
U.S. Policy Vector: Breaking Bad

Administration policy of the post-moral era of breaking bad seems poised to create a new mass social division to replace the communist cold war moral choice that was a forced option between the evil empire and all things of sugar and spice and everything nice. Age of fracture tectonic plate overlaps of communism and corporatism have negated the evil empire criterion of the Reagan era and brought the new paradigm of Nietzsche’s to the for; moving beyond good and evil to planetary rule by concentrated will of super-wealth.

Alice Cooper’s brilliant work ‘School’s Out’ lyrically encapsulated the ethos of meaninglessness of morality that is the guiding fog of the U.S. Government today. ‘We got no class, we got no principles; we can’t even think of a word that rhymes’ is the Universe of business where cool is rich, and power is deep for billion dollar babies with many miles to go before they sleep.

Russia’s position in Eurasia is an inconvenient long-term obstruction to land expansion eastward from investors in the west. Isn’t Ukraine a starting point for fires of creative destruction to reduce the new evil empires of resistance to hostile takeover for concentration of wealth by the godless Supermen of scientific amorality?As the wildfires burn east they could add more nations to specimen bags of power reinforced with media mafias of a new Pravda from Boston and DC.

The Democrat Party can add more Vietnam’s to tame down resistors to colonization by godless Superpersons seeking to subjugate. In a 'whores with microphones' media era the public is obligated to tithe concentrated wealth through networks. Occassionally investors realize that men must pay whores-not vice versa-and so they must have a pittance of wages to spend on godless atheist trifles required to pomp a princess-queen. Women were not always so wicked as those of the media have become.

As immoral leadership spreads like a descending cloud of socially communicable plague to destroy individual private interests and freedom from tyranny one must wonder if powers breaking bad will break free some of the United States to go their own ways too, as if they were little Ukraines seeking to break free from historical powers that founded and oppressed them.

In the brave new world a war between those with no morality and those that believe in any sort of transcendent ethical values; classical values, Christian values-even Buddhist or Muslim values, appears to be the contest for Mansoul. When morality has all been blown away so cold blooded supermen/women and creatures of uncertain sex rule, one can discern that moral leadership is out for summer.


Holy War; Diabolus and the Decline of Civilization

After reading The Holy War’ of John Bunyan written generally while he was imprisoned in England during the 17th century it was natural to make a dead reckoning sort of comparative systems analysis of the United States in relation to the situation of the allegorical Holy War. During the past two decades I have written periodically of the position of the United States within the historian Arnold Toynbee’s cycle of civilizations paradigm developed in his ‘A Study of History’. In that work civilizations reach a Universal phase before they fall-spread to thin I suppose as they follow greed abroad. There are obvious parallels in that respect between the Roman Empire, the British Empire and the United States today-especially since the Clinton era of promiscuous globalism. The Holy War provides a contrasting yet concurring filter to view the position of the United States in contemporary history.

The Obama administration seems to have reached the pinnacle of la cage aux folles movement to bog America down in 1960s spawned Darwinian anti-establishmentarianism with the Supreme Court soon to announce if they concur in wishing U.S. states to all be forced to submit to homosexual marriage and I suppose, more legal dope would be up next. Vast public debt deepening toward 19 trillion dollars presently, sending jobs to China and flooding the nation with millions of illegal aliens seem tools for concentrating wealth in survival of the richest cutting edge evolution.

For not only might civilizations have a secular Toynbean cyclical evolution directed by the lack of wisdom of politicians corrupted by personal greed and will to power, civilizations and the people in them as individuals are under the deceiving power of Satan too. The United States today is one of the leading agents of Satan for destructive change toward a diabolic society of decay toward a new world order. Historically Satan is always busy and about his business to leave the pit of doom where he was tossed by the Lord, and retake the city of Mansoul that exists in the continent of Universe.

After the Lord retook Mansoul from Diabolic possession he explained that he left some Diabolans in the city walls and under the structure in holes to provide enough danger to the people of Mansoul so they would be vigilant and defend their virtue in being saved by the Lord and reconciled to faith in God. In the absence of external challenge people become decadent and corrupted. Toynbee noted that in the history of ancient Greece; Greek nation states with too soft of life failed in inter-nation competition when it occurred while those with more challenging lives thrived. Of course Toynbee also observed that arrested civilizations existed-such as that of Eskimo-where the external challenges were too great to develop very far beyond survival and in to a more advanced technical level of existence.

Holy War is a popular term in the Muslim world today as it wars against the whiter and more prosperous west. It is something of a resonating Toynebean theme that the first Holy War of the Muslim world upon the west with a broad based Ummayad era attack on Iberea, Sicily and Turkey brought the Muhammadan movement and civilization to maturity and a Universal phase before its decline and fall. As an external proletariat for centuries now becoming an internal proletariat in Europe and the United States it is developing protracted jihad on a west that is abandoning its historical faith in God and waging an anti-holy war upon first itself and the world for Diabolus.

Christians in the United States today are declining in numbers though it is perhaps not yet a crisis. Too easy of a life accelerated with the broadcast media moral corruption and disruption of individualism has made Americans stop darkening the doorways of churches with their shadows on Sunday mornings and instead pursue secular interests. The loss of spiritual well-being precedes the decline and fall of a civilization too. Europe experienced moral and spiritual crisis before it had its decline and fall of the 20th century. American intervention-the intervention of a Christian nation-resuscitated that continent’s people sort of from their living dead condition for a while. The unsaved and reprobate are the new generation of living dead. Europe is again in a living dead situation required I suppose by virtue of the complications of political, economic and environmental structures. It is very challenging to find niches in that heavily trafficked environment for the soul to be philosophical and contemplative of spiritual affairs.

The third world is said to be new loci for the increase of Christianity. That may be true, yet Christianity in Europe had millennia to develop without the broadcast media or Hollywood corrupting the social environment. As soon as they arise, and as modern technology permeates a society a great conversion to worldliness follows. It is not reasonable to expect that Africa and Asia will be spared the conversion to worldliness and control by elite Diabolans that follows.

