
Speaker Pelosi Set to Censor/Ban State of the Union Speech

President Trump's opportunity to make a state of the union speech before congress is being shot down by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Democrats are the party of censorship these days and apparently Alex Jones being banned from large Internet platforms wasn't enough; they also want to censor and ban the State of the Union speech.

Speaker Pelosi did say the President could submit the speech in writing and presumably some members might get a copy to read. How generous.

The Speaker cited security concerns though Homeland Security said they have the matter in hand. The issue is really about censoring the President's opportunity to say antipathetic political items concerning the border wall and partial government shut down of course. Democrats are used to attacking personally instead of addressing issues and creating party cult loyalty instead of rationally thinking about good ideas independently.




President Trump did at least have the opportunity to postpone another Speaker Pelosi winter travel junket cancelling her Air Force flight to a few countries abroad. 



Ocasio-Cortez Esl (?) Adumbration Stimulates the Vile

When Rep. Ocasio-Cortez in an interview said she was going to 'run train' on the progressive agenda the next couple of years she sparked broad laughter and amusement in the media at her adumbration. Probably it was an English as a second language adumbration. Maybe she meant 'engineer' the progressive agenda or something like that.


I read the report at Fox News that went heavily in to the sexual slang usage interpretation. Comments were as happy with the vile interpretation as could be. None apparently were aware of the way ESL speakers or those that forget the particular word they want (I have recently used the substituted the word 'martinet' for 'marionette' in error yet that's not quite the same) use a descriptive phrase meaning the word.

The media makes a living reporting on sensational topics. They profit reporting on wars and other conflicts and do not invest much in trying to solve them. The media want followers (as do most in business) and aren't necessarily ethical in how they get them. When wars are made obsolete for some reason the media can evolve- as they may be already, to simply reporting on corporate products sensationally. The trouble with that is they report the news sensationally and in service to those that pay them or own the reporting media infrastructure.

In some ways it seems as if things are not getting better.

Permafrost and Oceans are Warming, Antarctic Ice Melting Faster

Recent reports note a globe of warming features of real concern to those with a little awareness of the environment of the Earth they live in. Instead of just reporting facts that 97% of scientists believe it would be useful to identify those large regions with global warming troubles and work on finding politically pragmatic alternate industries and industrial methods for those people and corporations developing to ill effect those sensitive areas.

Governments need to form perennial think thanks looking for employment solutions for business that should be phased out of particular sensitive areas instead of simply passing laws to protect areas that throw people out of work and then are eventually revoked.

I personally feel there should be no fossil fuel engine use in the high arctic because all that carbon monoxide piling up toward the pole must be bad. Yet the chances for doing anything differently look negligible.





One additional ecosphere challenge is that of land degradation. A report is here...


SDG Academy- free courses on sustainable development online - https://sdgacademy.org/

Britain Did Not Heed "Make No Permanent Foreign Alliances"

Because the British did not take George Washington's farewell address seriously when he said 'Make no permanent foreign alliances' England now faces punishment from the European Union for bungling the exit plan (Brexit). 


President Trump, Congress and future political leaders of the U.S.A. should learn from the British error of joining the EU that is akin to joining one of those blood in blood out criminal gangs so far as financial matters go, and take it as an admonishment not to entangle the United States in permanent foreign alliances that bind the hands of political self-determination behind the back.


Democrat Party Leaders Hate Red State Voters

Democrat Party leaders seem only to care for the interests of party members instead of the people of the United States. Republicans gifted with many dumb or rather wrong ideas do at least appear to care about all of the people of the nation.

Democrats seem to care more about immigrants and especially illegal immigrants than red state voters. Basically red state voter interests are fair dinkum for decline and the people can eat it even unto death in the probable Democrat Party playbook.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer don't really comprehend nor have ab interest in understanding how an endless stream of illegal, cheap labor bumps out the well being of the poor and middle class in the United States while being primarily of benefit to the rich and Democrat Party voters.

Democrats care about lesbians and male homosexuals, minorities and women that vote Democratic. They care about global socialism and for enriching themselves, yet of red state voters well being, nothing at all.

That's how it seems. They are either negligent or malevolent. So flooding the nation with illegal immigrants and labeling people as KKK symps who support immigration being limited to those that Congress has lawfully allowed to enter through legal immigration policy is nothing at all to Democrat Party leaders.

