
Time for Doped Olympics to Heal Schism?

Pro athletes have been known to use dope to enhance performance as have amateurs. Even bike riders use every sort of dope advantage that cannot be traced for a while to get to the finish line first. If there were a special Olympics for dope using athletes and pro sports dope leagues with queer athletes on steroids there is a probability that some people would watch it and everyone concerned with that sort of mess would be happy enough. President Obama could be the godfather of Queer, Doped Olympics and Pro Sports perhaps taking command of FIFA too.


Melania Trump-Learning From Michelle

If Melania Trump's fine convention speech borrowed from Michelle's 2008 speech, that should be taken as a compliment; the next first lady looked to the present for a role model. Michelle Obama is entirely not to blame for Barrack's bad foreign and domestic policy choices and failures to separate himself from the lawless tendencies of the Black Lives Matter movement that has been looking to blame police officers for years. When President Obama's son that he never had Trayvon Martin was the viral news and protest body the White House just didn't make it plain that mob protest does not complement the legal justice system. Blacks have the highest racial group percentage of convicted felons in America-those people often ‘hate the pigs’, and that evolves through to the B.L.A. movement I would think.

Melania Trump's speech delivery was the main point; she was flawless and engaging in that; a first lady that would be preferable to Zillary's caustic presences with crusty Bill as her first dude mouthpiece teaching student interns how to bake cookies.
I suppose their are just so many ways a woman might describe an elephant or donkey as the case may be. It is more a matter the public getting a chance to meet the prospective first lady than to learn about policy details. In either case I think it improbable that either Melania or Michelle wrote their speeches unsupervised if at all.

Do two crooked lawyers make a right? Does Hillary plus Bill add up to one honest, forthright lawyer? Whatever Michelle's relation to her own speech was (writing it entirely or not), she did not say that Barack would lead the nation to homosexual marriage and the Middle East to civil wars, 20 trillion dollars of public debt etc.


My Opinion About Alaska Government Budget Failures

The Governor and legislature should be fired, voted out of office, removed from their duties and competent people elected, appointed or otherwise brought in as replacements.
Since the time of ancient Roman politicians and governments have found ways to balance budgets even honorably on occasion. A student of history may recall, perhaps from reading Livy, that the Roman Senate in times of public distress appointed a Dictator for a year at a time to address a present public danger. That is an illustration intended to express the point that other politicians have faced similar and greater challenges and found ways to respond competently. Alaska politicians are not experiencing anything new or unprecedented.
Romans also appointed a master of the horse, yet the military situation is more of a problem for the federal government than the state regarding the budget crisis. The Alaska legislature may not need to find a benevolent dictator to solve the state budget problems, yet the comparison is useful to underscore how ineffective they are at getting the job done.
It would be possible to take extreme economic measures to directly balance the budget if it were really needed. One could just cut the state budget 50% and triage the surviving financial needs. Like poor people that can't afford a home the legislators could meet outside and live in a tent city on some existing state land saving oodles of money. If it is really needed to be cheap they could spend as little as Alaskans in government before the pipeline.
I slept outside on the ground a winter in Anchorage myself and know its quite possible to survive and get written work done. Politicians and constituents could share a coffee over a propane stone and have a sense of shared sacrifice. If they weren't overly comfortable bureaucrats could balance the budget and leave the PFD alone.
If the state of Alaska were hit by a real series of disasters rather than an economic one of their own making they could cut the budget 50% and/or redirect the money to the necessary directions that would address right issues.
For bureaucrats worried about paper, front loaders could stop at various government agencies and collect the stuff in garbage bags and move it into dump trucks. Then it could be removed and transported to some cold storage facility with a vacuum to prevent degradation of material. Everything should already be digitally recorded though, and the paper redundant.

President Obama's Wussifying Policies May Stimulate Police Killings

Police Shootings Are Too Common

The steady escalation of Black Lives Matter protests of incidents of police killings of black Americans seems to have spawned a shadow of death killing policemen that follows the Black Lives Matter movements. I believe the F.B.I. Behavioral Analysis Unit models probabilities of where select crimes may occur. Locations where B.L.M. protests have occurred must be in the red zone.