The U.S.A. as a primary social agent of change to a diabolic moral condition for the world has internal challenges to its Christian church that preclude moral revival. One is the hierarchical priesthood that developed in the dark ages under feudalism. Today that structure provides family oriented church pastors a small business revenue stream. They are reluctant to change. Larger traditional churches are losing numbers because of disbelief in the post-Darwinian era skepticism. They tend to evolve toward worldly feel-good secular forms of disingenuous worship. The PC USA has homosexual marriages and female pastors disinclined to reform.

As millions leave former mainstream churches-5 million in the last few years- some seek a more emotional worship service with fundamental values. Of the lost 5 million 2 million moved to evangelical churches perhaps. Evangelical churches have a pre-tribulation; just a remnant will survive end-times world view well suited for a period of declining faith in the Lord. Fundamentalist church pastors are glad enough to let the nation slip toward a diabolic status as they can explain it with their wrong eschatology and be comforted with job security leading the flock.

The remedy for declining Christianity is a proper interpretation of scripture on two critical points. One is Genesis cosmology and the second is end-times cosmology, the third is a priesthood of believers’ church reformation that sets aside the feudal church leader model for an egalitarian though theologically disciplined ecclesiology with the Lord as High Priest.

Darwinianism lies is in opposition to 12th century science that is used by Christian fundamentalists to interpret the book of Genesis. Biology isn’t physics of course, and creation content of Genesis is not limited to biology.  I have written about the topic elsewhere and won’t repeat it here. It is useful to say that words are representational and that physical cosmology and its mechanics differ from words referring to it. There is much room for speculating about how the cosmological mechanics actual existed and one is not limited to dark ages scientific interpretations of Genesis; God wasn’t limited to such methods.

In end times cosmology the events of the Revelation have mostly occurred already. In the first century the destruction of Jerusalem was the culminating act of the tribulation. The church descended upon mankind as the New Jerusalem in that period-the place where the Temple of the Old Jerusalem was replaced by God living in temple of Christians themselves. Christianity is supposed to increase to become a majority of the world though it may take thousands of years. When there are few Diabolans remaining the Lord will then return to the Earth (meant land in the ancient Biblical language).

The United States today with so many wrong ideas forced upon the masses through a profusion of media is plunging forward through the brambles of good sense like a diseased bull in a whore house seeking sex slaves for same-sex Satanic marriages in order to emasculate global population increase, downsize people  and concentrate wealth for the rich. Obviously the world has environmental and economic challenges yet the diabolic way of fixing things doesn’t work-that’s a lesson easy to learn from history.

I suppose I must make a disclaimer here to dispel the notion that my evaluation of the U.S.A. is unpatriotic or that I must be an idealist about Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea or Canada. Actually I realize that evil is ubiquitous. It is the diabolic problem acting upon humanity slogging on with original sin thermodynamics. I simply expect better from the U.S.A. as silly as that may be.


Spatial Dimensions Adding Up to TIme

Thomas Brooks in 'Precious Remedies to Satan's Devices' examines one particular Satanic device to snare the soul that has wide-spread use today. One use of the device occurs in the attack upon Genesis in order to make just-worldly cosmology opulent and desirable in comparison to parchment of Genesis.

DEVICE 1: By presenting the WORLD in such a dress, and in such a garb to the soul, as to ensnare the soul, and to win upon the affection of the soul.”

Satan seems to use confusion about the construction of the Universe today as a way to draw people to faithlessness and frustration with the Bible. Those that wouldn’t know a proton from a quark leap to faith in electrons and football to disdain Genesis. The media love that. There is no need for frustration.

It is true that some theologians use 12th century scientific assumptions in interpreting Genesis and limit God a priori to means of construction readily understandable to the 3rd millennium man. That wish to a void scientific research and rely entirely upon the theological work of the past to understand Genesis tends to reinforce secular, atheist, arguments that the Genesis story is obsolete-when of course it is not; it is the interpretive paradigms or scientific assumptions shaping hermeneutics that are obsolete. Though cosmology and physics require intellectual effort to understand, a theologian should not defend his own intellectual sloth.

Brooks councils that Christians ought to have humility in spiritual matters in order not to leap into error for-themselves. Brooks writes that Christians should not go beyond scripture. Regarding spiritual concerns I agree. Speculation about spirit that is not revealed by God can lead to error. The Universe however is more of a physical concern although it is possible to infer a spiritual foundation for matter. That question of how God who is Spirit creates mass that is not something else (probably) is likely an unanswerable question. It may even be improperly formed. With humility though it is useful to know enough about cosmology such that Satan cannot back one into a corner and dictate one’s hermeneutic to oneself, perhaps requiring that one have a three or four thousand year old scientific database and accept that God too is limited to that.
There is a theoretical cornucopia for considering God's spiritual means of constructing energy, mass and dimensions. The Bible says that He said the word and that was enough. One can understand that vibrations of string theory could have commenced then with particular frequencies given to strings fluxing an inflation of the Universe with the new content. particular means might be inferred logical from what Genesis says to only a limited extent. One also has the material Universe to consider as a kind of artifact of God's creative impetus.

Scientists consider only the remnant of creation that is the familiar Universe of mass and energy, form and substance and extrapolate with theory from the observable about what makes it work. The question of how it originated is entangled with how it works. Because science is not theology it cannot meaningfully address abstract theological speculations concerning creation. Contemporary M-Theory, Emperor Theory and String Theory do consider hypothetical meta-physics of extra-dimensions as if they were mathematicians considering abstract forms of geometry, algebra, and topology with calculus, yet that has some verification issues. This is just another of what I am sure are millions of potential credible methods that God could create and sustain a Universe that is conformable to Genesis. I will not strictly correlate the physics to Genesis day-phases herein. This is just the technical presentation for another theoretical mechanics outline version 7.1.

