. Being stuffed with psychiatric training in the Denver area may have prompted a kind of intellectual nausea for James Holmes in which he could reassert his normalcy by becoming an actor in the fantasy world of Democratic-Republican socialist-corporatist politics that makes a fiction of moral coherence and national sovereignty.
There is a multi-verse ethical theory that speculates that if Universes are made for the entertainment of superior beings the chances of having one's contract renewed to appear is best if one makes a big impression (as in a soap opera or reality T.V. show). In that context being a significant villain such as James the Joker Holmes is a good way to appear in another episode of a recurrent universe-what these kids believe!
 President Obama made a speech on the shooting in which he said that AK-47s should be in 'the hands of soldiers rather than criminals'. Apparently he considers civilian ownership of AK-47s criminal. He would further Leninize society and ban AK-47s from the private sector-a legalists solution if there ever was one. So I will write something about an alternative course.
In then late 19th century human innovators and inventors learned how to make mechanism that would permit extraction of a bullet from a chamber, recocking of the trigger mechanism and feeding of another bullets into the chamber. It isn't a brilliant thing and any machine or auto shop or garage mechanic can make his own automatic weapons or automatic shotguns with 50 barrels if he likes that can be used once and perhaps blow up thereafter. It isn't really possible to turn back the historical clock and prevent the manufacture of spears or swords either.
AK-47s and AK-74s can be changed to have only 5 shots with a welded on magazine that one must feed bullets in to like one does an old Winchester or Marlin from the side. Even if someone jimmied up the semi-auto function to full auto they would only get five shots. Of course criminals or revolutionaries could alter that with more work-yet as I pointed out it isn't very difficult to make a one time shotgun or a grease gun from plumbing supplies or whatever. The I.E.D. people go for bigger weapons. It is as if the President believes Americans are stupid.
Possibly there are more Ak-47s in the world than any other weapon and they are very fine weapons. They are the cheap Mauser of our era. For hunting dear or bear with the 7.62 round they are good field weapons that function well when dirty, muddy or wet. They are also cheaper than the weapons the rich and middle class can afford. If one is hunting a 300 pound feral Russian bore in the hilly brush beyond Laredo one wants a kill on first shot I would think.
In Alaska long ago at a drill I climbed over a ten-foot cyclone fence with an M-60 machine gun to flank at practice killing the NCO instructors. I actually got behind them and stood there a second before pulling the trigger. When I did I got one shot and the machine gun jammed because I had got dust in the barrel. In the real world I would have been standing there without hope of evading the retaliation from the survivor. Yet if I were firing real bullets instead of dummy bullets maybe the recoil would have been enough to let the weapon recycle automatically. I never went to a war and never found out.
Later the instructors ambushed us all and unloaded full magazines from M-16s upon us in a little valley below. That was how it was supposed to work.
Securing the nation's borders and modifying good jobs for American citizens would be a far better political course to take than to continue a psychological program of disarming the citizens and regarding them as pig meat with minds that don't matter and are subject to infinite programming because there isn't an objective reality.


Record Year in Progress for Polar & Greenland Ice Melt

The Greenland ice sheet has 'unprecidented' melting this year over 95% of its surface area. The melting of the Arctic ice pack also seems to be faster this year.
It may be that most Americans being indoor, thermostat regulated creatures don't notice temperature changes as meaningfully as those of us that live outdoors annually.
The arctic ice sheet is melting at a rapid pace.Comparing the two N.A.S.A. photos via Cryosphere Today from Juy 20th, 2000 and July 20th 2012 and notice the difference.
In the two photos of Greenland below taken from space, observe how quickly the area of surface melting expanded in just four days from July 8th, 2012 to July 12, 2012.
Greenland Ice Sheet (splash)


Did Saddam Hussein Bury WMD Political Treasure?