Clemson Was Given McDonald's Food While Gov Partially Closed

Since the President served the same gruel as soldiers get to the championship Clemson footballers, some media and others are criticizing the President for providing top-of-the-line McDonald's and Burger King foods to the visiting Clemson football team. Maybe the White House servants are gone too- the President has said he is almost alone there. Are the media so spoilt as to think quality fast food in hard times is a hardship or even an insult?


Combat soldiers were given a substantive upgrade when VP Cheney brought fast foods to the war zone of Iraq. It beats c-rats. So why should football players that if pro expect to e millionaires and never serve in the military has such a bad attitude toward food that hasn't got nice meats with the crusts cut off and other delicacies such as Russian caviar?

President Trump also forgot the Crystal champagne.

Maybe the real reason the SF Warriors did visit the White House  after winning the N.B.A. title was the food. They might have believed it wasn't up to San Francisco treat standards they are accustomed to.

Canada; Good or Bad Target for Refugees?

Many international refugees and or fugitives flee to Canada as a destination of first choice.


Let us briefly consider if this is a good choice or not. For behind the misty fog of Molson's beer we may find the facts.

Fact one. Canada is cold and getting warmer.

Fact two. The magnetic north pole is fleeing Canada and moving toward Russia for refuge.


Explorers and mushers that rely on a good position for the magnetic north pole are becoming confused and even lost due to the government shutdown that does not fund the tracking of the pole


If Pres.Trump Could Share Common Ground With Russian Business That's Good

Maybe President Putin will supply a text for his private conversations with President Trump that are the present media-political football. Hillary has already said “I told you so. He’s a puppet.”- in reply to the theory that President Trump was working for the Russians.

I hope the Mueller investigation ends soon because an interminable one lasting nearly the entire term of office or at least into the next election cycle’s campaign season is corruption more or less.

The idea that the Russians influenced anything substantial in U.S. political opinion about substantive issues is not credible. If U.S. opinions were made and held so lightly that the citizens could be programmed by foreign sponsored ads that is a concern more about the nature of American reasoning than who the martinets were.

If President Trump was working to end the recrudescent Cold War and arms race including nuclear weapons that would be beneficial to Americans even if it is something that Russia wants. Russia would also like good commercial relations and that is definitely in U.S. interests too. Just because Democrats prefer to go the neo-socialism way that China offers more than to have close relationship with a growing free enterprise Russia that is no good reason to entertain every paranoia they have about defining normal statesmanship as treason or collusion, improper, etc.

Mr. Mueller has six months of new financing for his investigation- that is simply too much and he should conclude the investigation forthwith and let the public (Congress) decide if they need further investigating. Thus i.m.o. will probably let Mr, Mueller conclude his investigation. Of course it will be made public- classifying it simply would not happen, and it did it would just be redacted to line out classified material.

Non-Believers in Global Warming are the New N-Word(s)

Apparently many people believe that those adults that don't believe in global warming are the new n(wiggers). That's too bad. Many are very nice people that don't understand that cars are the major gtreenhouse pollutant sources in the nation and their beliefs are wrong.

President Trump though a good businessman and correct on the border barrier unfortunately is regarded as something of a N(wigger) for his global warming non-belief.


One must wonder if any of the three are global warming non-believers- maybe all three.

Can President Putin Publish What He and Pres Trump Talked About?

It is likely that it was Director of the F.B.I. James Comey who investigated the matter of President Trump possibly working for Russia. Plainly the President of the U.S.A. should work against Russia to help restart the cold war better because a lot of jobs depend on that. New arms need to be built to create prosperous economies. The United States is confused about what direction international relations could or should have taken after the terrible end of the cold war.

In the good old days before President Trump seemed to chummy with President Putin the United States was making progress and renewing hostile relations such as existed with the former Soviet Union. President Reagan isn't around anymore so its o.k. to get a good nuke arms race going and even space-ships of war race.

President Putin; you may be called before the Mueller Investigation to testify as to what President Trump said to you in Helsinki and at any other occasion where it was not on the public record. If you would just send the record to wikileaks it might pre-empt that. Unfortunately it does appear that you won't be asked over to a summit in DC this year or to speak to a joint session of Congress.

Some Want Scientific Proof of God

The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God ( a paraphrase). I suppose confirmation bias works for atheists in seeing no evidence. Jurors...