Spatial dimensions add up to time. This is a conjecture about reality and the construction of the Universe. That is, to clarify, about the content of how it exists-not a question about if God created it or not. The Universe outside Wal-mart has some sort of means of being not made in China. Physicists contemplate an infinity of Universes, Higgs fields, particles, waves, quantum uncertainty and so forth as content enabling stuff comprising mass and energy. Cycles of shaping and forming the play-dough of matter with wonderful illustrations of stars and galaxies producing wonderful dust, elements and etc. replete with smart creatures able to think and watch football or shop at Wal-mart, even listen like programmable fuzzy robots to NPR. I am not writing about all of that nor making ontological arguments. I believe God created what is through one means or another. This paper is more like asking the question; did God use a 9 iron or a wedge to get the ball into the hole?

Space and time seem to coincide in expansion. One wonders about the nature of time and how it differs from space, or if it does; as time appears to increase like space in another way-a dimension called time where one can move forward.

If just spatial dimensions are moving and a conscious observer experiences the intersection of moving dimensions as time, can time be said to exist externally, or isn't time just a subjective perception of the observer even though it is a real experience?

If none of the dimension sheets intersected there would be no possibility for the existence of time. Maybe consciousness requires change of intersecting dimensions and the experience of time to exist.

It seems possible that like two-dimensional ants living on a two-dimensional world-sheet pushed forward by a large finger, it would not be possible to measure the force moving the entire dimensional world sheet from outside the world sheet-even if another world sheet is passing through it, such that there are really just two one-dimensional world sheets that added together seem to be a solitary two-dimensional Universal world-sheet. If the world-sheets have changing topology, of the dimensions generate energy through inter-dimensional contact, there is still no way to measure the power of God pushing the world sheet dimensions along their course.

So as a Christian thinking about this, and about the perennial matter of what component of the experience of reality is subjective and what objective, the 'let there be light' matter indicates that light was perceived by God when it was made to exist. For human beings or other beings in-a-Universe light would be a way of experiencing an energy field of a particular sort. Such energy would not appear as light does to a human though without an observer experiencing photons as human do, unless of course some other particle or wave in a field could cause a sensation similar to that caused by photons such that a human would think of it as light. That energy could be caused when dimension plates intersect as virtual energy to stimulate Higgs field quanta, and time could be thought of as discrete, relative positions within the temporal transition of dimension sheets.

Physicists have a term-concepts named configuration space and phase space that I can use to refer to the condition of dimension sheets. The configuration of content and form of a dimension sheet is static or fixed. When dimension sheets intersect they stimulate changes, and the changes can be called phase space. Phase space with energy and matter thermodynamical changes is an emergent phenomenon of intersecting dimension sheets. I suppose the relational angles at which dimensions intersect might effect the phase space configuration (a useful retro-term).

A question I would have about phase space is to what extent constructions in phase space are more that emergent phenomena of time? Would phase space constructions exist in a meta-phase configuration? Could emergent matter-energy construction in phase space redistribute content from one dimension sheet to another? Might dimension sheets change relative size in that event?

Plainly one has no idea how many dimension sheets could exist or why they should 'in the beginning'. It could be like an infinite deck of dimension-sheet cards the Lord used to construct a 'house of cards' of a temporal, expanding Universe from a singularity of one dimension; increasing until His purposes are served; perhaps after determining what souls will go to eternal heaven, and for whom the bells will toll in hell.


Former House Speaker Hastert; Black Mail, Homo Child Molesting etc.

One doesn't know what to say about former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert's alleged homosexual child molesting of some kid in the locker room of a high school. The government revealed his paying hush money of more than 3 million dollars. I suppose that sort of leverage got the N.Y. state legislature to cow tow under pressure to queer marriage-quality politicians do those quality things.

If homo marriage is forced upon the states that sort of locker room attraction to minors, already promoted by the media and entertainment queer set as normal as part of the Diabolan agenda to send souls to hell, will probably increase.

Hastert may be innocent yet the devil isn't and the Devil is large and at work in D.C.-maybe in computer security.

Repub 2016 Candidates Should Not be Dopes on Arctic Ice & Global Warming Again

Republican Presidential candidates have traditionally sounded like
intellectual runts on global warming to most intelligent people. With last winter's Arctic ice pack setting a record at the smallest size since satellites began keeping records in 1979 they just sound dopey and provincial in opposing global warming. It is fine to take a stand on select issues for moral reasons, yet opposition to global warming countermeasures is usually done for short-term financial self-interests or ignorance. Republicans need to grow up and appear as if they don't keep their heads where the sun don't shine because it pays good.

The public does care about global warming. Democrats get the environment vote because they talk well about it and don't do much as they seek to kiss the a's of the rich to move up the skyscraper elevators to the top of the corporatist ladder with mixed metaphors of political pragmatism.

Mitt Romney lost the last election because he said privately to a crowd of 500 with the expectation that no one would tape what he said for posterity, that 50% of Americans are bums and don't wanna work. He did not say that 50% of Americans between them have just 1/3rd of 1% of the nation's wealth. For sure if those lazy sots would just get off their butts they could ride the elevator to the top of the building like Hillary, Barrack and Mitt.

The corporate world there is not really any global warming going on because it would be bad for business, so drill and spill baby thrill! Zero interest loans for the rich (banks) indefinitely will keep the health economy growing.

I wonder if Mitt should be put in charge of cybernet security for the Department of the Interior?


Who is the Anointed One with Oil Barrel Dumped Upon His/Her Head for 2016?

It is a relief to learn from the Rick Perry for President campaign that Sir Hillary Clinton is not the 'anointed one' with the true West Texas sweet light crude dumped upon her head. Though one may hate the Clintons, the Adams family and even the Bushes as insider-predators seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of the lurches of the world, it is too silly to associate the word 'anointed' with recent American Presidents to go unnoticed as more of the ultimate silliness sort of thing.