Iraq purchased about 90 gyroscopes for Soviet SS-18 Satan missiles in then 1990s according to reliable sources. During the 90s there was a lot of plutonium and enriched uranium easy for the Russian mafia and enterprising military officers and many others to take from unsecure Soviet-era stockpiles and numerous locations.
Apparently enriched uranium that is made from natural rather than reprocessed sources can be handled even without gloves-it doesn't radiate much and is a heavy metal I would guess like lead. If Iraq got a few hundred pounds and the top-secret agent buried it in the desert it could still be there undiscovered.
Obviously Saddam Hussein hadn't the opportunity to build a very large ballistic missile though he evidently intended or hoped to one day. Like Johhny Cash's auto built 'one piece at a time' the late Iraqi leader may have been compiling a piece here and a gyroscope there for a project that never got off the ground.
If the secret of the location of the hot items for bomb-making were not very classified to Hussein and a very few other intelligence agents it would be surprising. It would not especially be surprising that the material wasn't used or found during the conflict or after. Iran too  is likely to have found a way  to purchase enough plutonium and enriched uranium for several bombs one would think-that nation isn't very far from Kazahkstan and Russia, and they had the entire Clinton administration era to stock up. It isn't hard to imagine that an Iranian agent with a million dollars in a bag would have found it too hard to get a Russian enttrepreneur with access to sell a 50 or a few hundred pounds.
The Bush I era Congress and Clinton administration evidently dropped the ball on the issue of security for post-cold war era Soviet radioactive materials of which there was thousands and thousands of pounds of unsecured stuff at numerous locations.

Yeats - The Second Coming

Evidently society has felt a sense of decay before, of wrong political directions that morph into provision for citizens of futility. WIlliam Butler Yeats wrote of such a time in merry old England in his poem:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

The first stanza is probably most apropos for the current time in the U.S. The national sense of a new nation of immigrants forgetting their past culture has been clipped by a surfeit of illegal alien Mexicans arriving without severing the culture they left behind. The experiment in Democractic futurism transitioned to a multi-cultural society of people with a foot in the past. American futurists find refuge investing abroad in China or elsewhere.

America's natural advantages that supported the creation of a new nation were perhaps simply the grace of historical non-renewable circumstance. Like Arab nations keen on living in the past-unable to escape from deep ways of historical folkways and memorabilia the United States is being naturally worn down by the wave trains of historical cultures and isn't any longer a unique nation isolated a little from worldly troubles. To a certain extent the self-opinion of the nation as a special place still arises in international politics in a generally deleterious way sometimes simply in order to advantage it's material resource positions.

It may be that the United States or perhaps any other culture cannot bring meaningful social change through evaluation and design intentionally without coercion or historical pressure. The United States for at least a half century has relied upon natural cultural or social evolution following the lines on the emergent worst social values to change or form meta-social structure. The alternative of revolution is as incapable as natural evolution of forming a functioning Democratic social environment beyond a minimal or even nominal status apparently. A culture must rely upon the grace of God to bring opportunities for social reformation as in so much of Biblical history.

Even so the utility of democratic reformation by design that would provide full employment, a recovering environment, stable population and meaningful levels of social egalitarian with equal protection of the law ought to be a present interest of the citizens of the United States. It is the basic social responsibility beyond personal and narrow self-interest. 


N.Y. Mayor Hopes Romney/Obama WIll Disarm Citizens After Batman Massacre in Denver

If only one of the hundreds of midnight movie goers-many probably on marijuana or other drugs, had been a responsible citizen armed with a concealed .357 mag weapon the 70 shootings might have been halted at just a few. Even with body army a head shot with a mag load or even a chest shot would knock a perp down long enough for other to tackle him.
When citizens become like passive pigs in a sensory pleasure corral they are easily slaughtered by neuro-scientists from San Diego. Probably every dictator in human history would have preferred to have his victims disarmed. Nothing has changed in that regard. One reason Americans are more or less free is because the citizens are responsible armed to defend against the slick political cults that want to rule every one to servility now and then.
The challenges to a free society in remaining free with the chance for moral values unconformed to the image of the beast is in keeping and defending liberal gun ownership.

I wanted to mention that the scenario of terrorist infiltrating a movie theater to kill the people in it has been an element in more than one action-adventure novel the past few years. It was a well-anticipated point of vulnerability that might have been defended against a little better. In one novel I read Denver was actually mentioned as a location for a theater terrorist attack along with a dozen other U.S. cities.

The power of a hierarchical and stratified society presents many dangers to ordinary people. One doesn't want to become absolutely socially powerless and at the mercy of the decrees of a corrupt or any other empower political or social class. The comfortable often don't recognize the undesirable social condition of being the victim of concentrated social power. 