President Obama's recalcitrance to consistently and convincingly condemn attacks on police officers, expressing understanding and tolerance for ‘the other side’  implicitly implying some sort of equality of equation elements hasn’t been helpful. Neither are the tragic killings something to panic about.

During the Obama administration anarchy, chaos, civil unrest and civil war have increased across the Middle East and Europe.The Muslim presence as terrorists has increased globally while mass public social media have brought several methods for inspiring individuals to commit acts of terrorism off-the-shelf as it were, at the sacrifice of their own lives. The United States was not immunized against such developments by the lack of Presidential leadership.

Gavin Long,the killer of Baton Rouge police,was a former Marine Sergeant, well versed in killing with a long gun. Black marines and other military personnel exposed to radical Islam abroad are susceptible to taking war into their own hands domestically it seems if the political winds deem it ripe.Given the usual difficulties of adjusting to civilian from military life, the President should make damn sure he does not give any impression about being sympathetic will protest instead of legal justice where and when legal justice is not as corrupt as the budget balancing portion of government. One would think that the late Sgt. Long would have trusted in Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the like for justice.

Just yesterday while playing internet chess I was verbally attacked (in print) for being an American. My opponent from overseas called me all sorts of  insulting names to distract me from winning the 3 minute game. From a winning position I got just a draw. If President Obama hadn’t queered marriage in the U.S.A. I probably would have won that chess game because my opponent would have had no basis for making that sort of insult demanding my reply in the midst of the game. It is rotten to be lumped in with a category of immoral people for simply being a citizen of a nation. The President probably liked stimulating hatred of the U.S.A. and bringing people abroad to feel people in America are wussy faggots.


Noble & Sterling Shootings-My Opinion

Firstly I am just interpreting the video of the two incidents. Dylan Noble seemed to be committing suicide by cop. Since he appeared to be white Black Lives Matter won't care.

The police shooting protocol was rather disgusting however. The first shot was reasonable yet the remainder weren't needed. After being shot people probably would tend to thrash about rather than obey instructions since that hurts. Shooting someone in pain in negligent and seems cowardly. I suppose the police aren't cowards though-they simply act as if they are union shooters in a video game. No charges should follow if laws weren't broken. Fresno OD policy should change on extra shots though.

I always give a bear a warning shot if its approaching and never had to shoot one yet. Police need to have enough confidence with basic pistol marksmanship so they can wound and not kill a subject as if they were soldiers on a battlefield- for whom anything else than a kill shot would be unreasonable. It woud be useful for police to have the power to discern where to place a bullet accurately and at least try...a certain degree of risk would not be the union way yet it would be an honorable way. There is no crime in shooting for a leg, missing and having to duck if the suspect really has a pistol hidden and returns fire requiring the kevlar protected patrolman to drop and fire with more lethal intent a second shot.

The Baton Rouge convenience store store shooting of Alton Sterling is also nothing to protest about. The police seem quite guilty of something taking the fat man down and putting a gun on his chest as if it were a staple gun and firing center of mass point blank four times.

At best it could be aggravated manslaughter, at worst first degree murder with a fake 9-11 call from co-conspirators that wanted to get rid of commercial competition from the street. A semi-automatic pistol is not a staple gun and it was not o.k. to put four rounds into his heart. Maybe one in the shoulder from that range would have made Sterling easier to handle. What clowns.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxw7xd5vlmY


Alaska Governor Gets Call of the Wild

The Governor and Legislature should be released from their duties evolving moldy minds in Juneau to run free with Buck who has as little interest for the well being of the non-governmental, non-oil patch public.


One could appoint an economic Dictator for a year to square away the budget as did ancient Romans, or better, just move the capital to vacant buildings in Anchorage until a tent City can be built on the hills above Wasilla where only intrepid snow machiners go. At least that location has great wind power potential. Oh yes, the state budget should be immediately cut 50%, the national guard serve local police roles where help is needed and the PFD restored in full-some people might have counted on that in their budget planning.