The anointed one of the three stooges was Moe-and that's that.


'Remedies for Satan's Devices'; comments part 2 (w/video)

Finding the meanings of 'in-the-world yet not-of-it', isn't  easy. More than one possible way to understand the concept exists. I won't try to discover all herein, however the book I am reading presently-'Precious Remedies' has a section that pertains to the matter. Of the many devices that Satan has used to dupe the soul to sin, one of the more challenging is the example given unto the suffering, poor Christian of the prosperity of wicked men (and women) who follow not the ways of the Lord, prosper and are entirely without interest in God. In theory the Christian is tempted to give up and adapt to the corrupt practices of celebrity debauchees and godless predators of the time. Brook’s comment about what the reprobate or lost lack is very good writing, and I will post a paragraph of that…

Page 44 ‘Precious Remedies’; “Yet all this is nothing to what they lack. They lack a saving interest in God, Christ, the Spirit, the promises, the covenant of grace, and everlasting glory. They lack acceptance and reconciliation with God; they lack righteousness, justification, sanctification, adoption, and redemption. They lack the pardon of sin, and power against sin, and freedom from the dominion of sin. They lack that favor with God, which is better than life, and that joy which is unspeakable and full of glory, and that peace which passes understanding, and that grace, the least spark of which is more worth than heaven and earth. They lack a house that has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. They lack those riches that perish not, the glory that fades not, that kingdom that shakes not.”

Issues about worldliness and how to be in the world with regard to God are a substantial part of the empirical challenge of human existence. Often the challenge is presented as a choice between worldliness and spirituality yet that criterion is somewhat disingenuous. Obviously it is a difficult to clarify dysjunctive since the spiritual too are in the world and experience all of its demands with those that choose to be entirely worldly and without spiritual interest. I think the phrasing and criterion of the choice is itself in the province of Satan. Christians are in-the-world yet not-of-it. The lost are in-the-world and are-of-the-world.

Earlier I have written of consciousness and sentience as being of a spiritual nature different than mass and material for-itself that is apparently not sentient or conscious. The awareness of being in-the-world yet not-of-the-world is obviously like the relationship of mind to being-in-the-Universe-of-matter yet not-of-it. Sentience differs from inanimate matter.

When Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge they transitioned apparently from a naïve condition of self-awareness in an Eden of a different space-time composition than the material Universe to a self-awareness of a deeper nature (aware of their own nakedness) with an infinite potential to learn. God commented that they had become as little Gods and relocated them to the containment facility of the Universe where thermodynamic worldliness and consumerism of all matter and energy that exists is an implicit aspect of the structure. Within that Universe-on-fire consuming itself original sin is inherent. Mankind are inevitable drawn toward the energy stream of pure worldliness even seeking fission, fusion and zero-point energy immersion in it-perhaps as self evolving to quantum computers making forms of pleasurable experience for-itself (as an archetype of the human conscious being). Mankind was cast out of Eden to stop them from eating of the tree of life-eternal life as well. With the hungry nature of inquiry and disobedience to God Adam and Eve were cast into an environment resembling themselves with gravity hungering to attract other mass and consume it to a black hole forever ready for more.

In-the-spirit of faith in God and the sacrifice of the Lord to atone for the problem of original sin (and subsequent sin) the Christian is set-apart behaviorally and self-consciously from worldly behavior. Worldly behavior that is not reclaimed from the draw toward pervasive Universal thermodynamic field characteristics has abandoned spiritual accountability for-itself and is condemned to eternal hell. It seems as if Satan is always reinforcing aspects of worldliness that usually draw humans to them and uses those attractions to renormalize spiritual inclinations for solely worldly thought and behavior.

Worldly behavior is in opposition to spiritually directed. Spiritual behavior may not be supportive of numerous worldly political and social goals of the lost, and the lost may therefore view the spiritual as worldly foes. A Sunday morning of beer drinking, football and wrestling isn't the same as attending a priesthood of believers liturgy.

Sin becomes sin only when spiritual law exists Paul observed. Spiritual laws intervene in worldly behavior that causes cruelty and destruction to human beings and the human spirit. It's probably not a coincidence that spiritual law intended to draw the human spirit back to a transcending trust in God also discourage human behavior that is destructive to the self and others.

Sin labels behaviors that cause the destruction of the self, of others, and of spiritual awareness of God and his will for humans to be in a right relationship with him. His perfect goodness requires perfect obedience and order, yet that liberates, for God is absolutely good, right and just. For a human to be in-the-world and to be only worldly is fundamentally to be a raw savage, thermodynamically immersed animal without moral reservations. Even worse than that, the thermodynamic animal with no good whatsoever, given a human level sentience intelligence quotient, has the capability for unlimited lies, dissimulation, deceit and wickedness, believing it has no transcendent moral authority (God) to be concerned about, if it even thinks that far. It is free to develop itself and its technology through innumerable permutations of ‘progress’ until it becomes a quantum computer Cyborg or whatever. None of that direction is good for humanity , yet humanity with a majority saved through the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus and God the Father would have better prospects empirically and existentially in a post-space/time dimensional sort of way.

Just God has the wisdom about how to address the thermodynamic and sin criterion ultimately, and just God knows how mind as spirit with physical being characteristics to support it can exist for eternity without burning everything up applying entropy transformations to make practico-inert substances and event-processes.

Being in-the-world yet not-of-it means that Christians have a deeper spiritual awareness of the creation that God made (the Universe and its content) as good, since God made it as an event-process in a thermodynamic stream, and God is good creating good. With God tempering the problem of original sin to a subdued level through the salvation of the Lord a better humanity may be able to negotiate their existence in the thermodynamic Universe with better Christian ethics and social relationships enabling safer progress through the shoals of materiality transitions from organization to disorganization of inherent energy and mass.