Even to this day the concept that the Colt .45 made men equal is true.

The list of nations that have banned handguns probably approximates a list of nations without real democracy or with various stages of its loss. One might consider Tokugawa Japan or Hitler's Germany (the Jews would have had a better chance with plentiful Lugars of their own on Crystalnacht), Maoist China, the former Soviet Union and Cuba etc.

Guns are a good way to defend against thugs and even resist a corrupt state sometimes, yet the proliferation of biological gene recombination technology applicable to viral DNA weponization makes   more substantial dangers present today than direct state authoritarian disarmament of the populus. The state empowers all many of biological research and supports construction of a difficult, precarious future for humany-it is because their is so much money in it as well as for the alleviation of human suffering.

Democratization of Broadcast Media Spectrum Should Go Ahead

People often say that Democracy is an experiment, yet I don't regard life as a practice for a future temporal state. The broadcast media is the death of democracy. It's an anti-egalitarian exclusivist consolidator of corrupt, illicit power for special interests.

Hence if the media seems to appeal to the masses as their champion they provide the lazy citizens undemocratic representation for them making their 'democracy' a spectator sport. Sartre wrote in 'Being and Nothingness' that the fundamental relation of the listener to radio is impotence.

The technology has existed for quite a while for individual citizens to use the FCC regulated broadcast spectrum instead of giving it out to high bidders. It would be a new infrastructure restoring democracy to the public broadcast discourse. Via Internet radio that is rebroadcast through publicly maintained broadcast facilities (perhaps contracted to private facilities operators) radio freqs would be operated and shared like local highways for all to use locally just as are highways. If public roads were exclusively used by the most rich high bidders they would have as little value as radio and television has had in support of private interests.


Can Individuals or Groups Lie in Defining Evil?

If one lies about their definition of evil perhaps there is a reason for that, perhaps not. One may be disingenuous about definitions of course, or even accidentally wrong about a definition (what does soteriology really mean?), however that tends toward engendering false consciousness I believe.
J. Vernon McGee wrote that the Bible definition of evil refers to bad things of a natural kind, in contrast to wickedness that occurs when humans do 'evil' things such as massacring midnight theater goers at the premier of Batman; The Dark Knight Rising.
Jean Paul Sartre wrote about group lies as serialized 'use-truths' in Being and Nothingness.
W.V.O. Quine the late logician wrote a book named 'Word and Object'. Words can refer to objects of course as well as to the abstract objects of ideas, and of course words can be relational devices for referring to groups of words and obviously words can be used to describe abstract general ideas such as evil or 'redness' instead of a particular thing itself. Plainly different people regard some things as evil that others regard as good. Evil as a general subjective concept for itself is applicable in a variety of circumstances unlike the color 'red' that isn't used to refer to purple or blue as a referent object for-itself. Evil in the trophic hierarchy is a higher level of abstraction. I believe Aristotle wrote about such things in his logic.
Lies are existential utterances interpreted by some other or even for-oneself as being untrue. If individual A tells individual B on a rainy day that the sun is brightly shining then the falsehood of the lie is transparent unless person B interprets the lie as some sort of metaphor or emotive description.
If one lies about a definition of evil for political purposes in order to obtain political advantage for a class (the U6 unemployment rate of 17.7% is all the fault of G.W. Bush) is that uncommon? I think that people seldom lie about evil when it occurs to them for they recognize it as such painfully perhaps. In a social environment where many people live somewhat abstract cubicle lives with sanitized concepts reinforcing values of a dysfunction nature convenient falsehoods such as global warming cannot be caused by human Co2 emissions may be unchallengeable pragmatically in time to do the future much good. Falsehoods of a remote and abstract nature regarding definitions of evil are not directly verifiable for individuals not uncommonly.
The late Ronald Reagan in speaking with First Secretary Gorbachev on nuclear disarmament often said about agreements 'trust, but verify'. The need for that was plain during from 1972 to 1989 when the Soviet Union had signed off on bans on offensive biological weapons yet was secretly running full speed ahead with Biopreparat to develop new synthetic germs and viruses of the lethal kind for war on the cheap

Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...