Imagine Juneau hit by a landslide and tsunami with the pipeline destroyed by terrorists; the Governor and Legislature would need to act rationally and swiftly rather than as mushrooms kept in the dark subsisting on manure.

Why is Protest or Rioting First Response to Police Crimes?

President Obama has had it his way with black attorney generals during his administration. With youtube videos presenting to the public occasional and statistically rare crimes by police on black males enabling leverage for fair investigations and prosecutions why do people feel it necessary top create civil disorder as often as they can find even a nominal chance.

Many people are injured or arrested in the mass protests. Many people lose business while taxpayer cleanup costs increase and it accomplishes virtually nothing to process official investigations.

With the black Obama Justice Department if nothing objectively correcting follows civil rights violations their isn't much chance crimes by police on blacks that are killings would be set aside. All of the public mayhem and confusion doesn't help objective justice. Do blacks have no confidence in the Obama Justice administration?


President Obama speaking at the funeral for the five slain white police officers said that it was important for all sides to dialogue in effect, a community thing, whatever (paraphrase). There is just one side-that of law and order and he should have just reinforced that as chief enforcement officer of the U.S.A. An other 'side' has no right to shoot police officers.


Evan Mawarire, A Christian Pastor, Arrested in Zimbabwe

Evan Mawarire has been trying to get some social reform going in Zimbabwe. He was arrested and is apparently still in the Mugabe dungeon charged with inciting violence and disturbing the peace. Mawarire would like to stop the violence of Robert Mugabe's police thugs, and reminds one of Dr. M.L. King.


President Obama can't tell good protests from bad and has helped organize anarchy, revolt, chaos and civil war worldwide and hasn't said a thing about getting a Zimbabwean Christian free; he should. Police do perp crimes too, yet lawful and orderly means of pursuing justice should be an option too. It has yet to be proven that chaotic mass protests and economic injury are a socially cost-effective means of preventing further crimes. 

Web sites following allegation of injustice could be made, and probably already do, as well as other political means of reducing violence. Violent crimes dropped 13% last year, however chaos and crime associated with Black Lives Matter have made a little crime wave of its own.

More than twice as many whites are killed by police in the U.S.A. than blacks, and whites have far fewer convicted murderers as a percent off the population. Black Lives matter as much as anyone else's yet the President believes their attack on police is valid. He should instead be critical of the public expense , injuries, deaths, arrests and chaos in mass that the BLM movement brings and direct them to just make videos, get people elected to implement any reforms they can think of, yet also look out for the white people being killed by police too, as well of course as police themselves.

Bernie Sanders Joins the Dark Side of the Force

In the progressive decay into dialectical imperialism that is the Democrat Party branch of global corporatism the late Presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders is now one of Clinton's Borg cadre of immoral, godless globalists. Sanders succumbed after a protracted political illness to the dark side of the force. Hillary Clinton swooped in from beyond the Stygian River to claim another to take lost soul down under.


Partisan 'Justice' Ruth (we)Bader Ginsberg showed her complete dark side of the force Democrat allegiance publicly dissing the Republican candidate for President Donald Trump. At least Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from the tenth most peaceful state in the U.S.A. remonstrated against the partisan Justice's political bias. Several members of the Highest U.S. court belong to the dark side of the force tragically.

http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-bashes-donald-trump-calls/story?id=40518233 Ginsberg may move to socialist utopia of New Zealand if Trump wins election 


Historical District Butte Montana; A Sign of the Times

The photo below shows how times have changed in the U.S.A. to a certain extent. The old buildings around America in some places retain advertisements from the past that ought to be well photographed for posterity.

A Sustainable Political Economy Isn't Stopped By Selfish Genes

I wouldn't blame the trashing of the ecosphere on politically incorrect genes. That's a way of shifting responsibility for political...