It is a paradox that as society prospers through the grace of the spirit and as society generally achieves a better condition it has sometimes become entirely worldly again, drawn toward attractions of the spiritless realm of thermodynamic content as an end-in-itself. Practico-inert manufactures and evolved objects permuting form and content through blind chance (rather than the Queen of Heaven in this century) seem opulent seductive and irresistible..

The human experience today has massive common social thought and beliefs disseminated through electronic media and replicated micro-socially as monkey-see, monkey-hear, monkey-do. The oppressive pressure of incorrect or inadequate intellectual criteria assaults individuals including Americans in continua of corruption. Plain worldliness as conscious applied philosophy and religion is an existential oxymoron of form since awareness of the world only arises with sentience that is a basic spiritual phenomenon differing in character from the forms of inanimate worldliness.

Mass social worldliness devoid of regard for the problems of sin directs the course of social progress toward worldlines with enhanced prospects for mass destruction, materially speaking. Regardless, worshippers of blind chance thermodynamic primacy speak of comfort and safety while Godly ethics are deleted from their concerns.

Even so, people cannot be saved by spiritual laws that are externally structured. Such laws can only bring the soul to awareness of sin and inability to adhere to all of the laws of God they need to exist as God would have them exist. Only the sacrificial love of the Lord and faith in the Lord given by the spirit of grace that writes the laws of God upon hearts can draw the Christian along correct paths in this world and beyond. Only in transcending spiritual trust in Jesus Christ can the grace of God reach into the individual’s life and bring him into the sole project transcending space and time and move him from the city of man in-the-world into the city-of-God in the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is forever transitioning to eternity from the temporal, worldliness of the Universe. Its phase changes may be sudden, or it's descent from heaven as a new Jerusalem may be a gradual evolution of change. Phase change ordinal actualizations inferred from scripture often cannot be made with certainty.

The kingdom of God is within, because God transcends worldly constructions and appearances of mass and energy in any temporal Universe, and God knows where those that are of His flock are. God is within the heart of every Christian, and every Christian is in the kingdom of God, that is, where God wills it to be, when and how.

The choice is not really between worldliness and pure spirit someplace else metaphysically speaking. Some people would be worried about giving up security in the world and relying upon faith in spirit. About that the Lord said that those who save their lives would lose them. The choice is between a thermodynamic worldly alienation without spirit, or faith in the living God of spirit and truth. Faith in the living God provides Christian ethics incidentally that better human society and technological-environmental utility.


Rainpants like Cowboy Chaps

Rain pants designed roughly like cowboy chaps might better survive tearing at the crotch that invariable occurs riding a bike or scrambling through the forest over logs. Maybe they already exist-I don't know-its another product that could be made cheap in China and sold in Wal-mart for $9.95.

Sure there is a need for full coverage rain pants so difficult to remove with one's shoes on. Yet 3/4 around the leg and velcro secure with a few straps would be convenient and longer lasting. For many, many uses they would be good enough.

Google Changes Make It Difficult To Download Youtube Videos

There is a practical value especially regarding education in downloading free videos from Youtube to watch off line. Many can afford brief interact access to download that don’t have the luxury of watching a video live on-line. Consider the the number of people in Africa and elsewhere in the underdeveloped world that will share wireless INTERNET access long before they have their own desktop computer with a subscription to an INTERNET provide and high speed digital fiber optic or satellite. Free easy download of videos to watch later are essential for propagating farming techniques , for sharing emergency medical techniques for recognizing new communicable diseases downloading from a medical diagnostics made simple channel, or how-to-repair-a-computer video for changing a broken screen or installing a replacement keyboard for example.

Several years ago when I hoped to get a couple of quick M.A. degrees to become a traveling educator and was considering Kenya as a place to work I discovered that a University there had just two books on science. Those were the wild west days of opportunity to be a journeyman philosophical educator that I missed out on. Discussing the classics of literature and philosophy, world history and writing with third worlders would have been interesting. Infusing free videos to the world's poor-unlimited access to all that humankind is willing to provide free of charge-is an essential tool for human development. Such channels should share advertising revenues with creators in order that even the poor might have hope of affording a dentist or buying new shoes for children's feet.

With the cost of books still too high for a majority of Africans as is regular Internet on-line time, letting Youtube or others offer Free View and Download Channels is a virtual social requisite. It's the equivalent of a universal free book provider to the majority of the poor of the world that can use data and instruction on every topic. There will always be those that can afford a print version of my 'A War to End Democide' on 2003 era issues, yet there are more that can download my science fiction product; 'A Universal Widget; In the Realm of Forms', for free. Free is the right price for most souls of the world.

Yek there are some that spend a lot of cash to produce proprietary works they sell viewing of their product for a profit. Understandably they don’t want anyone to view their product without paying through the nose. People that post such product belonging to others on Youtube where it can be downloaded free drive the quest of those producers of expensive copyrighted works to stop free video downloads.

Google should give Youtube video producers a box top check off that will allow people to let their video be downloaded free. I have 380 videos posted at Youtube and don’t care if anyone downloads the somewhat less than feature items. There are innumerable Youtube video producer-creators who would allow their videos to be downloaded free-of-cost. So to keep rich Hollywood movie makers happy, instead of stopping all video downloads an algorithm should be made to screen out works that are posted without consent of the producer-creators. Youtube should find it easy to protect and delete no-download products with deep pocket creator-producers such as the creator-producers of Star Warps VII; The Evil Empire Buys the Universe to Putt Jingo in Chains.

It might also be possible to let some video channels classified as ‘blogs’ or ‘education’ rather than ‘entertainment’ be free to download, and those restricted channels such as entertainment be of a sort that would require verifiable creator-permission to download.


The Dialectical Evolution of Sin & Remedies Against Satan's Devices

Thomas Brook's 'Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices' is an easy reading 160 page workbook for recognizing sin, its source, consequences, and overcoming that. As in 'Holy War' by John Bunyan, Brook's approach more oriented toward defense against sin and snares of sin. Brook has an important chapter about sin masquerading as virtue, and that stimulates some deeper philosophical thinking about what sin is, what original sin was comprised of, how its correction was implemented and how sin appears to be for human beings as an existential encounter.

Thomas Brooks has an important chapter about sin masquerading as virtue, and that stimulates some deeper philosophical thinking about what sin is, what original sin was comprised of, how its correction was implemented and how sin appears to be for human beings as an existential encounter.

As an entry to that consideration one might inquire if all sin appears to be a pleasure. If in fact all sin seems to be a pleasure and if human beings generally pursue pleasure then it seems understandable that many people would do away with discrimination between different kinds of objects or activities of pleasure where some are considered good and some are regarded as evil. Do human beings ever do anything for-themselves they regard as evil, or isn't it instead always something thought to be good (even if one suicides to make a 'better' circumstance?

Socrates pursued virtue and would have had no trouble in saying that a man should pursue virtue instead of pleasure. If pleasure coincides with virtue well-enough, yet if a pleasure is in conflict with virtue choose virtue. Classical virtue may have a realm-of-forms and neo-Platonic foundation, and that is not worldly. It's theoretical, abstract and disregards pleasure when it must to the point of favorable comparison with the illusory regard in which material reality is held as maya or moksha by Hindu and Buddhists. Sakyamuni as a philosopher held reality to be illusory with nothing following life. His way of thinking was comparable to contemporary physical cosmology regarding the cosmos as a phenomenal steady-state of entangled particle-waves arising from virtual energy in a spatial-field with no permanent meaning or existence beyond the temporal.

The pursuit of pleasure rather than enlightenment of virtue or cosmology is for classical philosophers including Buddha an abnegation of man's higher calling to transcend material being and understand reality and mankind's place in it. Socrates felt that man's place in the Universe was a stage on life's way as a fractional element of the divine spirit existing in a protocol level of the Universe-project by The Intelligence (comparable to the Holy Spirit). Buddha thought nothing existed beyond or followed the temporal phenomenon. Christian virtue is different than either, and yet has similarities and differences to numerous to mention here.

Christian virtues are ontological duties following the will of God being. Christians resist sin keeping focused on the revealed will of God for human living. It has been compared to being a soldier on a mission eschewing worldly pleasures and disregarding pains and privations in order to complete the mission, or as Paul said, to win the race and the prize of eternal life with the Lord. The Christian life is definitely not one of simple pursuit of pleasure except that the highest good-God and salvation for a Christian-is also the greatest pleasure. It is not a material pleasure though.

Here one discerns the problems of what the good is, and of the inability of humans to do anything besides choose what they think is good and not evil for-themselves. Logically and rationally none could paradoxically Paul said that none are good-no not one, and Jesus paradoxically asked 'why dost thou call me good, none are good save the Father in heaven'.

Original sin's correction or containment was for Adam and Eve to be downloaded into temporal space-time from some sort of Paradise without it. For the spirit to be inextricably bound in flesh with all of its temporal thermodynamic urges and requirements is to experience sin and the biological drive for pleasure. Pleasure is a primitive sense experience of what works for the good of an organism. Maybe an amoeba feels some pleasure as it devours some micro-organism. Scientists like to say that life is just getting more energy input, yet I think that nearly all organic life must be pursuing that with pleasure as the motivator reinforcing behavior. For human beings to have spiritual awareness though they must think at a higher level and move beyond physical pleasure to philosophy and spirit. Wisdom is of God, and leads one to spirit and God, and that is good.

When God created the Universe after each day or phase of creation He said that it was good. Mass-energy for itself that God formed the Universe of is good, yet when human experience of the temporal Universe has their spirit implicitly entangled in and formed in mass-energy it is challenging to contemplate spiritual affairs or to know what that might be. The philosopher David Hume was an anti-sophist in effect urging people to cast into the flames books with metaphysics. Hume regarded metaphysics as nonsense. Modern anti-Christians and atheist therefore like David Hume a lot since anything spiritual seems to be metaphysical non-sense for the just-worldly. What is wisdom to man is foolishness to God.

Today's cultured despiser of religion- often atheists with a sensible organic self-limitation-despise the concept of sin. Sin is more than simply a discrimination against pleasure. Sin is not limited to existential temptation to-oneself; sin can occur in a dialectical paradigm wherein what is pleasure for one is harmful to another.
Sin is a meta-social delimitation marker for right conduct too. To avoid sin has social consequences for the good, while choosing to sin often has bad social consequences. An easy example is murder; the Joker might enjoy murder-art yet his victims not at all. Adolph Hitler probably thought he was pursuing good and pleasure, yet 50 million people died as a consequence and hundreds of millions more were wounded or displaced. Sin is a socially transmitted disease like herpes or H.I.V.-it goes around and comes around; the spiritually discerning soul eschews it.

Sartre's 'Being and Nothingness' is tome of first-person description of conscious experience. Nothing is expressed on sin or of ontology in the book. It is a technical -analytical description of the phenomena of mind. His sequel 'The Critique of Dialectical Reason' describes how people interact socially from an existential point of view. One could use 'The Critique' as a template for how sin-particular and general-circulate quite readily. Of course there are meta-Diabolic elements at work besides we are informed in the Bible. One discerns a large social awareness disconformity between sin as an existential pleasure phenomenality and sin as a dialectical social currency with grave consequences.

Just being in the material world as a part of it without thought at all would make cabbages if the human race. Rational thought is fundamental for human beings. Spirit is greater than and the foundation of the material. Christians have that as an article of faith and so did classical virtue. Thus one returns returns to Brook's 'Remedies Against Satan's Devices'; sin is the organic form of pursuit of pleasure only-a regression to full amoeba-hood morally, with disastrous consequences for the human spirit, and the hope of the human spirit for reconciliation unto God through the atoning sacrifice of the Son.

Brooks wrote the following on page 22-23;"Remedy (4). Seriously to consider, That even those very sins that Satan paints, and. Seriously to consider, That even those very sins that Satan paints, and puts new names and colors upon, cost the best blood, the noblest blood, the life-blood, the heart-blood of the Lord Jesus. That Christ should come from the eternal bosom of his Father to a region of sorrow and death; that God should be manifested in the flesh, the Creator made a creature; that he who was clothed with glory should be wrapped with rags of flesh; he who filled heaven and earth with his glory should be cradled in a manger; that the almighty God should flee from weak man—the God of Israel into Egypt; that the God of the law should be subject to the law, the God of the circumcision circumcised, the God who made the heavens working at Joseph's homely trade; that he who binds the devils in chains should be tempted; that he, whose is the world, and the fullness thereof, should hunger and thirst; that the God of strength should be weary, the Judge of all flesh condemned, the God of life put to death; that he who is one with his Father should cry out of misery, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46); that he who had the keys of hell and death at his belt should lie imprisoned in the sepulcher of another, having in his lifetime nowhere to lay his head, nor after death to lay his body; that that HEAD, before which the angels do cast down their crowns, should be crowned with thorns, and those EYES, purer than the sun, put out by the darkness of death; those EARS, which hear nothing but hallelujahs of saints and angels, to hear the blasphemies of the multitude; that FACE, which was fairer than the sons of men, to be spit on by those beastly wretched Jews; that MOUTH and TONGUE, which spoke as never man spoke, accused for blasphemy; those HANDS, which freely swayed the scepter of heaven, nailed to the cross; those FEET, "like unto fine brass," nailed to the cross for man's sins; each sense pained with a spear and nails; his SMELL, with stinking odor, being crucified on Golgotha, the place of skulls; his TASTE, with vinegar and gall; his HEARING, with reproaches, and SIGHT of his mother and disciples bemoaning him; his SOUL, comfortless and forsaken; and all this for those very sins that Satan paints and puts fine colors upon! Oh! how should the consideration of this stir up the soul against sin, and work the soul to fly from it, and to use all holy means whereby sin may be subdued and destroyed!"

Brooks commented on the way sin may approach gradually as is so evident today in the American media where each advance of sin culturally is explained as 'the new normal'. Sin has become a kind of partner of science in the U.S.A. without scientific recognition of the diabolic impact. Scientific progress is exploited as evidence to support the eradication of moral criteria. A Universe without a divine presence that is entirely measurable and manipulable by human action is reinforced constantly. Nothing in science is capable of studying the spiritual. In fact the spiritual cannot be defined in physical terms although researchers have studied the brain with imaging technologies during prayer to learn what regions might be used and what biochemical responses could produce euphoric or tranquil states of mind.

The human mind does exist within a physical brain housing unit (skull) and may consciously and subconsciously have a relationship with God. The relationship is entirely of grace though-God provides all communication required, all divine instructions given through revelation. In physical terms of power the relationship is mono-polar that like gravity flows in just one direction (toward the heart matter in the case of gravity). Numerous physical means for God to accomplish one-direction control of this Universe and of its social issues are theoretically possible and appear to the thinking individual rather easily. For instance the entire history of the Universe could have been predetermined, or God could have the allegorical 'tachyon' channel to subtly talk with select people. With radio one hears an example of one-way communication. With a superior spiritual communications and control 'technology' God can interrogate and shape the mass-energy of the Universe in conformity with his own choosing from among possibilities He made himself. That raises the question of why God chooses anything or creates anything to choose from. It also may bear indirectly on the subject of why evil exists though God is perfect.

The problem of exploiting science to support the reduction of moral standard accountability to divine standards reminds me of when cosmonauts orbiting earth in the early 1960s said they had visited heaven, looked around and didn't see God anywhere-that was an almost primitive misinterpretation of the Bible's use of the word 'heaven'.

To be fair though evolution is a stumbling block for many fundamentalist Christians who share the opinion of the Diabolic applications of science crowd that evolution theory is in direct contradiction to the Bible account of creation and actually, it is not. Dr. Science quality quack creation pseudo-science harms Christian evangelical missions work to save the lost. It isn't necessary for Christians to disprove evolution in order to defend the point that God created the Universe. God could have evolved 14 billion years in 14 seconds if he had a will to-his mastery of matter and energy is beyond any human comprehension. Popular education is based on evolution science and it has a kind of self-evident truth about it that dogmatic, hierarchical priesthoods without proper hermeneutic templates find impossibly difficult to explain without quack science to contradict it directly.

Popular movies with evolution themes saturate public imagination and they offer fuel to the Diabolan fire to burn down the Christian mission. The film 'Lucy' with a cute blond named Scarlet Johanson playing the lead role is about evolution-with eponymous reference to the first human-like ancestor skeleton found living around Lake Tanganyika 3.5 million years ago-a short Australopithecus female about 3.5 feet tall. The star of the film 'Lucy' is a modern woman who, like that 3.5 million year old fossil excavated by Lewis Leakey's son Richard, is named 'Lucy'.

The second chapter of Genesis has Adam and Eve created outside space-time in a place named Eden. They are then thrown out of Eden and into a world that was created in stages-evolved-in chapter one. It is possible to argue about the values of the time literals of chapter one (e.g. how long is a day before light or stars were made), yet to interpolate Bishop Usher's calculations into chapter one is a mistake made by the Diabolic and the fundamentalist set-and the latter are also wrong about interpreting the time and symbolic referent values of the Revelation quite commonly (pre-tribbers have it wrong).

At any rate Lucy accidentally ingests an illegal drug designed by the Japanese Yakuza in enormous quantities that have the side effect of making her brain use 100% instead of the normal 10%. Morgan Freeman is a kind of scientific narrator explaining evolution's biological history on Earth during the film. There are flashes of predator-prey actions and comparisons to moderns in the same roles. Lucy will evolve herself to the highest condition eventually in record time. She evolves millions or billions of years ahead intellectually speaking in a day or two with the magic smart drug. So therefore logically she understands quantum mechanics itself and makes herself into a quantum computer to reshape reality. That's a neat trick that I have though God could do, yet one sees that it would be science and immoral Diabolans that would have that divine kind of power in the brave new world (a point not made in the movie 'Lucy').
Unknown perhaps to the producers of Lucy- another skeleton was dug up a couple of years ago 40 miles north of Lucy's burial site that is two feet taller. It is a male named, I believe, Mr. Big who would have towered over Lucy.

Mr. Big was 5.5 feet tall and lived in the same time period 3.5 million years ago. Mr. Big was probably the brains of the outfit and was the same height as the average 19th century Brit. Maybe Brit brains advanced in 3.5 million years somewhat since they invented fish and chips whereas the Tanganikans probably ate fish sushi style, yet 'Sir' Elton John's moral reasoning has taken a turn Mr. Big might have regarded as wrong.

There are fewer murders in modern Britain than there were in the Middle East of 10,000 B.C. when Jericho began to be settled. Mass war capacity has increased with homosexuals on U-boats, Tridents or whatever ready to push nuclear missile trigger-buttons in a kinder, gentler way. High-tech Megadeath is so civilized. It takes a while to build up, like catastrophe theory mathematics, while in the interregnum from doom atheist organizations extol the love, peace and humanhood of sin and faithlessness. The film starring Lucy should have had Mr. Big playing the sadistic, chauvinist, little-better than a chimpanzee-sort-of-guy named Caesar.

A world with no religion too would lead to a Universe run by and for Satan evidently-and that would be consistent with what is known about the primary Lord of Looseness from reading scripture. On the other hand, with enough Priesthood of Believers organizing maybe that is the way a Christian majority will arise. A Christian majority using ecological economic leadership (it is more than classical economic abstract market management and includes an environmental 'hands on' approach neither Luddite nor oppressively stagnant as a kind of Egyptian, dynastic 'time-freeze' cultural stasis of conservation).

Thus one notes why Hollywood and the Federal government has decreasing trouble advancing morals that are not consistent with divine standards. Especially in the same sex marriage issue, a history of Hollywood and media , television and federal promotion of homosexuality built to a crescendo this month with former athlete Bruce Jenner's cover on Vanity Fare in a bikini as a castrated makeover into a neo-woman. With 'Sir' Elton John leading the British homosexual advance and with the Rhodes Scholar influence of Bill Clinton the decline of U.S. moral norms was inevitable without an active priesthood of believers existing as an ecclesiastical backbone for the church.
Thomas Brooks wrote on page 24 of 'Precious Remedies...'; "Sin gains upon man's soul by insensible degrees. "The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness, and the end of his talking is mischievous madness." (Eccles. 10:13) Corruption in the heart, when it breaks forth, is like a breach in the sea, which begins in a narrow passage, until it eats through, and cast down all before it. The debates of the soul are quick, and soon ended; and that may be done in a moment that may undo a man forever. When a man has begun to sin, he knows not where, or when, or how he shall make a stop of sin. Usually the soul goes on from evil to evil, from folly to folly, until it is ripe for eternal misery!"

Brooks explains that the Satanic device luring men to sin with examples of famous sinners such as David or Peter who were still forgiven, in order to trick the soul into believing that little (or large) sins are forgivable and not to worry much about doesn't show the huge repentance of those men to their one-time huge sin.

Brooks page 31; "And therefore, though you may escape temporal
judgments, yet you shall not escape spiritual judgments: 'How shall we escape, if we
neglect so great salvation?' (Heb. 2:3) says the apostle. Oh! therefore, whenever Satan shall present God to the soul as one made up all of mercy, that he may draw you to do wickedly, say unto him, that sins against God's mercy, will bring upon the soul the
greatest misery; and therefore whatever becomes of you, you will not sin against

Brooks wrote on page 30 that;
"Remedy (2). The second remedy against this device of Satan is, solemnly to consider, That God is as JUST, as he is merciful. As the Scriptures speak Him out to be a very merciful God, so they speak Him out to be a very just God. Witness His casting the angels out of heaven and His binding them in chains of darkness until the judgment of great day.* Witness His turning Adam out of Paradise. Witness His drowning of the old world. Witness His raining hell out of heaven upon Sodom. Witness all the troubles, losses, sicknesses, and diseases, which are in the world. Witness Tophet, which "has long been prepared; it has been made ready for the king. Its fire pit has been made deep and wide, with an abundance of fire and wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of burning sulfur, sets it ablaze." (Isaiah 30:33) Witness His treasuring up of wrath against the day of wrath. But above all, witness the pouring forth of all His wrath upon His bosom Son, when Jesus bore the sins of His people, and cried out, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?""


"The third remedy against this device of Satan is, seriously to consider, That sins against God's mercy will bring the greatest and sorest judgments upon men's heads and hearts. Mercy is God's Alpha, justice is His Omega. David, speaking of these attributes, places mercy in the forefront, and justice in the rearward, saying, "I will sing of Your love and justice." (Psalm 101:1). When God's mercy is despised, then His justice takes the throne!* God is like a prince, who sends not his army against rebels before he has sent his pardon, and proclaimed it by a herald of arms: he first hangs out the white flag of mercy; if this wins men in, they are happy forever; but if they remain rebellious, then God will put forth his red flag of justice and judgment. If His mercy is despised, His justice shall be felt!

The higher we are in dignity, the more grievous is our fall and misery."

Brook's 'Remedies...' page 30-"Ah Lord! this mercy! humbly beg, that whatever you give me up to, you will not give me up to the ways of my own heart; if you will give me up to be afflicted, or tempted, or reproached, I will patiently sit down, and say, It is the Lord; let him do with me what seems good in his own eyes. Do anything with me, lay what burden you will upon me, so you do not give me up to the ways of my own heart. Augustine says, 'It is a human thing to fall into sin, devilish to persevere therein, and divine to rise from it. Deliver me, O Lord, from that evil man—myself!"

Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...